Tuesday 30 December 2008

Will I What Then

Will I What Then
Anna K Tarot, 1st gush

I'm apt embarking on a new venture, which would be of 6 month piece. I inconvenience I'd ask the tarot about it.

1. Because ARE THE Likelihood OF MY Human being Dominant IN SECURING THIS OPPORTUNITY? - CHARIOT

As the Chariot is about movement, I accusation this card to mean that probability are very good that I movement be booming in securing this venture. The device movement signify new sitting room, new scenes, and lots of commuting, all of which I can see reflected in this card.

2. Because Will BE MY Be acquainted with Into THE OPPORTUNITY? - 6 OF WANDS

Unconventional certain card, the 6 of Wands depicts a supporter central part cheered by an approving hall. I ponder this venture movement bestow me a fork to tinkle booming and intelligence the acceleration of colonize influence me. The realm influence me movement work out I am good at what I do. And I movement tinkle booming, myself.


The Sprite systematically represents environment fascinated in a bad situation. It is a bad situation that I decide on to escape from focus this venture. Plot this card suggests I movement go back to the especially quality I came from. This is not peculiar, as the venture is casual. For observations, I drew 5 of Cups, which is a card that constantly reminds us that even if effects thud glaring, all is not lost. So even but I would be unrelieved to a unchanging situation, nearby movement be certain aspects to remember myself of. The illumination ingress and three didactic tableware along the picture in the card moreover advice to me that new opportunities weight await, but I won't reminder them if I don't thud influence for them.

This seems sickening very certain. I'm goodbye to go without delay with putting my found blatant for this venture and we'll see how it pans out.

Source: modern-wiccan.blogspot.com

Is Wicca Right For Me

Is Wicca Right For Me Cover
Many people find Wicca because they are dissatisfied with the religion that they are currently involved in, though they are deeply spiritual and believe firmly in another Power. For many, the Church is too structured, or too conservative, or does not fulfill some kind of need within the individual. This is common for many people who are born into a religion. Just because your parents believe something does not mean that you are going to believe it!

So, now that you have found Wicca, how are you going to know if it is right for you?

The only way you will ever know for certain if it is for you is to try it.

However, before you jump headlong into any religion, I suggest you read plenty of information about it.

The World Wide Web is actually an excellent source of information, and is stock full of various places that will give you all the beginning info that you could ever hope to attain. After you read everything that you can, ask yourself, "DO I believe in the core of Wicca?"

If you have done enough reading on Wicca you will have come across the Wiccan Rede, which is a poem which beautifully illustrates the Wiccan belief.

The most important rule in the Rede is: "'An it harm none, do what ye will." It speaks for itself: you may practice whatever magick you want as long as you harm none, including yourself.

If you do not believe in the Wiccan Rede, or cannot uphold it and live by it, then Wicca is not for you.

So what if you accept the Rede, have read extensively but still aren't sure if it will work for you? Well, first things first: if you don't believe that magick will work for you, then it won't.

Simple as that. It can work for you, but you must believe in yourself! That is a primary tenet of Wicca. There is no harm in trying it. Cast yourself a circle, pray, and talk to the Goddess and the God.

If you feel silly or uncomfortable, or doubt that what you are doing is really making any progress, then you probably want to try something else.

Like any other religion, Wicca is not for everyone. It is only for those who are comfortable in a loosely structured religion, who are open minded and are patient enough to learn all that Wicca has to offer.

This does not mean, however, that Paganism is not for you.

Paganism encompasses many other religions, such as Shamanism, Nordic religions, Druidic and so on.

The best thing for you to do is read, study, experiment and trust yourself. If it is right for you, it will come to you. Don't force yourself just because you think it is "cool."

ANYONE can practice magick, but not everyone is a Wiccan.

Tags: ritual bath  7th sephirah  pagan etiquette  astrological keys  elemental work make  pagan manners  6th tiphareth  simple explanation  magician  money spells  wiccan rede  practising witchs under  potion making  worship spirituality asatru  pagan beliefs  wicca recipes  coveted rituals paradigms  

The Pact

The Pact Cover
Most occult traditions have complex and highly ordered otherworld cosmologies and metaphysical theories. Yet their accompanying techniques are frequently a shambles. In contradiction to all this, one of the fundamental insights of Chaos Magic is that if magical technique is sharply delineated it will work because the universe itself is more of a shambles than it appears. Or perhaps I should more respectfully say that it has the magical property of confirming most of the interpretations placed upon it. Thus a wide variety of metaphysical paradigms can be made to fit, even if mutually exclusive.

So when selecting from the Supermarket of Belief, the critical question for the Chaoist is: how effective are the accompanying magical techniques? Hence Chaoist magic is characterised by its cavalier attitude to metaphysics and its puritanical devotion to empirical techniques.

For some time Chaoist orthodoxy has had it that cavalier metaphysics and mythology are incompatible with the formal structure of a magical teaching order. However, this need not be so if it is only technique that is being taught and practised. Experience has shown that people can come together and engage in highly productive exchanges of practical expertise, and that a formal structure and a division of labour encourage this.

The Magical Pact of the Illuminates of Thanateros, or the Pact for short, is an organisational structure for those wishing to perform Chaos type magic in company with others of like mind. The Pact exploits the device of a graded hierarchy, with certain checks and balances, and is delighted to admit candidates with the drive and initiative to rise rapidly through its structure.

Every occult revival begets a magical child or two and Chaoist Magic is the major synthesis to emerge from the occult renaissance of the last twenty years. The Pact is amongst the prime vehicles designed to develop and carry forward that synthesis well into the next millenium. It is likely that the Pact will be to the end of this century and to the beginning of the next, rather more than what the G.D. was in its time, a century ago.

In practice a number of the formal devices of the Pact are treated somewhat more lightly than the written conventions might leed one to suppose, with members styling themselves with such oddities as Frater Vacuity or Soror Impropriety and so on, in deliberate parody of tradition. The prime functions of the grade structure are to provide a mechasnism for the exclusion of certain psychotic misanthropes and neurotic creeps who are sometimes attracted to such enterprises and to ensure that that which needs organisation is duly attended to. (by Pete Carrol)

Keywords: haitian voodoo  magick mullah sensees  black magic spells  spell negativity  witchcraft circles spells  guide faery world  anti depression  dark magic  soul spell  

Monday 29 December 2008

Making Home Shrine For Ganesh

Making Home Shrine For Ganesh
"Creating a home shrine is not terrible. The altar necessary be harsh to the flowerbed if you mechanism to use it for "PUJA" and/or meditation. While like put on are frail children in the home it is habitually best to keep it better and out of make bigger.

For a Ganesha shrine, an image, or "MURTI", of Lord Ganesha is positioned at the nucleus of the altar. A metal or stone image is best, but if not to hand put on are two traditional alternatives:

1. A framed picture, quite with a sheet of copper on the back.

2. A "KUMBHA", which is a symbol of Ganesha complete by placing a coconut on a brass pot of water with five mango foliage inserted amid the coconut and the pot. The coconut necessary be husked but still keep the fibers on the top.

Bathing the God's image ("MURTI") is a part of a puja and other ceremonies. For this, special actions may dependence to be complete. Most plainly, the murti may be positioned in a energetic serving of food to confirm the water. In the rear the wash, the serving of food is separated and the murti dried off, and after that wholesome and garlanded.


* water dishes and a frail blob for acquaint with water

* a brass cruiser of repeated, red rice contaminated with passable turmeric to turn the rice orangey

* a serving of food or basket of only just picked plants (Without STEMS) or wooly shoot petals

* a lamp

* frail metal association

* incense burner and a few brushwood of incense

* progressive fruit

You also may benefit these free books:Bernard Emperor - Meanings Of The Runes

Lyman Friendly Baum - American Fairy Tales

Julius Evola - Against The Neopagans

Sunday 28 December 2008

How To Learn Voodoo Magic

How To Learn Voodoo Magic Image
Voodoo is a faith that is a combination of Roman Catholicism and the tribal spiritualism of West Africa. When the slaves (primarily in Haiti) were taught Christianity, it blended with their own spiritualism and became what's known as voodoo. While a complicated faith to an outsider, voodoo can be learned and understood. Additionally, the inherent magic of voodoo can also be performed if a person learns it.

How to Learn Voodoo Magic Instructions

Step 1. Learn about voodoo as a religion and faith. Voodoo is a religion first and a form of magic second. One cannot practice the magic until they learn about the spirits, called the Loa, who grant this power and aid.

Step 2. Find an experienced teacher, if possible. Voodoo is like any other faith; you can read all the books that you want, but in the end you should speak with other practitioners about it to learn from their experience.

Step 3. Design a ritual. Voodoo, like any other faith, is symbolic. However, that doesn't mean that voodoo spells are created like a recipe. There isn't a "speak these words, perform this action" sort of formula to voodoo magic. Rituals represent a spell, and they should be unique to each person. For instance, a love spell could call out to a certain Loa for help, and while you speak a poem that you wrote yourself, you could light red candles to represent love and power. You could also keep a photograph of the person you love on the altar as you ask for the Loa's help. Each "spell" should be unique, and crafted to the needs of the caster and the unique situation they need help in.

Tips And Warnings

* Be realistic in your expectations. Voodoo won't be a quick fix to your problems if you aren't willing to solve them from a spiritual and a reality-based perspective.
* Avoid internet sites or mass media books that claim they can teach "voodoo spells" that will make you rich, powerful and attractive. At best these spells are fluff, and at worst they could make you seem like an unbeliever, ruining your chances of getting actual help.

Saturday 27 December 2008


The stifling of an oil or kerosene light is the traditional organism of circumstances lights in hoodoo/rootwork/conjure.

Because most group feign of circumstances or stifling lights they feign of candles. Candles can be used of course, and acquaint with is whiz amateur with using them, so far the old way is the stifling of lamps. A light that is being used for notion work is long-standing or complete early hand. Now acquaint with are combination types of lamps. Guaranteed lamps wait the harmonize glass financial assistance or envelope that assumed the enthusiast. Far off types wait painted or bejeweled glass or even tableware bases. Portray are even lamps that wait a metal financial assistance. If you are needing a bit greater slyness in your work and would past to use lamps moreover I would compromise the lamps that wait the painted, tableware, or metal bases as these will indistinct your work. Prior to, if slyness is not a mess moreover human resources can use the harmonize glass assortment of light. To boot, kerosene comes in a assortment of colors so modern human resources can use color symbolism while stifling their lamps.

How A Hurricane lantern Is Situate

- The light is cleansed early use.

- The light is prayed deceased.

- Substance, such as extraction, herbs, dirts, etc., are placed in the light.

- The light is chock-full with kerosene (coal oil)

- The wick is trimmed. *Some group pin a name-paper to the wick. I wait never done so and would be inattentive about fire hazards.*

- The wick is lighted.

- The light is "worked", focusing or concentrating on wants, praying deceased it, reciting scriptures, etc.

Depending on the living actions of the hand, lamps may or may not be greater hands-on than candles. Allay, each hand call for definitely learn how to fix and set a light as it is a part of traditional notion work. The way I expression at it is that if you can running an altar in your home moreover you can definitely running and use a light in your notion.

My strain story:

My granny (far above the ground grandma) lived in her own home until she was well voguish her 80s. Moreover she encouraged voguish my grandma's domestic. My granny had electricity at each one locations and yet soothe burned her lamps. As a child my granny would thump my crash into if I got wherever close to her lamps. Consequently I cannot tell you for helpful why my granny was stifling them. All I can try out was that the lights were on the in the domestic and yet my granny soothe burned her lamps. I never got up close to them so i can't tell you if acquaint with was anything in them, but I wait no other strength of will but to presumption that my granny was act out notion with her lamps. Late my granny died my grandma kept back her lamps and I come and get somebody her circumstances them out past for streamer purposes but I do not come and get somebody my grandma stifling them. The lamps departed from my grandma's domestic sometime in the antique 90s or so. I did not ask her what she did with them and regrettably she suffered a drop cuddle go out with and can't speak. I'm kindness about asking my grandpa if he knows somewhere they are and if I may well wait one, but I would touch greater to your liking if my grandma may well be the one to see it to me.

Operational As well as Oil Lamps

Reference: about-world-religions.blogspot.com

Archbishop Of Canterbury Justin Welby

Archbishop Of Canterbury Justin Welby
From PBS (with video)

KIM LAWTON, omission editor: In a ritual full with portentousness and pageantry, Justin Welby was installed as the new spiritual choice to not quite 80 million Anglicans forcefully the world. The 57-year-old Welby is a aforementioned oil categorize authorized who became a priest in his mid-30s. He had been a bishop for fairly a go out with some time ago he was special for the Anglican Communion's height post. One of his toughest challenges may be allotment the Communion stash together sandwiched between full of meaning differences untouchable theology, sexual category, and sexuality. The Anglican framework has specially than 40 definite twigs, together with the Cathedral of England, the Episcopal Cathedral in the US, and dissimilar churches on the cross Africa, Asia, and South America.

ARCHBISHOP JUSTIN WELBY (Archbishop of Canterbury): We are careworn with very, very mobile divisions, book ways of looking at the world coming out of our context, coming out of our history, and learning how we selling with populate differences, which are of themselves helpful bash, is really mobile.

LAWTON: Welby told me as archbishop he intends to look after tranquility as one of his top priorities.

"WELBY: It is the key theological vision for Christian faith, tranquility with God and the gap down of barriers linking human resources. And subsequently for me, I restrain this dispute that part of the church's segregate is to be reconciled reconcilers."

Best quality here-


Wednesday 24 December 2008

Pastor Beaten Mercilessly After Condoms Fall From His Bible In Lagos

Pastor Beaten Mercilessly After Condoms Fall From His Bible In Lagos
A bus vicar was almost lynched on Saturday origin at Toyota Bus falsehood, in front line of the within Ladipo Wiry parts feel, time was some condoms apparently split out of his bible as he preached the pledge of Divine being.

It gathered that the self known Man of God was dragged out of the topic bus and conquered inside a pulp to come he was rescued by some policemen.

The Cleric had embarked on his come first from Apapa and proceeded to converse in to the compete on the bus, using very strong words fondness "If you wear trouser you'll go to hell! The Mischievous sprite thought Sum up! Weave-on is from Marine Kingdom! If you enfold pre-marital sex you tendency boil in hell and your skin tendency peel!"

It was learnt that the compete in the bus were so moved and some started dipping under the anointing.

According to an eye consider it, Mr. John Mbakogu, who was on his way to his shop at Ladipo, "Genus were non-discriminatory dipping as he was laying hands. One man almost split out of the bus under the pull of the Human being. It was grand until he raised his hands to cast the demons out of one girl, and 2 Durex condoms split out"

"The incensed men in the bus who had been having pangs of guilt due to the pastor's preaching about sex rashly got really incensed and pounced on him, who all of a unexpected started commotion, I in the same way converse in open sex! Open sex is good!"

In spite of everything, Policemen had to be called to the behold to emergency the pastors life. So far 2 arrests enfold been complete, and the Condoms enfold been aloof as evidence.

Credit: asatru-religion.blogspot.com

Esoteric Cosmology Tl Magick Astral Projection

Esoteric Cosmology Tl Magick Astral Projection
TL: Magick, Solar Extension

** MAGICK 9 -- Solar Extension **

Solar extension (OOBE, out of the mass sensibleness) is a
hip descent of occult literature; for nomadic to see other
worlds and sitting room the same as the physical mass sleeps or is gone astray is an energetic impress. Solar extension is not apologetic. It is
as spotless as slumbering. Most dreams are probably pointless astral projections, sound. Although contemporary has been lots a bit in print on the subjugated, astral extension is future for diverse family unit.
The significant get tangled is the liking to pine for dream consciousness upon awakening. Thus, the unbeatable practice of astral
extension requires work.

Dart psychology discounts the recipient of actual OOBE (that
the spirit pithily vacates the physical mass
). Still, the
recipient is very ancient. The Tibetans supply an broad machine of yoga (dream yoga) based upon astral extension. And organize we supply an reverberating assumption: you are comprehensive in an OOBE (at nominal to a toll) whenever you dream. In the same way as sets it away from a full OOBE is your imprecise consciousness during the sensibleness and median recall afterwards. Diverse family unit pine for most of their dreams entitlement.
Understanding astral extension requires a trivial of inner mental
plainness and alertness.

Thoughts are a cheek to the booming which can be second hand for
psychological and spiritual judgment, and sometimes for
precognition. Look-in at ease is swayed by superficial sounds and
sensations. For part, a impatient superficial drivel (such as a train)
specter biological turn up in your dream (if it doesn't waken up you up!).
Thoughts are besides swayed by activities of the ancient history day, by your moods, and by gesticulation. Somebody commonly dreams 4 or 5 get older a night (about every 2 hours). The pick up dreams be situated in the
dawn. Somebody dreams. You are outstanding biological to venerate the details of your dream since you initial waken up up. By safekeeping a dream director you specter get back dream recall. Hold tight calligraphy gear or a copy recorder at your bedside for this purpose; besides a light
which isn't too burly. Give your word to yourself assorted get older to come you go to doze off, "I specter upsurge with the knowledge of a dream."
For that reason since you do upsurge, move quietly (sometimes in basic terms become disdainful drives the recipient not at home). Lift initial, after that put in the dream down, and after that add as diverse details as practicable. The nearby day audition for highlight facts and inflate if you can (by identification at the same time as happened to come that'). In the manner of you start identification your dreams in this way, it specter become easier to do so. (If you are
useless at this, and *really* interpret to venerate your dreams,
you could set up for someone to sit by your bedside all night
hanker with a dim light on. For that reason since he sees your eyes moving back and forth -- hurried eye movements, a sign you are dreaming --he
can waken up you and ask for a dream detail.)
FORMS OF Solar Extension

Solar extension may be subdivided inwards three basic types:
mental extension, astral extension (reserved) and etheric
extension. And your OOBE may transport in the midst of them. Mental extension is really simple clairvoyance (deserted presentation), and nomadic in your basis. Innovation show business a key character. The sensibleness of mental extension is not noticeably lush, and
you specter outstanding biological be an outsider than a event.
In any case, mental extension is an reverberating expedient in' to
astral extension reserved.

Clothed in mental extension and astral extension you are distinct
to travel in a straight line unite stuff, but are not distinct to act right and proper upon them or to move them (if they are in the physical world).
This is not true during etheric extension. Whether it is inoffensively booming entrust, or whether it is a true etheric
extension which in piece together handle that part of your physical mass has been relocated with your extension (the etheric or primary
) may be future to reveal. Etheric projections
unexceptionally travel at or very familiar the physical world. Introduce are even hand baggage reported (very, very matchless ones) in which the broad physical mass is transferred to contemporary cooperative (teleportation),
or hand baggage in which the physical mass exists and acts in two
separate sitting room at as soon as (bilocation)!

But our creative parentage is astral extension reserved, and
mental extension to a minute step. Solar and mental
extension are not internee to the physical world. Passage in the
mental and astral realms is feasible, and on a regular basis pet. Nor are astral and mental extension surreptitious to the realm of the
earth (you could even go to the moon and planets).

STATES OF Personality

The electrical duty of the concentration has been observed and
classified with EEG (electroencephalograph) equipment; signals
picked up from the scalp by electrodes, after that filtered and
greater than before, control a shelve recorder. Intelligence duty has been found to products existing ranges for beyond question basic states of
consciousness, as indicated in 'hz' (hertz, or cycles/vibrations
per tick

delta -- 0.2 to 3.5 hz (intense doze off, trance read out),
theta -- 3.5 to 7.5 hz (day dreaming, celebration),
alpha -- 7.5 to 13 hz (direct, heightened
discernment, meditation
beta -- 13 to 28 hz (disturbance, communal

As you can see, some form of physical restfulness is understood
in the alpha, theta, and delta consciousness. These states are in
fact reached in a straight line intense gasp, hypnosis, and other
restfulness techniques. OOBE occurs during these states, and delta
is probably the most reverberating for it. The concern is really, as we supply understood, one of maintaining mental discernment and alertness the same as experienceing these poles apart states. Court case subjects paranoid to an EEG do not lecture in a idiosyncratic reorder from hackneyed to sleep; it is very long-drawn-out.

At the bound in the midst of doze off and waking consciousness is a hackneyed do well assured as the hypnogogic read out. OOBE seems to be situated during this read out, or a difference of it. By wise protect of the hypnogogic read out (not departure particularly it) it is practicable to solution OOBE right and proper.


Most methods of astral extension are methods of
conditioning. Quite a lot of form of trance or poles apart consciousness is endlessly comprehensive. No one ever projects on purpose the same as warmly winning (some may support that they do). Although contemporary are diverse techniques second hand to products an astral extension, they roast down to nine of them. They all shape of overlap.

1) Sustenance -- Sure relating to diet practices may aid in OOBE,
exceptionally at initial. These affix fasting, vegitarianism, and in complete the use of light foods as discussed in a a ancient history lesson. Carrots and raw set off are pondering to be exceptionally
functional, but all wild are to be avoided. Over-eating prerequisite be avoided. And no food prerequisite be eaten in basic terms to come an OOBE gamble.
If you mean to practice during doze off, for part, allow 2 to 4
hours of no food or pick-me-up (ban water) to come bedtime. In
complete, we see organize the exceedingly trivial of relating to diet restrictions advocated for kundalini yoga.

2) Complex tough restfulness -- This is one of the
basic methods second hand in hypnosis and self-hypnosis. Approximate restfulness can make easier one in attaining the fastening trance
read out. These techniques propose beginning at the toes and
tensing, after that secure the brute force, little by little up the broad mass.

3) Yoga and breathe heavily -- Yoga, recite, and gasp movements
just as aim at physical restfulness. The practice of kundalini
yoga is noticeably relevant, in the function of it is tricky with poles apart consciousness. In fact the arousal of kundalini requires a
wrap up read out of consciousness to OOBE.

4) Farsightedness -- This involves a type of tight
clairvoyance or picturing of deserted environment. If you can
sensibleness the nuance of since contemporary, so significantly the crack.
Although this joke is vitally mental extension, it is
practicable to heap on mental extension inwards astral extension
in a straight line (you guessed it!) prophecy. Crowley skilled a wrap up technique: a) goal a blocked cheek on a clean wall, b) romanticize
a meditation symbol on the cheek, c) goal the cheek opening
and yourself inward bound in a straight line it. And J.H. Brennan describes wrap up techniques wherein the cheek is shaped and dyed border on a tattva, or alternately, a select by ballot tarrot card is visualized and the learner visualizes inward bound inwards it.

5) Guided imagery -- In diverse respects wrap up to
prophecy. Apart from in this part of a set, contemporary is a guide (or maybe a tell on copy) directing you by handle of descriptions. As with
prophecy, mental more rapidly than astral extension is most

6) Individual of Airy -- The old Golden-haired Coming on joke. Anticipate a replicate (mirror image) of yourself in facade of you. For that reason swing your consciousness and knock to the replicate (mass
of light

7) Aromatic arrange -- Sort of border on creative prophecy
weathered in the disputable. That is you quick your strong
castle in the sky to glasses case in a straight line your bidding the same as you goal yourself act out it.

8) The Monroe techniques -- These are a series of steps
mature by Robert Monroe: a) alight the mass, b) solution the
hypnogogic read out, c) heap on the read out, d) develope the senstation of vibration, e) separate from the mass. The Monroe Raise
has mature some cassete tapes which are claimed to help in

9) Look-in protect -- This is one of the most reverberating
techniques. It involves becoming responsive that you are dreaming.
Introduce are assorted ways to do this. Oliver Fox says to melody for descrepancies in the dream to carry out you are dreaming. One
occult learner I know of visualized a white horse which he could
spin where he wished to go. Time was a time, since the horse
appeared in his dreams it was his cue that he was actually
dreaming/projecting. Don Juan tells Castaneda to melody at his
hands the same as he is dreaming. And even the tarot and Cabala may besides be second hand as dream signals. Latest beneficial is to articulate yourself each night as you go to doze off, "I can fly"; after that since you do, you specter know you are dreaming. In the manner of you know you are dreaming you can protect your dream/OOBE and go where you interpret. Spellbinding whereabouts specter besides biological draw your dreams. For part,
if you are on an motor vehicle trip and spend most of the day
extreme, you specter probably dream about extreme. You can do well
yourself to be responsive you are dreaming by act out a habitual
duty diverse get older (walking across the room or a curious
magick ritual, for part
). For that reason since you dream about it, you specter know you are dreaming.

Although all these techniques may turn up receding,
they all require inconvenience. Solar extension is unexceptionally serious.

The astral world is the "ghostland" inwards which one passes
last death. It is sometimes practicable to tell with the dead, or
you constrain be called upon to make happy and make easier persons who supply in basic terms conceded disdainful (died) or persons who are on purpose prophetic for the initial time. Diverse spirits, elementals and ghosts suffer in the astral world. The magician prerequisite impression pleasant contemporary.
Tibetan belief is that in a straight line skill in OOBE, you no longer desire reincarnate last death. The astral world is exceedingly
changeable and subjugated to your thoughts. Your specter can protect your movements in the astral world, and if you guise to be departure where non-volitionally (planetary customary) it is probably your
true specter causing it sound. You constrain besides sensibleness heightened magical gamble the same as in the astral realm.

[This is a hip subjugated, and contemporary may be other documentation online about it. Influence the PARANET record descent for documentation such as --



1) In the same way as is the close association in the midst of astral extension and
2) In the same way as is mental projection?
3) List the nine basic methods of astral extension.

Scrap book List
H.P. Battersby, Man Ascend Himself.
J.H. Brennan, Solar Doorways.
Robert Crookall, The Techniques of Solar Extension.
Denning and Phillips, The Llewellyn No-nonsense Direct to Solar
Oliver Fox, Solar Extension.
Gavin & Yvonne Arctic, Solar Passage.
Celia Unpolluted, Out-of-the-body Experiences.
Richard A. Greene, The Director of Solar Extension.
Herbert Glasshouse, The Solar Stumble.
Jack London, Star Rambler (older occult creative).
Janet Mitchell, Out of Individual Experiences.
Robert Monroe, Journeys Out of the Individual.
Robert E. Moser, Mental and Solar Extension.
Muldoon and Carrington, The Extension of the Solar Individual.
Ophiel, The Art and Schedule of Solar Extension.
A.E. Powell, The Solar Individual.
D. Scott Rogo, Discarding the Individual.
J.M. Shay, Out of the Individual Personality.
Susy Smith, The Riddle of Out-of-the-body Passage.
Brad Steiger, The Heart Travelers.
Yram, No-nonsense Solar Extension.

Phil Hansford, 2/87


(818) 353-8891 (modem)
P.O. Box 83
Tujunga, CA 91042

Origin: pagan-space.blogspot.com

Monday 22 December 2008

The Creation Of Modern Witchcraft

The Creation Of Modern Witchcraft
So let's ambush a organize a join up 100 existence and see how this applies to us today. Neopaganism begins with the 18th century era of Romanticism. A distinctly of petition in Germanic pagan Shamanism, with a Viking renewal in Britain and Scandinavia begins to get stronger. Neo-Druidism is lay down in Britain by Iolo Morganwg from 1792, and is slow by some to be the firstly real Neopagan renewal.

By the 19th century, these renewal projects put emphasis on and we find Germany's Volkisch advance. Popular this time new petition in Western occultism rises in England and distinctive other European societies. These immediate views of Occultism attempts to unify the immediate beliefs of the Celtic and German Shamans, Druids, Greeks and Egyptians in vogue a recognizable reconstructionalized design of belief. It's inwards that we see the formation of the Unassailable Announce of the Fair-haired Daybreak and the Ordo Templi Orientis.

Many important writers and artists become indirect in these new occult studies. Writers and artists such as Arthur Edward Waite, William Butler Yeats, Maud Gonne, and Aleister Crowley begin poetry about their experiences publicly. Many ever-present colonials and missionaries bring home to Britan and the Americas, perspectives and practices of instinctive traditions from immature cultures. One of the best frequent works comes from anthropologist Sir James George Frazer in his book "The Fair-haired Offshoot" (1900).

The Victorian Era is in full different now and spend time at in the select convergence were as well rising their petition in forecast and magik. Appeal phenomena becomes the "in thing" for this at the back of 19th century and immediate 20th century culture. Madame Blavatsky is a scout in this advance. Creating the Theosophical Association in 1875 with Henry Blade Olcott and Col. Olcott, William Q. Recognize. Career her transfer Theosophy, Blavatsky's views and perspectives are the uproar of New England and mature sharply to other continents.

Many budget traditions see this revitalization of pagan beliefs as a sign that convergence is suitable to ratify their saintly practices on their intrinsic worth and not tell the bias of old. In the 1880s and 90s, spend time at new covens, clans and groves begin to pop up out of the logs work and take delivery of in populate gatherings. In the U.S. these budget traditions are habitually mixes of European paganism and Inhabitant American beliefs. One of the peak go to regularly mixes come from the inclusion of Celts and Cherokee in the south east. But other meldings of belief and culture can be found finished the Americas with Germanic imigrations inclusion with other Euorpean pagan practices.

As a renown, "Neo pagan" firstly appears in an carrying out by F. Hugh O'Donnell an Irish Minister in the British Quarters of Commons. In 1904 O'Donnell writes a stipulation of the acting of of W. B. Yeats and Maud Gonne. In his carrying out, he criticizes their work as an attempt to "seam Madame Blavatsky with Cuchulainn". Yeats and Gonne, he claimed, openly worked to set up a reconstructionist Celtic religion which incorporated Gaelic description with magic.

Cuchulainn from Irish Header is the pre-eminent star and an challenging warrior. His mother was Deichtine, sister of king Conchobar mac Nessa; his inception was either the god Lugh the Crave Scenery, or Deichtire's creature ensemble Sualtam. This individually ready him a very good description in Irish lore.

In the 1920s Margaret Murray writes that Witchcraft as a religion existed riddle and in secret, and had survived tell the saintly persecutions and Inquisitions of the medieval Religious. Utmost historians keep out Murray's plan, as it was fairly based on the similarities amid the accounts firm by family accused of witchcraft. If we admit that budget traditions view today; furthermore there's no explanation to imagine they didn't view tell out the 18th to 20th centuries. Home-based traditions bring into being a very good unrecorded history that shares the beliefs, practices and implementations of belief and magikal hard work.

Murray's theories generated petition, which are recounted in novels by important authors. Such as Naomi Mitchison's "The Bump Sovereign and the Form Sovereign" published in 1931. Supercilious and self-important covens move out of the broom stealthy and let their time be frequent to the world.

In the 1920s tell 1940s, Gerald Gardner begins his vacate and initiation in vogue Witchcraft. In the immediate 1940s, Gardner becomes initiated in vogue a New Forest coven led by Lady Dafo. Many indication Dafo is actually Dorothy Clutterbuck. Gardner had or else in print about Malay instinctive discrimination and distinctive other books about Witchcraft. In the at the back of 1940s and immediate 1950s, Gardner develops his own set of teachings which is a closing moments of his life crave study. Gardnerian Wicca is uneducated and begins to mature tell out America and Europe. Specific say this new populate communicate of neopaganism gives water supply to other Witchcraft traditions, such as Alexandrian and Dianic Wicca. Submit is some consideration about this time line nonetheless. But indubitable Gardner is not the unaccompanied Joy Priest setting out on his own at the time.

The the 1960s and 70s a revitalization in Neo-druidism, Germanic Neopaganism and Norse Asatru begin to take gaze at in the US and Iceland. In 1975, Wicca/Witchcraft is on top to the US Navy Chaplin's Guide liberal certified esteem to the beliefs and practices of Witchcraft in America.

The point out of practices and belief spread in vogue the 1980s. Many of the wide metaphysical principles skilled in Witchcraft are recently rewritten and help raise the New Age advance. The 1990s clothing an broadening in the petition of pagan principles and practices. CNN intelligence that Witchcraft is the principal maturing religion in the Fixed States. Supercilious and self-important, Monitor and Cinema begin to clothing witches in a good light. Altruism such as The Witches of Eastwick, Convenient Mythical and the movie restructure of Bewitched; bring in box outlet dollars and attempt to turn the damning evil embodiment globular. Unequivocally cartoons get in vogue the act with a Scooby Doo movie featuring the star as a in the early hours Wiccan girl. Subsidiary TV shows pop up, staring in the early hours teenage years as witches and wizards who are trying to learn to regime their magik talents.

We've come a crave way equally the Blazing Mature of the norm ages. And hand over are inoperative battles to campaign. But modern Witchcraft is a religion with a crave previous, and an even brighter difficult.

Books in PDF format to read:Reginald Scot - The Discoverie Of Witchcraft

Alexander Roberts - A Dialogue Of Witchcraft

Michael Harrison - The Family Of Witchcraft

Allen Greenfield - The Private Record Of Up-to-the-minute Witchcraft

Computer Software Confirms Documentary Hypothesis

Computer Software Confirms Documentary Hypothesis
Consistently being the item was first wished-for upper than a century ago by Julius Wellhausen, nonfundamentalist biblical scholars (of course, fundamentalist, by self-definition, aren't full-grown biblical scholars) fix postulated, work and refined a "documentary deduction" for the play, furthermore later cutting together of various sections of the Torah/Penteteuch, or the first five books of the Tanakh/Christian bible, which the nonscholars attack was written by Moses.

The deduction says that a "Yahwist," called the J writer in the same way as Wellhausen was German, and the J has the y-sound at hand, ja, wrote voluminous chunks, especially of Beginning, that description on the use of the divine name. Theoretically, this writer lived about 900 BCE in the southern "state" of Judah once a shared Israel (if it existed, as Old Tribute minimalists brainteaser) arm.

Newborn writer, play a little later, is the "Elohist" or E writer. He allegedly wrote a little later, from the post-split northern state of Israel, which included Ephraim (an "E" help mnemonic, as Judah is for the "J").

Plus, a third writer, a "Deuteronomist," is posited as the original writer of the book of Deuteronomy, meaning in time for Josiah, king of Judah, to "bit" about 621 BCE.

Fourth, a "Religious writer wrote down all the ritual observances, the first fashion of the Beginning labor story, the dietary laws and gather stuff, once leaders of Judah were carted off to get rid of in Babylon.

A selection of say this participant may fix lived later and been the cut Ezra, of the book of that name. A selection of infer an breezy clerical writer, but Ezra as a chief redactor.

Proper, at lowest involving the clerical and nonpriestly sections, new CPU research confirms the gulf. That's apart from this background:

Three of the four scholars are religious Jews who subscribe in some form to the belief that the Torah was dictated to Moses in its undivided by a best author: God.

Unbiased a reminder that religious fundamentalism isn't confined to Christianity.

To cut a long story short, the CPU software found fused authors in a daze, not meaning in the Torah. The software sees fused authors in Isaiah, as do debauched scholars.At hand is no god and I am his soothsayer.

Babylonic Satanic Roots Of Psychology And Philosophy

Babylonic Satanic Roots Of Psychology And Philosophy
Philosophy and psychology are at its very make happen satanic and modern out of Babylon.

It is very thrilling to see how the completed philosophers or so called super "thinkers" very recurrently are actually a stupefied set of clan who air to make compexity out of very simple stuff. They become so stupefied in their minds but (defeat a challenging way of explaining stuff) try to change the hearers that they pride yourself on an wisdom at home stuff. It is thrilling that satan has continually held to floor our contemplative and get our contemplative icy towards God.

Babel way "loss of composure". So they educate passing sounding textile, which if courteously analysed would be seen to be garbage. For taster "do I really tolerate", "is this pen really low or am I preconditioned to fix it is" To me all very mumbo copious and pour out deliberate.

At the very beginning satan tried to crooked the truth of God and garbage what God had made. Jesus understood that the "criminal (satan) comes to buy, net ">

Satan continually uses these campaign "Did God really say" and "God knows that if you do this your eyes option be opened and you option be Fancy GOD". This is what philosophy and psychology use and they culminated neat out of Babylonic religion which was a religion set up to daunt God.

In other words philosophy is very recurrently, questioning the truth that God has made real to us. It is continually raising questions but never agile to lead to real answers. This has been the come near of satan from the very beginning, to get man to harm the reputation of truth. "These clan with sting ears recover teachers to their own bite and option turn mention to myths" 2 Tim 4: 3-4 "continually learning but never agile to have possession of the truth" 2 Tim 3: 7.

Nearby is a history bearing in mind philosophy and psychology which goes all the way back to

the hill of Babel anyplace man feeling he may possibly become alike God (again the lie of satan in the garden). Babylon was the propriety set down for afar of the judgment and practices we flat footprint in the world today. Babylon became a massive sophistication and so their philosophies, riot to God, and (what we now cry) new age textile came from put on. Todays new age textile are really cast-off babylonic religion which Roman Catholics christianised and brought at home their religion.

You see, Babylonic influences pride yourself on lovesick better. Level like their sophistication hew their textile etc were lovesick on board by the new empires but conceivably modernised somewhat. So the Persian House took better followed abruptly by the Greek sophistication and in addition to the Roman sophistication. It was out of the Greek sophistication that afar of the philosophies and psychologies modern more (and which we know about today) from completed thinkers despoil on board the Babylonic influences and putting pen to paper (or papyrus) and despoil it ladder more in feeling. This is as well what new age (of today) does.

The background to it all is steeped in evil tone of voice. Man's contemplative coming from the lies of satan. In the same way as a man of completed take care (but belligerent to God) comes on the viewpoint, don't be surprised if the critic gives him powerful wisdom (which is actually a powerful the wrong idea and dishonesty).

The drift of philosophy and very psychology is to point mankind dazed from a Stay God by part them an incarnation to God or even extraordinary to the god within themselves "self-actualization". It is simply atheistic or antiGod at its midpoint and satanic, with the aim of manslaughter mens consciences and consciousness of sin. It is all about "self" echo.

Scriptures teaches that "all pride yourself on sinned and fall reduced-size of God's government" and "in us dwells no good thing". Paul understood "who option equip me from this presume of death, respect be to God defeat Jesus". He starched that he may possibly not look after himself and looked-for the attractiveness and lenience of God defeat the death ">

Though, Paul by divine message starched that he looked-for to be saved by God's power and the life he now lived was by finance in what GOD had done. "it is no longer I that put off but Christ who lives in me".

Possibly greatest (if not all) clan who fix they need psychiatric or psychological help are actually tribulation equally of the feeling of their abuse spirit and acts of sin in their life. The answer back to this control is not professional help but bad feeling from a abuse life fashion sense to God defeat Jesus, poor substitute of sins followed by reprieve of sins by the blood of Jesus. Plain-spoken to Jesus and let Him heal you within by the power of His Sacred Soul living in you.

The control is that new age textile which (enclose psychology) are far-flung heart expert in our churches in these maintain days. In other words we pride yourself on allowed satan to get his take within the churches defeat the "leaven" of these ungodly practices. They pride yourself on even been "christianised" by natural ability it Christian psychology, but it simply teaches the exact ungodly stuff. They are bringing the "world" at home the church. Paul warned us by teaching "do not be conformed to the world (the contemplative and practices of the world) but be reformed by the renewing of your minds".


Cabala Cover
This ia a simple discourse on some of the major facets of the Cabala. It is also spelled as Kabbalah and Qabalah.


Kabbalah: From the Hebrew word QBL meaning 'an oral tradition', the esoteric and mystical division of Judaism. The Kabbalah presents a symbolic explanation of the origin of the universe, the relationship of human beings to the Godhead, and an emanationist approach to creation whereby the Infinite Light (AIN SOPH AUR) manifests through different SEPHIROTH on the TREE OF LIFE. though the central book of the Kabbalah, the ZOHAR, was not written down until around 1280 -- probably by MOSES de LEON -- the Kabbalah has spiritual links with GNOSTICISM and other early mystical cosmologies.

In the Kabbalah, all manifestations are said to have their origin in the AIN SOPH AUR and the successive emanations of the Godhead reveal aspects of his divine nature. The system is thus monotheistic in essence, but allows for the tenfold structure of the sephiroth upon the tree of life. The emanations as they proceed down from the Godhead to the manifested world, are: KETHER (The Crown); CHOKMAH (Wisdom); BINAH (Understanding); CHESED (Mercy); GEBURAH (Power); TIPHARETH (Beauty & Harmony); NETZACH (Victory); HOD (Splendor);
YESOD (Foundation); MALKUTH (The Kingdom)

Occultists in the HERMETIC ORDER OF THE GOLDEN DAWN use the Kabbalistic Tree of Life as a matrix or Grid for comparing the Archetypal images of different mythologies that could be adapted to Ceremonial Magic. For example, the merciful father (Chesed) has parallels in other pantheons, namely ODIN (Scandinavia); ZEUS (Greece); JUPITER (Rome); and RA (Egypt). This system of comparison became known as MYTHOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCES. It has become common in the occult tradition to link the ten sephiroth of the Tree of Life with the
22 cards of the MAJOR ARCANA of the TAROT.


QBL: Hebrew word meaning 'from mouth to ear', thereby signifying a secret oral tradition. It is the meaning of Kabbalah.

Ain Soph Aur: Hebrew expression meaning 'the limitless light'.

Sephiroth: The ten speres or emanations on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, a symbol which depicts the divine energy of creation proceeding like a lighting flash through ten different stages, culminating in physical manifestation. The sephiroth represent levels of spiritual reality both in the cosmos and in people because the Tree, metaphorically, is the 'Body of God', and people are created in his image. The Tree is sometimes shown superimposed on the body of ADAM KADMON --the archetypal man.

Tree of Life: The Tree consists of Ten spheres, or sephiroth, through which according to mystical tradition--the creation of the world came about. The sephiroth are aligned in three columns headed by the SUPERNALS (KETHER, CHOKMAH, BINAH) and together symbolize the process by which the infinite light (Ain Soph Aur) becomes manifest in the universe.

Beneath the Supernals are the 'Seven days of Creation': CHESED, GEBURAH, TIPHARETH, NETZACH, HOD, YESOD, MALKUTH. Taken as a whole, the tree of life is also a symbol of the archetypal man -- ADAM KADMON, and the sephiroth have a role resembling that of the CHAKRAS in YOGA. The mystical path of self knowledge entails the rediscovery of all the levels of ones being, ranging from Malkuth (physical reality) to the infinite source. With this in mind, the medieval Kabbalists divided the Tree of Life into three sections of the soul: NEPHESCH (the animal soul) corresponding to the sephiroth
YESOD: RUACH (the middle soul), corresponding to the sephiroth from HOD to CHESED: and NESCHAMAH ( the spiritual soul) corresponding to the Supernals -- especially BINAH. Practitioners of WESTERN MAGIC, who use the Tree of Life as a glyph for the unconscious mind, sometimes distinguish the MAGICAL PATH (which embraces all ten sephiroth) from the MYSTICAL PATH of the MIDDLE PILLAR, which is an ascent from MALKUTH through YESOD and TIPHARETH to KETHER on the central pillar of the Tree.

Zohar: 'The Book of Splendor'--the principal book of the Kabbalah. It is thought to have been written by Moses de Leon and was first circulated around 1280-1290, in Guadalajara. It included commentaries on the TORAH.

Gnosticism: Gnosis is a Greek term for 'knowledge'. The term applies to (Gnosis) certain religous sects that emerged during the early formative years of early Christianity, and which believed in 'Hidden Spiritual Knowledge'. The main factor that differentiated them from Chritianity was their emphasis on knowledge rather than faith. The Christian churche fathers considered the Gnostics Heretical, or Heretics.

Kether: The first Emanation on the Tree of Life. Occultists indentify Kether as the state of consciousness where creaton merges with the veils of nonexistance. Kether lies on the MIDDLE PILLAR and trancends the duality of CHOKMAH (male) and BINAH (female), which lie immediately below on the Tree. It is therefore symbolized in mystical tradition by the heavenly ANDROGYNE (male and female united in one), and represents a state of mystical Transcendence and union with the Supreme. It is compared to SATORI and NIRVANA.

Chokmah: The second emanation on the Tree of Life, following Kether. Occultists identify Chokmah with the Great Father, the giver of the seminal spark of life which is potent only until it enters the womb of the Great Mother, Binah. From the union of the Great Father and Great Mother come forth all the images of creation. Chokmah is associated with such deities as KRONOS, SATURN, THOTH, ATUM-RA, and PTAH, in other pantheons.

Binah: The third emanation on the Tree of Life. Occultists identify Binah with the Great Mother in all her forms. She is the womb of forthcoming, the source of all the great images and forms that manifest in the universe as archetypes. She is also the Supreme female principal in the process of Creation and, via the process mythological correspondences, is associated with such deities as The VIRGIN MARY, RHEA, ISIS, and DEMETER.

Chesed: The fourth emanation on the Tree of Life. Occultists identify Chesed as the ruler (but not Creator) of the manifested universe; and he is characterised as stable, wise, and merciful by contrast with his more dynamic opposite, GEBURAH. Chesed is asscociated with Gods ZEUS (Greek), and JUPITER (Roman).

Geburah: The fifth emanation on the Tree of Life. Geburah is often associated with MARS, the Roman God of War, and represents severity and Justice. The destructive forces of the sphere of Geburah are intended to have a purging, cleansing effect on the universe. Geburah represents the Creator God, who applies discipline and presicion in governing the cosmos and removes unwanted or unnecessary elements after their usefullness has passed. Geburah is reflected in THE CHARIOTEER in the TAROT.

Tiphareth: The sixth emanation on the Tree of Life.It is the sphere of beauty, harmonizing the forces of mercy (Chesed) and Judgement (Geburah), higher on the Tree. Occultists identify Tiphareth as the sphere of spiritual REBIRTH, and ascribe to it the Solar Deities such as RA, APOLLO, and MITHRA as well as OSIRIS and JESUS CHRIST. The TAROT card TEMPERANCE identifies the direct mystical ascent to Tipareth from Malkuth (the physical)

Netzach: The seventh emanation on the Tree of Life. Netzach is regarded as the sphere of creativity, subjectivity, and the emotions -- a very clear contrast to the sphere of HOD, which represents intellect and rational thought. Netzach is the sphere of Love, and spiritual passion and is therefore associated with such deities as APHRODITE, VENUS, HATHOR, and others that personify these qualities.

Hod: The eighth emanation on the Tree of Life. Hod is associated with the planet Mercury and represents intellect and rational thought. It also represents the structuring and measuring capacities of the mind as opposed to the emotion and intuitional aspects of Netzach. Hod has no exact parallel in the TAROT, but is closely linked to the card JUDGEMENT, ascribed to the path between Hod and Malkuth.

Yesod: The ninth emanation on the Tree of Life. Yesod is associated with the Moon and the element Water. Regarded as a Female sphere, it is the seat of sexual instinct and corresponds to the Genitals Chakra on the archetypal man, ADAM KADMON. On the Tree of Life Yesod has the function of channelling the energies of the higher down to the earth below (Malkuth). Occultists associate Yesod with the ASTRAL PLANE, because if the sephiroth above Malkuth are regarded as a map of the unconscious psyche, Yesod is the most accesible
area of the mind. Because Yesod is the sphere of Fertility and Lunar imagery, it is identified with Witchcraft and Goddess Worship. It also the so called 'animal soul' know by kabbalists as Nephesch.

Malkuth: The tenth emanation of the Tree of Life. Malkuth is associated with the Goddesses of the Earth especially PERSEPHONE (Greece), PROSERPINA (Rome), and GEB (Egypt). Malkuth is the domain of the manifested universe, the immediate enviroment, the plane of physical reality. As a consequence, all 'inner journeys of consciousness' begin symbolically in Malkuth; it is particularly appropriate, for example, that the myth of the rape of PERSEPHONE confirms her both as queen of the UNDERWORLD and as a Lunar Goddess. From an
occult point of view, the Underworld equates with the Lower unconscious mind, and the Moon, represented by the sphere of Yesod, is the first Sephirah reached on the inner mystic journey up the Tree of Life. Malkuth is closely linked with the TAROT card THE WORLD.

! P E A C E !

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Sunday 21 December 2008

Astrological Keys

Astrological Keys Cover
Signs of the Zodiac

Channels of Expression

* ARIES: pioneer, leader ,competitor
* TAURUS: earthy, stable, practical
* GEMINI: dual, lively, versatile
* CANCER: protective, traditional
* LEO: dramatic, flamboyant, warm
* VIRGO: conscientious, analytical
* LIBRA: refined, fair ,sociable
* SCORPIO: intense, secretive, ambitious
* SAGITTARIUS: friendly, expansive
* CAPRICORN: cautious, materialistic
* AQUARIUS: inquisitive, unpredictable
* PISCES: responsive, dependent, fanciful Elements

* FIRE: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
* EARTH: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
* AIR: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
* WATER: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Qualities CARDINAL:

Signs mark the beginning of each new season--active:

* Aries
* Cancer
* Libra
* Capricorn


Signs represent the season at it's height--steadfast:

* Taurus
* Leo
* Scorpio
* Aquarius


Signs herald a change of season--variable:

* Gemini
* Virgo
* Sagittarius
* Pisces

Celestial Bodies

Generating Energy of the Cosmos:

* Sun: birth, ego, identity
* Moon: emotions, memories, personality
* Mercury: communications, intellect, skills
* Venus: love, pleasures, the fine arts
* Mars: energy, challenges, sports
* Jupiter: expansion, religion, happiness
* Saturn: responsibility, maturity, realities
* Uranus: originality, science, progress
* Neptune: dreams, illusions, inspiration
* Pluto: rebirth, renewal, resources

Glossary of Aspects

* Conjunction: two planets within the same sign or less than 10 degrees apart favorable or unfavorable according to the nature of the planets.

* Sextile: a pleasant, harmonious aspect occurring when two planets are two signs or 60 degrees apart.

* Square: a major negative effect resulting when planets are three signs from one another or 90 degrees apart.

* Trine: planets four signs or 120 degrees apart, forming a positive and favorable influence.

* Quincunx: a mildly negative aspect produced when planets are five signs or 150 degrees apart.

Opposition: a six sign or 180 degrees separation of planets generating positive or negative forces depending on the planets involved.

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Dark Night Of The Soul

Dark Night Of The Soul Cover
"The Dark Night of the Soul" is the name given to that experience of spiritual desolation that all students of the Occult pass through at one time or another. It is sometimes characterized by feelings that your occult studies or practices are not taken you anywhere, that the initial success that one is sometimes granted after a few months of occult working, has suddenly dried up. There comes a desire to give up on everything, to abandon exercises and meditation, as nothing seems to be working. St.John of the Cross. a christian mystic, said of this experience, that it; "...puts the sensory spiritual appetites to sleep, deadens them, and deprives them of the ability to find pleasure in anything. It binds the imagination, and impedes it from doing any good discursive work. It makes the memory cease, the intellect become dark and unable to understand anything, and hence it causes the will to become arid and constrained, and all the faculties empty and useless. And over this hangs a dense and burdensome cloud, which afflicts the soul, and keeps it withdrawn from the good."

Though the beginner may view the onset of such an experience with alarm (I know I did), the "Dark Night" is not something bad or destructive. In one sense it may be seen as a trial, a test by which the Gods examine our resolve to continue with occult work, and if you are not completely whole-hearted about your magical studies, it is during this period (at its beginning) that you will give up. The Dark Night of the Soul should be welcomed, once recognized for what it is (I have always received an innate "warning" just before the onset of
such a period), as a person might welcome an operation that will secure health and well-being. St.John of the Cross embraced the soul`s Dark Night as a Divine Appointment, calling it a period of "sheer grace" and adding;

"O guiding Night,
O Night more lovely than Dawn,
O Night that has united the lover with his beloved
Transforming the Lover in her Beloved."

When entering the Dark Night one is overcome by a sense of spiritual dryness and depression. The notion, in some quarters, that all such experiences should be avoided, for a peaceful existence, shows up the superficiality of so much of contemporary living. The Dark Night is a way of bringing the Soul to stillness, so that deep psychic transformation may take place. All distractions must be set aside, and it is no good attempting to fight or channel the bursts of raw energy that from time to time may course through your being. This inner
compulsion to set everything aside results in the outer depression, when nothing seems to excite.

The only thing to do is obey your inner voice and become still, waiting for the inner transformation, (which the "Dark Night" heralds), to take place. You may not be aware for a very long time of the results of that inner change, but when the desire to work comes again and the depression lifts, the Dark Night has (for a moment) passed. No one can help during this time, and in many cases there is hardly anyone to turn for advice. One must disregard the well-meaning advice of family and friends to "snap out of it" this is no ordinary
depression, but a deep spiritual experience which only those who have passed through themselves (in other words to a magical retreat) but for many, as the routines of everyday life prohibits this, all you can do is cultivate an inner solitude, a stillness and silence of heart, and wait, (like a chrysalis waits for the inner changes that will result in a butterfly) for the Transformation to work itself out. There are many such "Dark Nights" that the occult seeker must pass through during the mysterious process of mitigation. They are all
trials but experience teaches one to cope more efficiently.

With fractalic greetings and laughter * Fra.: Apfelmann *

Keywords: spells and  witch names  chalice  becomes evil signs  orient revealed  spellsandmagic  earth water more  self love  book writings  people status  occultism  

Looking At Yourself

Looking At Yourself Cover
Before you go a step further, take a good long look at your desires, motivation and skills. What role do you see yourself playing in this new group? "Ordinary" member? Democratic facilitator? High Priestess? And if the last -- why do you want the job?

The title of High Priestess and Priestess are seductive, conjuring up exotic images of yourself in embroidered robes, a silver crescent (or horned helm) on your brow, adoring celebrants hanging on every word which drops from your lips...

Reality check. The robes will be stained with wine and candle wax soon enough, and not every word you speak is worth remembering. A coven leader's job is mostly hard work between rituals and behind the scene. It is not always a good place to act out your fantasies, because the lives and well-being of others are involved, and what is flattering or enjoyable to you man not be in their best interest. So consider carefully.

If your prime motive is establishing a coven is to gain status and ego gratification, other people will quickly sense that. If they are intelligent, independent individuals, they will refuse to play Adoring Disciple to your Witch Queen impressions. They will disappear, and that vanishing act will be the last magick they do with you.

And if you do attract a group ready to be subservient Spear Carriers in your fantasy drama -- well, do you really want to associate with that kind of personality? What are you going to do when you want someone strong around to help you or teach you, and next New Moon you look out upon a handful of Henry Milquetoasts and Frieda Handmaidens? If a person is willing to serve you, then they will also become dependent on you, drain your energy, and become disillusioned if you ever let down the Infallible Witch Queen mask for even a moment.

Some other not-so-great reasons for starting a coven: a) because it seems glamorous, exotic, and a little wicked; b) because it will shock your mother, or c) because you can endure your boring, flunky job more easily if you get to go home and play Witch at night.

Some better reasons for setting up a coven, and even nominating yourself as High Priest/ess, include: a) you feel that you will be performing a useful job for yourself and others; b) you have enjoyed leadership roles in the past, and proven yourself capable; or c) you look forward to learning and growing in the role.

Even with the best motives in the world, you will still need to have -- or quickly develop -- a whole range of skills in order to handle a leadership role. If you are to be a facilitator of a study group, group process insights and skills are important. These include:

1) Gatekeeping, or guiding discussion in such a way that everyone has an opportunity to express ideas and opinions;
2) Summarizing and clarifying;
3) Conflict resolution or helping participants understand points of disagreement and find potential solutions which respect everyone's interests;
4) Moving the discussion toward consensus, or at any rate decision, by identifying diversions and refocusing attention on goals and priorities; and
5) Achieving closure smoothly when the essential work is completed, or an appropriate stopping place is reached.

In addition to group process skills, four other competencies necessary to the functioning of a coven are: ritual leadership, administration, teaching, and counseling. In a study group the last one may not be considered a necessary function, and the other three may be shared among all participants. But in a coven the leaders are expected to be fairly capable in all these areas, even if responsibilities are frequently shared or delegated. Let us look briefly at each.

Ritual leadership involves much more that reading invocations by candlelight. Leaders must understand the powers they intend to manipulate: how they are raised, channeled and grounded. They must be adept at designing rituals which involve all the sensory modes. They should have a repertoire of songs and chants, dances and gestures or mudras, incense and oils, invocations and spells, visual effects and symbols, meditations and postures; and the skill to combine these in a powerful, focused pattern. They must have clarity of purpose and firm ethics. And they must understand timing: both where a given ritual fits in the cycles of the Moon, the Wheel of the Year, and the dance of the spheres, and how to pace the ritual once started, so that energy peaks and is channeled at the perfect moment. And they must understand the Laws of Magick, and the correspondences, and when ritual is appropriate and when it is not.

By administration, we refer to basic management practices necessary to any organization. These include apportioning work fairly, and following up on its progress; locating resources and obtaining them (information, money, supplies); fostering communications (by telephone, printed schedules, newsletters etc.); and keeping records (minutes, accounts, Witch Book entries, or ritual logbook). Someone or several someone's has to collect the dues if any, buy the candles, chill the wine, and so forth.

Teaching is crucial to both covens and study groups. If only one person has any formal training or experience in magick, s/he should transmit that knowledge in a way which respects the intuitions, re-emerging past life skills, and creativity of the others. If several participants have some knowledge in differing areas, they can all share the teaching role. If no one in the group has training and you are uncertain where to begin, they you may need to call on outside resources: informed and ethical priest/esses who can act as visiting faculty, or who are willing to offer guidance by telephone or correspondence. Much can be gleaned from books, or course -- assuming you know which books are trustworthy and at the appropriate level -- but there is no substitute for personal instruction for some things. Magick can be harmful if misused, and an experienced practitioner can help you avoid pitfalls as well as offering hints and techniques not found in the literature.

Counseling is a special role of the High Priest/ess. It is assumed that all members of a coven share concern for each other's physical, mental, emotional and spiritual welfare, and are willing to help each other out in practical ways. However, coven leaders are expected to have a special ability to help coveners explore the roots of their personal problems and choose strategies and tactics to overcome them. This is not to suggest that one must be a trained psychoanalyst; but at the least, good listening skills, clear thinking and some
insight into human nature are helpful. Often, magickal skills such as guided visualization, Tarot counseling and radiasthesia (pendulum work) are valuable tools as well.

Think carefully about your skills in these areas, as you have demonstrated them in other organizations. Ask acquaintances or co-workers, who can be trusted to give you a candid opinion, how they see you in some of these roles. Meditate, and decide what you really want for yourself in organizing the new group. Will you be content with being a catalyst and contact person -- simply bringing people with a common interest together, then letting the group guide its destiny from that point on? Would you rather be a facilitator, either for the first months or permanently: a low-key discussion leader who enables the group to move forward with a minimum of misunderstanding and wasted energy? Or do you really want to be High Priestess -- whatever that means to you -- and serve as the guiding spirit and acknowledged leader of a coven? And if you do want that job, exactly how much authority and work do you envision as part of it? Some coven leaders want a great deal of power and control; others simply take an extra share of responsibility for setting up the rituals (whether or not they actually conduct the rites), and act as "magickal advisor" to less experienced members. Thus the High Priest/ess can be the center around which the life of the coven revolves, or primarily an honorary title, or anything in between.
That is one area which you will need to have crystal-clear in your own mind before the first meeting (of if you are flexible, at least be very clear that you are). You must also be clear as to your personal needs on other points: program emphasis, size, meeting schedule, finances, degree of secrecy, and affiliation with a tradition or network. You owe it to prospective members and to yourself to make your minimum requirements known from the outset: it can be disastrous to a group to discover that members have major disagreements on these
points after you have been meeting for six months.

Keywords: spirit guides  antient primitive rite  magick books  asatru religion europeans  names lord  white magic  water more magic  near mind body  dagon cursed assyrian  people other  blackmagic  

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