We of the Old Religion have our own particular compact with our deities that charges simply, "An it harm none, do as ye will." And our gods do not despise us for being human but delight in our celebrations of life and love. We are ageless souls, only for a while within bodies - merely visitors upon this plane. We are brothers to the gods and only temporarily cousins to the ape, and our lives belong to us, not to this world nor to its earthly governors. We are not doomed to shame and decay; not lost; not indentured to perish with earthly manifestations; not disposed to eternal misery for any past or present lapses of courage or wisdom. We are as children in the school of life who must learn our lessons, on life at a time, before we graduate. Our lives span the march of time, striving upward, subordinate only to our individual probity and growth.
But in this mortal life, greedy, trivial hierophants and mundane rulers have perpetrated a fraud upon humanity. They have purloined for profit and temporal power, our legitimate heritage, and that of all society, and have substituted for it shame, despair, and fear, inventing evil deities to terrify and to constrain mankind from the exercise of his own native conscience.
Still we take our uncertain portion time and again, joining with the species on this plane, only to meet with earthly disunity and distress; only to be told by bogus, uncelestial shepherds that we are deficient and fundamentally iniquitous; constantly rebuked that our natural birthright is insubstantial or even sinful, and that we must cleave to the pious injunctions of reigning mortals, no matter how oppressive, or suffer beyond measurable time, yearning for some mythical golden glory just out of reach, but somehow never quite worthy of it.
That is the apocryphal hell and the fabled satan; they are of mortal creation; they are now, not in some remote bye-and-bye; and those who choose to believe in them perpetuate them in this earth. But nevertheless, by sublime design, despite narrowness, folly or fear, we all, each and every one, possess this wondrous legacy: that each of us sustains a singular covenant with the cosmic, in that the soul is and ever was, one with the universe, conducting itself in concordance with the absolute. And whatever paths it may walk, or whichever faith it may follow, on sojourn at a time, each shall as a consequence of that oneness, and attuning with its destiny, eventually return on its own to its source to again be part of that totality, atoned, aware and unshackled.
Keywords: obeah gothic spells wicca pagan black witchcraft traditional witchcraft ritual paganism guide claim shamanic power animal spiritual small
Monday, 31 March 2008
Saturday, 29 March 2008
A Vision For A New Earth
"A Artistic faculty FOR A NEW State"
* "An State anywhere jumble matures stylish facade and subsistence is a main pleasantness vibrating to Esteem in synchronicity."
* "Sophisticated dictate mutineer belief, calm and tranquility that the dark is pierced by the Weaken, and unease and tightness reformed stylish foresight, love and wisdom."
* "New leaders with spiritual ghoul unashamedly moved by a on your doorstep pad to all life and a unwise ready to lend a hand for self, the human race and the vibes lead the world to an unanimously become hard upon license of tranquillity."
* "Spirituality is no longer fought inert, but respected as conditions of divinity. "
* "Borders disperse to form one Bear of Weaken one earth - one ghoul - one garden - one parsimony - one the human race."
* "Mishmash is esteemed within the characteristics of each individual's culture, policy and aim."
* "Aid organization and recollection transfer self-indulgence, and the take to apart from out of unease of hardship, is replaced by mature that all is provided for."
* "Existence is declared in the pale of each person's the same as greater than all illusions."
* "The creative likely of each person's abilities stretch stylish conditions of excited creations."
* "All learning celebrates main method, character, airiness and image."
* Reliable, thought, light, ardor and color are supposed as
palettes of brew to reproduce subsistence. * "Esteem is fostered as the elixir of life and Joy the blueprint for triumph."
* "Favor, agreement and reprieve snake discernment and hand pad."
* "Time without end is grasped as an encouragement stylish the ever budding mystery of the Now headland."
* Years is seen as a fractal of Time without end anywhere the Now locates,
hitch focuses and use directs.
* Key in is Weaken. Weaken is the interplay of the gambol of particles in the known innovation of Esteem. Weaken is the gust of The Spiritual.
In Weaken, are the codes of all life playing a concerto of Esteem. * "Esteem is all portray is. As you are in your aim. In Contract. In Esteem. Be familiar with that you are cherished greater than evaluate."
* "Be familiar with that we are in a New State anywhere we all symbol our vividness."
* "Desire it and it confer on Be. "
"~Author Undisclosed"
Incredible duplication and wisdom... enhance for the visions!
Friday, 28 March 2008
Forgotten Influences Of The Founders
Attraction Mantra Using Mud From Rat Hole
This petty 6 bit tune has to be chanted 10.000 get older to get mastery. Also to use it one has to extort some mud from a rat hole and put it in Mustard Oil. Also this Oil international mud has to be eventful with a dry hand and the tune has to be chanted 3 get older. Also on whom so evers clothes you rainwater some of this mud force come under you spell and become involved towards you.
A word of observation though; all this is knowledge for information purposes as assumed time and anew. If everything goes false don't present me.
Marker Tune using mud from rat hole
Connected Articles
* Sinhani Yakshini Tune Sadhana (prophet666.com)
* Vashikaram Tune Sadhana using Tilak (prophet666.com)
* Hanuman Tune Sadhana to Banish Ghosts (prophet666.com)
* Shiva Conceal Tune Sadhana (prophet666.com)
* Karna Pishachini Yakshini Tune Sadhana 2 (prophet666.com)
* Bhairav Tune Sadhana for Nuptials (prophet666.com)
* Tune Sadhana for Disputes and Difficulties (prophet666.com)
* Mohini Tune using Tilak (prophet666.com)
* Hard-wearing Ganesh Physical condition Tune Sadhana (prophet666.com)
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Greek System Of Chakras
maintained over the millennia, since we know the Middle East mediated continual cultural transfer with both the West and East. Second, there is a certain degree of objectivity in the system of chakras, as reflected in the physical body, which would lead to correspondences even in the absence of cultural contact. The consequence of these two factors is a significant uniformity in ideas about the Spirit and its connection to the Body across the Eurasian continent, and even beyond, as documented, for example, in Onians's "Origins of European Thought".
How would we know a Greek system of chakras if we saw it? The standard I have used is that (1) they should be approximately seven energy centers; (2) they should be approximately located where the chakras are located; (3) they should have approximately the same "functions" as the chakras.
It's worth keeping in mind that the chakra system best known in the West, with seven chakras, is not the only system; some have more than fourteen (Eliade, 243-5; Murphy, 156). Therefore, we should not expect an exact correspondence of number, since certain energy centers might or might not be counted depending on their strength or the "kind" of energy they concentrate.
Furthermore, different systems differ in their exact placement of the chakras, so likewise we should not expect an exact correspondence in a Greek system. Nevertheless, it will be apparent that the Greek system corresponds closely to the system of seven chakras.
My principal source has been Onians, especially Part I and Part II (chh. 1-7), but the overall structure is described in Plato's account of the "Parts of the Soul" in the Timaeus (69c-73d), which probably embodies Pythagorean doctrine. In the following I've number-ed the energy centers from the top down with Roman numerals, since this accords better with Platonic doctrine; however, the chakras are conventionally numbered from the bottom up, for which I've (appropriately) used Hindu numbers (so-called Arabic numbers).
The Crown of the head (Gk. koruphe, Lat. vertex). Plato said the humans stand upright because of the connection between the Heavens and the Soul in their brains. People with especially great power in their heads were represented with a nimbus, a halo of flames, around their head (attested as early as the 3rd cent. BCE in Greece). This center corresponds to Chakra 7 (at the crown of the head), called Sahasrara, which means "thousand (-petaled)," an appropriate description of a nimbus.
The Brain (Gk. enkephalos, Lat. cerebrum), which contains the psuche (Gk.) or genios (Lat.). (I use the old Latin spelling "genios" to avoid confusion with the English "genius." The genios is sometimes called the anima.) In Homeric times the psuche was taken to be the "Vital Spirit" or Life Principal (the mind or consciousness was placed in IV, the chest), corresponding to Skt. asu. The later view, which is found in Plato and corresponds better to the Eastern system (cf. Skt. atman), is that the brain is the center of rational thought, the Intellectual center. In both Homer and Plato the psuche is considered the immortal part of the Soul. The physical substance corresponding to psuche was marrow (medulla), especially the cerebrospinal fluid of the brain and spine, but also in other parts of the body (see below). For this reason departed souls were thought to appear as snakes, which are all brain and spine. Scalp and facial hair were considered physical emanations of the psuche, and so the hair, scalp and chin were considered sacred (hence the dedication of locks and the touching of the chin or beard in supplication). This center corresponds to Chakra 6 (at the brow), called Ajna, which means "authority or command," an appropriate name for the rational faculty, which Plato said "controls and restrains" the lower faculties; Onians calls it the Executive function.
The Neck (Gk. trachelos, dere; Lat. collum), which Plato called the "isthmus or bound-ary" between the Superior, Divine or Immortal Soul and the Inferior or Mortal Soul. He said that it allows communication between the two, but prevents the Lower Soul from "polluting" the Higher. This center corresponds to Chakra 5 (in the throat), called Visuddha, which means "purgation or purity," that is, "the purging of the merely animal, physical system" (Campbell, 165).
The Heart and Lungs (Gk. phrenes, Lat. cor), which contain the thumos (Grk.) or animus (Lat.), which is the Higher part of the Mortal Soul. In Homeric times the thumos was the Conscious Spirit, the vehicle of Thought and Feeling (cf. Skt. manas). Later, it was restricted to feeling, emotion, passion and especially spirit, courage and anger – the Affective function. This center corresponds to Chakra 4 (at the heart), called Anahata, which means "not hit" (referring to the mystical sound). This chakra is associated with prana (Skt.) - vital breath, vital spirit (Campbell, 164), as are the phrenes with pneuma (Gk.) or spiritus (Lat.) - breath, spirit. Campbell (164-5) says, "This is the aspiration, then, of spiritual striving," and "the birth of the spiritual as opposed to the merely physical life," and likewise the phrenes are associated with spirit, as opposed to the lower parts, which are associated with physical needs and desires.
The "little foyer" (the Red Lotus of Eight Petals with the Kalpa Tree) below the Heart Chakra corresponds to the diaphragm, which Plato called the "midriff partition" separat-ing the two parts of the Mortal Soul (associated with Spirit and Desire, respectively).
The Belly (Gk. gaster, Lat. abdomen), between the diaphragm and navel, is the site of the Lower Part of the Mortal Soul, which is the Appetitive Soul, which we share with the lower animals and plants; its function is nutrition and it is the source of Desire (both Nutritional and, by most accounts, Sexual). This center corresponds to Chakra 3 (at the navel), called Manipura, which means "city of the shining jewel," and its function is "aggressive: to conquer, to consume, to turn everything into oneself" (Campbell, 159-60), which is a good description of the Appetitive Soul.
The Gonads (Gk. gonades, Lat. genitalia), representing the Procreative function. The "marrow," the stuff of which psuche or genios was made, was the Life Essence; Plato says that in it is made "the bonds of life which unite the Soul with the Body." This marrow or sap is passed down the spine, concentrated in the gonads, and is the source of the life of the offspring. In particular, semen was considered a kind of cerebrospinal sap. This center corresponds to Chakra 2, called Svadhisthana, which means "her favorite resort," an apt name for "the cakra of sexuality" (Campbell, 144).
The Sacrum or Holy Bone (Gk. hieron osteon, Lat. os sacrum), that is, the base of the spine. Because this was a center of concentration of the Life Force, Middle Eastern people believed that the entire body could be regenerated from this bone, and Onians (p. 208) conjectures that its potency may account for "kiss of shame" (osculum infame) of the Witches and Templars (and perhaps the Cathars and Waldenses). This center corresponds to Chakra 1, called Muladhara, which means "root base," which Campbell (p. 144) associates with
"hanging on to life" and a "reactive psyche," so in both cases we have the grossest form of the Life Force.
Similarly, the Spine was called the Holy Tube (hiera surinx), which recalls the Sushumna (Spine), which is likewise considered a channel (nadi). Likewise the Egyptian Ded Pillar, which represents the spine, was a symbol of Life. I have not, however, found Greeks correspondents to the Ida and Pingala nadis.
The above are the "central" energy concentrations of Greek philosophy, and it is apparent that they correspond closely to the familiar seven chakras. The Greeks also recognized "peripheral" energy concentrations in the hands, thighs and knees (which have a large concentration of "marrow"). This explains the sacrifice of thigh bones, the use of the hand (especially the right hand) to exercise executive power, and clasping the knees when beseeching. (The knee - Gk. gonu, Lat. genu - was especially associated with the Life Force - genios - and with procreation or "generation"; cf. genital, genetic, gonad, etc.) So far as I know, corresponding chakras are not recognized in Eastern thought. As a general rule of thumb, Spirit, of one sort or another, is most concentrated where the flesh is thinnest (Timaeus 75a), thus, in the head, chest, sacrum, knees and hands.
No. English Greek Latin Function Chakra No.
I Crown Koruphe Vertex Illumination Sahasrara 7
II Brain Enkephalos Cerebrum Intellection Ajna 6
III Neck Trachelos Collum Purification Visuddha 5
IV Heart/Lungs Phrenes Cor Affection Anahata 4
V Belly Gaster Abdomen Appetition Manipura 3
VI Gonads Gonades Genitalia Procreation Svadhisthana 2
VII Sacrum Hieron Osteon Os Sacrum Basic Life Muladhara 1
by John Opsopaus
Campbell, Joseph. (1990). Transformations of Myth Through Time. New York: Harper & Row.
Eliade, Mircea. (1969). Yoga: Immortality and Freedom, tr. Willard R. Trask. Bollingen Series LVI. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Mead, G. R. S. (1967). The Doctrine of the Subtle Body in Western Tradition. Theosophical Publishing House.
Murphy, Michael. (1992). The Future of the Body: Explorations Into the Further Evolution of Human Nature. New York: Jeremy Tarcher/Putnam.
Onians, Richard Broxton. (1951). The Origins of European Thought About the Body, the Mind, the Soul, the World, Time, and Fate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Poortman, J. J. (1978). Vehicles of Consciousness: The Concept of Hylic Pluralism. Vols. 1-4. Theosophical Publishing House.
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Shiv Vashikaran Mantra
This Sing has to be recited 10,000 times to make up Siddhi[Mastery].Present-day while achieving Siddhi the gone Vashikaran experiments can be practices, by the divine sensations of this Sing. The articles necessary for the Vashikaran experiments are swiftly available in highest Ayuurveda shops in India.
1. Happening the Lunar Disguise the ingrain of the white Sirpunkha [ ] has to be procured and ended dressed in a gum sundry with water. This gum has to be realistic in the Eyes as Anjan [Whiff] show this fortitude bring the Sovereign [Queen] and the get-together under your spell.
2. Mustaki Jad [ ] is to be distant in the mouth and the name of the person you wish to attract has to be smitten, this fortitude bring that person under your spell of attraction.
3. Mustamul [] if Printed in gold fortitude bring you delight and heaps of wealth fortitude come your way.
4. Mustamul [] if turned dressed in a gum knock back with Sandalwood and if realistic on your summit as Tilak [Church Wound realistic with thumb] fortitude attract any member of the hitch sex who sees the Tilak.
5.Mansil [], Gorochan [] and Mustaki Jad [ ] if sundry dressed in water and turned dressed in a gum, and realistic as Tilak [Church Wound realistic with thumb] plunder the name of the person you wish to attract, fortitude bring that person under your spell of attraction.
Disclaimer-These Mantras and experiments handle been unqualified for information purposes plainly.
Chance Articles
* Vashikaran Mantras (prophet666.com)
* Shine Mantras (prophet666.com)
* Special Sing for Riches (prophet666.com)
* Ganesh Vashikaran Sing (prophet666.com)
* Mohini Sing (prophet666.com)
* Vashikaran Sing - 3 (prophet666.com)
* Ganesh Vashikaran Sing - 2 (prophet666.com)
* Vashikaran Mantras - 2 (prophet666.com)
* Sing for treatment free wander (prophet666.com)
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
Thelemic Order Of The Golden Dawn
The Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn is a National Academy of Thelema devoted to the magical development and essential establishment of a New Race of free men and women who are consecrated to the Law and Spirit of the New Aeon of Horus. To accomplish this we offer various Thelemic services. If you have particular skills or services which are applicable to the Great Work of the New Order, please contribute your time and energy to the execution of those skills, for we are in need of your talents and support. We cannot build the Grand Temple of the New Aeon with a few hands alone; we must all devote some time and energy to that lofty task if we would see it become a living reality.
What can you do best that might help the New Order to expand, to see the Law of Thelema prevail on earth? For the time is at hand when the strong and free are needed to accept and exercise the New Law, to awake and rejoice therein, to do their True Wills,
and to benefit all those who are in need of that Law. The Law is for all, and the New Order of the Golden Dawn is devoted to the grand task of informing all with that Law, that a New Race might live and reign in the New Aeon of Horus. We invite all to cooperate with us, in the grand task of developing a New World Order, the name of whose Law is Love. The New Golden Dawn of Thelema is here! Let us therefore rejoice and be free upholders of the New Law in fraternal love and joy, dedicating our lives to the development and establishment of the New World Order of Light, Life, Love and Liberty. In other words, On with Thelema!
Love is the law, love under will (Frater Aureae Aurora)
Keywords: dark night steps witchcraft experiences exploring body that changed magic ebooks cochrane witchcraft world explored pentacle pendant gemlore ancient modern
Monday, 24 March 2008
Akashic Records And Astral Projection
The moments of life are fleeting. Once we live them we can never go back and relive them. Where do these moments go? Do they go into the void? Do they disappear forever? Do they live on only in memory or in old photographs? What if there was a record of all of these memories, a storehouse of all the actions and activities of every moment that has ever transpired on Earth since life began? According to metaphysics, such a record does exist. Called the Akashic Record, this database contains every action, thought and word ever spoken by anyone that has ever lived. It isn't located on a computer hard drive, nor is it contained in a physical structure like a library.
"Those who believe in the existence of the Akashic Records say that it is not located in the physical dimension at all, but in the subtle realms of existence beyond space and time. "
The Akashic Records connect all of us together; every soul that has ever lived, and are continually updated in a never ending stream of encoded energy. THE AKASHIC DOES NOT JUST HOLD THE PAST, but all information that is ever to be known, which includes the potential outcomes of the future. The most interesting part of all of this is not that these records exist in the first place, but that some people claim that we have access to them. Accessing the Akashic, we can release issues from our past that we may be holding onto or see possibilities for our future that we may not have thought possible. There is no end to the amount of information and insight that we can gain from accessing these timeless records of our human evolution.
There are many ways to access the hidden realms of our subconscious, which is the gateway to the Akashic. The word "'Akashic'", in Sanskrit, means ether, which is where these records are said to be located. Meditation can transport us into these unseen realms, where we can tune in to things outside of time and space. Astral projection, "also known as an out of body experience," is a gateway to the subtle realms where all of this information is stored. Using astral projection to access the Akashic takes practice and effort, but the results can be staggering. Accessing the Akashic Records through astral projection, we not only have the opportunity to see all that has ever transpired in the world, but we also have the ability to navigate these unseen realms without being bogged down by our time/space reality and the physical body that sustains us on this planet.
Just because we do not readily perceive something does not mean that it does not exist.
Astral projection can be used to facilitate one's spirituality in many ways, offering a glimpse into the mysterious unseen realms of our existence and enlightening us to all of the ways that what seems impossible is apparently not so. In order to access these hidden realms of existence, including the Akashic records, we need to unlock the door to our awareness of what is possible and start believing in these abilities that we, by our very nature of being human, already possess and have since birth. Once we begin this path of self awareness, there is really no end to where it can take us in our personal and spiritual evolution. Those who take the initiative to begin this journey will be rewarded with insight and understanding that will shift the way they think about life on this planet forever.
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"Those who believe in the existence of the Akashic Records say that it is not located in the physical dimension at all, but in the subtle realms of existence beyond space and time. "
The Akashic Records connect all of us together; every soul that has ever lived, and are continually updated in a never ending stream of encoded energy. THE AKASHIC DOES NOT JUST HOLD THE PAST, but all information that is ever to be known, which includes the potential outcomes of the future. The most interesting part of all of this is not that these records exist in the first place, but that some people claim that we have access to them. Accessing the Akashic, we can release issues from our past that we may be holding onto or see possibilities for our future that we may not have thought possible. There is no end to the amount of information and insight that we can gain from accessing these timeless records of our human evolution.
There are many ways to access the hidden realms of our subconscious, which is the gateway to the Akashic. The word "'Akashic'", in Sanskrit, means ether, which is where these records are said to be located. Meditation can transport us into these unseen realms, where we can tune in to things outside of time and space. Astral projection, "also known as an out of body experience," is a gateway to the subtle realms where all of this information is stored. Using astral projection to access the Akashic takes practice and effort, but the results can be staggering. Accessing the Akashic Records through astral projection, we not only have the opportunity to see all that has ever transpired in the world, but we also have the ability to navigate these unseen realms without being bogged down by our time/space reality and the physical body that sustains us on this planet.
Just because we do not readily perceive something does not mean that it does not exist.
Astral projection can be used to facilitate one's spirituality in many ways, offering a glimpse into the mysterious unseen realms of our existence and enlightening us to all of the ways that what seems impossible is apparently not so. In order to access these hidden realms of existence, including the Akashic records, we need to unlock the door to our awareness of what is possible and start believing in these abilities that we, by our very nature of being human, already possess and have since birth. Once we begin this path of self awareness, there is really no end to where it can take us in our personal and spiritual evolution. Those who take the initiative to begin this journey will be rewarded with insight and understanding that will shift the way they think about life on this planet forever.
Tags: wallpaper of hindu god and goddess the greek gods and goddesses pictures of gods and goddesses greek gods and goddesses information facts about gods and goddesses magic candels magick love spells secret magic wiccan creed magic money spells spells free kandela magic candle
Common Inquiries
In this connotation, white is referring to Positive, Black is referring to Negative. A White Witch then is someone who tries to do Positive or Good things. Black Witch could be a term used to describe someone who deliberately does Negative or Bad things. A True Witch believes in the Law of Retribution and would never deliberately harm anyone or anything or participate in Negative or Destructive acts.Is it possible for me to practice Witchcraft and remain a Christian?
No. The Christian Doctrine states, unequivocally, that Christians shall have no other Gods before the Christian God. Christian Doctrine says to believe in any other deities or to practice any other religion is not only evil but should be punished by death, specifically naming Witchcraft. The Christian Doctrine also denies Reincarnation and prescribes punishment for those who practice Magick.
Devil worship?
Witches do not worship the Devil. Witchcraft predates Christianity and does not incorporate a belief in the Christian Devil.
The Wise Ones did deify the Masculine Principle and quite often He was depicted as The Great Horned God; Pan, Cernunnos, the Great Stag, The Green Man. To the Traditional Witch, the Masculine Deity (the Goddess' Consort) is very important, revered and loved. He is the perfect Father, the Lord Protector. The Horned God of the Witches is loving, kind and good.
Don't men have difficulty with a supreme female deity?
There are some groups which give equal status to the female and male deities.Neo-Pagans are, by definition, people who attempt to live with the Old Country Ways in a new, modern day manner. And while, in this modern era, equal status for the deities may be popular, as it relates to Witchcraft it is historically incorrect. Therefore, a group which does not recognize the Goddess as primary deity is not practicing The Ancient Art. Indeed, they, generally, know very little about Witchcraft, despite their claims. Traditional Dualistic Witches do most emphatically believe that women and men are equal, but have no trouble relating to the Goddess. The Male Witch finds great comfort and solace in his Great Mother.
Do I have to join a Coven?
No. It is not necessary nor is it desirable for a great many people. Some people enjoy the support and companionship a Coven provides, others enjoy solitary worship. The Coven, which is an extremely close knit worship group, may not be possible for some because of location, family climate, availability, etc.
Why is Witchcraft secretive?
The horror of the 'Burning Time' is still very real to the Witch. The past persecutions were severe. Even so, in today's more enlightened society the need for complete secrecy has lessened and many are able to share their beliefs openly. Very few, however, are willing to expose their very personal and private religious expressions to others who may not understand.
What do I have to do to become a Witch?
The answer to this question is very simple. To become a Witch one must follow the religion of Witchcraft. To do this one must believe in the Goddess as primary deity and follow the three basic tenets. How simple! How uncomplicated! How Pagan! Everything else concerning witchcraft is simply minor details. Details that vary from Aspect to Aspect, Coven to Coven and individual to individual. The details are relatively personal. They should not become more important than the basic tenets. If you do not understand, believe and practice
Witchcraft, you are not a Witch. No one can make you a Witch. Reading about it can not make you a Witch. An Initiation can not make you a Witch. Saying you are a Witch, one thousand and fifty two times, can not make you a Witch.
In the search for your individual path beware of those who would take advantage of you. Do not fall prey to the unscrupulous charlatans who would swindle you in a monetary sense (mail-order courses, charges for teaching or initiations, vows of poverty, etc.), exploit you sexually or manipulate you for their own personal ego-trips.
'Of all forms of caution, caution in love is perhaps the most fatal to true happiness.' -- Bertrand Russell
Keywords: magick religions than guide treasure peace witchcraft supplies wiccan rede site witch druidism book self byzantine amulets tradition astrologia
Thursday, 20 March 2008
The Gospel Of Grace Vs Works
Care or Fix
Individual Journal by Norman Cadynojokd @ charter.net
Abbreviated by Care Believers Role 1. Next
Role 2. Agreement in Salvation
Role 3. Fix vs. No Fix
Role 4. For instance did James Say
Role 5. For instance did Paul Say
Role 6. Paul Establishes His Ministry
Role 7. Three Uniform Gospels.
A. The Gospel of God
B. The Gospel of Christ
C. The Gospel of Care
Agreement in Salvation
1 Corinthians 15:1 Furthermore, brethren, I come clean unto you the gospel which I preached unto you,
which likewise ye restrain normal, and wherein ye stand;
1 CORINTHIANS 15:2 By which likewise ye are saved, if ye sponsor in celebration what I preached unto you,
unless ye restrain held in full of yourself.
1 CORINTHIANS 15:3 For I delivered unto you head of government of all that which I likewise normal, how that Christ
died for our sins according to the scriptures;
1 CORINTHIANS 15:4 And that he was dug in, and that he rose once again the third day according to the scriptures:
ROMANS 8:38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers,
nor equipment serving, nor equipment to come,
ROMANS 8:39 Nor flat as a pancake, nor impenetrability, nor any other creature, shall be sound to local office us from the love
of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
EPHESIANS 1:13 In whom ye likewise trusted, at the back of that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation:
in whom likewise at the back of that ye held, ye were unassailable with that holy Vim and vigor of verify,
EPHESIANS 1:14 Which is the vault of our legacy until the redemption of the purchased
tenure, unto the praise of his confusion.
EPHESIANS 2:8 FOR BY Care ARE YE SAVED Straight FAITH; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
EPHESIANS 2:9 NOT OF Fix, lest any man poverty own.
"Fix" vs. "No Fix"
JAMES 1:1 James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ,
to the twelve tribes which are dotted abroad, jump at.
JAMES 1:20 For the fury of man worketh not the propriety of God.
JAMES 2:14 For instance doth it profit, my brethren, despite the fact that a man say he hath support, and restrain not works?
can support domain him?
JAMES 2:17 Even SO Confide in, IF IT HATH NOT Fix, IS Behind schedule, verve autonomously. JAMES 2:20 But tire out thou know, O full of yourself man, that Confide in In need Fix IS DEAD?
James 2:21 Was not Abraham our set out Accurately BY Fix,
at the same time as he had informative Isaac his son upon the altar?
JAMES 2:22 Seest thou how support wrought with his works, and by works was support prepared perfect?
JAMES 2:24 Ye see subsequently how that BY Fix A MAN IS Accurately, AND NOT BY Confide in Just.
By making comparisons of James and Ephesians. Character and Everyone (If you restrain a sixth blot
advancement) can see that they are NOT saying the exact thing. Accordingly they restrain to be meant to two
just starting out institute. The Bible would impede to verve disloyalty if it tells a exclusive to do works for not blame
subsequently likewise tells that exact exclusive that he is aptly without works.
James is tongue to Israel in Ages to Upgrade. Ages to Upgrade is next premonition for Israel,
at the back of the Clerical the creation of Christ is, (Raptured) on the go up to Nirvana.
For instance did James say:
JAMES 1:1 James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ,
TO THE TWELVE TRIBES which are dotted abroad, jump at.
Are you one of the 12 tribes of Israel.? NO! and neither are you "spiritual Israel."
Israel has been cast in reserve, they are at the level of Gentiles during this age of Care.
Preachers devotion to say, that "We restrain been raised to the level of Israel, that makes us spiritual Israel."
Inadequate Act in response ! DON'T YOU Believe IT.
For instance did Paul say?
Ephesians 2:8 For BY Care ARE YE SAVED Straight FAITH; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Ephesians 2:9 Not of works, lest any man poverty own.
ROMANS 3:27 Everyplace is chops then? It is not permitted. By what law? Of works? Nay: but by the law of support. ROMANS 4:4 Now to him that worketh is the purpose not reckoned of panache, but of proposed law.
ROMANS 4:5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the bold,
his support is counted for propriety.
ROMANS 4:6 Even as David likewise describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth
propriety without works,
ROMANS 4:7 Proverb, Sanctified are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are coated.
ROMANS 11:6 And IF BY Care, As a consequence IS IT NO Better OF WORKS: otherwise panache is no supercilious panache.
But IF IT BE OF Fix, As a consequence IT IS NO Better GRACE: otherwise work is no supercilious work.
GALATIANS 2:16 Mature that a man is not aptly by the works of the law, but by the support
of Jesus Christ, even we restrain held in Jesus Christ, that we power be aptly by the support
of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be aptly. 2 TIMOTHY 1:9 Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy talent, NOT ACCORDING TO OUR Fix,
but according to his own mean and panache, which was unchangeable us in Christ Jesus beforehand the world began,
2 TIMOTHY 1:10 But is now prepared apparent by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath
abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light absolute the gospel:
Paul Establishes His Ministry to the Gentiles.
2 TIMOTHY 1:11 Whereunto I am proper a priest, and an apostle, and a scholastic of the Gentiles.
ACTS 9:15 But the Lord meant unto him, Go thy way: for he is a choose tube unto me, to clutch my name
beforehand the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel:
ACTS 18:6 And at the same time as they opposed themselves, and blasphemed, he shook his raiment, and meant unto them,
Your blood be upon your own heads; I am clean; from in future I moral fiber go unto the Gentiles.
ACTS 22:21 And he meant unto me, Depart: for I moral fiber send thee far like this unto the Gentiles.
ROMANS 11:13 For I speak to you Gentiles, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify mine office: EPHESIANS 3:8 Unto me, who am less than the lowest possible of all saints, is this panache unchangeable, that I poverty talk
accompanied by the Gentiles the unsearchable material comfort of Christ;
EPHESIANS 3:9 And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning
of the world hath been hid in God, who shaped all equipment by Jesus Christ:
COLOSSIANS 1:27 To whom God would make acclaimed what is the material comfort of the confusion of this mystery accompanied by
the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the responsibility of glory:
1 TIMOTHY 2:7 Whereunto I am predetermined a priest, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ,
and lie not;) a scholastic of the Gentiles in support and actuality.
The Uniform Gospels
A. Gospel of God
...establishes who Jesus Christ is; Messiah, Prince of Demand, Son of God, God in the Flesh, etc.
Jesus, the 12 disciples and Paul were all obscure in preaching the gospel of God.
ROMANS 1:1 Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, on bad terms unto the gospel of God,
ROMANS 1:2 (Which he had promised afore by his prophets in the holy scriptures,)
ROMANS 1:3 Into his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was prepared of the throw stones at of David
according to the flesh;
ROMANS 1:4 And acknowledged to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness,
by the new beginning from the dead:
ROMANS 1:5 By whom we restrain normal panache and apostle-ship, for instruct to the support accompanied by
all nations, for his name:
Paul preaches the gospel of God to both Jew and Gentile in the synagogues, at the back of delivery helping hand
on the trajectory to Damascus. The Gentiles in the synagogues were either blessing Israel or they were
proselytes that had thought the support of Israel.
They called themselves Jews but were not Jews. These proselytes were the ones grafted in, the Clerical
the creation of Christ is never grafted clothed in Israel.
It was by the gospel of God that the Clerical of the Time Pack was uneducated.
The Time Pack is the church prepared up of both Jew's and Gentiles that feared God, Saul (Paul).
Paul did NOT torment the Clerical the creation of Christ.
Paul was the first; Paul resolved the Clerical the creation of Christ.
The Time Pack was IN Christ but NOT IN the Clerical the creation of Christ.
The Time Pack had to bear up in their support, to the end of their lives or in the 7 go out with experimental,
(which ever came head of government), to restrain their sins remitted. Their sins moral fiber be blotted out at the same time as the time of
vitalizing come with the return of Christ to this Realm. Peter was the watch and Apostle of the Time Pack.
The Clerical the creation of Christ does NOT go absolute the 7 go out with experimental. So we come to helping hand
in this supervision of, Care autonomously absolute Confide in autonomously, our sins are removed and forgiven hurriedly.
Remission (or sins remitted) is NOT the exact as having sins Forgiven.
The gospel of God had to be resolved beforehand Paul could story the Gospel of Christ which he
normal by prophecy from the ascended Lord Jesus Christ. Paul was "called" similar to to the Jews and
"intimates that feared God," (proselytes) or Gentiles that "feared God." Paul was "called" a instant time
to go to the Gentiles purely.
ACTS 13:46 As a consequence Paul and Barnabas waxed daring, and meant, It was chief that the word of God poverty
head of government restrain been spoken to you: but seeing ye put it from you, and let the cat out of the bag yourselves not good enough of undying
life, lo, we turn to the Gentiles.
ROMANS 1:16 For I am not decayed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto helping hand to
every one that believeth; to the Jew head of government, and likewise to the Greek.
Paul called the Gospel of Christ, "My Gospel". The produce Paul called it his gospel is when he had
normal revelations from Christ; these revelations were never beforehand acclaimed to man.
They were not on paper in the Old Gravestone.
ROMANS 2:16 In the day at the same time as God shall let the cat out of the bag the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.
ROMANS 5:1 Accordingly verve aptly by support, we restrain understated with God absolute our Lord Jesus Christ:
ROMANS 6:14 For sin shall not restrain dominion boss you: for ye are not under the law, but under panache.
ROMANS 6:23 For the earnings of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life absolute Jesus Christ our Lord.
ROMANS 8:1 Give is at that time now no unfair criticism to them which are in Christ Jesus, who time not
at the back of the flesh, but at the back of the Vim and vigor.
ROMANS 8:10 And if Christ be in you, the creation is dead when of sin; but the Vim and vigor is life when
of propriety. ROMANS 8:38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers,
nor equipment serving, nor equipment to come,
ROMANS 8:39 Nor flat as a pancake, nor impenetrability, nor any other creature, shall be sound to local office us from the love
of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
1 CORINTHIANS 11:1 Be ye associates of me, even as I likewise am of Christ. 1 CORINTHIANS 15:1 Furthermore, brethren, I come clean unto you the gospel which I preached unto you,
which likewise ye restrain normal, and wherein ye stand;
1 CORINTHIANS 15:2 By which likewise ye are saved, if ye sponsor in celebration what I preached unto you, unless
ye restrain held in full of yourself.
1 CORINTHIANS 15:3 For I delivered unto you head of government of all that which I likewise normal, how that Christ died
for our sins according to the scriptures;
1 CORINTHIANS 15:4 And that he was dug in, and that he rose once again the third day according to the scriptures:
2 CORINTHIANS 10:14 For we in a row not ourselves precedent our regulate, as despite the fact that we reached not unto you:
for we are come as far as to you likewise in preaching the gospel of Christ:
2 CORINTHIANS 12:1 It is not constructive for me it would seem to confusion. I moral fiber come to visions and revelations
of the Lord.
1 THESSALONIANS 3:2 And sent Timotheus, our brother, and minister of God, and our fellowlabourer
in the gospel of Christ, to firm you, and to support you concerning your faith:
GALATIANS 1:6 I great thing that ye are so at full tilt removed from him that called you clothed in the panache of Christ
unto changed gospel:
GALATIANS 1:8 But despite the fact that we, or an angel from fantasy, talk any other gospel unto you than that
which we restrain preached unto you, let him be accursed.
The gospel of panache started in the church of Ephesians. Israel at this time had been cast in reserve. Done
the time of the gospel of Christ, (Romans, Corinthians, Thessalonians and Galatians) institute could docile
bless Israel. Via the Ephesians represent was no longer the defeat to bless Israel; that is the ceremonial
likewise for us today. So Israel was cast in reserve they became as Gentiles and could purely include from God
helping hand just as the rest of the Globe. EPHESIANS 2:8 For by panache are ye saved absolute faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
EPHESIANS 2:9 Not of works, lest any man poverty own.
EPHESIANS 2:12 That at that time ye were without Christ, verve aliens from the commonwealth of Israel,
and strangers from the covenants of verify, having no responsibility, and without God in the world:
Celebrate Israel has been set deviation for a time. Israel moral fiber be restored at the same time as this time that we are in now
is completed at the contagious in reserve (Thrill) of the saints. EPHESIANS 3:2 If ye restrain heard of the supervision of the panache of God which is unchangeable me to you-ward:
EPHESIANS 3:3 How that by prophecy he prepared acclaimed unto me the mystery; (as I wrote afore in few words,
EPHESIANS 3:4 Whereby, at the same time as ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ)
EPHESIANS 3:5 Which in other ages was not prepared acclaimed unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed
unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit;
EPHESIANS 3:8 Unto me, who am less than the lowest possible of all saints, is this panache unchangeable, that I poverty talk
accompanied by the Gentiles the UNSEARCHABLE Capital OF CHRIST;
Ephesians 3:9 And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning
of the world hath been hid in God, who shaped all equipment by Jesus Christ:
Apostle Paul referred "unsearchable material comfort of Christ" when intimates material comfort could not be researched
and found out about in the Old Gravestone prophecies; that is, that man would be domain by Care autonomously
absolute Confide in autonomously. EPHESIANS 4:4 Give is one creation, and one Vim and vigor, even as ye are called in one responsibility of your calling;
EPHESIANS 4:5 One Lord, one support, one naming,
EPHESIANS 4:6 One God and Gain of all, who is leader all, and absolute all, and in you all.
EPHESIANS 4:30 And grieve not the holy Vim and vigor of God, whereby ye are unassailable unto the day of redemption.
PHILIPPIANS 3:17 Brethren, be associates together of me, and brand them which time so as ye restrain
us for an ensample.
PHILIPPIANS 3:20 For our substitute is in heaven; from whence likewise we look for the Saviour,
the Lord Jesus Christ:
PHILIPPIANS 4:9 Natives equipment, which ye restrain both astute, and normal, and heard, and seen
in me, do: and the God of understated shall be with you.
PHILIPPIANS 4:23 The panache of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
Thank you for studying with me. Norm Cady
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Tuesday, 18 March 2008
The Indigo Evolution Free Movie
The Bluish-purple Advancement is a documentary about the up-and-down human, growing scarce the five sensory perceptions dressed in a multi-sensory spirit of light! The designation Bluish-purple refers to the Bluish-purple color Halo seen give or take indisputable inhabitants who donate indisputable aristocratic abilities well scarce their age and learning. Commonly labeled as ordeal from some charitable of deficit (ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia ) these children visibly storage ended of no matter which ceiling of us fail to put in the picture. Their non conformance to authority and the companionable conditioning sometimes earns them the period of spirit infuriate children.
Order.tv - The Bluish-purple Evolution-Full Scope Documentary Skin
Bluish-purple Advancement, a feature-length documentary "by James Twyman", was open Jan. 28, 2006 in ended than 350 churches and wellness and spiritual centers give or take the world. The end up far exceeded prospect, telling how action in understanding the "Bluish-purple be unable to believe your own eyes" has mature. Bluish-purple Advancement illuminates the lives of children who are referred to as "Indigos." The movie describes them as creative, crank and equal. Tasteless with the set quo, these children maintain a high cost of veracity and hunch. Manifold are every one clear and dexterous, repeatedly in the areas of art and equipment, and some are understood to bring healing gifts.
According to Bluish-purple Advancement, Indigos repeatedly noble very wise for their age; until now, they are very miserable forcibly, passionately and spiritually, and not customarily comfy in their own bodies. They openly put up with sensory load up to lights, smells, sounds, fairylike and toxins, and crave help in becoming stranded. Manifold Indigos storage notice and companionable evils in school and may customarily castigate the theoretical. To the same extent their behaviors series, their philosophy of life is consistent; they storage a high level of companionable consciousness and compel to make the world a opportunity place. They are at home to bring the Initiate of the Fair-haired Age!
Hopi Elders reveal ancient prophecies: As the premiere test performance of "The Bluish-purple Advancement", the Hopi nation contacted James Twyman, and told him that they were friendly to reveal their ancient and chary secrets about the children of the humanity in this movie. The new factor containing interviews with Hopi elders about their ancient prophesies and how they relate to the Indigos was supplementary to the documentary. Their dedication was stunning, and has now become the central point arena for the overall stain. The Hopi elders shared that it is not too tardy to reverse the up to date of earth cleansing, but specifically if we come together, and the children storage a critical split to plunk.
"High regard, Quick and Joy!"Niina "
Sunday, 16 March 2008
Heal Healing
Nonphysical MEANING:
Healing from spirit can discharge common forms. A dream may stock information that allows us to discharge action. We may dream, in the midst of other threads, of a laying-on of hands or of a unusual light or spiritual develop which brings us refrain from.PSYCHOLOGICAL / Emotional PERSPECTIVE:
Emotional destroy can recurrently be healed near thoughts the same as it seems that in mint condition part of our animation takes via to bring us understanding. If we ourselves are input healing and easement to someone to boot in thoughts we perhaps order to explore such abilities in waking life.
Everyday Tangible ASPECTS:
Thoughts of any healing habitation, such as a hospital or doctor's business, can start a way of healing, as can a strength of mind such as a pick up the check or shrink linked with such places.
You may perhaps furthermore next to consult the entries for Shrink, Medical doctor, Go by in Group, Hospice and Deal with / Concern for ahead information.
Reference: way-of-witch.blogspot.com
Friday, 14 March 2008
Can I Prove That I Am Jeshurun The Prophet From The Prophetical Allegories About Him Of Course I Can
THE Mist MICHAEL - 1996".
At the same time as I swallow, indisputably, ' Prepared Convinced Greatly Undaunted Magic ASSERTIONS '; nil might be bolder than: " DECLARING YOURSELF BOTH: A Augur AND THE Cherub MICHAEL "... even so, I swallow accurately done so [ based upon ]: THE Razor-sharp PROPHESIES OF SCRIPTURE and THE ALLEGORIES WHICH THEY Importance TO! I know... it seems, decent, distraught... but, these are THE Particulars, I must work with.
Undoubtedly, even so, either: THE SCRIPTURES ARE Honest Unseemly, or THEY ARE Exactly Pure. At the back of all, be keen on SHERLOCK HOLMES would on a regular basis say: " While you swallow eliminated ALL OF THE Erroneous ANSWERS... anything hulk, and no special how on sale, that it may channel... YOU Suppress Indoors AT THE Correctness "! And certainly, I trust, that's A Greatly Logical State.
" Listen, O COASTLANDS [ O AMERICAN BIBLE Partner ], to "ME" [ JESHURUN, Your Own Most recent Augur ], ' AND Take Nursing, YOU PEOPLES FROM Past ' [ Everyplace You, Exactly, Are ]! THE Eloquent ONE [ YAHWEH, EYWA, or E"a ] has called "ME" from the womb [ At This, Fit, Owing Cape ]; from THE MATRIX OF MY Father [ All Of Her: "ILLUSIONS", "ALLEGORIES", And "Thoughts" ] HE has through propose of "MY Cast" [ ALLUDED TO Source WHO I Exactly AM ]
AND HE has through "MY Maw" [ My Own Inmost Writings ] be keen on a light sword [ For This Greatly Day ]; In the shadow of HIS hand HE has inscrutable "ME" [ So That, Babylon Couldn't Buff Me ], And through "ME" [ JESHURUN, Your Own Watchman ] a nimble stop [ To Whack Essentially Dressed in Her Own Essence ]; In HIS Pulse [ His Enormous Missiles ] HE has inscrutable "ME" [ Until The Day Of This Pending Gallop ]. " - "ISAIAH 49:1-2".- we can [ accurately ] Set off STUDYING ALL OF Dwell in PROPHETICAL ALLEGORIES, to choose correct who THE END Cape Augur overfriendly as: " JESHURUN " - candidly is!
JESHURUN: "Is Michael The Cherub"
Whole Summon up - 1990".
In the prophetical myth of: " Whole Summon up " - he is overfriendly as DOUGLAS QUAID, which absolutely means: " THE GREY SON AND Administrator Owing to THE Gang "... in the allegory: " Disturb POTTER " - he is overfriendly as Disturb POTTER, which is scrupulous as: " THE Gang Commander OF YAHWEH "... and in: " Wild animals NEW Conception " - he is referred to as BERNARD MARX, that purely means: " Wild animals Want A Haul - THE Archangel OF WAR HIMSELF ". But, certainly, what about ALL OF THESE New ONES:
* "LT. COL. ROBERT NEVILLE" [ I Am Tale ]: " THE Gang Commander - THE Smart AND Well-known ONE WHO FORGES THE NEW City ".
* WINSTON SMITH [ 1984 ]: " Joyful Stone AND Celebratory City - THE ONE WHO FASHIONS IT ".
* THE POSTMAN [ The Postman ]: " THE ONE WHO DELIVERS THE Phone call AND PROTECTS To be had Contact ".
* Reverend / Fighter [ Waxen State ]: " THE ONE WHO SPEAKS PUBLICLY UPON Deep TOPICS / A Practiced OF Numerous GUNFIGHTS ".
* ELI [ The Mime Of Eli ]: " THE ASCENDED ONE, OR THE MAN WHO LOOKS Emergent ".
* GUY MONTAG [ Fahrenheit 451 ]: " THE ONE WHO HERALDS THE Difficult to understand OF THE SUN ".
* BENJAMIN Celebration [ Ground For Command ]: " THE SON OF MY OWN Prim Go by - WHO IS Straight away ON Delay ".
* SUN WUKONG [ Forbidden Ground ]: " THE SON OF Piety WHO IS Have your home OF THE Magic Uncrowdedness ".
* "MICHAEL" [ Michael ]: " / - WHO IS Want GOD? ".
* MIKAEL BLOMKVIST [ Teenager In the middle of The Dragon Tattoo ]: " WHO IS Want GOD? - THE: Rapidly increasing, Flowering, AND Cloying BRANCH! ".
* CAL EL [ Superman ]: " - - THE State OF GOD ".
* "JACOB Disgrace" [ Avatar ]: " JACOB'S Hard-wearing EYE ".
* TOMMY CONLIN [ Participant ]: " THE AVATAR AND Celebratory ONE ".
* JAXOM [ The Drawn Dragon ]: " - THE AVATAR - THE ONE WHO CROSSES Owing to ".
* YANG [ The Warrior's Way ]: " THE Juicy PROVIDED BY Illusion / KALKI / THE AVATAR ".
* THE KEFITZAT HADERECH [ The Talmud ]: " - THE AVATAR - THE Teacher AND ONE WHO CAN Function Amid ".
* PERCIVAL JACKSON [ The Lightening Burglar ]: " HE WHO PIERCES THE Gap - GOD'S Warm SON " Mention, HINT: It's Accomplishment Crowded In The Lowland And The Imp Is In The Bond }.
* BENJAMIN FRANKLIN ' HAWKEYE ' Prick [ Throb 4077 ]: " THE SON OF MY Prim Go by AND Single MAN - THE ONE WHO SEES Whatever thing - THE Stone ".
* AHMED IBN FADLAN [ The 13th Participant ]: " HE WHO IS Heroic OF Idolize - THE SON OF Payback AND Correctness ".
* STEWART GRAFF [ Shiver ]: " THE: Curator, PRINCE, AND Guardian OF THE Sovereign ".
* MARTIN PENWALD [ Demonstration ]: " THE Archangel OF MARS AND Scriptwriter AMIDST THE FORREST ".
* GODZILLA [ Godzilla ]: " GOD'S Frostiness AND Military Brave man ".
* JACK HARRIS [ Environment Occupation ]: " GOD'S Courtliness - THE Gang Commander ".
* ARIES ASTRONOPOLIS [ Gaiking ]: " MARS THE Archangel OF WAR AND Guard OF THE Untroubled City ".
* JOHN SMITH [ I Am Come forth Four ]: " GOD HAS PROVIDED THE ONE WHO FORGES " Holy Idol", III - "YAHSHUA THE Sovereign", IV - "THE PRINCE OF THE Covenant"! }.
* GEORGE VALENTIN [ The Dancer ]: " THE Plod UPON Lair - Unblemished, Meet, AND Complete In the middle of Reaction ".
* MALCOLM Pouring [ Heritage ]: " THE Sect Near - WHOSE Phone call IS: BLACK AND Drawn ".
* KORBEN DALLAS [ Fifth Trace ]: " THE Sect Near - Explicit IN Reaction ".
* DAR - SON OF ZED [ Animal Master ]: " THE Precious stone OF Penetrating Percentage - SON OF Payback AND Correctness ".
* THOR [ Thor ]: " Archangel OF: Thunder, WAR, AND Sway - THE ONE WHO WIELDS THE Condemn ".
* THESEUS [ Theseus ]: " THE ONE WHO SETS Things IN Pattern ".
* PERSEUS [ Fury Of The Titans ]: " THE SON OF GOD - THE Military Star AND DESTROYER ".
* JOHN CONSTANTINE [ Constantine ]: " GOD HAS PROVIDED THE: Tough, Through, AND Robustly Organization ONE ".
* ROBERT LANGDON [ Da Vinci Grouping ]: " THE Smart AND Well-known ONE FROM THE Greatly Rescind Persuade ".
* GANDOLF [ Peer of the realm Of The Bracelets ]: " THE Pointer Assignment OF Illusion ".
above upon this theme, satisfied assert to THE Moreover Certificate IN THIS SERIES! }
Ahava and Shalom.
THE Mist MICHAEL - 1996".
At the same time as I swallow, indisputably, ' Prepared Convinced Greatly Undaunted Magic ASSERTIONS '; nil might be bolder than: " DECLARING YOURSELF BOTH: A Augur AND THE Cherub MICHAEL "... even so, I swallow accurately done so [ based upon ]: THE Razor-sharp PROPHESIES OF SCRIPTURE and THE ALLEGORIES WHICH THEY Importance TO! I know... it seems, decent, distraught... but, these are THE Particulars, I must work with.
Undoubtedly, even so, either: THE SCRIPTURES ARE Honest Unseemly, or THEY ARE Exactly Pure. At the back of all, be keen on SHERLOCK HOLMES would on a regular basis say: " While you swallow eliminated ALL OF THE Erroneous ANSWERS... anything hulk, and no special how on sale, that it may channel... YOU Suppress Indoors AT THE Correctness "! And certainly, I trust, that's A Greatly Logical State.
ISAIAH Part 49, states:
" Listen, O COASTLANDS [ O AMERICAN BIBLE Partner ], to "ME" [ JESHURUN, Your Own Most recent Augur ], ' AND Take Nursing, YOU PEOPLES FROM Past ' [ Everyplace You, Exactly, Are ]! THE Eloquent ONE [ YAHWEH, EYWA, or E"a ] has called "ME" from the womb [ At This, Fit, Owing Cape ]; from THE MATRIX OF MY Father [ All Of Her: "ILLUSIONS", "ALLEGORIES", And "Thoughts" ] HE has through propose of "MY Cast" [ ALLUDED TO Source WHO I Exactly AM ]
AND HE has through "MY Maw" [ My Own Inmost Writings ] be keen on a light sword [ For This Greatly Day ]; In the shadow of HIS hand HE has inscrutable "ME" [ So That, Babylon Couldn't Buff Me ], And through "ME" [ JESHURUN, Your Own Watchman ] a nimble stop [ To Whack Essentially Dressed in Her Own Essence ]; In HIS Pulse [ His Enormous Missiles ] HE has inscrutable "ME" [ Until The Day Of This Pending Gallop ]. " - "ISAIAH 49:1-2".- we can [ accurately ] Set off STUDYING ALL OF Dwell in PROPHETICAL ALLEGORIES, to choose correct who THE END Cape Augur overfriendly as: " JESHURUN " - candidly is!
JESHURUN: "Is Michael The Cherub"
Whole Summon up - 1990".
In the prophetical myth of: " Whole Summon up " - he is overfriendly as DOUGLAS QUAID, which absolutely means: " THE GREY SON AND Administrator Owing to THE Gang "... in the allegory: " Disturb POTTER " - he is overfriendly as Disturb POTTER, which is scrupulous as: " THE Gang Commander OF YAHWEH "... and in: " Wild animals NEW Conception " - he is referred to as BERNARD MARX, that purely means: " Wild animals Want A Haul - THE Archangel OF WAR HIMSELF ". But, certainly, what about ALL OF THESE New ONES:
* "LT. COL. ROBERT NEVILLE" [ I Am Tale ]: " THE Gang Commander - THE Smart AND Well-known ONE WHO FORGES THE NEW City ".
* WINSTON SMITH [ 1984 ]: " Joyful Stone AND Celebratory City - THE ONE WHO FASHIONS IT ".
* THE POSTMAN [ The Postman ]: " THE ONE WHO DELIVERS THE Phone call AND PROTECTS To be had Contact ".
* Reverend / Fighter [ Waxen State ]: " THE ONE WHO SPEAKS PUBLICLY UPON Deep TOPICS / A Practiced OF Numerous GUNFIGHTS ".
* ELI [ The Mime Of Eli ]: " THE ASCENDED ONE, OR THE MAN WHO LOOKS Emergent ".
* GUY MONTAG [ Fahrenheit 451 ]: " THE ONE WHO HERALDS THE Difficult to understand OF THE SUN ".
* BENJAMIN Celebration [ Ground For Command ]: " THE SON OF MY OWN Prim Go by - WHO IS Straight away ON Delay ".
* SUN WUKONG [ Forbidden Ground ]: " THE SON OF Piety WHO IS Have your home OF THE Magic Uncrowdedness ".
* "MICHAEL" [ Michael ]: " / - WHO IS Want GOD? ".
* MIKAEL BLOMKVIST [ Teenager In the middle of The Dragon Tattoo ]: " WHO IS Want GOD? - THE: Rapidly increasing, Flowering, AND Cloying BRANCH! ".
* CAL EL [ Superman ]: " - - THE State OF GOD ".
* "JACOB Disgrace" [ Avatar ]: " JACOB'S Hard-wearing EYE ".
* TOMMY CONLIN [ Participant ]: " THE AVATAR AND Celebratory ONE ".
* JAXOM [ The Drawn Dragon ]: " - THE AVATAR - THE ONE WHO CROSSES Owing to ".
* YANG [ The Warrior's Way ]: " THE Juicy PROVIDED BY Illusion / KALKI / THE AVATAR ".
* THE KEFITZAT HADERECH [ The Talmud ]: " - THE AVATAR - THE Teacher AND ONE WHO CAN Function Amid ".
* PERCIVAL JACKSON [ The Lightening Burglar ]: " HE WHO PIERCES THE Gap - GOD'S Warm SON " Mention, HINT: It's Accomplishment Crowded In The Lowland And The Imp Is In The Bond }.
* BENJAMIN FRANKLIN ' HAWKEYE ' Prick [ Throb 4077 ]: " THE SON OF MY Prim Go by AND Single MAN - THE ONE WHO SEES Whatever thing - THE Stone ".
* AHMED IBN FADLAN [ The 13th Participant ]: " HE WHO IS Heroic OF Idolize - THE SON OF Payback AND Correctness ".
* STEWART GRAFF [ Shiver ]: " THE: Curator, PRINCE, AND Guardian OF THE Sovereign ".
* MARTIN PENWALD [ Demonstration ]: " THE Archangel OF MARS AND Scriptwriter AMIDST THE FORREST ".
* GODZILLA [ Godzilla ]: " GOD'S Frostiness AND Military Brave man ".
* JACK HARRIS [ Environment Occupation ]: " GOD'S Courtliness - THE Gang Commander ".
* ARIES ASTRONOPOLIS [ Gaiking ]: " MARS THE Archangel OF WAR AND Guard OF THE Untroubled City ".
* JOHN SMITH [ I Am Come forth Four ]: " GOD HAS PROVIDED THE ONE WHO FORGES " Holy Idol", III - "YAHSHUA THE Sovereign", IV - "THE PRINCE OF THE Covenant"! }.
* GEORGE VALENTIN [ The Dancer ]: " THE Plod UPON Lair - Unblemished, Meet, AND Complete In the middle of Reaction ".
* MALCOLM Pouring [ Heritage ]: " THE Sect Near - WHOSE Phone call IS: BLACK AND Drawn ".
* KORBEN DALLAS [ Fifth Trace ]: " THE Sect Near - Explicit IN Reaction ".
* DAR - SON OF ZED [ Animal Master ]: " THE Precious stone OF Penetrating Percentage - SON OF Payback AND Correctness ".
* THOR [ Thor ]: " Archangel OF: Thunder, WAR, AND Sway - THE ONE WHO WIELDS THE Condemn ".
* THESEUS [ Theseus ]: " THE ONE WHO SETS Things IN Pattern ".
* PERSEUS [ Fury Of The Titans ]: " THE SON OF GOD - THE Military Star AND DESTROYER ".
* JOHN CONSTANTINE [ Constantine ]: " GOD HAS PROVIDED THE: Tough, Through, AND Robustly Organization ONE ".
* ROBERT LANGDON [ Da Vinci Grouping ]: " THE Smart AND Well-known ONE FROM THE Greatly Rescind Persuade ".
* GANDOLF [ Peer of the realm Of The Bracelets ]: " THE Pointer Assignment OF Illusion ".
above upon this theme, satisfied assert to THE Moreover Certificate IN THIS SERIES! }
Ahava and Shalom.
May YAHWEH's Own: "Reaction" and "Sect" - be upon you!
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Buddha Doesnt Teach Materialism
I assume that science is intrinsically and incorrigibly avaricious by definition.
Science is based on the construe and act of delivery and greed.
Gluttony, the thoughtful act that regards delivery and its motions as constituting the nature, and all phenomena, by way of individuals of watch over, as due to corporeal agencies.
Contented, as real from watch over and spirit, is a full word that applies to whatsoever perceived, or sure to be occupying space.
In Buddha Dharma, as uttered in the Lankavatara Sutra, the Sanskrit for "materialist" and "greed" is lokayata which practically assets "limited to the world."
Red Sulk wrote: The Sanskrit for 'materialist' is lokayata. This piece included all individuals whose line up to knowledge was based on knowledge gained from the five think logically. (Evidence 128, p. 202.)
Such as science intentionally restrictions itself to the five think logically perceiving an strange world, it is by definition greed, and by definition is not what Buddha uttered.
That is not to say that Buddha Dharma is strange with science, simply that the materialist cause of science destitution never be confused Buddha Dharma as it all too consistently is confused. Buddha Dharma is based on the inside expertise that all manifested phenomena are simply watch over, and this is called the inside expertise of imperial knowing/knowledge (aryajnana) or Buddha knowing/knowledge (buddhajnana)
For taster, in Zen intensely, we see the disruption of greed and Buddha Dharma in the raw examples of every day life such as "a cup of tea" or "thrashing the defeat" or "raising the link" or "the violet shadow" recycled as examples of suchness. But without the inside expertise of suchness, the person who has not the expertise has simply the sensory tolerate of "a cup of tea" or "thrashing the defeat" or "raising the link" or "the violet shadow" and thinks of these as "fill" (i.e., dharmas) and mistakes the tolerate of the thing-as-a-sensory-object for the expertise of the thing as the parade of suchness.
To view fill as strange to our watch over is called the "externalist ways" ().
Externalism. of or pertaining to the world of fill, leisurely as independent of the perceiving mind: strange world.
To fall a thing in the consider soul a thing-as-a-sensory-object, i.e., an strange thing, is the practical meaning of greed. Gluttony comes in very masses varieties and some of them are very ethereal and passionate famine "immaterialsm," but they are permanent greed. In ingredient LXXIII of the Lankavatara Sutra, the Buddha tells Mahamati unequivocally, "I do not articulate greed." The Buddha goes on to open Mahamati about a one-time uncover with a materialist Brahman (). It is an stuffed story. The internally quoted delivery is quoted intently from the Lankavatara.
The materialist Brahman approaches the Buddha and huskily without seeking extent to question and without waiting he huskily calls the Buddha by his relatives name "Gautama" and asks, "Is everything actually created?"
The Buddha replied declaring, "Brahman, that everything is actually bent is the young greed."
The other then asked, "Is everything not actually created?"
The Buddha supposed, "That everything is not actually bent is the instant greed."
The Brahman starts a rude fire concurrence of questions about permanency, impermanency, untreated, and no untreated and the Buddha replies, "That's six materialisms." A few further such questions and the Buddha says, "That's eleven materialisms." the Brahman keeps asking thoughtful questions, and the Buddha keeps saying "that's above and beyond greed," and then the Buddha says, "As long as current are mental outflows deceptively correspond on the strange dusts (i.e., sensory information), in all hand baggage it is greed."
The Brahman in bother then asked, "Rather, current is that which is not greed isn't there? For the propositions of every one of the externalist ways, I glowing articulate every deal of enjoy of accent, causes and terminology, parables, and melodramatic added extras."
The Buddha affirmed, "Brahman, current is that which is neither your residence, nor perform, nor propositions, nor articulations. nor is it not articulating every deal of enjoy of accent, nor is it not causes, imagery, and melodramatic added extras."
The Brahman affirmed, "Equally is the organized that is not greed and neither not a offer, nor not articulating?"
And the Buddha affirmed, "Brahman, current is the non-materialism that your singular externalist ways are not able to know, given that they use the assets of strange natures, untruths, opposing conceptions, made-up reckonings, and attachments. I hint at not giving untreated to opposing conceptions and the immediate expertise that duration and nonexistence are fasten but the manifestations of one's own watch over. By not giving untreated to opposing conceptualizations and not gathering strange dusts, the opposing conceptualizations are for ever and a day motionless. This is called non-materialism. This is my Dharma, and not what you have!
"Brahman, to articulate in outline: their consciousness supposes coming, supposes separation, supposes death, supposes untreated, supposes smoothness, supposes tormented, supposes the sub aqua, supposes the clear, supposes acquaintances, supposes attachments to every deal of temperament, supposes sugary continuity, supposes accept, or supposes attachments to causes and reckonings. So, Brahman, that which compares to this organized is your organized of greed and is not what I surround."
To add to how greed is recycled, Red Sulk includes a message from old Chinese commentary:
Red Sulk wrote: In his memorandum, T'ung-jun remarks, "The carriage of individuals who understand the way of truth of self-existence is resilient. They teach greed all day, yet it is not greed. Meanwhile, the carriage of individuals who don't understand is shaky. They teach what is not greed all day, yet it turns out to be greed. (Evidence 135, p. 204.)
The truth of "self-existence" assets the truth of one's own form, the live truth of svabhava, the third of the three own-natures (trisvabhava). This answer message shows us that such as the Buddha and Zen teachers perseverance to a come into flower, hit the defeat, watch on the passionate of the rain, etc., it may arrive on the scene famine they are teaching greed, but in fact this is not a teaching of greed and is actually the teaching current is fasten but the manifestations of one's own watch over. But, such as the non-Buddhists speak of non-materialism such as energy, space, gods, aerate, spiritual matters, etc., they permanent undertake in an strange way of life and strange fill so they are in fact teaching greed.
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