Should they have a cloth cooldowns in the next expansion, 2 tailors will give you a significant head start on making items that use those specialty cloths.
I'm not sure there is a benefit to having a second tailor over having a character with a useful tradeskill you don't have, though. If you don't want two tailors, consider having your priest go Inscription (since you already have an herbalist) or Jewelcrafting if you can find a way to level and support that. I appreciate the input guys. The only reason I was considering herbalism is for convenience. I hate juggling farming duties. I have an 80 lock that is 450 in mining, so JC'ing isn't out of the realm of possibility. But it all comes down to convenience for me. Oh well, I'll have to ponder upon this LOL The more diversified you can become with your professions, the easier it will be to equip your several players and the more lucrative it will be be with fluctuations in the AH economy. The ability to create sought after items far outweighs the ability to mass produce something that may or may not be in demand. The only reason to have duplicate professions is if you want both toons to have access to the max level bind on creation items. If you are killing humanoid mobs in northrend the extra cloth gathering from tailoring makes a noticeable difference. But semi is right. unless you really need the particular "bind on creation" item from tailoring you'd be better off going dual gathering. Quote:
If you are killing humanoid mobs in northrend the extra cloth gathering from tailoring makes a noticeable difference. But semi is right. unless you really need the particular "bind on creation" item from tailoring you'd be better off going dual gathering.
I've found that to be as much a curse as a blessing. through raids and heroics on my tailoring priest I've ended up with so much frostweave cloth I don't know what to do with it. I've maxed out tailoring and first aid, and the cloth I have left just doesn't sell on the AH, and nor do frostweave bags or any of the other low-cost-to-make items that use frostweave. All of the new recipes are BoE including the Ashen Verdict recipes so unless your toons are on different realms, it's pretty useless to share professions. Now if both toons had Alchemy for the buffs or JC for those buffs then that would make sense. The only single thing you will gain is both toons will be able to ride a rug. Seriously, it would benefit you greatly to not share professions at all. You will spend a lot of gold buying things that you could make yourself. Quote:
The only single thing you will gain is both toons will be able to ride a rug.
Cloak embroidery. More cloth drops from humanoid mobs. Ability to make 2 glacial bags per week.