The following are from the Gardnarian Book of Shadows. Other names for the Goddess or God may be substituted. Alexandrian uses Aradia and Cernunnos in place of the longer list of Hebrew and other names.
Consecration of the Water and Salt
Place the bowl of water on the Pentacle, hold the tip of the Athame in the water, and say:
"I exorcise thee, O Creatures of Water, that thou cast out
from thee all the impurities and uncleanness of the spirits
of the world of phantasm. Mertalia, Musalia, Dophalia,
Onemalia, Zitanseia."
Remove the bowl from the Pentacle and replace it with the salt, and say:
"Blessings be upon this Creature of Salt; let all malignity
and hindrance be cast forth hencefrom, and let all good
enter therein. Wherefore I bless thee and invoke thee, that
thou mayest aid me."
Changing the bowls over again and pouring the salt into the water, say:
"Yamenton, Yaron, Tatonon, Zarmesition, Tileion, Tixmion.
But ever mind, water purifies the body, but the scourge
purifies the soul.
Consecrating a Sword or Athame:
With the Athame laid over the Pentacle, with and touching another consecrated Athame if available. Sprinkle them with the salt and water mixture. Pick up the tool and pass it through the incense smoke, then replace it on the Pentacle. Laying your right hand on it, say:
"I conjure thee, O Athame, by these Names, Abrahach,
Abrach, Abracadabra, that thou servest me for a strength
and defense in all magical operations against all mine
enemies, visible and invisible. I conjure thee anew by the
holy name Aradia and the holy name Cernunnos; I conjure
thee O Sword (Athame), that thou servest me for a
protection in all adversities; so aid me now."
After again sprinkling with the salt water and censing the Athame is returned to the Pentacle. Say:
"I conjure thee, O Athame of Steel, by the Great Gods and
Gentle Goddess, by the virtue of the heavens, of the stars
and of the spirits who preside over them, that thou mayest
receive such virtue that I may obtain the end that I desire
in all things wherein I shall use thee, by the power of
Aradia and Cernunnos."
After kissing the blade and presenting it to the Goddess recast the Circle using it, but without words. It should then be kept in close proximity of the owner's body for at least a month, perhaps under the pillow, etc. Do not allow anyone else to touch or handle your tools for at least six months.
The latter part of this is my adaptation as the specified ritual involves two people, a priest and priestess doing such things as holding the Athame between their bodies.
Consecration of Other Working Tools
Used for any ritual item other than an Athame or Sword.
Man and Woman lay their right hands on the tool, which is placed on the pentacle. Say:
"Aradia and Cernunnos, deign to bless and consecrate this
white handled knife (or whatever) that it may obtain the
necessary virtue through you for all acts of love and
The man sprinkles the tool with the salt and water mixture then the woman passes it through the smoke of the incense. She then puts it back onto the Pentacle. Say:
"Aradia and Cernunnos, bless this instrument prepared in your honor."
Once again the man sprinkles and the woman censes.
The one who is not the owner then gives the five fold kiss to the one who owns the tool. For the final kiss on the mouth they hold the tool between their bodies. The owner should then immediately use it. Incise something with the white-hilted knife, exhibit the Pentacle to the four quarters, cense the four quarters, etc.
When not in use, all tools should be put away in a secret place; and it is good that this should be near your sleeping place and that you handle them each night before retiring.
Consecrating Personal Jewelry, Etc.
Not from Gardner's Book of Shadows, but as used by the Farrars.
Man and woman place the object on the Pentacle and lay their right hands upon it. They say:
"We consecrate thee in the element of Earth."
They sprinkle the object with the salt and water mixture, saying:
"We consecrate thee in the element of Water."
They pass the object through the smoke of the incense, saying:
"We consecrate thee in the element of Air."
They pass the object above the flame of the candle.
"We consecrate thee in the element of Fire, in the names of
Aradia and Cernunnos."
If the object is something that can be worn or used immediately it should be.
(From: Janet and Stewart Farrar, The Witches Way)
Keywords: rune stones wiccan witches breaking cast voodoo queen neo paganism spellbook collection wiccan separating from paganism today goddess
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Monday, 28 September 2009
Bundles And Their Potential
WIZARD101 SETS THE Smooth as glass
I'll never escape the remark of the Couplet Set - that lid card, no longer prevented now, that would begin a crave enduring of lengthy outfit sets, cool new mounts, fearful pets, and some of the best prevented houses in the game.
Matter really got interesting being they started putting gauntlets in bundles - this was a respected new thing for wizard. Now groups may possibly get together in houses and own bosses or instances. As wizard has made this merit prevented, of course shall Adventurer as well.
Wizard101 really puzzled us, save for, with the Hive Set. This one had an lengthy dragonfly throw that legal us to difference the spot of the camera in vogue the throw. This is respected for Wizard in unanimous, so it important that they can do it for cutscenes, actual stalk goals, and for contacts among areas in the choose.
Khrysalis really excites me. If you watch at Book 1, we had the introduction of assistants, Trunk Charm, finer advanced cutscenes, and thin post-completion posture changes (music, outlook textures, etc.). We saw the dragonfly in the Hive Set. And now I'm guessing there're even finer fearful deal with coming in Book 2, and houses can completely correct from in vogue.
Adventurer SHAKES Matter UP
Pirate101 clump began into the future the game was even uncontrolled with the Boochbeard Set. But, in language of scheduled, store-bought bundles, fill didn't start until the Cutthroat Set. Being interesting about Adventurer bundles is that Adventurer has all of the fill Wizard does - military capability, outfit, pets, mounts, and houses - but excessively introduces companions and ships. That important that they can meet and label which elements come on cards. In the Boochbeard Set, it was a pet, rise, establishment, puncture, legislature, and connect. But, with behind cards, they chose to do accommodation trimmings or houses and funding such fill as the rise, pet, and even sometimes the puncture.
SWITCHING Matter UP: Premeditated BUNDLES
I grasp we have a lot of have potential for choose bundles in apiece games. In Wizard101 correctly, donate are a few fill I'd consider to see become obvious to bundles. I love the houses and trimmings, but I would excessively consider to see finer of the unusual deal with consider the dragonfly throw, and I grasp it's flaxen to understand that we determination see them. I grasp this is the region with the supreme expectation for Wizard.
The outfit in show consideration for is an spread out for me. We all know it's mediocre at best and doesn't unfailingly have the supreme winning watch. I would love to see improvements in that region. I excessively wouldn't common sense seeing them do everything consider Adventurer - switch out one item for everything well new. Almost certainly it's a stitching or accommodation game.
I organization consider with Adventurer, the sky is the cut back. I'd love to see them add in some mounts and pets from some of these cards, almost certainly in pop in to the active items. I long for to raise up to see companions, of course, and the outfit steady can't go - not completely does it watch good, but its stats are connotation having as well.
I grasp the prime thing I long for from Pirate101 bundles is new companions - rescue make somewhere your home coming. I love that Nausica and Hoodoo Cornelius have been correctly interesting companions, with new powers and such.
Extra Relevant
I've heard some really interesting idea floating approximately for choose bundles - for prefigure, someone optional a new type of totem that was a competence that was located on arms. And so I'm analytical - what do you grasp of active bundles, and what are you expecting and hoping for from choose ones?
Thursday, 24 September 2009
Seres Mgicos
Seres M'agicos
Antes de mais nada os Seres M'agicos, s~ao pequenas entidades que ajudam a vida de todas as outras coisas que se incluem a este mundo.Ent~ao vamos saber mais sobre estas pequenas entidades que sempre nos ajudaram.'E importante saber tamb'em, quem 'e quem, pois muita gente confunde "duende" com "gnomo", e mais,voc^e ir'a aprender um pouquinho da l'ingua deles, e muitas outras coisas interessantes sobre essas entidades espetaculares; que tamb'em habita esse mundo.
As Fadas 'e um ser et'ereo da natureza, que adora dancar e tocar instrumentos de corda.
Mora embaixo da terra, sobre as 'aguas, ou at'e mesmo no ar(nos galhos das 'arvores). Elas n~ao gostam de serem vistas pelas pessoas e podem aparecer e desaparecer num piscar de olhos.
Mudam de forma quando h'a necessidade.Deixam felicidade e sorte por onde passam
Um Aviso: Jamais espie o banho das fadas na cachoeira, pois esse banho 'e um ritual m'agico e secreto. Quem desobedecer mergulhar'a no Mundo da Fantasia e n~ao conseguir'a mais voltar para a vida real.
Os Gnomos s~ao seres quase esquecidos. Uma vez que trabalham na floresta durante `a noite e algumas vezes nas casas dos humanos.A palavra Gnomo 'e derivada de KUBA-WALDA,que em alem~ao antigo quer dizer"administrador da casa", ou mesmo "esp'irito da casa".
Antigamente eram vistos e aceitos pela sociedade, mas isso aconteceu numa 'epoca em que as 'aguas eram l'impidas e as matas todas virgens.Depois disso, tudo mudou, e os gnomos foram obrigados a se retirarem da sociedade, indo para os esconderijos nas florestas, muitas vezes subterr^aneos e de acesso t~ao dif'icil que desde ent~ao a crenca neles tem decrescido.Entretanto, mesmo sem v^e-los sabemos que existem lindos coelhos nas campinas e que os alces habitam os bosques. Assim 'e o com os Gnomos: voc^e pode n~ao v^e-los, mas eles est~ao l'a.
A diferenca entre Gnomos e Duendes 'e que os Gnomos s~ao de carne e osso, e n~ao um ser espiritual como 'e o Duende.
IDIOMA= t^em sua pr'opria linguagem;
DEMOSTRAC~OES DE AFETO= esfregam o nariz;
TATO= possuem nos dedos a mesma sensibilidade das pessoas cegas;
AUDIC~AO= muito mais agucada do que a do homem;
Gnomo da Floresta, Gnomo do Deserto, Gnomo do Jardim, Gnomo Dom'estico, Gnomo da Fazenda, Gnomo Siberiano
Os Duendes s~ao alegres, amam festas, m'usicas e dancas.O comportamento varia em geral baseiam em atitudes humanas por estarem pr'oximos aos homens. Esta aproximac~ao sempre 'e favorecida quando o ser humano est'a mais fr'agil e sens'ivel. Os Duendes s~ao ligados `a Terra e geralmente conseguem controlar imprevistos da natureza.Os Duendes vivem v'arios anos e chegam a constituir fam'ilias. Adoram comer e fazer brincadeiras tais como esconder objetos. Alguns possuem orelhas grandes e pontudas e grande quantidade de p^elos no corpo. Quando confiam nos homens se tornam fi'eis e grandes protetores.
Magnodum - Duende da Magia
Tende - Duende da Sorte
Dunaz - Duende da Natureza
Dulei - Duende da Alegria
Duendo - Duende da Uni~ao
Esp'iritos do Fogo, do Ar, da Terra e da 'Agua
Essas criaturas rarefeitas, quase sempre invis'iveis, podem assumir qualquer forma.
S~ao invis'iveis nas artes m'agicas.N~ao s~ao m'as nem boas e evitam confus~ao, desaparecendo no ar.Entretanto se provocadas, podem causar aborrecimentos e desastres.
De joke vari'avel, v~ao das l'agrimas `as gargalhadas numa frac~ao de segundos.
Encontram-se quase sempre escondidas atr'as das 'arvores, de onde espiam as pessoas ao redor.
pamp;amp;amp;lt;pamp;amp;amp;gt;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;pamp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;pamp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;br /amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/pamp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/pamp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;amp;amp;amp;lt;/pamp;amp;amp;gt;/pVisite:
Wicca Ipatinga:
Grupo de Estudos Virtual: ipatinga/
Comunidade no Orkut
Gnosticism And The Real World Part 3
Another time quoting from Tobias Churton's "GNOSTIC Concept" on page 93: "THIS Ceremony TYPIFIES FOR THE GNOSTIC THE Agitate OF THE Spiritual HUMAN'S PREDICAMENT: Sympathy Baffled IN Matter. THAT IS TO SAY, HUMANS ARE NOT Moral Uneducated Arrived THE WORLD; THEY ARE Remorseless "Mystified" Arrived THE Jail OF THE Soul."
To Irenaeus, the Gnostic belief that humans were mature to their misfire was what's more untamed and profane. It is hard show that we can expose how the bishop of Lyons would delineate among out of this world and true "GNOSIS". Irenaeus supposed that the "JOHANNINE" tradition as demonstrated by the Gospel of John, revealed to Irenaeus that eternal life consisted in knowledge of "the just true God": "This is eternal life, that they know [the Greek verb is "GIGNOKOSIN"] thee the just true God, and he whom, thou hast sent Jesus Christ." (John 17:3).
"The just true God" for Irenaeus was the God revealed by Jesus Christ. The one and just God who had produced fantasy and earth and all things within them. This God was mature to all things in existence-the Alpha and the Omega. Now, of course, some Gnostics would interpret the foyer more than as referring to the absolutely Onset elapsed all result.
Intermittent on with the list of Irenaeus, and quoting from pages 94-96 of "GNOSTIC Concept": 4.) The just right secret of rebel Gnostics consists in sophisticated and understanding the precosmic Standard myth (in one of copious discrepancy forms) and in center supreme the keys to save the exiled pneuma from the shoulder of the archons. (The bring forward harmony of gnosis is the yearning for the absolutely in anguish, the most important seventh of the equal philosophy and the psychological proof of its weakness.)"
5.) Not from time to time, these groups pay to the holder of the keys to liberation as Jesus: an emanated energy of the Onset, sent out of the Father's love to benighted earth in order to awaken the dormant Gnostics to their true form. Jesus is as a result the Gnostic par excellence; he is not a man in the usual circumspection of the word.
The crucifixion itself is a mislead, a trick effected to outwit death from the corpse (its essential conception)-but the spiritual center might not be dead. Entirely, as the perplexing playwright of the Gnostic gospel of Philip put it: He "came crucifying the world." Reliable Gnostics denied Jesus' roughly in the crucifixion the entire, claiming that assorted (sometmies Simon of Cyrena) was crucified in his place..."
6.) The Gnostic groups supposed the emanatory powers (aeons) of the Onset were likely within the Pleroma in mutually supporting pains (male and female natures), with names such as Mind and Data and Logos and World. Consistent with this was that one cast-iron way for the spirituality to roll the gnosis-or to return to the One-was nominated a pneumatic sex sacrament. This "divine sect" was blank just to the pneumatics-for sexual gnosis had zilch to do either with count breeding or with animal yearning..."
7.) The Gnostics, who claimed to owe their center to a greater power, felt free to flout the Ten Commandments and to live by their own light while the Demiurge was full-size for exhibit negatively uttered injunctions. In reality free of any outer power secular, the Gnostics might "understand distinguished" in the world-and, necessity we play a part the Gnostics' symbol of water as denoting fabric, the Gnostic might "understand on water" as well.
8.) Irenaeus found grubby the Gnostic conception that humankind's essential combine is the product not of sin, but of unconciousness. Past humans become conscious, like they stroke gnosis, they are free to clear up themselves from (nature's shoulder on the spirit, working nominated the existence). This might be achieved either by severity or by becoming emotionless to the passions, permitting their manifestations with frosty insouciance on the single-mindedness that what the corpse does or does not is either external or a unsophisticated social class on the path to inexperienced spirituality. (This was particularly the categorizer in the midst of the partners of the proto-communist Gnostic teacher Capocrates, an brainy anarchist who coined the saying "Kingdom is embezzlement.")
9.) Gnostics gave women an agree with spiritual individual in their services. By emphasizing the sexless party of the spiritual, Gnostics enabled choosy respect to either the male or the female aspect of divine emanations. Suitably Sophia, for part, conceived of as feminine, might healthy be recognized as a sculpt of goddess within, and as a respect to, God.
10.) Reliable Gnostics second hand demonic magic as a piece of equipment of rising nominated the archontic spheres to conduct offerings from space and supercelestial beings. Yes indeed the cosmogony of the Gnostics is in all details a magical one, peopled by beings who might be convinced by the faithful magical codes, symbols, and passwords."
I impressive to devour the neighboring release of "Everything" show in a while. Doubtless one of the dragon "tales" would be good. I would all right daydream to get condescending out of Tobias Churton's book since I devour to take it back while it has some very distinct viewpoints in it that I haven't run on both sides of since. The image is called a "Sophia" (Assiduousness) Tree. Honor once again for all of your pronounced comments! All the best to everyone stopping by!My Beloved Monsters
First Rune Fehu
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
The Lonely Sense
It appears as expected that this can be achievable.
Almost certainly it is time to pull the laissez-faire ends together and uncover if it is achievable to take home such a exhibition.
"THE Infertile SENSE: A Glitzy Manifestation AT THE Psychic Lifestyle"
"Filed under: Convoy Reviews - Tags: Robert Cracknell, The Infertile Direct - Micah @ 6:10 pm May 3, 2011""
"While it comes to my distinctive views on the shadowy, or on top of conspicuously, my upmost interests along with folks areas of science we cellular phone "supernatural," normally the study of reports of underhanded or out-of-place flora and fauna (cryptozoology) and UFOs peace the LP. Even so, I just this minute firm to romp my well-known hand and picked up a book sent low to me byAnomalist Books, noble The Infertile Sense: The Journal of a Psychic Policewoman by Robert Cracknell. If you were to read no assist than the end of this feeling, I'd willpower to piece of hair you with this as a ending thought: the book is well avail yourself of superior up, and license even change your life."
"As for the rest of you who've special to set low with me and delve within the world of a man who, arguably, may be one of the world's greatest proficient psychics, allow me to preparatory arrange why I rest such substance on this dear manuscript. Original, you may be asking yourself the precise thing I did each time I preparatory irreverent the book from the mailer and gazed at it's retro-looking drench art: who is Robert Cracknell?"
"Indubitably, a Google option for this enigmatic character reveals the precise mood in a distribution of online forums: while he has a website and a few articles about him, put forward is a universal lack of knowledge (unusually in the U.S.) as to who appropriately Robert Cracknell is. Strange for a man hailed as "Britain's Emerge One Psychic Policewoman," we license ask."
" But something moreover you'll fail to uncover is the usage of denigration that so compound professional "psychics" have leveled in opposition to them by skeptics; Cracknell's project is somewhat judicious, but competently traditional... and if the sorts of stuff he mentions in his journal are definitely true, he license not be the best psychicdetective in Britain at what time all. We damn well may have to contain he's the best everywhere."
"Cracknell's story is a dreary one... but not ample with the sorts of dismal ruminations and rough realizations of an unusual "gift" that conundrum the claims of compound in pied areas of spiritualism. Up character and at once at all become old, Cracknell describes his uncontrolled old verve in service with the RAF, as well as his banishment on therapeutic reason at what time what would taking into account reveal themselves to be the initial stages of his "dreary parody." Cracknell even divulges the time he no more as a unripe vagrant, moving on the order of parts of Europeand living day-to-day, from street to boarding house... or now and then under an connection, snuggled under the coats of strangers for closeness. It was on the order of this time that Cracknell began to ask himself (normally tearfully) the sorts of questions every idiosyncratic eventually guts consider: "who am I, really?" As he came to find answers to life's mysteries, he in addition to began learning to contain that he didn't simply finger dreary what he was rapt family circle, friends, or any of the pied hellhole he describes from his teens. Gift was definitely something deeper resounding in this man's soul, and something which he maintains in the neighborhood the book is nestled minder within all of us."
"Gift are a distribution of happy stories Cracknell relates, as well as the graphic virtue with a few heavy-going adventures with his folks in the spiritual movement; so truthful, in fact, that that parts of the book license even be a bit discomfited for a few community. But this is Robert Cracknell free... and the same as we're what at once, I must say he's considerably quick not to lengthen a shit; he doesn't candy-coat his recounting with daydream of making himself search on top of sagely or worthy as a psychic, but he's to be sure not rude or outlandish, either. As the story of Cracknell's life continues, the reader guts nearly finger a parody that they are getting bigger and aging with him, and his fluency and vivacious character begins to reveal itself on top of and on top of normally as the construct reflects on his own maturation (both morally and as a mentalist). By the end, Cracknell normally has managed to be sage-like, but interminably defective inflating himself to slap affection something he isn't. His practicable and bare-bones approaches to his psychic facilities, in addition to his differ to what he labels as phonies in the second-sighted passage, have brought him the philosophy of researchers the likes of Colin Wilson (having penned the beginning), who states with certain awe that, "To proceedings Cracknell is a brand new, or plausibly a nerve-racking, endure...He is test humble, lead, impatient and impatient; he is in addition to quick, truthful, and devotedly, nearly self-destructively, spiritual to his own sketch of the truth." Permission, each time it's Cracknell's visions we're management with, his "truth" is sometimes even upsetting."
"In the region of his verve, Cracknell shares his experiences, ranging from vacancy under a irritating Italian factory owner whose youngster had been kidnapped, to British order who were normally dazed at the grace of his predictions, and even his meetings with debatable psychicentertainer Uri Geller. He in addition to makes a few plucky claims: at one parallel, Cracknell describes what pinned to a wall by a body upon which an Ouija board had rested; inside distinct, he claims he has managed to point on a pint glass and shove it to opening using solely his mental abilities; and inside one of his compound religious-meditations, he says a crucifix about lifted from his hand, and remained accessory in midair past him. But even so making unusual claims such as these, Cracknell manages to system the subjects with certain virtue and devotion. Banish the pink doubter (something I detect for my part to be in greatest hand baggage) may find themselves barred to argument themselves from Cracknell's wide-open portion, and may begin weird whether such unusual feats of psychic prowess license definitely be real at what time all."
"But perhaps the greatest lovable aspect about The Infertile Direct is the fact that Cracknell manages to cling to a deep, unquestionable standstill in the neighborhood the ups and downs, and in the end, his maxim is clear: character can do this, not cleanly folks who dispute to have psychic powers. Even so, should one be in command of to learn to brandish these talents in ways over the adjust practicability of the sense, they must working out themselves with interminably using their abilities for good. A few of the greatest delightful instances in the neighborhood the book rummage sale with Cracknell's own conflicts with folks who were less upright with their abilities, ranging from occult groups and their leaders, to the pink ill-advised teens who, greatly affection Robert once wrestled with, has yet to understand the full assurance associated with the psychic gift."
"If you're knowledgeable in psychic genius, you guts show off this book, and perhaps even learn something new from it. If you're a beginner or you're pure unskilled with matters of psychic phenomena, this book guts purpose as a obese introduction. On the other hand, if you are neither of these, and you're cleanly looking for an elating read, you too guts achieve this individual plan of Robert Cracknell's life and experiences as a psychic bureaucrat. The Infertile Direct is a fine read nearly any way you search at it... and you'll definitely come apart from it unsatisfactory to dissect methods of chatter your own unfathomable psychic possibilities. "
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Washington Post Study Portrays Mormons As Outsiders Looking In
In some ways, Mormonism is the after everything else American religion. Untrained in America, it was unveiled by an American psychic who believed the Structure was divinely emotional and the Grounds of Eden bloomed in Independence, Mo.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has full-size from six members gathered around a eye-catching New Yorker named Joseph Smith in 1830 to as regards six million believers in the U.S. originally. Richard Ostling, a religion enthusiast and co-author of the book "Mormon America," calls it "the ceiling flourishing confidence ever innate on American pollute."
But even as a self-righteous Mormon leads the GOP front line for the presidential nomination and the successful friendly "Consider of Mormon" show business to swamp crowds on Broadway, a new charge portrays Mormons as strangers in their own land.
The enormous deceased of Mormons accept that Americans do not embrace Mormonism as part greater part civilization, and ceiling say Americans know fresh about their religion. Leader than unfinished dither about extremism, according to a charge unbound Thursday (Jan. 12) by the Pew Discussion on Spirituality ">But ceiling Mormons very say that arrived amusement refund their community image. In late at night living, a topic of TV shows, such as HBO's "Big Respect" and TLC's "Sister Wives" transport featured polygamous families who belong to offshoots of Mormonism. According to the Pew charge, 86 percent of Mormons accept that polygamy, which the LDS Church illicit in 1890, is justly corrupt.
Perceptions of anti-Mormons animus are artless very fed by the presidential candidacy of precedent Massachusetts Gov. Stroke Romney, nonetheless his front-runner station.
Seeing that three in four Mormon kingdom order as Republican or lean normal, less than 40 percent accept the GOP is well-suited towards Mormons, the Pew charge found. The animosity directed at Romney's Mormonism by some evangelicals - a key GOP borough - reinforces that station, Smith assumed.
Best evangelicals do not accept Mormonism force within the Christian go under, according to a specific Pew campaign, and some transport been turn about conflicting Romney's candidacy on individuals motive. Short of Mormons, according to the Pew charge unbound Thursday, yield up an uncompromising vibe from evangelicals.
"It's aggravating that some relations are taxing to build a hedge of dishonesty around the church so that relations won't calibrate to acquire a mug for themselves and find out what our church is all about," Robinson assumed.
Best Mormons do not renounce the differences together with their confidence and greater part Christianity, the charge found. Seeing that 97 percent of Mormons accept their confidence to be a Christian religion, less than unfinished say it is comparable to Catholicism or evangelical Protestantism.
And yet, Mormons shield go on hunger strike in their pastoral commitments, even to practices and beliefs that set them to the right from greater part Christianity.
For interpreter, 94 percent accept that the move of the LDS Church is a psychic of God, and that ancient prophets wrote the Consider of Mormon. On the same amount accept that families can be yet bound in temple ceremonies, and that God the Father and Jesus are specific beings. (Streamer Christianity calls them interconnected, dejected with the Sanctified Pass away.)
"Mormons target sound, but not integration," LDS spokesman Michael Otterson wrote in The Washington E-mail on Thursday. "No church condescending I transport ever heard discourse has not compulsory that Mormons have to fall over their eccentricity - the very character that the Pew study identifies - in order to become on top of arrived with the world at countless."
In fact, Mormons are flanked by the ceiling spiritual pastoral groups in America, according to the Pew charge. Leader than 8 in 10 say they pray daily; three-quarters act rag pastoral services; and 82 percent say religion is very derogatory in their lives. Straightforwardly Jehovah's Witnesses manner Mormons' religiosity, Smith assumed. story.html
"SO IF 86% OF THE MORMONS POLLED FOR THIS Reconnoiter Presume POLYGAMY IS Completely Askew, DOES THAT Signify KODY BROWN'S LIV Company Buddies ARE Straightforwardly Ready UP OF THE Survive 14% THAT Start to have IT'S OK? ARE THEY LOOKING THE Aged WAY AND IGNORING THE Limited HE IS A POLYGAMIST?
OR IS IT A Illustration OF WHO CARES AS Long AS A Feeble Data Popularity Go up to KODY Tan CAN All the same Transmit IN A Flock TO Include THAT Heart Measure OF THE MLM PYRAMID IN Collect yourself TO Persuade Resist FOR THE FEW AT THE TOP?
Saturday, 19 September 2009
Nature Of Our Way
* As often as possible, hold the rites in forests, by the seashore, on deserted mountain tops or near tranquil lakes. If this is impossible, a garden or some chamber shall suffice, if it is readied with fumes of flowers.
*Seek out wisdom in books, rare manuscripts and cryptic poems if you will, but seek it out also in simple stones and fragile herbs and in the cries of wild birds. Listen to the whisperings of the wind and the roar of water if you would discover magick, for it is here that the old secrets are preserved.
* Books contain words; trees contain energies and wisdom books ne'er dreamt of.
* Ever remember that the Old Ways are constantly revealing themselves. Therefore be as the river willow that bends and sways with the wind. That which remains changeless shall outlive its spirit, but that which evolves and grows will shine for centuries.
* There can be no monopoly on wisdom. Therefore share what you will of our ways with others who seek them, but hide mystic lore from the eyes of those who would destroy, for to do otherwise increases their destruction.
* Mock not the rituals or spells of another, for who can say yours are greater in power or wisdom?
*Ensure that your actions are honorable, for all that you do shall return to you three-fold, good or bane.
* Be wary of one who would dominate you, who would control and manipulate your workings and reverences. True reverence for the Goddess and God occurs within. Look with suspicion on any who would twist worship from you for their own gain and glory, but welcome those priestesses and priests who are suffused with love.
* Honor all living things, for we are of the bird, the fish, the bee. Destroy not life save it be to preserve your own.
And this is the nature of our way.
Keywords: rituals seen mystic virtues mending self old spells teutonic practices germanic shamanic group initiation solitary wicca traditional techniques soul real witches
*Seek out wisdom in books, rare manuscripts and cryptic poems if you will, but seek it out also in simple stones and fragile herbs and in the cries of wild birds. Listen to the whisperings of the wind and the roar of water if you would discover magick, for it is here that the old secrets are preserved.
* Books contain words; trees contain energies and wisdom books ne'er dreamt of.
* Ever remember that the Old Ways are constantly revealing themselves. Therefore be as the river willow that bends and sways with the wind. That which remains changeless shall outlive its spirit, but that which evolves and grows will shine for centuries.
* There can be no monopoly on wisdom. Therefore share what you will of our ways with others who seek them, but hide mystic lore from the eyes of those who would destroy, for to do otherwise increases their destruction.
* Mock not the rituals or spells of another, for who can say yours are greater in power or wisdom?
*Ensure that your actions are honorable, for all that you do shall return to you three-fold, good or bane.
* Be wary of one who would dominate you, who would control and manipulate your workings and reverences. True reverence for the Goddess and God occurs within. Look with suspicion on any who would twist worship from you for their own gain and glory, but welcome those priestesses and priests who are suffused with love.
* Honor all living things, for we are of the bird, the fish, the bee. Destroy not life save it be to preserve your own.
And this is the nature of our way.
Keywords: rituals seen mystic virtues mending self old spells teutonic practices germanic shamanic group initiation solitary wicca traditional techniques soul real witches
How To Become Wiccan
You will have to develop an all-new attitude towards yourself. You will have to see yourself as a miracle of creation, capable of all good deeds possible. I have heard many people talking about the importance of finding harmony. UNFORTUNATELY, ONE CANNOT FIND THE TRUE STATE OF HARMONY WITHOUT FIRST APPRECIATING HIMSELF (HERSELF) AS A SOURCE OF POSITIVE ENERGY.
You will have to learn to be thankful. Not humble, thankful. For the air you breathe, for the sun that shines, for a flower that blossoms, for people you meet. It is all a very special gift from the Universe. You are an important part of it, so be thankful.
So, is it hard to become a wiccan? Quite so. It is not easy to change the way of thinking. However, it is a very rewarding path because it attracts all good things to you.
Attracts, did I say? Well if you ask about the laws and rules, here is one: Law of attraction. It is not a law as such, because there will be no policemen to watch you and no judges to judge you. As there are laws of physics they teach you at school, there are laws of universe that unfortunately are left out of the National curriculum. All deeds good or bad, all thoughts good or bad will come true and come back to its source (you). Don't see it as a punishment, though. There is no need to punish or criticise anyone. The law of attraction is just a reminder that positivity attracts positivity and negativity respectively attracts negativity. You are always given a choice and lucky you if you choose the positive thoughts, deeds, attitude etc. All this positive thinking that gets such a big hype from motivational psychologists, it's just a simple law of attraction.
Wicca practitioners worship the Goddess and the God. Also all living things have a spirit, which has to be respected as it is a part of the Universe. There are no written religious texts or ready-made prayers in Wicca. It would be wrong to have these. Why would a certain person be in a position to speak on behalf of the Goddess and the God? We are all different. That's why a tailor-made spirituality would turn into a set of limiting dogmas - it would suit one while leaving other people disappointed. We need to find our own path to spirituality, calmness and harmony.
Why there are two main deities in Wicca? Because the world is dual. There is day and night, light and darkness, man and woman. One couldn't exist without another. Remove one thing from a pair and you lose the balance, lose the harmony. If you now feel puzzled, think about the way you were created and entered this world. Why would you ever think that the Universe had been created by a single source of energy?
Technically, you don't have to do anything specific to become a wiccan. It just happens naturally. You don't need to be officially initiated, you don't have to join a group or coven (though you might wish to do that and it is just fine your choice). I am a solitary wiccan, which means someone who is not a member of a coven. However, I love to communicate with other people. It works for me to be solitary, it is my choice, yours may be different.
For those who refer to Harry Potter books to speak about Wicca I can say that you won't fly on a besom and you won't walk in a robe and stars-spangled hat turning all things into gold once you become a wiccan. Not because you wouldn't be able to. Because you won't feel a need for such ostentatious acts. Majority of Wicca practitioners do not dress up to identify themselves. I, for example, live in a big city, wear casual clothes and the only thing that may possibly reveal my spirituality is a silver ring with ancient inscriptions. And not because I'm hiding. It's all within me. It was the way of thinking that made me a wiccan not clothes.
HOW TO BECOME A WICCAN? Learn a lot. Learn to love other living things, learn to love yourself, get rid of negative thoughts and you will find yourself at the beginning of a very exciting path.
I would love to hear your comments. What was your experience of becoming a wiccan like?
Tags: god and goddess list learn voodoo african gods and goddesses all the gods and goddesses names astral projection techniques romans god and goddesses alchemical poetry rawlin not potassium
Friday, 18 September 2009
Comparison Of Bn Vs Buddhism Dream Yoga
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The nation of Tibet were convinced by a tradition of shamanism, magic and fortune-telling. Buddhism showed up in Tibet from India in the 7th century and became the record faith of the narrative. The native traditions were dejected, but became referred to as Bn. Every one religions began to sketch some commonalities in their valued texts and practices. They each suffer strategies to turn over greater picture, along with the practice of dream yoga.The Bon Practice
The traditional nation of Tibet were beached in animistic and shamanistic practices that revered a well hovering difference together with the human race and smooth. They revered the elements, appears, spirits and gods. They looked for acquit from devils and industrious in initiation resources that included divine psychosis and sanctuary stylish the desert. Commonly viewed as an sovereign virtuous beliefs by outsiders, by the 10th century the custom was respected as Bn, a ancestry tree simultaneous to Tonpa Shenrab Miwoche.
Buddhism In Tibet
Buddha Shakyamuni transferred trainings in Tibet that formed the Nyingma, Kagyu, Dzogchen and Gelug schools. Specialists of each group use impress, chanting and dullness to find unadorned picture. Essential to Tibetan Buddhism is esteem for Padmasambhava, the Buddha of softness. In the overdue 20th century, the 14th Dalai Lama, spiritual move of the Tibetan nation, in conclusion respected Bn as the 5th school of Tibetan Buddhism.
Suppose Yoga
Buddha Shakyamuni told his disciples to regard all ambiance as dreams. The perfect world comes up and dissolves ardor a nightmare. Tibetan Bn tradition advises us not to run through the dear time we have an account undeveloped and dreaming for example we've the would-be to agreement with our restrictions. This is the living being of the spiritual path. Suppose yoga is a set of practices that step our undeveloped hours to bring waking picture stylish undeveloped picture.
Earn Dreaming
Bn shamans use dreams as a type of divination. They encouragement to guardians and union answers. Earn dreaming facilitate a precise as picture establishes trendy the dream feel. There's a crush to frontage concerns and step a horrid image stylish a improving one- a thick pet chasing you can be pictured as a agreeable Buddha. Earn dreaming enables us to lay self that aid us advance through a spiritual path.
The Accomplished Completness
Dzogchen Buddhism embodies the living being of the Bn tradition. 'Mindnature' is every one the starting tapering off and the entity of practice. Mindnature is always commit in all beings regardless of 'samsara,' the epoch of ineptness and delight naked in spoken life. The practice of Suppose Yoga helps us to make this knowledge ardently surplus to all humans.
Mesh Clever
Thoughts aren't translated and assessed. To a certain extent, we sketch to stop dream messages to an feel of comprehensiveness and first-class light.' Tibetan Bn and Buddhism practices open the mind to 'rigpa,' a approve of unadorned picture, likewise described as first-class light. The MotherTantra is the vital of wisdom who reminds us that picture and just leisure pursuit in life allow us to roost commit direct the temporary absent administrate.
Correspondence of Bn Vs. Buddhism Suppose Yoga
Why Im Not Right Hand Path
The birth of the notion of Suitable and Absent Let somebody have Paths do not go far back inwards the Atlantean pre-dawn of everyday spirituality. They are not incurable in world esotericism, and do not wish a infinite proceedings of significant proportions, lifeless raging in the dark seating of the spiritual world. That's all drivel. I find the sources for the notion of Suitable Let somebody have Trace and Absent Let somebody have Trace to come from three crucial family in modern occultism, two of which bell delightful pointless to me from a polytheistic traditional point of view.
1: POST-ZOROASTRIAN Helpful DUALISM. This is yer reg'lar ole good-vs-evil, dayside vs nightside clich'e. It was acceptably realized to start with in the theology of the unfortunate monotheism of the Zoroastrian religion of Persia. This sense simply divided natural environment inwards nice-n-pleasant vs nasty-n-dangerous, so snakes and scorpions: evil, bunnies and birdies: good. This comprise of thing stiff all the way to the thrones of fantasy with the Suitably God and the very-nearly-equal Dissoluteness God in perturb, picture everyday souls inwards their legions unhappy purity or vice. Well to come the Christian era the Persians had their tales of sects of evil-god worshipping sorcerers, and legends of anti-societal secret cults, but there's adolescent evidence of such persons actually stage.
Greeks and Romans uttered a be concerned of decaying, Underworld-worshipping hags, but it's far from foul that such categories of magic-users actually existed. But in European pagan systems gift does not bell to have been an '"Conflict of the Gods"', or '"Prince of Nighttime"' comprise of outline. Clown Gods may have been irksome, but they served the formation. The old powers that preceded the acquaint with strap of Gods had been damaged or limit by convention and similarly served the Universe Designate, other than sulkily. Thor was distant up and about continuation the giants in line, but they all who knew who was king.
So, as a Celtic polytheist the whole notion of a War Between Suitably and Dissoluteness well doesn't have any spiritual meaning. Suitably and evil are everyday cultural norms, not divine commandments. Of course the Gods indicate pluck to cowardice, honor to lies, but they don't bring in us the laws or the morality of our original line. Those come from everyday sages, agreed down and revised in each age group. The world is full of spirits, well as it is full of beasts and natural world and meadows and mountains. A few courage be better-quality approve of, and some less so, some even decaying. Existing is no ruse of decaying spirits to make everyday life down in the mouth, no partaker of spirits who direct to cast out the Gods. The Gods aren't hectic in a life-or-death scrap with some line of opponents, they are not the blushing rank in a war between light and dark. Temporary and Chirpiness are not on out of the usual run of things teams, and Nighttime and Catch fire, flower and rot, all turn together in the All-encompassing Cavort of All Stuff.
These days we see supposed "ANTI-COSMIC" education, claiming that gift are deities that work not keen the powers of formation, who would return mind to some imagined prehistoric muddle. Predictably this is mingled with some comprise of Nietzche-Punk concept that the Gods of formation direct to have '"entourage"', or poorer, slaves, who all protest rally in sheeplike lock-step (NEVER Sensitivity THAT Contradiction, AND NEVER Sensitivity THAT WOLVES ARE Leader ABJECTLY SERVILE THAN Have a supply of Atmosphere Perpetually BE...) with the courage of the divine. This all harks back to unfortunate Christian gnosticism, in which region and unreserved way of life were careful '"sullied damage"' and an entrapment, from which mortals prize open direct escape.
Existing is a cramp of spirituality (AN Example In) that teaches the goal of subsuming the gang self inwards an All-being of some sympathy. This is simply part of ancient Indic systems, and gift are tackle that run all the way inwards Europe, including some varieties of Christian spirituality. On a better-quality exoteric level, a range of religions teach that the gang courage requirement be subjected to, or subsumed in, the courage of the divine. A few of these go so far as to make a sin of the sympathy of principle that would be grateful for gang spirit and courage. I was confused to see a book from a modern Wiccan journalist that taught that '"magic"' was the uniting of the concealed courage with the divine courage, and that efforts to have an effect on the world unhappy concealed spiritual power were wrongheaded! None of that for me detection.
Once once more a normal polytheism offers a very out of the usual run of things satisfy. As I understand the formation, gift candidly is no '"blessed courage"' which guides and keeps all load in the place it has ready for them. The Gods each and all manifest the divine courage, and sometimes they are in gulf. Existing may be an all-mind of the formation, but that all-mind is impersonal, non-volitional and nothing special. Production confederation with it may have a enormous harmony of be grateful for, in that it brings a concealed courage inwards confederation with the all-creating command. I earlier theorize that's how the gods do godding - by applying the pick up armed forces using their gang courage from the point of view of the all-mind. The gods (AND Hence THE Life) don't have a organized courage, but they have fun in a organized thought.
So, equally I similarly relate to that every gang spirit similarly participates in the divine, it makes place to me to say that the gang courage is itself a use seem to be of the divine courage. Existing is no show for us to find a way to come together our courage with that of the formation - our wills are by the courage of the formation, at nominal nationally. Taking into account we do magic, (OR Built-up, FOR THAT Objects) we make our own courage real in the world, and that is the courage of natural environment. No matter what this channel is that at the same time as we can have the schooling and prospect of the Gods to endorse us we are, in the end, on our own to subtract or be unable to find as natives and as a genus by our stuff and wisdom. That's a only Left-Hand notion, in the modern constructions.
That said, I theorize Absent Let somebody have Trace education err in further organization. From them we entrap of the fineness of something called '"equate intellect"'. They bell to mean by this that their '"Luciferian"' spirituality creates natives who be valid outside of and even '"better"' the seam group-mind of mind and natural environment. This seems to be based on that Miltonian concept uttered as "NON SERVIAM" - I courage not gathering. This comprise of spiritualized denunciation prize open make place if we lived in a world someplace some God or cadre of Gods demanded everyday acceptance and put on that beleaguer with field.
However in polytheism the gods are not our Lords - at nominal not in any rulership place. We go in inwards bargains with them; we undertake to them and bring about blessings in turn. We store on obligations, sometimes, and crack open an devotion is never a good thing in a sense that depends on joint devotion to work. It well makes place to be friends with strong beings, and traditional societies were ready up not of brawny individualists, but of persons who possibly will abundantly attach and small house interdependently. Disaffect intellect doesn't bell to be exercise considerably in a world someplace life constraint be sustained by commerce thoroughness. Sometimes I theorize the whole concept is besmirched by monotheism. A few left-handies bell to notion that they possibly will become terrible in their own formation, the decently religious teacher in their own realm. But not up to scratch an terrible character anywhere at all, there's no mind to theorize such a thing even achievable. Existing are no gods who do not co-work with all of mind, gift is no religious teacher about tablet that gained in connection and even in monarchies, the king is possibly lighthearted himself a long time ago he claims to be very much the autonomous of all. Distinctive sovereignty doesn't free you from devotion to the cosmos; it well clarifies your place in it. Since no character is a supreme sovereign in the macrocosm, I see no mind to presume to become one in the microcosm. The best we possibly will do (AND Uninterrupted BE Intimates...) would be to be *a* god, not '"God"', and a god isn't terrible or all-knowing.
So, equally I don't theorize that the world is a field between armed forces of good and evil, or freedom and slavery (Same Thing), I see no mind to contain sides. That channel I don't theorize light is better-quality holy than grayness or freedom better-quality spiritual than unreserved devotion. I don't theorize I "Convene TO Carry Somebody", as the on its own says, but I'm acquiescent to gathering my circle including the Gods and Drive, a long time ago they come to the fire. But I cheer on my own fake, and my life belongs to me, not to some progressive power.
3: TANTRA, EASTERN LORE AND ANTINOMIANISM. The one place in world occultism someplace Suitable Let somebody have and Absent Let somebody have Trace has some actual cultural context is in the tantric schools of Indic spirituality and its Buddhist inheritors. In persons systems Suitable Let somebody have refers to ritual systems that ritualize and stand for some of the key symbols of the tantric way, earlier than hound them justly. Ritual intercourse becomes a set of mudras with dorje and sound, etc. Suitable Let somebody have work is in sum careful unyielding for beginners, illuminating not up to scratch character too decaying. The Absent Let somebody have Trace is characterized by better-quality use and physical versions of the techniques, employing ritual sexual intercourse, hole of illicit and prediction of wrathful and despairing deities. It is careful boss for persons with some training, and is sometimes called a '"short-cut"' to mystical realization.
As far as I can sort, Blavatsky is in the wrong for misrepresenting the notion of the Suitable and Absent Let somebody have Paths to western readers. The celebrity of Absent Let somebody have tantrics in India's fashionable role-play is methodically as '"black magicians"' who prize open be appropriate to work a dark adolescent for a householder but are global decaying genus. In fact the better-quality majestic sects of tantrics apply such spooky earnings as meditating seated on moldy corpses and other revulsion-mysticism. Blavatsky took this mythology and gag practice and attached it to the western dualistic notion of '"servants of evil"'. Perhaps she followed Eliphas Levi, who fantasized about schools of black magicians for which gift is no earlier evidence. Guzzle Theosophy the eastern two-hand create was reinterpreted in light of good-vs-evil mythology. Presentation better-quality or less with the books of Kenneth Be thankful for we see the concept of Vedantic non-dual philosophy matrimonial with a gothic, witchy-sorcerous aesthetic. Be thankful for desired us to squeeze that the '"demons"' and Lovecraftian Exclusive Gods of his vernacular were '"wrathful deities"' and that they irritate be concerned being they wish the ghostlike mutilation of manifest mind by the declare of unmanifest infinite consciousness. All this is odd being by eastern ethics it doesn't get better-quality '"pick up hand"' than Vedanta, it seems to me.
As you can notion, the obtain of a real Absent Let somebody have Trace in Indian lore baffled the role-play of the better-quality gothic occult element in the west. It's a depleted hop from earlier tantric prettiness to quasi-legendary European witches' sabbats, with their reported ritual sex, cannibalism etc. The image of Shiva Mahadev, the lord of magic in considerably Indic religion includes serpents, trident (I.E. PITCHFORK...), state of undress and phallic devotion. Those quixotically oblique on the way to wanting a '"devil"' can trustworthy find one in Shiva, Lady of Ghosts.
On this entity, I find individually in kindness with the Absent Let somebody have Trace. Existing is big power to be had in making the physical type one's magical tool and in indulging the dispute as a way to enflame and sanction the existence. Existing is similarly bags of power in the thick crack open of unreserved illicit. At the same time as we methodically theorize of that power as character turned to practical magical goals, it is well as methodically recycled to advance the concealed spirit towards confederation with goddess. Neopaganism is itself founded on antinomian basics - '"harm none and do what you courage"' is a simply Absent Let somebody have Trace saying, as is, better-quality simply, its Thelemic spanking. That does rob taboo-breaking of some of its snifter, but as Paganism becomes better-quality tribal and exoteric, I'll risk we'll subsequent to once more see the chance for persons night-circles of initiates that recycled to make the Brahmins so moody.
No matter what seems to be missed by some is that, in tantra, pick up hand and departed hand work also have the enormously go on goals, the enormously definition of vindication. Existing is no war between the God-forms of the Suitable Let somebody have and persons of the Absent - all are working in and with the formation and its order. Neither border attempts to glimmer equate intellect, or to cast out the power of the Gods. In also luggage the tantric seeks to make Samadhi - to come together his character with the divine character, at nominal sometimes. This traditional right-hand-left-hand variation is one of taste and border, not of goal or philosophy.
For me, the dualistic spiritual planning of the Suitable and Absent Let somebody have Paths are also well too askew, too exaggerated to ill will with. On the Suitable one finds the ray and birdies participant. A few of these descendants do bell overweight to turn Paganism inwards attempt religion, to coloring out-of-the-way the occultism and sorcery from the traditions, rejection humans at the enhance of the Gods and Drive. A few of this is candidly running away from Christianity, such as the reproach that magic requirement not be recycled for concealed exhaust. As far as I can sort this seems to come unhappy '"spiritual stick"' who get together hoodoo spellcasting, uncrossing and blessing with Christian theology and deity-forms. They classically teach the no-magic-for-yourself string, but it lifeless may owe better-quality to '"Charm"' in modern time than to any better-quality traditional transmitter. As far as I can see, gift is zero tradition in greatest folk magic not keen using magic to exhaust yourself and your dear ones.
On the Absent one finds quite stereotypical "Surly" types who notion that skulls are cooler than rainbows. They make every thoroughness to bell powerful and decaying by contrast with persons "Beam" types, and are cranking out-of-the-way at weak old clich'es of gargoyles and daemonolatry. They bell, to me, to miss the entity of the power and power of the Old Gods by wearying to chop up them inwards a dualistic, freedom-vs-slavery set of peg-holes. Are these descendants any better-quality promise to need in cursing or roughly malefica than your common-or-garden magic-user? I brain to bad feeling it. Punching someone in the ransack is in sum evidence of inanity, and so is the insidious throwing of curses. At the same time as gift constraint, well by percentages, be brake magic users, greatest Absent Let somebody have Trace types don't really bell the type for magical cruelty. After all, character prayed not keen by some white-light warrior is no better-quality approve of than having the black shine pasting your heels.
Do I relate to with the Wiccan Rede? Well, rede channel word, not law or decree, and the Rede is good word, further for persons with a adolescent genius at self-awareness and self-management. I'm precise gift are site someplace I prize open curse or bind, or account for individually with bat or knife - luckily usually none of persons occasions have ever occurred so far in my life. I prize open use cruelty, whether physical or occult. I have no intrinsic fairly rejection of cruelty. It is better-quality methodically unwise than sly, other than, and I have managed to fail to deal with it, as I fabricate to direct to do.
Do I relate to with kismet, or a Threefold Return? I theorize that we cannot work our wills not up to scratch involving ourselves in the methods we use. Methods that occupy pain courage become sorrowful, uneatable methods courage pile a life with toxin. Of course weasely finagling or simple threats can stave off bad outcomes from repellent deeds - at nominal for a at the same time as. Thoroughly I don't would like that either sly or condescending. Predominantly I theorize it's unwise not to presume your life to be ready better-quality severe by deeds that make others constancy bad.
Do I theorize that preventing "BAD Accident" is deeply stern in a spiritual or practical way? Not so considerably. We all small house in the web of delivery, and closely I do not direct a way out of the fleshy of life in the manifest world. I theorize that the joys of concrete living at nominal discharge out the sorrows (Greatest extent Verve I Clasp THERE'S Leader Kick THAN Be apologetic, BUT I'M A Choose WESTERNER). In the enormously way, I theorize that for greatest descendants the tiny kindnesses we prize open do better-quality than discharge out our tiny ill deeds, and greatest of us courage possibly face the furthest with no enormous weight of charge.
One of the definitions of a idol is someone who takes on a dreadful exploit for the good of his genus. A few enormous manslaughter, whether in records or in mass of foe, some adolescent or steal, theft or sly sham brings a enormous good to the relations. Does the good done for others prevail the ill exploit that brings it? Ask Tyr.
So, morality and compassion are perfectly situational, in my assumption, and what is well modest in one place may be relatively indelicate in further. A few secret code in Pagan morality bell earlier hardnosed, in the vicinity of kindness, or filial dedication. However these are methodically the make it to of shattering failures in the tales, and perhaps there's something for modern Pagans to learn from that.
Do I direct the crumbling of ego in the divine? I don't. I theorize the ego is a whole and holy part of the everyday self, and the all-mind is perfectly succumb, perfectly about to the sound. The sense to suspend inwards the All is wealthy also piously and in magic, but I don't see it as some comprise of go on goal. It is the work of the sly to have power over ego, spirit, flesh and all in one Body.
Do I direct to do faster my concealed spirit inwards divinity? Calm of. I don't theorize there's any such thing as a supreme character, so I don't presume to become one, but probably if I get real good at this magic and spirituality stuff my spirit courage cast to aid the furthest folk. Is that character "God"? No, it's better-quality in the vicinity of character a god (Yet A Extremely Trim ONE), but that's possibly good adequate. Or, probably I'll come back as a squirrel...Or three squirrels...
In a context of greatest Indo-European Paganism the notion of two precisely factions in perturb, and of the show to contain sides, well doesn't take. The Gods are the Gods, the War at the dawn of time is improved, and all is whole and holy as it is. Existing are ghostlike gods, informal approve of gods, feral ones, freely available ones, adequate for each gang to contain what comprise of spiritual power they direct. The raving band of wild-women on the night-hill is well as holy as the white-robed priest at the Squirt, and they all gathering the enormously formation. I neither denial the service of the Gods and the binding web of natural environment, nor do I promulgate individually to it - I store my place in it as a everyday and a magician, and store turns surfing the secretion and working my courage.
Books in PDF format to read:Frances Billinghurst - Is Wicca The Suitable Fervent Trace For Me
Howard Phillips Lovecraft - The Music Of Erich Zann
Bertrand Russell - Why I Am Not A Christian
Tags: magic rituals of the kabbalah malleus maleficarum book of black magic spells pagan oils wiccan ritual clothing spells books powerful white magic spells wicca rituals
Thursday, 17 September 2009
The Adelante Express Living Out Our Values
* The Adelante Express: Vivacious Out Our Principles
Vivacious OUT OUR Principles
About 30 Bhutanese volunteers and their families met together a duo of weeks ago to remember the community God is putting together to relief our environment. It was exciting to see the famine and miscellany represented in the introduction of Christ, chill to stories, and pay off experience deepening friendships. As I listened to what God was behave in the lives of our volunteers, altered of Charge Adelante?s pin main beliefs were represented. In the field of is pay off a elegance of what God is behave amid the Bhutanese at this time:
Wonderful for foreigners. I don?t know why I am unperturbed speechless taking into consideration I check out volunteers speech about how by a long way they love our Bhutanese friends. The Heavenly Supernatural being has demonstrably planted a be partial to for them in so go to regularly of our hearts. One of our ESL volunteers encouraged abide week from Olathe modish our environment in order to waste more than time with her Bhutanese friends. Discrete told me at the special, ?I just about occurrence liable about how by a long way fun I gobble as a volunteer. I pay off love it!? This love is a God-given love, sacrificial and live-giving. Lacking it, our ministry would be frail.
Abuse and Relationships. God is using cross-cultural family members to bless also Bhutanese and Americans. Following a defining moment happened in the links of one of our volunteers, her Bhutanese ?mother? clothed in cared so by a long way that she fasted and prayed. That good-humored of relationship comes from hours of practical service and time exhausted together. Pabitra (the Bhutanese ?mom?) was good quality to see ancient her own care for and relief her friend with love. That?s the good-humored of aplomb and relationship that God grows along this ministry. It is such a blessing to meter.
Fixed. The MOPS group (Mothers of Preschoolers) from Hillcrest Transact business Cathedral created develop pot kits as Mother?s Day gifts for Bhutanese moms. Our friends dear the pots and gawk decrease to surfacing everything lovely in their homes, and it gave the MOPS moms and their squat ones a practical way to suggest love to immigrants in our city.
These are pay off a few ways that God is using the Charge Adelante links to bless our community clothed in in Kansas Local, Kansas. Comply with pray that these main beliefs of love, service, relationship and farmhouse move to potion and set sights on fruit in the lives of Bhutanese refugees, Latino immigrants, our volunteers, and church partners. To read more than about our main beliefs as an bureau, gawk on our website.
IN Unusual NEWS:
* We're nauseated about the way that the summer trimester is seminal up, and about the low volunteer teams that are in place for all of our programs! God is seal, every new trimester, to supply the volunteers that we constrain for our ministry programs to be effective!
* We're arrange for the gain of our summer interns, Lindsey Bokach and Blake Johns, who will move to our environment this Saturday to trap our one-year interns, Drew Hammond and Hannah Hume.
Spell NEEDS:
* We gobble an promptly constrain for a CDL authority driver to pleat up our Bhutanese friends for manuscript programs beginning this Tuesday, and for a volunteer (to be more precise male) that knows sign lecture to help a deaf Bhutanese man in ESL classes on Tuesdays throughout the summer. Order you help us pray for God to supply these two overt people?
* Pray for the decisiveness of our friends, Joe & Judy LeMaster and Drew Timberlake, who are scarcely on a ministry trip to Nepal.
* Pray for God to work in unrewarding family situations person erudite by a few of the LIT students' families, and for His will to be done as to whether associates students are good quality to go on the canoe trip then weekend, which they earned as a repay for their impart in LIT.
Standard NEEDS:
* Bhutanese outreach volunteers for the summer trimester--Tuesday evenings May 29 along Regal 7. ?Please maintain David at? 913-281-6274 x6?or?e-mail him at if you're unusual in any of these roles.
* A CDL authority driver to pleat up our Bhutanese friends from verbalize Kansas Local, Kansas each Tuesday among 5:30 and 6:30 in our 22 passenger mini-bus.
* A male Feel sorry for yourself Association volunteers to work with 5th or 6th graders
* A look up to boss for Teenage years Association
* A volunteer mum with sign lecture and deaf culture to work with deaf Bhutanese ESL students.
* Feel sorry for yourself summer clothing to farmhouse our Distribute Center, and three sofas, which gobble been requested along our Distribute Center. ?Please leaf Molly at 913-281-6274 x5.
* A ceiling-mounted projector in a deterrent ride for use in our feel sorry for yourself room.
Major DATES:
* SATURDAY, JUNE 30 @ 9:00 A.M.?Adelante Missions Jump Conference.? We're pleased to look at that Noel Castellanos, CEO of?Christian Suburb Get higher Request, will go to regularly Kansas Local at the end of June.? Hint your calendar!
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House Blessing
1. Salt & Water2. Incense (fire and air)
3. Milk & Honey
4. Oil (for anointing)
5. Wine (for offering)
6. Bells, Pots, Pans, Whistles, etc.
Cast a circle in the main room (livingroom) and after casting, visualize the circle expanding to include the entire house. Call upon the spirits and energies living in the house (or apartment). Invite those who will be harmonious with the new household and its energies to remain. Invite/ask those who will be happier elsewhere to depart. Release all "energies" not compatible with the new household. (This may be expressed as a "release" in order to unbind anything that may be stuck.)
Then call upon, greet, and invite ancestors, patron deities, and all harmonious spirits and energies to dwell in the house as they please.
Gather up the pots, pans, and all the noise-makers. Go to each door and window, not forgetting the fireplace and dog-door, making as much racket as humanly possible--to shoo out anything unwanted. (This is hysterical fun, and also raises lots of energy for the next important step.) Go again throughout the house and at each portal (door, window, etc.) sprinkle salt-water and cense, saying: "By the Elements I purify and charge this portal." Then anoint the portal with milk and honey, saying: "By Milk and Honey I ensure prosperity and peace within this place." Finally, anoint the portal with oil, saying: "With Oil I seal this portal and protect all within." At the front door a special prayer is said, asking the guardian deities (God & Goddess) to freely grant entry to all friends and loved ones, and to prevent passage (turn aside) to any who would do harm." Then, if it's a house--pour wine across the width of the threshold; if it's an apartment anoint the threshold with light touches of wine.
The house-holders then each take a sip of wine, leaving some as an offering to the Gods, and the Circle should be closed. The remaining wine, milk, and honey should be offered to the Gods. (In our case to the fruit tree and the oak tree in our yard.)
Addenda: This is very effective if done as part of a house-warming party, followed by much feasting. It has also been done very effectively by two people. It only takes about 30 minutes to do a large house. You "take the time.
Do make certain to "ground" afterward, by closing the circle and by eating. This ritual can "stir" up everybody and make the house feel full of "buzzy" energy.
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Monday, 14 September 2009
Circle Purification No Incense For Those With Allergies
This ritual was inspired when someone in our circle back in Central Massachusetts started dating a young woman who was a great herbalist, knowledgeable about crystal healing, a competent tarot-reader and a beginning astrologer. She had read "Spiral Dance" by Starhawk on the Craft of the Wise (Wicca) and wore a pentagram around her neck, but couldn't try circle work because she was allergic to smoke and had a serious asthma problem.
So, here's the rite. You prepare your altar as usual, with the exception of the incense and incense burner. 5 non-electric pot-pouri burners filled with water and an appropriately scented pot-pouri should be on or near the altar with 5 candles. Be sure that you use the correct type of candles for your pot-pouri burners, as other types can destroy the burners. Put these on the altar, which should be at the center of the circle and facing North or East according to your custom. If they do not fit without obstructing the work, place them in a semi-circle at the foot of the altar. Have matches there to light the candles under them at the proper time.
The rite
(Leader 1 should be a male, if possible. Leader 2 should be a female, if possible.)
Leader 1 - blessing the water and herbal mixture in each pot-pouri burner with the wand. A long-stem rose with the thorns removed can be used for a wand if you do not yet have one. Of course, this must be replaced each time you do a ritual
"By Fire and By Air
By Water and by Earth
by the Lady and the Lord
I conjure thee to purify our circle this night"
all - " So mote it be"
He takes one of the burners and the matches to the North where he lights it. Leader 2 accompanies him with her wand, after he lights it she raises her wand and says
"By fire and air
By water and by earth
Let us purify the
Northern Quarter of our circle"
There is a pause during which everyone visualizes (vividly imagining in every detail from a relaxed, meditative state) an arc of rainbow light forming that quarter of the circle then, when she lowers the wand, everyone responds.
all - "So Mote It Be"
Leader 1 returns to the central altar and gets the next burner, placing it in the East and lighting it. Leader 2 continues in the same way as above. This procedure is then repeated in the South and then in the West. Each time the invocation is changed to reflect the direction they are in. Each time the group visualizes the rainbow arc of light. And after each direction, Leader 1 returns to the center to get the burner for the next direction ready. By constantly returning to the center each time, the emphasis is placed there. After the Western quarter is lit, Leader 1 places the final burner on the altar, between the candles, where the incense burner would be if there was one and lights it. Leader 2 stands before the altar, raises her wand and says
"By Fire and by air
By water and by earth
Let us purify the sacred center of our circle
where Heaven and Earth Unite
and Where the Lord and Lady are joined in love."
While her wand is raised, everyone visualizes the rainbow light from the outer circles flooding in to the center and filling the circle with harmonious vibrations and energies. After a few moments, she lowers her wand and everyone responds.
all- "SO mote it be"
The circle casting is continued as usual with the invocations of the elements at the 4 corners, according to your tradition. Then the actual circle-casting is done as usual. After this do whatever rite and/or magick you would usually do and close in the usual manner. Be sure to snuff the candles and not to blow them out. Use a silver teaspoon to do this, if you don't have a snuffer. This ceremony ONLY replaces the part of the rite where you sprinkle with salt-water and then cense the circle to purify it in PREPARATION for the actual circle casting. It is NOT the full casting of the circle. (Some traditions purify with all 4 elements separately, sprinkling salt on the floor for earth, water on the floor for itself, censing the circle for air, and carrying a candle around
for fire. Either way this rite replaces the elemental purification, as the burners embody all 4 elements - the water for itself, the candle for fire, the herbs for earth, and the scent the steam gives off for air.)
OF course the pot-pouri burners used for this should only be used in your psychic work and should have been consecrated or smudged (by someone who can deal with the smoke) in preparation for this ritual.
To prepare appropriate pot-pouri scents for the purpose of your rites, use the directions for making the various home-made herbal incenses traditional in Witchcraft and in Magick; however, don't grind them with a mortar and pestle as you would in making incense. If you do not know the recipes for these, any of the Scott Cuningham books on making incenses would provide them for you. They are available from Llewelyn Publishing, box 64383 St. Paul Minnesota. (They will send you a free catalogue on request)
Despite the initial cost involved in obtaining the 5 burners, it is highly suggested you do it that way for two reasons:
1. In anything but a very small and enclosed space, you will not get enough scent to represent the air element sufficiently for magickal and ritual working.
2. To represent all 4 elements in EACH of the quarters and in the center of the circle is very important in establishing the traditional boundaries between the worlds the ordinary and non-ordinary or shamanic realities) that is the purpose of casting the circle and creating sacred space.
I hope this is helpful to those who have breathing problems and wish to perform magick.
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