Monday 16 February 2015

June Lore

June Lore
June is named in the rear the Roman Intense Close relative Divine being, Juno; the Greek Hera. The month's name was key Junonius.

Juno has may attributes, the initial of which is as the Emperor of Fantasy. This is assign is official to Frigg in the Northern Knowledge and Mary in the Christian. As emperor of the high stance of the time, the time of the curb light and nominal intensity, June is the light correspondent of Janus, the emperor of the New Time caste.

The same as June is the divine spectator manager the female sex, the month of June is aimed utmost favourable for marrying.

As Juno Moneta, keeper of money and wealth, the goddess had a temple intense to her on the Capitoline descent in Rome. This restricted the fortune where money was produced. This spot of wealth can in addition to be seen in the runic time cycle: the half-month of Feoh, the time of wealth and profitability, begins on 29 June.

On or about 21 June is the Summer Solstice, the spectacle of Midsummer, the Anglo-Saxon Lith and the Alaban Hefin of the Druids. The Irish name for June is Meitheamh, since the Anglo-Saxon name was Aerra Litha, "PRIOR LITHA." The Franks called June Brachmanoth, "BREAK MONTH," since in modern Asatru it is called Surplus.

June's full moon is the Hot or Strawberry Moon. The month of June is the "ACCOUNT OF THE TIME," the lucky break to the inner realms. The rune Dag that convention the uncaring of the month, is the rune of opening, intended for the account that excludes bad stuff and admits separate that which is maneuver. The runic time begins in June, with Feoh.

The Celtic Tree Encyclopedia month of Huath (HAWTHORN) ends on 9 June to be followed on the 10th by the Oak month, Duir. This is a month of strengthening and solidation of gains. It can in addition to be assumed to shameful the "ACCOUNT" of the time, opening to let the sun camel in. Duir had the sacred colour of black.

In the Divine being Encyclopedia, the novel 12 days of June belong to Hera. On 13 June begins the month of Rosea.

The fine stone allied with June is the agate, whose traditional witticism is as follows:

"Who comes with summer to this earth,"And owes to June her hour of emergence"Between ring of Agate on her hand"Can health, wealth and hope life want."

Advantageous weather in "BAKING JUNE" is want if show is to be a good yield. Country weather lore states:

"If June with brazen sun is blessed,"For yield, we will thank the Divine being."

Though, it is assumed that if it rains on 27 June, hence it will rain for the past seven weeks. But "A WET JUNE MAKES A DRY SEPTEMBER," and "A ANNOYING JUNE BRINGS ALL STUFF IN IMPRESSION." If swallows fly careful the ground in June, it is a sign of coming rain. Bats on high on a June nightfall are a sign of hot, dry weather the past day.

From: Pagan Book Of Days

Art From: Blogdelanine
