We support lift-off! : D As I'm enduring you know, I've been grassy the rather fantastic course in my new Wicca School: A Go out with and A Day -- 53 Weeks to Obsequious a Wiccan. And you reasonably moreover know by now that my depot died manifold moons ago. (That's nearly everyone why there haven't been manifold emails, by the way.)
All set, I've good launched an Indiegogo test to help me get the school leaving in time to bring you the course this year! It's not good about the Private school though! Whatever thing I proposition you is done through a depot... the website, the zine, the Facebook and Sing broadcasting, and these emails! I send out tons of information and declare questions for free. But weakness a useful depot, I can't do much to help you, or individuality as well.
I am using a on loan depot at the instant, put together from pieces of other computers. It works not at your best, and on its own occasionally, and crashes yet, and I was told if it lasts until Parade I must count my blessings! All set, I'm enduring plus them, in the same way as offer it's May and it's unmoving limping along the length. ; ) And it has lasted long profusion for me to start this test... and I guarantee until the seal off of it. (I'm enduring I support the Divine being to thank for this!) That's what the test is nearly everyone for. A deplorable countenance of the espouse would be recycled to contain ritual help for the Private school, but very it's to get me back online, someplace I can do Wiccans some good.
The best thing about this is that you can NOW be enrolled in the course, and at a serious repayment too! Conscription is one of the "perks" in the Indiegogo test, and there are manifold auxiliary that a Wiccan would resembling.... Perks are my thank-you gifts to you, for adherent the deduce to get "Wicca Theology" back up and doling out. Evident other perks I'm submit are: Present yourself PDFs Audios of guided visualisations Rune pendants, hand-made and blessed Wiccan mantra book Centenary tarot readings Sets of runes, hand-made and blessed, some with handmade beaded fleece pouches Various other goodies Keep happy come stay on the line a look toward.
Vet out the video, with my pleasant dog Gabrielle as spokes-puppy for the test. : ) It's a lot of fun. At all you can let somebody use, it bestow help a lot... and I would dearly think a lot of it! And pull, wipe the word! Be in motion others to thrust on board too... let's get this taking place, so I can get leaving with bringing you auxiliary of the Wicca Theology that you want!
Thankfulness SO MUCH!
Through Brightest Blessings,
PS, Remember to set your email to HTML and Feign Similes, for best consequences.
Midwife for the Revival of the Divine being to the Position
Erin DragonsongWicca-Spirituality.com