Bone is second hand is spiritual work and in spells and rituals. Bone is second hand for spiritual work with people whom handhold agreed stylish the veils as drive as to help call up the spirit of plants and animal Guides stylish magick and circle. Such powerful items are in the main well-worn by Enormous Preacher and Enormous Priestess inwards ritual and magick.
Each person of the 9 disks are sculpted from internal water buffalo bone. The Band pleasant and unusually displays the design of a Pentagram. This necklace is a excellent element to be snootily well-worn for original praise or in custom of spiritual work for your ritual and or magick.
Morally seems to satiate the whole necklace with a essence of the veiled magick within. The dusky colors of the freckled pentagram and bone disks handhold been strung together using unimportant black beads to private this pleasurable necklace. The slighter beads sending a time-honored facade opposed to your neck and the bone disks settling face down opposed to your strongbox, it is a great element for your craft.
The striking element provision give away 25" in extent and closes with a bow bear. The prime of the bone beads provision give away 2" in diameter but the smallest are give away 1 1/2".
The pentagram, as an ancient mystical symbol commonly viewed as a icon of the four elements limited by the divine. Pentacles handhold been second hand and well-worn as a powerful symbol of protection for thousands of animation.