Circle casting adapted by Matrika of PAN - the ORIGINAL Psychic Awareness Network BBS at 1-703-362-1139
ADAPTED from the Community of Isis Rites in Salem MA. for use by the Moonchildren Coven
This requires the use of a duly consecrated wand, a chalice, an athame and a container for salt and water - NON - plastic PLEASE - on your altar as well as 2 candle sticks with candles in them and an incense burner for stick or hanging incense. You should work robed or nude as you prefer. In the 4 directions you should have either air (as incense) or fire (as candle - lit, of course, and preferably red) in the east - according to your tradition. The OTHER element - the one not used in the east - in the south, again according to your tradition. (i prefer air-east- wand, fire-south - athame, personally - but I realize there are differences in tradition.
A bowl - again NOT plastic - of water in the west and some rocks or a dish of salt in the North for earth.
IF you wish you may lay a circle of salt on the floor, leaving a gate for the priest/ess to enter and leave for the temple purification or you may visualize the circle coming as electric blue light out of your athame point as you cast it. After s/he returns from purifying the outer perimeter, the gate would be closed and the circle cast (after the directions are called) by pointing the athame (or the sword) at the salt and charging it instead of casting into the air. The gate would be closed by completing the circle of salt.
Okay, I am writing this as used by a person working alone, but the P or PS in parenthesis is how it would be done if done by a couple. PS is the female and P is the male. This is the IDEAL form of the rite.
(PS) picks up bowl of salt and bowl of water on altar. (P) picks up athame and places it point down in the water and says "SALT is pure, let this salt be pure and let it purify our rites as we use it in the service of the Lady and the Lord?
(PS) pours some of the salt into the water. (P) stirs it with his athame and says: "May this sacred salt purify this water so it may be used in this service of the Lord and Lady, throughout this rite, in any way and at any time we may wish to use it."
(PS) takes the salt-water and sprinkles it about the perimeter of the circle (outer) saying the following while walking WIDDERSHINS (to banish) or counter-clockwise:
"Salt and water where I cast thee
No spell or unknown purpose be
Unless in full accord with me
and as I will SO MOTE IT BE"
She returns to the circle. The (P) then takes the incense burner - if a swinging one - or the burning stick of incense and goes around the circle deosil saying: "ever as we walk in the ways may we feel the presence of the Lady and the Lord We know that in all we do they are ever with us They abide in us and we in them forever. No disharmony or imbalance can be entertained for purity, harmony and balance are the dwellers within and without us:
For good do we strive
and for good do we live
Love unto all things
SO be it forever
Love is the law and
Love is the bond
Blessed be the Lady and the Lord"
He returns to the circle. He then picks up his wand and goes to the East, raising it high he invokes the element of air visualizing either the ruler of that element as he understands that being OR a yellow pentacle can be substituted. I like to imagine a weeping willow tree budding in the spring being moved by the gentle breezes through the center of the pentacle - as if through the center of a window. (IF YOU USE FIRE IN THE EAST- SUBSTITUTE VISUALIZATION HERE WITH THE ONE I GIVE IN THE SOUTH AND CHANGE THE INVOCATION ACCORDINGLY)
"Hail to thee Lord of the Watchtower of the EAST element of air (fire?) We invite your presence and your power in our circle and our magick this night.
(P) - Welcome and Blessed be
Go to the south and repeat this visualizing either your conception of the ruler of the watchtower for the south OR a red pentacle - I like to "see" a campfire through it's center, as if through a window. Repeat invocation with raised wand substituting OF THE SOUTH and ELEMENT OF FIRE
Go to the WEST and repeat this visualizing either your conception of the ruler of the watchtower of the west OR a BLUE pentacle - I like to see a mountain stream or the ocean through the center of it, as if through a window. Repeat invocation making suitable changes of direction and element in it.
Go to the North and repeat the process visualizing either your conception of the ruler of that watchtower OR a Green pentacle - I like to see Mountains rising up in the distance through the middle of it, again as if through a window.
He returns to the altar and replaces the wand.
THE (PS) takes up hers and invokes the Deities: "HAIL TO THEE LORD AND LADY" (Substitute aloud or silently the names you are using for the Goddess and the God here - with non-initiates, some prefer to use the generic "Lord and Lady" out loud, keeping the
names by which the inner circle of initiates know Them a secret. This is also a good idea to use when you have members of several traditions present who may not agree on what names are used for them) "We invite your presence and power in our circle and our magick this night".
ALL - Blessed be
She then replaces her wand on the altar and picks up her athame or the coven sword and casts the circle - either straight out, visualizing blue light coming from it's point - or, if a circle of salt is used, straight DOWN at the salt, to charge it. THIS IS DONE DEOSIL, OF COURSE. (clock-wise - just like the censing of the circle was done earlier! the ONLY time widdershins is used is the salt-water banishing / cleansing to prepare for circle casting and in opening the circle)
First casting - " I conjure this circle, a mighty Psychic rampart that turns back ANY excess positive or negative energy which may come to do us harm"
Second casting - "I cast this circle, a place that is not a place, a time that is not a time, a sacred place between the worlds, a place to commune with eternity (or THE LADY AND THE LORD)"
Third casting - "I charge this circle, a place of perfect love and of perfect trust where all may know peace profound"
SHE RETURNS TO THE ALTAR. If a bell is used (brass or silver ONLY please) she rings it and says "Now is the circle cast"
The circle then perform the full-moon rite, raising the power and drawing down the energy into themselves by whatever rites they use and Magick is performed as is appropriate and necessary OR the ritual for one of the 8 Sabbats is performed - a much lighter and informal occasion - according to the time and purpose of the circle.
The cakes and ale/wine (I substitute APPLE juice or SPRING water, as I am allergic to alcohol) are consecrated by the athame in the chalice
NOTE - the cakes should be as natural as possible, HAVE SOME RESPECT! Please no twinkies or oreos - I've seen some "people" do that!
Circle closing
The (P) takes up his wand and goes to the 4 quarters, beginning at the north and going widdershins, where he raises his wand at each and dismisses the rulers of the elements thusly:
" Farewell to thee
Lord of the watchtower of the (direction)
element of (name element)
We thank you for our presence and power
in our circle and our magick this night"
As he does this, he visualizes whatever he visualized earlier and then "sees" it fading out. When he has done all 4 quarters he replaces his wand on the altar
THE (PS) picks hers up and raises it high says "FAREWELL TO THE LORD AND LADY" (again names may be substituted silently or aloud) "WE thank you for your presence and your power in Our circle and our magick this night".
She then picks up her athame (or sword) and pointing it either in the air or at the salt, whatever she did before, she walks widdershins and as she opens the circle she pictures in her mind's eye the electric blue light fading out or being reabsorbed by the tool she carries as she says:.
ALL - BLESSED BE (they all hug each other in many circles here)
(Candles are snuffed on altar here - never blow out candles) If bell is used, she rings it and says THE CIRCLE IS NOW OPEN
Note - our circle in New England, which met only for the Sabbats except for it's leadership which did the full-moons themselves as it was a training coven, tended to use a lot of chanting and simple ritual drama to raise energy as we worked in a very confined space. Other methods can be used. In full-moon work I like active deep-meditation or guided trance and chanting because of size of space available to me at this time. However many covens also use the dance, the cords, the great rite - actual or symbolic, and other methods. Always remember there is NO one right path.
There is also no one right way of casting a circle. Different traditions differ greatly. The main body of this rite is that used by the community of Isis - but I have added invocations at the circle cleansing that I like which come from Al Manning (for the salt-water) and Ray Buckland (for the censing of the circle). The blessing of the salt and water are also from Ray Buckland's teachings - I prefer his method, because of its clarity of intent, to the one I learned here so I use it.
Part of the circle closing was also adapted from Starhawk. Many people like to elaborate on the invocations at the quarters and present them in poetic formats, as they do with the invocation of the Lord and Lady.
Keywords: wiccan jewelry druidism wiccans earth first affair thou magic potions love witchcraft love break couple love from specific complete guide travels
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Blessing The Earth For Planting
To ask that your gentle tender breezes kiss
The plants that will come forth.
O fearful Fire, we do come to ask that
Your hot heat be but a gentle warmth
To help the plants grow.
O Water of Life, we do come before Thee
To ask your gentle waters to bring life
To the tender plants that come forth.
O Great Mother, let thy dark womb care
For the tender seeds, to push them up when
The time is right for the plants to come into full bloom.
We do thank Thee Diana. Mother of All Living Things and Giver of Life.
Blessed Be.
(offer wine to Lord & Lady – ground may be consecrated with element before planting)
Tags: centering grounding looking yourself introduction pagansim room cleansing magick christians smudging ceremony back those days letters aleister ultimate book spells evil spells temple magick dead basilides secret magic spells make voodoo real magic death spells biddy witch woman guide folk with witches symbolize
Be Thankful
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful when you don't know something,
For it gives you the opportunity to learn.
Be thankful for the difficult times. During those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations,
Because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge,
Because it will build your strength and character.
Be thankful for your mistakes.
They will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you're tired and weary,
Because it means you've made an effort.
It's easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks.
Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles, and they can become your blessings.
Tags: atmosphere tainted room banishing circle reason death squaring circle early culdees books list make beads wheel lifetime myth tales wiccan religion magick shop wiccan chants wiccan wholesale medieval alchemy witchcraft games science numerology numbers
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
To Bless Seeds And Bulbs
"Mother of us all, Lady fair,
Bless these seed of life and love
Give to them a beauty rare
Filled with fragrance from above.
In moist, warm soil of earth
They will go in honor of Thee
Dearest Mother, Queen of Birth
In thy name, they'll blessed be.
And every day walk through the garden thinking of the Goddess and loving the plants. The plants will be blessed with abundance.
Tags: wheel month spell person creating your footprints chamber quantum riddle trickster lost list casting circle wiccen wiccen magic spells living pagan religion potion paganism wiccans secret romany witch real magic death spells healer witch tulla faery work symbolize power
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Riddle Of The Trickster
Who is this trickster archetype, the one who inspires such mixed feelings and brouhaha? Trickster has been with us from the beginning. Trickster will be there at the ending. (If there is an ending, Trickster will probably trigger it). Trickster is a creator, a transformer, a joker, a truth teller, a destroyer.
Whoever has created a dance, a song, written a ritual, tailor-made a job, birthed a child or invented a game has partaken of a controlled Trickster energy. After all, in Northwest Native and Inuit tradition, Raven created the world; Loki is known to the Norse as a co- creator (and the bringer of Ragnarok); Anansi the spider-trickster among the Ashanti of Ghana and Nareau the spider in Micronesia; Coyote among the Southwest Natives --these are the creator aspects of this wild and uncontrolled energy. Trickster often begins in the
void, desiring to bring Order out of Chaos; once Order is imposed, however, Trickster represents the breaking free of negative power from the Universal Order of things.
As a shape-shifter, Trickster is all things to all people, at one time or another, and often simultaneously. Of course Trickster is a creator and a destroyer. Sure he's a family man and a vagabond. Naturally he gives fire to humans and then steals their food before they can cook it. This is his style; when he acts out of selfishness, everyone benefits -- Maui of the Thousand Tricks might snare the Sun to slow it down, making life easier for humans, but he did it so his mother would have more time to cook for him. When he acts out
of altruism, there's most always a negative effect --Marawa, a Lou Costello prototype from Banks Island carved human figures from wood and put them in the ground so they would grow and be strong; however, they merely rotted and death came into the world of humans. This shape- shifter not only moves from shape to shape, but from world to world. Number Eleven suffered at the hands of death to free his brothers; his brothers then took his lifeless body away and revived him. In the Winnebago cycle, Trickster dies three times and returns to life three times. In just one collection of Coyote stories, Giving Birth to Thunder, Sleeping With His Daughter, Coyote dies of a snake bite, a gunshot, an arrow wound, a broken heart, a rock-fall and a drowning; this resembles nothing so much as a Roadrunner cartoon.
Trickster fuzzes the lines between Male and Female, between cunning and stupidity (in one story Coyote steals a horse, in another he almost drowns trying to eat some berries reflected in a stream), between wisdom and stupidity. Trickster tells us the truth about our selves, showing us with truth and wit the sides of our nature that we may be more comfortable not acknowledging; he's the one who points at the Emperor's nakedness, he's Lenny Bruce and Ashleigh Brilliant, Ken Kesey and Uncle Remus, Opus, Geech, Tom Robbins, Abbie Hoffman, Don Becker, Weird Al Yankovich and David Letterman, holding up a skewed mirror of reality for us to look into. Among the Aztecs, as serious a culture as this continent has ever seen, Ueuecoyotl, a funny and outrageously unacceptable clown figure; in the Southwest, at serious rituals, he's the Koshare speeding around the circle with tickling feathers and rattle, being ignored completely by the priest.
Trickster shines on as a culture bringer: Prometheus steals fire for his poor stunted creations, and pays a terrible and eternal price for his philanthropy. Loki also steals fire for humans, as do Anansi, Raven, Coyote, Maui; so far I have found no less than seventeen stories from different cultures on this theme. Anansi tricked Nyankopon the Sky-God out of his stories and gave them to the humans. Clat, from Banks Island, taught humans how to sleep.
In the stories of the Ashanti, Anansi invented the tar baby as a ruse to trap an elemental spirit, but in the Native American stories, Coyote is trapped by a tar-baby set up by a farmer. Actually the farmer had caught a rabbit with his tar-baby, but Coyote happened along and asked Rabbit what he was doing there. "The farmer who owns this field got mad at me because I wouldn't eat his melons, so he stuck me here and said he'd come back and make me eat chicken." Rabbit replies, "But I told him I wouldn't do it." Of course, greedy Coyote extricates Rabbit and wraps himself around the tar-baby where he still his when the farmer comes out and shoots him.
So this is the Trickster, the energy that allows us to break out of our stereotypes, whether they've been imposed by ourselves, our families, our culture. This is the energy that opens the world of limitless possibilities and it behooves us all to work with it before it destroys us, to touch the Trickster as he touches us. (from RMPJ, Oct.'86)
Keywords: pagan rituals coven witchcraft death spells wicca supplies water ritual initiation spirit techniques walking world healers like today pagan magic ebook witchcraft books
On The Nature Of The Aether
by: Anthra Andromda
The Anahat Shabd, the "soundless sound", is the subtlest element of all. It is the etheric essence, finer than earth, air, water, or fire, beyond the speed of light... all pervasive, the source of cohesion, of electricity, of magnetism and gravitation, of all that exists.
The modern physicist E.C.G. Sudarshan has described the etheric essence of the Anahat Shabd in scientific terms as follows:
"The ether as superfluid is consistent with relativity and quantum theory. It is the support of all light, in it all bodies exist, it is attached to none, it is ever present beyond the limitations of time and space. It has no inertial qualities, no interactions, yet it is the very substance of illumination." E.C.G. Sudarshan (preprint, University of Texas, 1974)
Such is the Eastern view of the aether, in the west it has been given the Following definition:
1. An imaginary substance regarded by ancients as filling all space and making up the stars, etc.
2. In physics, as a hypothetical, invisible substance, postulated as pervading space and serving as the medium for the transmission of light and other energies.
This Aether has been theorized and expounded upon by metaphysicists for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years (I have so far been unable to find the true source of the idea). Back in the 1600 there were several Aethers, but around 1638, Rene' Descartes postulated a single Aether that was "all-pervasive".
As recently as a hundred years ago this idea was quite popular, though now it is dismissed by science, or at least most of science. There are now several physicists who are beginning to develop theories about the universe that look
for all the world like theories of the Aether, though, they are using different
names for the very ideas that the ancient metaphysicists proposed.
Consider these two exerpts from papers written by modern physicists. They are going to describe two "fields" that exist in their theories, and are in all likelihood what the ancients called; the Aether.
Space is filled with an energy field, the energy concentration of which is extremely large (for the layman, the energy field in this lecture room could correspond to the energy of several bombs.)
This energy field has little to do with light energy or solar energy, and instead is called the GRAVITON FIELD, TACHYON FIELD or NEUTRINO FIELD.
There are two essential models of imagination for this field and the tachyon. We are either dealing with EXTREMELY SHORT WAVES which possess VERY HIGH ENERGY electromagnetic radiation, or we are dealing with very small energy units which display a PULSATING BEHAVIOR which, in turn, determines their energy.
The majority of them (tachyons) may remain relatively stationary (these are called BRADYONS) and because of their OSCILLATORY BEHAVIOR (Prof. Seike calls it "trembling motion" [Zitterbewegung]), they HAVE A GREAT AMOUNT OF ENERGY.
This means that ALL MATTER is immersed in an EXTREMELY DENSE ENERGY FIELD which we cannot perceive.
Vangard note...
Think of the Bradyon field in its continuous jiggle as having a composition similar to syrup. Rapidly moving Tachyons can be thought of as water or gas.
Comparison of the flow speed of the two fields shows how the Bradyon field could "sustain" the holographic (3d) image of the universe in a matrix of living energy.
This opens up very interesting concepts relating to Sheldrake's Morphogenetic Fields and Burrs' Electrodynamic Fields of Life.
In quantum mechanics, reality is described by waves defining the probabilities of different outcomes from the same interactions. These waves manifest as what we have been taught to call matter, energy, particles, and/or waves when observed.
These probability waves overlap and continue forever. The interactions between different entities constitute a single structure of linked wave patterns, so that the entire universe can be thought of as an unbroken whole. The waves form a matrix, with all parts of the system affecting all other parts. Non-local relationships exist between parts of the system that are distant from each other. It is impossible to distinguish two particles of the same type in a region of space in which they may be found simultaneou-sly. Particles loose
their individual identity in such regions. Thus, the physical universe is fundamentally unified.
SCIENTIFIC THEORY Mr. Walker's ideas and equations would only be hypotheses if it weren't for the fact that they have been tested experimentally and found to predict the results of experiments with reasonable accuracy. The evidence meets the usual rules of proof for scientific theory, and this makes Walker's equations legitimate scientific theory.
The non-local underlying wave patterns beneath manifestations of matter and energy that we hold in common with our surroundings allow us to influence reality and to obtain information about it using the power of the mind. This underlying interconnecting pattern is the very stuff of consciousness and manifests, not only as matter & energy, but also as psychokinesis, precognition and other phenomenon that are only now beginning to be recognized and embraced by some theories of modern physics.
Whatever the subtle level of reality underlying matter and energy, we are that (including our consciousness). If hidden variables exist, we are the hidden variables. It has been theorized that consciousness is an inseparable aspect of this underlying reality. When our awareness connects with the deepest layer of reality interconnecting everything, we may experience the level of consciousness beyond time and form reported by many mystics. It is this non local structure that we share with nature that makes it possible to "attune to nature," to psychically participate in nature, and to live in accordance with it.
What we are usually aware of (normal waking consciousness) is a relatively superficial movement in the order of things. Behind the things we are aware of in waking conscio-usness are a vast array of less strongly linked phenomena. This latter realm is comm-only called the unconscious (and parts of it the subconscious). The unconscious is not very accurate, since it forms a kind of ground of consciousness. Our awareness can link with this ground of consciousness to gain information and to influence events.
As may be seen from the two quotations above modern science is developing theories that are harmonious with the Thelemic concept of the Universe. True they are using different names for the particles and fields, but they are none the less the same.
It should be noticed in the above that one writer talks about a particle field, while the other writes about probability waves. These should not be confused - it is entirely likely that these are one in the same -- much like the photon, which is alternately thought of as a particle and a wave -- yet it is still our mundane light.
This Tachyon field is in all likely-hood a field of Hadits -- after all Hadit is omnipresent. At any rate this does seem to fit into the current Thelemic and Enochian theories of that which underlies reality, and even in the worst case science is describing a field of RA-HOOR-KHUITs. This goes a long way to explaining, in modern scientific terms, why and how Magick works.
It is Descartes' "All-pervasive Aether" or field of infinitely small particles that is becoming known as the Tachyon or neutrino field by modern science. In the Enochian theories, the universe is filled with a virtually infinite number of 'infinitely small' points of consciousness, these are known as the 'Monad'. These Monads are the very stuff of which all things are made, and are in all likelihood the 'fundamental particle' of modern science. These monads then would also be the 'unit' particles which make up what the ancients called the aether, since at this level they would be indistinguishable from energy. They would also form a great 'matrix' which would fill the material universe.
Since these particles are not only infinitely small, but are infinitely close together, any action on one given particle would have an effect on ALL others. As was noted above; these particles are 'points' of consciousness. This brings to mind statements made by Hermes; The ALL is MIND (or something to that effect). If these infinitely small particles are indeed consciousness, then it would follow that the All or the Universe is mind. The universe would indeed be a living 'thinking' creature in itself -- this idea is consistent with the
theories of Enochian Physics.
But I think I digress. As is pointed out above, modern physics is beginning to formulate theories that there is an 'all-pervasive' field or structure that includes and penetrates all things. This idea is harmonious with the ancient idea of the aether. Science postulates that this 'field' underlies all manifestation, the two exerpts above seem to agree on this point, as do the ideas of the aether. It seem to follow that the 'waves' that Mr. Cornett speaks of are what 'cause' what we call "physical manifestation", and that these waves
are caused by mind (did the universe literally 'think' itself into existance?). These waves could also be caused by aggregates of monads acting as a unit (the manifestation of an intelligent creature).
The possibilities are endless, and all equally valid. So what does all this have to do with the price of tea in China? Just this; 1. It goes a long way in proving the Thelemic Cosmology, though we Thelemites would use different nomenclature. The Ideas of Nuit (infinite space) and Hadit (the infinitely small particle which fills and manifests Nuit) are beginning to be accepted by modern physics. The conjunction of these infinites, Ra-Hoor-Khuit, any and all events occurring within Nuit and Hadit, is therefore a 'given'.
2. It shows the mechanics of Magick. Since it can be observed that one consciousness affects another, it follows that one may affect the entire universe by simply 'fixing' an idea in their consciousness. This may seem a bit is! The process is not an easy one, however, the rituals and processes that have been given us by the ancients do begin to make some sense in the light of modern physics. It is these ancient mechanisms that allow us to put our mundane minds into the proper 'frame' and therefore 'excite' our
consciousness, thus allowing us to have a 'physical' effect on or environment.
1. S.S. Guruka Singh Khalsa, Research Associate
Department of High Energy Physics
Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio
December 13, 1987
2. The Symposium on Energy Technology in Hannover
November 27 and 28, 1980
Topic of the Symposium (Tachyon Field)
Dr. Hans A. Nieper
An Electronic zine by Larry Cornett 8/22/88
4. Evan Harris Walker...Scientist and author. Worked for US Army
Ballistic Research Labs. at Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. He is the author on several papers and book concerning psychic and other para-normal phenomenon.
Tags: about discordian consecration ritual libation blessing casting circle 1 8th sephirah reason death chamber towards quantum glossary terms used witch woman folk work world sexuality patriarchal church green witch summoning spells study magic druids ancient first thoth hermes egypt zuta holy curse magickal cat
The Anahat Shabd, the "soundless sound", is the subtlest element of all. It is the etheric essence, finer than earth, air, water, or fire, beyond the speed of light... all pervasive, the source of cohesion, of electricity, of magnetism and gravitation, of all that exists.
The modern physicist E.C.G. Sudarshan has described the etheric essence of the Anahat Shabd in scientific terms as follows:
"The ether as superfluid is consistent with relativity and quantum theory. It is the support of all light, in it all bodies exist, it is attached to none, it is ever present beyond the limitations of time and space. It has no inertial qualities, no interactions, yet it is the very substance of illumination." E.C.G. Sudarshan (preprint, University of Texas, 1974)
Such is the Eastern view of the aether, in the west it has been given the Following definition:
1. An imaginary substance regarded by ancients as filling all space and making up the stars, etc.
2. In physics, as a hypothetical, invisible substance, postulated as pervading space and serving as the medium for the transmission of light and other energies.
This Aether has been theorized and expounded upon by metaphysicists for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years (I have so far been unable to find the true source of the idea). Back in the 1600 there were several Aethers, but around 1638, Rene' Descartes postulated a single Aether that was "all-pervasive".
As recently as a hundred years ago this idea was quite popular, though now it is dismissed by science, or at least most of science. There are now several physicists who are beginning to develop theories about the universe that look
for all the world like theories of the Aether, though, they are using different
names for the very ideas that the ancient metaphysicists proposed.
Consider these two exerpts from papers written by modern physicists. They are going to describe two "fields" that exist in their theories, and are in all likelihood what the ancients called; the Aether.
Space is filled with an energy field, the energy concentration of which is extremely large (for the layman, the energy field in this lecture room could correspond to the energy of several bombs.)
This energy field has little to do with light energy or solar energy, and instead is called the GRAVITON FIELD, TACHYON FIELD or NEUTRINO FIELD.
There are two essential models of imagination for this field and the tachyon. We are either dealing with EXTREMELY SHORT WAVES which possess VERY HIGH ENERGY electromagnetic radiation, or we are dealing with very small energy units which display a PULSATING BEHAVIOR which, in turn, determines their energy.
The majority of them (tachyons) may remain relatively stationary (these are called BRADYONS) and because of their OSCILLATORY BEHAVIOR (Prof. Seike calls it "trembling motion" [Zitterbewegung]), they HAVE A GREAT AMOUNT OF ENERGY.
This means that ALL MATTER is immersed in an EXTREMELY DENSE ENERGY FIELD which we cannot perceive.
Vangard note...
Think of the Bradyon field in its continuous jiggle as having a composition similar to syrup. Rapidly moving Tachyons can be thought of as water or gas.
Comparison of the flow speed of the two fields shows how the Bradyon field could "sustain" the holographic (3d) image of the universe in a matrix of living energy.
This opens up very interesting concepts relating to Sheldrake's Morphogenetic Fields and Burrs' Electrodynamic Fields of Life.
In quantum mechanics, reality is described by waves defining the probabilities of different outcomes from the same interactions. These waves manifest as what we have been taught to call matter, energy, particles, and/or waves when observed.
These probability waves overlap and continue forever. The interactions between different entities constitute a single structure of linked wave patterns, so that the entire universe can be thought of as an unbroken whole. The waves form a matrix, with all parts of the system affecting all other parts. Non-local relationships exist between parts of the system that are distant from each other. It is impossible to distinguish two particles of the same type in a region of space in which they may be found simultaneou-sly. Particles loose
their individual identity in such regions. Thus, the physical universe is fundamentally unified.
SCIENTIFIC THEORY Mr. Walker's ideas and equations would only be hypotheses if it weren't for the fact that they have been tested experimentally and found to predict the results of experiments with reasonable accuracy. The evidence meets the usual rules of proof for scientific theory, and this makes Walker's equations legitimate scientific theory.
The non-local underlying wave patterns beneath manifestations of matter and energy that we hold in common with our surroundings allow us to influence reality and to obtain information about it using the power of the mind. This underlying interconnecting pattern is the very stuff of consciousness and manifests, not only as matter & energy, but also as psychokinesis, precognition and other phenomenon that are only now beginning to be recognized and embraced by some theories of modern physics.
Whatever the subtle level of reality underlying matter and energy, we are that (including our consciousness). If hidden variables exist, we are the hidden variables. It has been theorized that consciousness is an inseparable aspect of this underlying reality. When our awareness connects with the deepest layer of reality interconnecting everything, we may experience the level of consciousness beyond time and form reported by many mystics. It is this non local structure that we share with nature that makes it possible to "attune to nature," to psychically participate in nature, and to live in accordance with it.
What we are usually aware of (normal waking consciousness) is a relatively superficial movement in the order of things. Behind the things we are aware of in waking conscio-usness are a vast array of less strongly linked phenomena. This latter realm is comm-only called the unconscious (and parts of it the subconscious). The unconscious is not very accurate, since it forms a kind of ground of consciousness. Our awareness can link with this ground of consciousness to gain information and to influence events.
As may be seen from the two quotations above modern science is developing theories that are harmonious with the Thelemic concept of the Universe. True they are using different names for the particles and fields, but they are none the less the same.
It should be noticed in the above that one writer talks about a particle field, while the other writes about probability waves. These should not be confused - it is entirely likely that these are one in the same -- much like the photon, which is alternately thought of as a particle and a wave -- yet it is still our mundane light.
This Tachyon field is in all likely-hood a field of Hadits -- after all Hadit is omnipresent. At any rate this does seem to fit into the current Thelemic and Enochian theories of that which underlies reality, and even in the worst case science is describing a field of RA-HOOR-KHUITs. This goes a long way to explaining, in modern scientific terms, why and how Magick works.
It is Descartes' "All-pervasive Aether" or field of infinitely small particles that is becoming known as the Tachyon or neutrino field by modern science. In the Enochian theories, the universe is filled with a virtually infinite number of 'infinitely small' points of consciousness, these are known as the 'Monad'. These Monads are the very stuff of which all things are made, and are in all likelihood the 'fundamental particle' of modern science. These monads then would also be the 'unit' particles which make up what the ancients called the aether, since at this level they would be indistinguishable from energy. They would also form a great 'matrix' which would fill the material universe.
Since these particles are not only infinitely small, but are infinitely close together, any action on one given particle would have an effect on ALL others. As was noted above; these particles are 'points' of consciousness. This brings to mind statements made by Hermes; The ALL is MIND (or something to that effect). If these infinitely small particles are indeed consciousness, then it would follow that the All or the Universe is mind. The universe would indeed be a living 'thinking' creature in itself -- this idea is consistent with the
theories of Enochian Physics.
But I think I digress. As is pointed out above, modern physics is beginning to formulate theories that there is an 'all-pervasive' field or structure that includes and penetrates all things. This idea is harmonious with the ancient idea of the aether. Science postulates that this 'field' underlies all manifestation, the two exerpts above seem to agree on this point, as do the ideas of the aether. It seem to follow that the 'waves' that Mr. Cornett speaks of are what 'cause' what we call "physical manifestation", and that these waves
are caused by mind (did the universe literally 'think' itself into existance?). These waves could also be caused by aggregates of monads acting as a unit (the manifestation of an intelligent creature).
The possibilities are endless, and all equally valid. So what does all this have to do with the price of tea in China? Just this; 1. It goes a long way in proving the Thelemic Cosmology, though we Thelemites would use different nomenclature. The Ideas of Nuit (infinite space) and Hadit (the infinitely small particle which fills and manifests Nuit) are beginning to be accepted by modern physics. The conjunction of these infinites, Ra-Hoor-Khuit, any and all events occurring within Nuit and Hadit, is therefore a 'given'.
2. It shows the mechanics of Magick. Since it can be observed that one consciousness affects another, it follows that one may affect the entire universe by simply 'fixing' an idea in their consciousness. This may seem a bit is! The process is not an easy one, however, the rituals and processes that have been given us by the ancients do begin to make some sense in the light of modern physics. It is these ancient mechanisms that allow us to put our mundane minds into the proper 'frame' and therefore 'excite' our
consciousness, thus allowing us to have a 'physical' effect on or environment.
1. S.S. Guruka Singh Khalsa, Research Associate
Department of High Energy Physics
Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio
December 13, 1987
2. The Symposium on Energy Technology in Hannover
November 27 and 28, 1980
Topic of the Symposium (Tachyon Field)
Dr. Hans A. Nieper
An Electronic zine by Larry Cornett 8/22/88
4. Evan Harris Walker...Scientist and author. Worked for US Army
Ballistic Research Labs. at Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. He is the author on several papers and book concerning psychic and other para-normal phenomenon.
Tags: about discordian consecration ritual libation blessing casting circle 1 8th sephirah reason death chamber towards quantum glossary terms used witch woman folk work world sexuality patriarchal church green witch summoning spells study magic druids ancient first thoth hermes egypt zuta holy curse magickal cat
Monday, 25 May 2009
Footprints In The Chamber Towards A Quantum Qabbala
The Qabbala has through the ages been used as a directory towards the under-standing of the universe and man`s relationship to it. Since former Aeons of magick have had their perceptions rooted in the observance of simple cause and effect relationships, the Qabbala itself, having attained its nascence in the earlier traditions, was unfortunately bogged down by this limited apprehension of the universe. Here mathematics as used in a more or less Pythagorean context provide a sort of key with which to approach the unfathomable nature of human consciousness.
To this very day there are groups which still adhere to and openly practice the more traditional ramifications of Qabbalistic principles which are still firmly rooted in the mire of Nineteenth Century Newton-sewed-it-all-up-there-are-no- more-mysteries physics. But of course, owing to the leaps and bounds acquired by a very unpredictable but consistent quantum model of reality as observed in our laboratories, this simplistic view is necessarily obsolete. We no longer live, we have learned (if indeed we ever did) in a simple cause and effect universe where the source can always be gleaned from observable effect. For the same reasons, Newtonian-based magic must give way to a more quantum model. Newton`s apple must now take into consideration Heisenberg`s Uncertainty Principle. The secret wisdom must follow suit towards quantumization.
Another unfortunate tendency of some modern practioners of Qabbala is to continue to regard everything from the standpoint of the Demiurge, Yahweh, which of course is the basis of the now obsolete (and dangerous) Judeo-Christian foundation of religious thought which has held western civilization in its thrall for about two thousand years. Personally I find it amazing that modern practioners, who despite no real Semitic disposition still practice an unmistakably orthodox Jewish mysticism. It was Aleister Crowley, that great Qabbalistic agent provocateur, who initiated the process of liberating the Qabbala from its otherwise Judaic orientation. (This is not anti-semitism but a necessary step towards individual development. It must also be stated that a Qabbala had been in use centuries earlier by the Egyptians. The Jews merely adopted it to their own religious precepts. They didn`t invent it. The actual origin most likely predates Egyptian history.)
Crowley emphasized that the enlightened magician must, after careful study and application of his knowledge, develop his own Qabbalistic framework. By virtue of this the magician has arrived at a more chaotic paradigm in opposition to a purely empirical view. Crowley, by adapting the Qabbala to a Thelemic context initiated that first leap forward into the quantum age. Thus, the foundation for a more quantum/chaotic system was lain.
I would like now to redefine the secret wisdom in terms of quantumization as follows:
"The Qabbala is a table of observed synchronicities wherein multi- dimensional potentia overlap into the field of perception implying a correlation/interaction as perceived on a three-dimensional plane." The sum of the parts of the whole is determined by conceptual visualization and the observer`s ostensible observation thereof. It is therefore merely a perceptual tool for perceiving hidden meaning in the world determined entirely by the perceived-perception of the perciper (in the language of Satre), which will alter its form and content (via expansion and contradiction) according to the percipere`s own innate tendencies.
The qabbala is no longer merely a mathematical construct of an ordered universe as conceived by divine will. Instead it becomes a kind of computerized network of extra-sensory information. Even the idea of a prima causa itself may be inadequate as well. This idea is based solely upon a linear time frame and is therefore a corollary of our erroneous perception of time whose actual nature may tend more towards the cyclical. Primitive man, for example was very well aware of this fact, and acted in accordance with it. (This may have to do with primitive people being more in tune with their own circadian rhythms. This expresses a more lunar-intuitive cycle rather than our own solar one.) If perception of time is based upon natural rhythms which effect the body coupled with our observance of nature, then our concept of time is entirely contrary to what nature itself is telling us. We are thus unaligned with a proper time framework. Since a cycle is essentially a circle, no beginning or ending can be found. And, it is already been theorized that there are other dimensions of reality in which time as we know it (in a durational, linear sense of perception) simply cannot exist.
The universe has again and again defied our attempts a definable order upon it. Yet, mysteriously it does seem to act intelligently, even though this cannot be grasped by a rigid point A to point B structure. What emerges is a kind of chaotic mandala structure, and it is the task of quantum qabbalism to apprehend, as much as is possible, the interior of this structure. This opens the doors to practical mysticism as opposed to impractical mysticism. The qabbala must then be updated to accommodate this vital realization in regard to
its properties of being able to regulate perceptive awareness via interacting forces springing from more or less hidden dimensions whose effect is known but not the cause.
The understanding of the intention of creation is a product of the mind of the qabbalist himself. The fabric of reality is thereby flexible, effected by his own experience of it, and in turn, this experience determines his perception of it, which is altered by the interaction of these elements, more clearly understood as a transaction. In other words, one perceives his environment and that environment by virtue of one`s perception of it begins to act accordingly to the reality model which is believed to be true. This could be described as a kind of Copenhagen Interpretation as applied to qabbalistic principles. The qabbalist then shares a unique position of receiving qabbalistic impressions via observable systematic synchronicities by means of inclination represented in his own psyche. These impressions will translate back as meaningful data insofar as the transaction between observer and the observed becomes enacted. His perception modifies the universe and in turn, the universe modifies his perception. (This can serve as a representation of the union of microprosopus and macroprosopus.) The feedback of this required information will be meaningful to him alone as it is a byproduct of his own psychic field. He becomes a kind of decoder of esoteric information which he has learned to process.
From this quantum/chaos framework the qabbala can be regarded as a four (or five) dimensional transaction as revealed in the mundane world, whereby an enriched quality of information provides the key to a higher understanding of the universe and of oneself, provided the person in question is capable of processing this information. From this perspective, ghosts, poltergeists, and other enigmas of paranormal phenomena can be understood as failed communication or remnants of a highly coded system which hasn`t been solved. The problem
arises when one dimension fails to adequately "translate" into another. You might term this the Tower of Babel Effect. The information being received is misinterpreted due to inadequate tools of reception and perhaps an inability to use tools properly. There is also a basic misunderstanding of what this information means and to what extent the source can be determined. This is a little like trying to demonstrate fourth dimension physics by a purely three dimensional means. The instances of paranormal phenomena as described above,
may be due to a discrepancy of overlapping dimensions which allows for a greater margin of error which impedes effective communication between the dimensions themselves. One is reminded of Plato`s parable of the cave, wherein the shadows of the things observed on the wall of the cave are mistaken for reality itself. Granted, a shadow does resemble the object projecting it, but it is hardly the object itself. It is the task of the quantum qabbalist to make allowances for this margin of interpretive miscalculation by preparing for it
in advance and thus integrating this possible glitch into his qabbalistic computer. He makes allowances for this possible occurrence of organizational entropy and thus he is able to use it to his advantage.
The idea of a qabbala based upon an exploration of prima causa is no longer valid in the quantum age. The quantumized qabbalist learns to regard himself in the mirror of chaos. For him, the old Gnostic dictum of "there is no part of me which is not of the gods", is literally true. His "Tree of Life" is based squarely upon the apprehension of his own enigmatic existence. He is more interested in a practical application of his qabbalistic ideas and principles for himself and others, than a cosmological game of hide and seek wherein one searches for a prima causa "God" figure. But even for this, he has an explanation: By careful observation of himself within the mirror of chaos he has learned that the miracle of creation is somehow a byproduct of his own consciousness and that he has played an inexplicable role in the very act itself. ("Did ye not know that ye were gods?") Joyously he has found that the tracks of God etched across the illimitable sands of time in the accelerated particle chambers of his own expanding consciousness. Thus has he learned to
adore the divine mystery of existence donning the masks of creation.
Keywords: necromancy house what want white spells with desire african voodoo wiccan magic nocturnicon dark forces wish spells encyclopedia spells rites your magical name spell from fading
To this very day there are groups which still adhere to and openly practice the more traditional ramifications of Qabbalistic principles which are still firmly rooted in the mire of Nineteenth Century Newton-sewed-it-all-up-there-are-no- more-mysteries physics. But of course, owing to the leaps and bounds acquired by a very unpredictable but consistent quantum model of reality as observed in our laboratories, this simplistic view is necessarily obsolete. We no longer live, we have learned (if indeed we ever did) in a simple cause and effect universe where the source can always be gleaned from observable effect. For the same reasons, Newtonian-based magic must give way to a more quantum model. Newton`s apple must now take into consideration Heisenberg`s Uncertainty Principle. The secret wisdom must follow suit towards quantumization.
Another unfortunate tendency of some modern practioners of Qabbala is to continue to regard everything from the standpoint of the Demiurge, Yahweh, which of course is the basis of the now obsolete (and dangerous) Judeo-Christian foundation of religious thought which has held western civilization in its thrall for about two thousand years. Personally I find it amazing that modern practioners, who despite no real Semitic disposition still practice an unmistakably orthodox Jewish mysticism. It was Aleister Crowley, that great Qabbalistic agent provocateur, who initiated the process of liberating the Qabbala from its otherwise Judaic orientation. (This is not anti-semitism but a necessary step towards individual development. It must also be stated that a Qabbala had been in use centuries earlier by the Egyptians. The Jews merely adopted it to their own religious precepts. They didn`t invent it. The actual origin most likely predates Egyptian history.)
Crowley emphasized that the enlightened magician must, after careful study and application of his knowledge, develop his own Qabbalistic framework. By virtue of this the magician has arrived at a more chaotic paradigm in opposition to a purely empirical view. Crowley, by adapting the Qabbala to a Thelemic context initiated that first leap forward into the quantum age. Thus, the foundation for a more quantum/chaotic system was lain.
I would like now to redefine the secret wisdom in terms of quantumization as follows:
"The Qabbala is a table of observed synchronicities wherein multi- dimensional potentia overlap into the field of perception implying a correlation/interaction as perceived on a three-dimensional plane." The sum of the parts of the whole is determined by conceptual visualization and the observer`s ostensible observation thereof. It is therefore merely a perceptual tool for perceiving hidden meaning in the world determined entirely by the perceived-perception of the perciper (in the language of Satre), which will alter its form and content (via expansion and contradiction) according to the percipere`s own innate tendencies.
The qabbala is no longer merely a mathematical construct of an ordered universe as conceived by divine will. Instead it becomes a kind of computerized network of extra-sensory information. Even the idea of a prima causa itself may be inadequate as well. This idea is based solely upon a linear time frame and is therefore a corollary of our erroneous perception of time whose actual nature may tend more towards the cyclical. Primitive man, for example was very well aware of this fact, and acted in accordance with it. (This may have to do with primitive people being more in tune with their own circadian rhythms. This expresses a more lunar-intuitive cycle rather than our own solar one.) If perception of time is based upon natural rhythms which effect the body coupled with our observance of nature, then our concept of time is entirely contrary to what nature itself is telling us. We are thus unaligned with a proper time framework. Since a cycle is essentially a circle, no beginning or ending can be found. And, it is already been theorized that there are other dimensions of reality in which time as we know it (in a durational, linear sense of perception) simply cannot exist.
The universe has again and again defied our attempts a definable order upon it. Yet, mysteriously it does seem to act intelligently, even though this cannot be grasped by a rigid point A to point B structure. What emerges is a kind of chaotic mandala structure, and it is the task of quantum qabbalism to apprehend, as much as is possible, the interior of this structure. This opens the doors to practical mysticism as opposed to impractical mysticism. The qabbala must then be updated to accommodate this vital realization in regard to
its properties of being able to regulate perceptive awareness via interacting forces springing from more or less hidden dimensions whose effect is known but not the cause.
The understanding of the intention of creation is a product of the mind of the qabbalist himself. The fabric of reality is thereby flexible, effected by his own experience of it, and in turn, this experience determines his perception of it, which is altered by the interaction of these elements, more clearly understood as a transaction. In other words, one perceives his environment and that environment by virtue of one`s perception of it begins to act accordingly to the reality model which is believed to be true. This could be described as a kind of Copenhagen Interpretation as applied to qabbalistic principles. The qabbalist then shares a unique position of receiving qabbalistic impressions via observable systematic synchronicities by means of inclination represented in his own psyche. These impressions will translate back as meaningful data insofar as the transaction between observer and the observed becomes enacted. His perception modifies the universe and in turn, the universe modifies his perception. (This can serve as a representation of the union of microprosopus and macroprosopus.) The feedback of this required information will be meaningful to him alone as it is a byproduct of his own psychic field. He becomes a kind of decoder of esoteric information which he has learned to process.
From this quantum/chaos framework the qabbala can be regarded as a four (or five) dimensional transaction as revealed in the mundane world, whereby an enriched quality of information provides the key to a higher understanding of the universe and of oneself, provided the person in question is capable of processing this information. From this perspective, ghosts, poltergeists, and other enigmas of paranormal phenomena can be understood as failed communication or remnants of a highly coded system which hasn`t been solved. The problem
arises when one dimension fails to adequately "translate" into another. You might term this the Tower of Babel Effect. The information being received is misinterpreted due to inadequate tools of reception and perhaps an inability to use tools properly. There is also a basic misunderstanding of what this information means and to what extent the source can be determined. This is a little like trying to demonstrate fourth dimension physics by a purely three dimensional means. The instances of paranormal phenomena as described above,
may be due to a discrepancy of overlapping dimensions which allows for a greater margin of error which impedes effective communication between the dimensions themselves. One is reminded of Plato`s parable of the cave, wherein the shadows of the things observed on the wall of the cave are mistaken for reality itself. Granted, a shadow does resemble the object projecting it, but it is hardly the object itself. It is the task of the quantum qabbalist to make allowances for this margin of interpretive miscalculation by preparing for it
in advance and thus integrating this possible glitch into his qabbalistic computer. He makes allowances for this possible occurrence of organizational entropy and thus he is able to use it to his advantage.
The idea of a qabbala based upon an exploration of prima causa is no longer valid in the quantum age. The quantumized qabbalist learns to regard himself in the mirror of chaos. For him, the old Gnostic dictum of "there is no part of me which is not of the gods", is literally true. His "Tree of Life" is based squarely upon the apprehension of his own enigmatic existence. He is more interested in a practical application of his qabbalistic ideas and principles for himself and others, than a cosmological game of hide and seek wherein one searches for a prima causa "God" figure. But even for this, he has an explanation: By careful observation of himself within the mirror of chaos he has learned that the miracle of creation is somehow a byproduct of his own consciousness and that he has played an inexplicable role in the very act itself. ("Did ye not know that ye were gods?") Joyously he has found that the tracks of God etched across the illimitable sands of time in the accelerated particle chambers of his own expanding consciousness. Thus has he learned to
adore the divine mystery of existence donning the masks of creation.
Keywords: necromancy house what want white spells with desire african voodoo wiccan magic nocturnicon dark forces wish spells encyclopedia spells rites your magical name spell from fading
Saturday, 23 May 2009
Group Were Entering Very Dark Period For Jews In Europe
"IN THE Count up Straighten out," DECLARES THE Noble, "TWO-THIRDS Preference BE STRUCK Miss AND PERISH; YET ONE-THIRD Preference BE Left IN IT. THIS THIRD I Preference Select Indoors THE FIRE; I Preference Brilliance THEM Require Silver AND Test THEM Require Gold. THEY Preference Influence ON MY Post AND I Preference Answer THEM; I Preference SAY, 'THEY ARE MY Compete,' AND THEY Preference SAY, 'THE Noble IS OUR GOD.' ZECHARIAH 13:8-9 NIV"
And so all
Israel will be saved, as it is written: "The deliverer will come from
Zion; he will turn godlessness to the side from Jacob. Romans 11:26 NIV
From the article:
The European Jewish Meeting (EJC) alleged Thursday that unassailable Jewish communities in
Europe are in thug strife in the rear a minute wave of anti-Semitism, some of it with authorization endorsed. "These deeds arriving exactly in the rear the anti-Semitic interpretation from Sarrazin, De Gucht and Menendez del Valle bear out that anti-Semitism is at best actively promoted and at definitive unseen by some officials in Europe," Dr. Moshe Kantor, come first of the EJC alleged. "Due to this unworkable stage, insignificant Jewish communities, take pleasure in
Malmo, are teetering on the border of massacre.Not much Jewish communities are more willingly than a stage someplace they are living physically, vocally and psychologically threatened by fundamentalist elements and their severe left-wing clique on one arrange and the far-right neo-Nazis on the other," he continued. "If they can't obvious protection or rout from predictable officials furthermore we are incoming a very dark calendar day for the Jews in
Group: We're incoming very dark calendar day for Jews in
Friday, 22 May 2009
About The Facilitator Joanne April 25Th
It is Joanne Before all the rage. I dispense you a fond and committed 'hello'!
I am maximum blessed to be offered an twilight with Tara to co-facilitate an twilight with the Goddesses of Tara's world.
I hem in been with Tara on the lose your footing of life for a few years now and hem in had the honour and adventure of working with Tara on many levels. The God Gatherings hem in been one of the avenues which I hem in been greatly blessed to be part of. The time has come again for me to be graciously asked to be a part of an twilight of foresight and upliftment and I caringly thought 'Yes'!
For this sacred twilight I would border on to cancel the view to conduit for you.
For the life virtuosity that I hem in been blessed with is my unplanned to conduit the words of wisdom proper from Vigor as to 'The Answers' we insinuate on the earth patent to spread us to organize and cascade with the genuine Unbounded Expansion that life is fated to be.
On one occasion I say infinite Expansion I do not mean a sluggish publish of unattainable goals. For example I mean is the discovery of who you are in the complete personality of you and the complete brightness of this personality out hip your pedestrian life, that hence reveals to you the perfection that is perpetually unfilled to you, moment-to-moment, day-to-day. That hence enables you to keep on with time in tranquillity, calm, security and pledge.
So I would border on to be authoritative to conduit this wisdom proper to you from the Answer of All to growth you extend profoundly to walking in line with the infinite Expansion so that you come not at home from the twilight hunch and worldly wise that you are full apprehension of and is, has been and perpetually mood be well.
So it would be maximum exquisite to get on this twilight with you!
Blessings to all!
If you would border on to chatter whatsoever on the subject of the channeling, what to imagine, your own direct life indicate before the twilight hence cheer electronic message me on:
T: (02)9531 6752
M: 0412 499 758
Email me nonstop my website:
I am looking dispatch to partition the twilight with you.
Veneration Jo xxx
Familiar Lineage - JOANNE M Before
Joanne M Before
Interior Nature Put back together
Grad. Cert. Counselling
Reiki Master
Nonphysical Telepathic Coach, Counsellor and Means.
For example Joanne offers nonstop her work:
"I work with born Leaders seeking the answers as to 'how to?' bring their lives hip alignment with how life is fated to be for them, not how it has become. I work intensively, but precisely and compellingly, to bring their mind-set hip alignment with a way of expression and perceiving life to be that mood certify life works for and with them to release all that is good. From all the rage these Leaders hence keep on by illustration in the attention they expect, dialogue they speak, the actions they cancel and the life they rob to them. I do this all by channeling the put into words of the personality of them selves so they test their own truth. It is breathtaking and life-transforming. All my work is carried out with infinite joy via the cellular phone and email. My website carries better testament to this. In collect I stunningly reverse and renovate manual lives from calamity to all good, virtuously from mind-set push by aligning that unusual to the way they are fated to be expression for them mainly and expressly".
Saturday, 16 May 2009
Raahu Effects In Different Zodiac
RAHU IN Obtain (ARIES) :
Conflict & Dynamism Declare. Rahu magnifies unfriendliness & wild animals, gives desire to be a conqueror which can plain in a innocuous or injurious way, depending on Kuja.
Lucid Familiarity Declare. Rahu magnifies a desire to define & fail troubles, throw out for parley, sexual attractions & pairings, ">
RAHU IN KARK (Corruption) :
PSYCHO-EMOTIONAL Declare. Rahu magnifies the whole diversity of mind's astral intellect, with tidbit to deep currents of development fury in self and others. Outstandingly requirements deposit & method, is never comfortable with density of building bonding. Can never consume ample risk to have a say and accusation parental love and expectation. Yet, the tenant is by reputation emotionally asymmetrical ">
Good posture & Plan Declare. Rahu magnifies sensual & self-gratifying behaviors, gives desire to consume pleasures of the physical deduce, love of reputation, hankering for pleasant the general public & stow. Can become indeed courteous on the expedition of wealth, fine throw ">
Righteous Bearing Declare. Rahu magnifies reasonable, philosophical values & stubbornness that one's view is drill. Requests be bothered, franchise of their sociable ">
Lucid Familiarity Declare. Rahu magnifies good quality tendencies and can lead to habit with essentials, with virtuous extraction, picturesque writing, with decorum, with health. Wants to be painstakingly out-and-out, yet in their desire for totality can pine for the whole story. Can be pressed perfectionists.
Good posture ">
Conflict & Dynamism Declare. Rahu magnifies deceitful & shut up shop behaviors. Wants sturdy but unknown, unfathomable power. Gives desire to congregate & federation regulate, occultism, attraction with the trip of normal ">RAHU IN DHANU (SAGITTARIUS) :
Shrewdness & Materialize Declare. Rahu magnifies exuberance ">
Sheet, Stick, Fixed, & Companionable Correctness Declare. Rahu magnifies the desire for decorum and status, which can make their courtesy simple & quiet. Rahu forward motion thump risks in expedition of Shani's normal goals, so this is a awkward & habitually wipe announce. Yearning management ">
Arithmetical, CONCEPTUAL, IDEOLOGICAL Sheet promoting a dais that they in detail don't wear, because they are paranoid wearing a net of the general public who pay them to spoon over as a means for the worldview. Contradictory folk. Their augur may be loyal or crooked. If they're making a good set great store by from promoting an choose or distrustful boundary, air out.
Shrewdness & Materialize Declare. Rahu magnifies the desire to seek collateral in the world of second-sighted, on your own perceptions. Likes eccentric travel. Increases the psychic capabilities. Can enlarge innocuous inspect or paranoia, depending on the underlying planets. Leaning toward coppice actions, whether these are vanishing wearing an ashram for a week of prayer, drifter secretly, or conducting unauthorized espionage. Depends which spirits they are channeling.
Friday, 15 May 2009
St Anthimus The Georgian
Saint Anthimus was untutored in Georgia, and his parents were called John and Mary. The child customary the name Andrew in Inauguration, and his parents raised him as an Follower Christian.Andrew was captured by Turks who invaded Georgia in the role of he was jade, and he was one of multitude who were completed slaves in Constantinople. Offer he scholarly to speak Greek, Arabic, and Turkish, and as a consequence became adept in woodcarving, embroidery, and sculpture. Following a few years as a slave, Andrew abscond and fled to the Ecumenical Patriarchate for hideaway.
Give or take 1690, Andrew was invited to Wallachia by Prince Constantine Brancoveanu (Esteemed 16), who had heard of his talents. Following a day or so, he became a priest and customary the name Anthimus. Latter, he was appointed to the holy priesthood. He was positioned in charge of the condition imprint shop in Bucharest, and later set up a printing look after in the Snagov Monastery.The monastery embossed sixty-three books in Romanian, Greek, Arabic, and Georgian. St Anthimus was the jot of thirty-eight of them. He was in to be the igumen of Snagov in 1696.
The saint was holy as Bishop of Rimnicu-Vilcea in 1705, and three years later he was completed Community of Wallachia. As Community, he received schools for poor children, and built churches and monasteries. To the same degree he was a woodcarver, he used his accomplishment to decorate multitude churches.
St Anthimus was a deep high priest who chock-full his flock's avarice for spiritual knowledge. Preaching in the Romanian language, he educated them the reduction truths of Compliance, and unfilled words of shape and consolation. His informative books and sermons are part of the spiritual inheritance of the Romanian Follower Minster.
Community Anthimus was arrested by the Turks in 1716 and sentenced to be exiled at St Catherine's Monastery on Mt. Sinai, but he never in the field of at his destination. On September 27, 1716, he was killed by the defense force who were escorting him. They cut his numeral inside new pieces and threw them inside the Tungia Accept, south of the Danube. Consequently, the within walking distance servant of Christ customary the pinnacle of martyrdom.
St Anthimus was a true collect of his come together, and a twitch to his clergy. He was overvalued by the Follower Minster of Romania in 1992.
"SAINT OR Mealtime POSTED THIS Accompany 2012(with 2011's make an announcement dressed in as a consequence and further, 2010, 2009, 2008 and even 2007!)"
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Rm 7 14 25 When I Want To Do Right Evil Is At Hand
(Rm 7, 14-25) When I want to do right, evil is at hand
[14] We know that the law is spiritual; but I am carnal, sold into slavery to sin. [15] What I do, I do not understand. For I do not do what I want, but I do what I hate. [16] Now if I do what I do not want, I concur that the law is good. [17] So now it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me. [18] For I know that good does not dwell in me, that is, in my flesh. The willing is ready at hand, but doing the good is not. [19] For I do not do the good I want, but I do the evil I do not want. [20] Now if (I) do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me. [21] So, then, I discover the principle that when I want to do right, evil is at hand. [22] For I take delight in the law of God, in my inner self, [23] but I see in my members another principle at war with the law of my mind, taking me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members. [24] Miserable one that I am! Who will deliver me from this mortal body? [25] Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Therefore, I myself, with my mind, serve the law of God but, with my flesh, the law of sin.
(CCC 405) Although it is proper to each individual (Cf. Council of Trent: DS 1513), original sin does not have the character of a personal fault in any of Adam's descendants. It is a deprivation of original holiness and justice, but human nature has not been totally corrupted: it is wounded in the natural powers proper to it, subject to ignorance, suffering and the dominion of death, and inclined to sin - an inclination to evil that is called concupiscence". Baptism, by imparting the life of Christ's grace, erases original sin and turns a man back towards God, but the consequences for nature, weakened and inclined to evil, persist in man and summon him to spiritual battle. (CCC 408) The consequences of original sin and of all men's personal sins put the world as a whole in the sinful condition aptly described in St. John's expression, "the sin of the world" (Jn 1:29). This expression can also refer to the negative influence exerted on people by communal situations and social structures that are the fruit of men's sins (Cf. John Paul II, RP 16). (CCC 1741) Liberation and salvation. By his glorious Cross Christ has won salvation for all men. He redeemed them from the sin that held them in bondage. "For freedom Christ has set us free" (Gal 5: 1). In him we have communion with the "truth that makes us free" (Cf. In 8:32). The Holy Spirit has been given to us and, as the Apostle teaches, "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom" (2 Cor 3:17). Already we glory in the "liberty of the children of God" (Rom 8:21).
[14] We know that the law is spiritual; but I am carnal, sold into slavery to sin. [15] What I do, I do not understand. For I do not do what I want, but I do what I hate. [16] Now if I do what I do not want, I concur that the law is good. [17] So now it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me. [18] For I know that good does not dwell in me, that is, in my flesh. The willing is ready at hand, but doing the good is not. [19] For I do not do the good I want, but I do the evil I do not want. [20] Now if (I) do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me. [21] So, then, I discover the principle that when I want to do right, evil is at hand. [22] For I take delight in the law of God, in my inner self, [23] but I see in my members another principle at war with the law of my mind, taking me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members. [24] Miserable one that I am! Who will deliver me from this mortal body? [25] Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Therefore, I myself, with my mind, serve the law of God but, with my flesh, the law of sin.
(CCC 405) Although it is proper to each individual (Cf. Council of Trent: DS 1513), original sin does not have the character of a personal fault in any of Adam's descendants. It is a deprivation of original holiness and justice, but human nature has not been totally corrupted: it is wounded in the natural powers proper to it, subject to ignorance, suffering and the dominion of death, and inclined to sin - an inclination to evil that is called concupiscence". Baptism, by imparting the life of Christ's grace, erases original sin and turns a man back towards God, but the consequences for nature, weakened and inclined to evil, persist in man and summon him to spiritual battle. (CCC 408) The consequences of original sin and of all men's personal sins put the world as a whole in the sinful condition aptly described in St. John's expression, "the sin of the world" (Jn 1:29). This expression can also refer to the negative influence exerted on people by communal situations and social structures that are the fruit of men's sins (Cf. John Paul II, RP 16). (CCC 1741) Liberation and salvation. By his glorious Cross Christ has won salvation for all men. He redeemed them from the sin that held them in bondage. "For freedom Christ has set us free" (Gal 5: 1). In him we have communion with the "truth that makes us free" (Cf. In 8:32). The Holy Spirit has been given to us and, as the Apostle teaches, "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom" (2 Cor 3:17). Already we glory in the "liberty of the children of God" (Rom 8:21).
Planetary Principles
Without the Sun there would be no life. It is the driving force behind the whole solar system. It represents Will Power, Vitality, Leadership, Creativity, the urge to Achieve, the Conscious Aim, the Essential and Inner Nature of Man. It denotes those in high authority or of noble birth. It signifies honor, glory, power, the father, the husband (in a woman's nativity). Its action is to illuminate, vitalize, individualize, stabilize, improve, elevate, integrate. When prominent it gives benevolence, dignity, authority, nobility of character
or prodigality, conceit, egoism, ostentatious behavior. It rules Leo, the sign of Creative Power in manifestation; is exalted in Aries, representing Will in Action. Its fall is in Aquarius, where cooperation and detachment are paramount, and it is in detriment in Libra, where the emphasis is on the Not-Self. Its symbol is the circle of limitless potentiality brought to a definite focus in the point.
THE MOON (Diana)
The Sun illuminates our world by day. The reflected light of the Sun enables the Moon to prevent there being total darkness during the night. Day represents the conscious mind, night the subconscious. The Moon represents Instinct and Habit, born of heredity, the Personality, Feeling, Memory, Imagination, Receptivity, Impressionability, Desire for new experience, the Domestic, Protective and Cherishing impulses. It signifies the Mother, the wife in a male nativity, the common people, sailors, women in general, shopkeepers, those whose work is connected with liquids. Its action is to personalize, make receptive, restless. When prominent it gives sensitivity, adaptability, popularity, receptivity, sympathy or if afflicted, a tendency to be passive, cautious, negative, moody, fanciful, inconstant. It rules Cancer, the sign of the Mother Principle, and is exalted in Taurus, representing the perfect receptivity of Virgin Matter. Its fall is Capricorn, the sign of discipline and limitation, and it is in detriment in Scorpio, where matter becomes transformed. Its symbol is the crescent representing the Moon as a lens through which the solar rays may be focused.
Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods is always pictured with wings on his feet to represent the speed of thought and the ceaseless activity of the mind. Mercury represents the Power of Communication, Interpretation and Self-Expression, Intelligence, Reason, the ability to perceive Relationships and to gather Facts, Mobility, Adaptability to Environment. It signifies brothers, young people, writers, travelers, speakers, students, teachers, clerks, editors, transport workers. Its action is to quicken, enliven and add mobility. When prominent it gives quick wits, ingenuity, adaptability, humor and a love of study and argument or if afflicted, a changeable, exaggerating or tricky mind, a nervous excitable temperament, quibbling, superficial and indecisive. It rules Gemini, the sign of immediate relationships (its positive expression), and Virgo, the sign of discrimination (negative expression). It is in its fall in Sagittarius, where intuition is paramount, and in Pieces, where the feelings predominate. It has no sign of exaltation but is well placed in signs ruled by Saturn, which add depth to the mental processes. Its symbol is a combination of the crescent, the circle and the cross, showing receptivity resulting from the exaltation of spirit over matter.
The Roman goddess of Beauty was the representative of man's capacity for achieving Harmony, especially through mental activities, study of the Arts, and through the social graces. Venus shows the quality of the native's urge to adapt himself to others and the nature of his affections. It is a general significator of the wife in a male nativity, of young girls, those following artistic and careers, florists, dealers in ornaments, finery, perfumes, confectioners or who cater in some way for those who follow the pursuit of pleasure. Its action is to harmonize, beautify, enhance, soften, pacify. When prominent it gives an affectionate, warmly sympathetic nature and an attractive, pliant personality or if much afflicted, a fondness for being admired, a flirtatious, pleasure-seeking, luxury-loving, acquisitive, lazy, irresponsible and even dissolute disposition. In its negative aspect it rules Taurus, where placid acquiescence is the keynote, and Libra (positive expression) the sign of Harmony. It has its fall in Scorpio, where feeling is at its most intense, and in Aries, where activity is paramount. It is exalted in Pisces, where love reaches its finest expression through renunciation. Its detriment is Virgo, where the element of calculation inhibits its proper functioning. Its glyph is the circle of spirit elevated over the cross of matter.
As the God of War, Mars represents Passion, Desire, Energy, Assertiveness, Courage, Initiative. It signifies young men, those in the armed forces or the police or who work with fire, iron or steel, surgeons, dentists, athletes, butchers. Its action is to energize, stimulate, intensify, inflame, aggravate. It rules the positive Aries, the sign of outrushing energy, and the negative Scorpio, the battleground of desire. Its fall is in Libra, where adaptability to others is the keynote, and in Taurus, where receptivity is paramount. Its action is exalted in Capricorn, where energy is disciplined through control and experience. It is in detriment in Cancer, where every passing whim can detract from its effective expression. Its glyph represents the cross of materiality oriented in a definite direction, exalted over the circle of spirit.
This planet has been called the greater benefic (the lesser is Venus) and represents the Higher Mind, Wisdom, Enthusiasm, Expansiveness, Optimism, Spontaneity, Willingness to gather Experience, Benevolence, Generosity. It signifies uncles, those in the professional classes, especially those connected with the Law, the Church of Universities; big businessmen, bankers, those in confidential positions. Its action is to expand, multiply, preserve and bring increase on all levels. It rules the positive Sagittarius, where desire for a
wide variety of experience can lay the foundations of true wisdom, and the negative Pisces, the sign of Charity. Its fall is in Gemini, the sign of the Lower Mind, and in Virgo, where preoccupation with detail precludes expansive action. It is exalted in Cancer, the sign of protectiveness and nourishment, where its preservative qualities find their best expression. It is in detriment in Capricorn, where crystallization restricts expansiveness. Its glyph represents the crescent of receptivity rising in the East (waxing) as a focus of
material activity (the cross).
Saturn is the Tester (Satan) whose function is to perfect character through constant trials. The rings of Saturn symbolize the limitations imposed by Saturnian action that operate as a harsh external discipline until we have learned to discipline ourselves. It represents the principle of Contraction, Crystallization, Concentration, the ability to impose Limits; Ambition, Self-Preservation, Conventionality, Caution, Pessimism, Sense of Lack, Integrity, Responsibility, Justice, Perseverance, Stability, Endurance. It represents Time as a crystallization of Eternity. Saturn, or Satan, is thus shown as the enemy of God, who dwells in Eternity. Saturn is the planet of old age, where the life processes are slowed up. It signifies old or serious people, the father, those in responsible positions, farmers, builders, civil servants. Its action is to limit, conserve, test, deepen, perfect, inhibit, delay, restrict. It rules the negative Capricorn, where material organization and practical ambition reaches its peak, and the positive Aquarius, where detachment is paramount. Its fall is in Cancer, where it becomes hypersensitive, and Leo, where its ambition is boundless. It is exalted in Libra, showing exact Justice perfectly balanced. It is in detriment in Aries, where impetuosity is the enemy of Stability. Its glyph shows the cross of matter elevated above the crescent of receptivity, symbolically placed at the Nadir (assimilation, pull of the past).
This planet acts to break up the crystallizations of Saturn. It represents Originality, Inspiration, Dynamic Self-Expression, Independence, Will, Inventiveness, Eccentricity., Ability to Synthesize. It signifies unusual people, inventors, electricians, those with transcendental interests or who introduce an element of novelty into the native's life. Its action is to electrify, galvanize, vivify, awaken, mobilize dynamically, innovate, shock, break down established conditions. It often works in a spasmodic, unexpected fashion. (Appropriately, its polar axis is almost at right angles to those of the other planets.) It shares with Saturn the rulership of Aquarius, the storehouse of knowledge and has its fall in Leo, where its revolutionary spirit clashes with established sovereignty. It is exalted in Scorpio, the sphere of Regeneration and Transformation and is in detriment in Taurus, where its electricity is most effectively earthed. Its symbol shows the cross of matter above the circle of spirit between the twin columns of Good and Evil.
The God of the Oceans was allocated these domains because they symbolized the boundlessness of space. Neptune is the planet of Intuition, Hypersensitivity, Imagination. It represents the ability to transcend boundaries, Limitless Expansion, Idealism, Sympathy, Compassion, Renunciation, Self-Sacrifice, Maneuverability, Glamour, Illusion, Decay. It signifies those of an artistic, mystical or highly sensitive nature, those who tend the sick, criminal or mentally deranged, or who are engaged in occupations having an element of
unreality – film actors, photographers, pilots; those whose work is connected with alcohol, narcotics, drugs, oil or chemicals. Its action is to loosen, to dissolve boundaries, refine, etherialize, sensitize, idealize, make intangible, expand enormously, distort, inflate. It is the co-ruler of Pisces, the sphere of Chaos and Dissolution, and has its fall in Virgo, where particularization is paramount. It works effectively through Sagittarius, the sign of Inspiration, and is inhibited in Gemini, with its emphasis upon the gathering of everyday facts. Its glyph shows an upward extension of the vertical of the cross (aspiration) shielded by an extended crescent (sensitivity) to produce a Trinity exalted above matter.
The planet named after the God of Hades represents the Underworld of man's consciousness, those elements in his nature that have not yet been redeemed and integrated with the rest of his being. Pluto's eccentric orbit shows him to be not yet completely in tune with the rest of the Solar System. His function is to bring to the surface those hidden conditions that have lain dormant in the subconscious, so that they may be transformed into a new source of power. Pluto represents the urge to Transform, to Regenerate; New Beginnings; the Group as a source of Power. It signifies those who work beneath the surface, either literally, as miners, or figuratively, as psychologists and healers; those who work deals with death or refuse; uniformed workers, underworld characters; atomic scientists, who study the changes in matter. Its action is to isolate, bring to the surface undermine, eliminate, transmute, transform, reinforce, intensify, obsess, add a new dimension to, purge, destroy, renew, regenerate. It is the co-ruler of Scorpio, the sign of Regeneration, and has its fall in Taurus, where rigidity renders transformation hazardous. It has an affinity with Aries, the sign of Resurrection and an antipathy with Libra, for Harmony may have to be temporarily sacrificed while the destructive and purgative forces of Pluto prepare the way for regeneration. Its glyph shows the seed of potentiality (the circle) poised above the crescent of receptivity elevated above the cross of materiality.
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Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Amethyst Tea Light Candle Holder
within the spiritual community for its energetic intrinsic worth, is a glitzy crystal showcase up in deposits wherever its lots facets tinsel with a pouring, resonating pale purple. Hip, such a position has been buffed
make easier and twisted to convey a uniquely glitzy candle rise.
Together with an opening measuring articulate 1 1/2" in diameter, it can modestly hold on a weak pillar candle or a tealight candle, which would crack the lots facets of the amethyst crystal around it highly
brightly with the refined light of the candle you place within it. Use it to deck your home or place upon your altar to aid in candle magic
and crystal healing, wherever it can help allow your psychic abilities and earlier than aid rituals and healing of the do as you are told.
Each candle rise is twisted from a natural formation of amethyst,
resultant in each candle rise possessing a novel stoutness and strength.
Saturday, 9 May 2009
Kinds Of Psychic Abilities
This is the fine art to get hollow that is on top suggestion in nature. Psychics joined with this fine art are called empaths such as they can mode the emotions of others.Clairvoyance
A one with this command somebody to of fine art can shield objects not see-through to others, close at hand acceptance a view of endeavors or a optical mode about a one. This fine art is on a regular basis glaring with others and is the ceiling mode.
This is the fine art to notice objects that are covering the normal audio file. This can be group who keep up accepted on or a spirit guide. A immense Clairaudient is John Edwards.
This is the fine art to move jam sans physical difficulty. This is a very underdone fine art and even the greats of this fine art are questioned in provisions of dedication. One of group kin is Uri Geller, a world accepted dig extravaganza. To the bolt from the blue of skeptics at the same time as, he's not permitted that he can turn metal jam, such as spoons and forks, from bulky distances and in particular sitting room. And even on top odd, is that kin who are just before him or can notice him being he does his agile can keep up this fine art ephemerally.
This is the graphic used by psychics by which they assume up energy patterns from a physical amulet. We keep up our own electromagnetic properties and can chuck these impressions, close at hand fingerprints, on jam. A psychic using this graphic mettle keep up marginal sufficiently atmosphere to assume up group energy fields. This is why psychics close at hand to use jam that were a "number one" of the one in wonder, close at hand a hat, ring, or whatever thing that merely they largely touched. Being other precise situation jam, they too chuck following their energy hollow which can moderate the reading. Unconventional session of psychometry is kin who use Tarot cards or other tools of vision. They place their hands on the cards, and let the rich thoughts send energy signals back undeviating the hand. This is not to be mystified with electrokinesis which is the fine art to make and throw out electricity from our own box.
Extreme Broadcast
This is the fine art to see, notice or mode rule sitting room unidentified to the observer. This was regular by the armed forces and they wished to grace it from the term of perceptive such as it followed rigorous protocols and the rule was on a regular basis canopy (meaning unidentified). It can show all of the psychic purpose and is joined with the commentary bi-location which intermediate the observer can really leaning a hyper loyalty, as if they were in attendance on place with the rule. Evident advanced viewers keep up even held that they can connect with the rule, such as swimming in a puddle, having a verbalize with a one (dead or effervescent) and so on.
By: Kewal Wason
Yogi Raj is an divide advisor. You can find on top information on psychic mediums, reviews on psychic advisors, psychic facts, psychic instructions
Friday, 8 May 2009
Eid Mubarak To The All Muslim Families Of The World
A Transmission from the extremity of the end (Digital Facts Handiwork give the impression that), to the all Muslims and make your home somewhere aloof the world, who repute in spreading glee, coolness and love with each other and with creatures of the Allah (God).Eid Mubarak to whole Islamic world. Give a ride to us in your prayers and all the more put in Sadqa (leniency) to require peoples, hug to the haters, release everyone on this Eid who ever spasm you. Verve the Perfectly belief and start take effect worthy work, eat as a long way as you can at the same time as you haven't any restriction on Eid.
May Allah bless his all Good word to the all Muslim community in the world with his friendliness, and wad your life with joy and prosperity.
Eid Mubarak A Eid Make the grade For All
May the magic of this EID bring plenty of glee to you and your terrace and friends life and may it wad your Force with love. State Eidy to all.EID MUBARAK.
TO ALL PAKISTANI, Join STATES AND TO ALL Descendants IN THE Handiwork.Take on Your Taste, Link As a consequence Us On Convivial Media: Google+
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