Tuesday 5 September 2006

Bring Back Those Good Old Days

Bring Back Those Good Old Days Cover
I think that most people give little or no thought of the meaning of the days of the week. Monday is the blue day, tuesday seems to be very popular for meetings, Wednesday is "hump" day, Thursday is anticipation of Friday, Friday the Eagle flies, Saturday is party day, and Sunday the time to recover hopefully but usually not so the next day is Blue Monday and on and on.

Most people in the United States not only have English as their primary language, but have no other second language and in my estimation are impoverished by that fact. The languages of Greek, Latin, the Romance languages and the Germanic languages are very descriptive. often the spirit of the word explains the meaning of the word. The Greek word for word is loyo; (logos) from which we get the word "Logo". Logos indicates not only the word that we read, but also indicated a quality. We need to examine the quality of words as well as
the meaning. With that in mind let us look at the days of the week.

In the romance languages we can see the quality of the day. The planet that is indicative of the day. A couple of examples in Spanish are: Monday is Lunes, the Moon, Tuesday is Martes, Mars, Wednesday is miercoles, Mercury, etc.

English is based on the Germanic language that the Saxons brought over with them. So let us look at the old Teutonic words to see if we can discover the quality of the days of the week.

Sunday in Teutonic is Sonnes Doeg and the meaning is readily seen and can also be seen in English. Sonnes is Sun and doeg is day. The day of the Sun. This is considered the first day of the week to Christians and relates to the qualities of a Sun God. If the mythologies of the various Sun Gods are compared to the "Light of the World", the "Son of God", the reason for this being His day are evident.

Saturday in Old English is Sadorns Doeg. This again can be easily seen in English as well. Saturday is the day of Saturn. Astrologically Saturn is a teacher and a taskmaster : Saturn put limits on people, institutes laws sets boundaries. He is seen pictorially as Old Father Time. The qualities of Saturn are very similar to that of the Hebrew God, Jehovah, which is why Saturday is the day that the Jews go to temple, their "first day".

Monday can also be seen easily in English. In Teutonic, Monday is Monas Doeg, the day of the Moon.

Tuesday in Teutonic is Tiews Doeg. Tiew, Teu, Tiw, Tig are all variations of the same God. This is Mars, God of War, God of Battle and He rules Tuesday.

Wednesday is Wodens Doeg, the day of Woden. This may answer questions you have had since first learning to spell Wednesday. We pronounce it Wens day, so why the "d"? For Woden! If you look at the mythology of-Woden, you may think that Wednesday should represent the Sun or maybe Tuesday, since Woden was the King of the Gods and a fierce fighter, but Woden had another side. He is described as having a patch over one of his eyes, having surrendered it up to be able to drink of the Skaldic Mead. After drinking the mead, he invented the alphabet, writing, poetry. He had two ravens on his shoulder that he sent out daily to learn all that was going on in the world. This is a God that was more than just a tribal Kingpin, this was a God of Wisdom, of learning, of letters, of communications. The Romans equated Woden with Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods, the God of thought.

Thursday is Thors Doeg. Thor the thunder God, the God that bellows, the God that does things in a big way. The Romans saw Thor as a version of Jupiter, the planet of expansion.

Many dictionaries attribute Friday to the day of Frigg. Frigg was the wife of Woden. She spun straw into Gold and had a great wealth of knowledge but was very secretive. No one learned from her. I puts me in mind of the proverb, "it is wiser to keep ones mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt." It seems to me that most people that keep great secrets, when found out have no secret at all. So how does this ersatz Wise Woman rate a day of the week?

Lets look a little further. It makes more sense that the Goddess that fits better, both similar in sound and quality is Freya. In Rome, Friday was the day of Venus, the Goddess of Love. Freya was the Northern European Venus, so it is more fitting that Freya gave her name to Friday.

So what does this all man, now that we know the Planets or Gods or qualities of the days of the week. It means that we have a magical tool that is used in spell crafting. If you want to effectively do a working, you should use all of the tools at your disposal. You use the proper color candle, the proper incense, the right frame of mind, so why not do your spell on the right day.

Spells for money, "gold", for things that are represented by the Sun are done on Sunday.

Spells dealing with travel, with changes, moving and other things represented by the Moon are done on Monday.

Spells of a fiery nature, of dealing with blood, fire, action, battles and incidentally healing (surgery is blood) are done on Tuesday.

Spells in which the mind is important, in which knowledge is desired are done on Wednesday. This would also include divination and of psychic" communication.

Spells in which a great increase is desired, or spells in which you are dealing with "great" objects, such as the legal system, large companies or institutions are done on Thursday.

Love spells are done on Friday. Friday is the day of romance and pleasure. This is the day that you work for things that are pleasing to you, for things that bring about harmony and cooperation.

Saturday is for learning lessons or teaching lessons. This is the day for doing binding rituals, rituals to keep someone away from you or to keep them from hurting you. This is also the day to work magic for vengeance, to attack another, but please be mindful of the "law of three-fold return". What ever you send out, you also will receive, three times greater. The short version of Wiccan Rede states, "Lest in self-defense it be, Ever mind the rule of three." I had a friend that told me that it was easier to think of bombarding an
enemy with hearts, than with arrows, and the results is more gratifying.

Use the qualities of the days to plan meetings, to plan gatherings, etc. is your gathering to be something that is to flow easily, to "move to the beat", to deal with things ethereal? If so, plan on a Monday meeting. Are you going to hammer out policy? Are you expecting a lot of activity? Do it on a Tuesday? Do you want to learn, to explore things that make you think? Wednesday. And so on....

Tune into the meaning of the days. Look further into the mythologies. For centuries, this has been the way of magic and by virtue of constantly using these correlations, a certain amount of the specific energies are built up on these traditional days. The wise person uses all tools available.

Keywords: heal energy americas  card tricks  kitchen witch  old spells  blackmagic  white witch  wicca pagan  plant healing consciousness  have animal  

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