There are websites which will teach you all that you want to know about magic spells for beginners. You can learn all that you want about black magic spells, white magic spells and real magic spells. Meditation should also be learnt to help clear your mind. Really successful Magic cannot be done if you are not able to meditate. Meditation enables concentration which is very necessary for doing spells and magic. You can clear your mind by following really simple meditation techniques. In one such technique you lie down and stretch and visualize a big trash dumpster. Now put all your worries one by one into the dumpster. When it's over close the lid and lock it and throw it from your mental screen so that it will not disturb you again.
You have to learn why spells of magic work and sometimes magic spells don't work. For this, there are many relevant websites that you can refer to. There are many factors to be considered when using real magic spells and this is real hard work. There are many forms of magic and you will have to choose the one best for you. Those who practice magic must learn how to protect themselves against evil spirits and black magic spells. There are certain amulets that can be worn for the same.
In order to be able to cast magic spells that really work beginners will also have to learn about Dream Recall and Astral Projection. Both are closely related to each other and can be controlled. Astral Projection or OBE's (Out of Body Experience) can be mastered within weeks or it might take years too. What works for one person may not work for you. Thus a lot of practice is required to master these techniques.
Once you have mastered all the techniques, you can try casting your first magic spell. You can start with something very simple like Good Luck Spell or a Money Spell or a Protection Spell. Until you have a couple of years of knowledge and practice you should not try Black Magic spells and focus only on white magic spells as you might hurt yourself if it backfires. There are some really good magic spells to choose from, so make sure you are fully aware of what you choose. If a magic spell does not work it does not imply that it is bad. You must build up your magical power by practice along with learning. If you want to master casting magic spells you will have to spend a lot of time perfecting your skill and knowledge.
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