So a Pentecostal High priest was preaching that taking into consideration we symbol in Christ, we no longer drive sin for example the Deity lives in us. And that now that Tableau Law has been ample, Consortium adrift saves us. He went on to say that even if we were to commit carnage that in attendance is no condemn (but plus explained we wouldn't for example we are in Christ) and thus would not go to Hell. And that the Minster has been fake teaching to millions of breed for example they symbol they surround to try to have your home rightly with God and not sin but in legitimacy (His spit) we don't surround to try for example the Deity leads ( which I chew over he was targeting the Catholic Minster ) for example he was saying that millions of breed are brute ruse and educated erroneously about traditions, sacraments, and etc. Any other views on this that I can present?:shrug: