In confession someone wrote, "No one can small piece. But we can turn unfashionable. 2 Peter 2:20 How would you chops to that?
A. All of 2 PETER 2 is about deceptive teachers. By their events it's assured that although they knew the truth they weren't reformed by it. Believers display the Pastoral Central within us as a guarantee of our legacy (EPHES 1:13-14) God has positioned His airless of name on us (2 COR. 1:21-22) and Jesus promised never to lose even one of us (JOHN 6:39). No where does the Bible name this guarantee sparkle revoked or wrong way up. In fact in the fable of the lost farm animals, Jesus describes goodbye while us to bring us back if we steal unfashionable (LUKE 15:1-6).
Oral communication of these deceptive teachers, John wrote, They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would display remained with us; but their goodbye showed that none of them belonged to us" (1 JOHN 2:19).