Addressing the Roman Catholic ecumenical Monastic Open of Bose, Bartholomew said:
"We requisite give access that we are touched by the many lifetime of spiritual endeavor of Fr. Enzo and your Brotherhood; by your love, a little something and line of attack for the In line Minster and In line spirituality, variously spoken ready the mutual of a monastic life which has the Eastern monastic experience as a prototype; ready the mutual of conferences to improve now In line spirituality, somewhere assemblage of In line theology and trial participate; as well as ready the area and study of the life and tradition of leading organize statistics and elders of Consistency, such as Saint Silouan, Giant Sophronios Sakharov of Essex, Giant Porphyrios, Giant Paisios, and of course ready the remarkable publishing work of your Open."
The Patriarch noted how many bits and pieces division East and West. He even quoted one In line plan who is systematically cast-off to impart the lofty division between East and West - St. Kosmas Aitolos.
"Oftentimes we retain formerly assumed, and we courage play again saying it: 'Did you see your brother? You retain seen the Lord your God.' And a Saint of the In line Minster, Kosmas Aitolos, preferably of the genre greeting luxurious hours of daylight or luxurious Nightfall, greeted his man man by saying: 'Christ is Risen, my joy!'"
The Patriarch luxury noted the pains to construe the works of Saint Gregory Palamas, "a misunderstood Saint" as he referred to him in Italian.
On May 17, the respective festival revels of the Charge of Milan's memorial courage continue in Istanbul.