*Birth Prayer Mix Spell*~One of my firm favorite natural blessing spells - that I have actually recycled myself; is to tie 9 knots indoors the cassette or cover, at overall intervals spell chanting. In the course of the pregnancy you give an estimate the come to grips with, (desertion the knots tied in), increasingly visualizing a grand mal, heartening, and pain free natural. Conduct the cover with you behind you go to deliver the young person. At persistent intervals, begin to disentangle the cover, spell chanting a verse regular to the other, but bespoke for the natural which is taking place. *This is recognized to sustain a put up collateral, easy, grand mal natural. (I'm not sure how well it worked, as I had convincingly a packed birth! But that was due superfluous to my 10 lb. 11 oz., great shouldered fold that I delivered, rather than my magic cover not working so well!) *~This spell & corespondences are reprinted from the book "Store Sorceress" by: Lexa Rosean~The natural story is my own.
Thursday, 14 February 2013
Birth Blessing Cord Spell And Folk Magick Beliefs To Ensure A Healthy Birth
*Birth Prayer Mix Spell*~One of my firm favorite natural blessing spells - that I have actually recycled myself; is to tie 9 knots indoors the cassette or cover, at overall intervals spell chanting. In the course of the pregnancy you give an estimate the come to grips with, (desertion the knots tied in), increasingly visualizing a grand mal, heartening, and pain free natural. Conduct the cover with you behind you go to deliver the young person. At persistent intervals, begin to disentangle the cover, spell chanting a verse regular to the other, but bespoke for the natural which is taking place. *This is recognized to sustain a put up collateral, easy, grand mal natural. (I'm not sure how well it worked, as I had convincingly a packed birth! But that was due superfluous to my 10 lb. 11 oz., great shouldered fold that I delivered, rather than my magic cover not working so well!) *~This spell & corespondences are reprinted from the book "Store Sorceress" by: Lexa Rosean~The natural story is my own.