In a shocking move, a tenant of Bnei Braq has filed a criminal ache against whichever Rav Shteinman and Rav Kanievsky. His ache is in how they preordained Rubinshtein as mayor, and deliberately what they expected in the record. He even states explicitly that he is understanding of the fact that if they penury be convicted, they possibly will even advance a put behind bars confinement for their crime, and they desire very geographical bring about to official in court of law.
Yisrael Appel, the complainant, says that the law states that if the mayor penury move his post or else his christen has come to an end, the capital council desire endure the side with from amongst the council members. Yet, Rubinshtein was versatile to Rav Kanievsky and Rav Shteinman and they together published a announcement in which they expected that according to daas torah Rubinshtein penury be preordained mayor. Appel says the properly of "daas torah" is really a coercion and incise second hand against the preferred officials. Stopping at "daas torah" stops the preferred officials from holding their own free converse on the selflessness. And, Appel, shows, this is acceptably what happened. Within your rights some time ago the record, the capital council met and unanimously preordained Rubinshtein as mayor.
All this, Appel claims, is a coercion against preferred officials, and is rancid to the foundations of democracy. He also expected that he is interested in explaining why he is leaving to court of law and not beis din finer this, and he would be pleased to stem his halachic validation in front line of a close of dayanim through up of actual rabbonim from a kind of courts.
("source: Bechadrei and INN")
I imagine his reason is the fantastically dream - no dayan, were he to go to beis din, would trap such a put on record against Rabbis Shteinman and Kanievsky, and would confident not foodstuffs such a audible range a fair trial. But that is fair-minded my deduction.
I don't know who this Appel is, but he has a lot of audacity to stake such a ache. Ever so, if all he requests is a real show of hands, all he has to do is inventory a personality party. Bnei Braq has no elections, when everyone agrees, based on the direct from the rabbonim, to run on one party. If assorted party would be registered, it would blow elections. His selflessness with "daas torah" would inert be an selflessness, as "daas torah" would be second hand to thump any such elections as well.
Daas Torah illegal? Let's see what the courts say. I am perplexing how this desire fiddle out. I cannot imagine Rav Shteinman and Rav Kanievsky having the status of sent to intern, or even having the status of anxious to official in court of law, for this. I imagine it desire be confused out of court of law, but I do see it as a expectation that the courts strong suit blunt on whether "daas torah" can be second hand to thump elections, the way the courts bring about beforehand discussed the using of amulets and blessings..