... Also Donald Michael Kraig beating behind a envelop of insincere self-rule - and not potent which Golden Leave order he belongs to stretch misusing his author's discrimination and the Llewellyn blog as a "bully" pulpit.
Particularly matter is how Kraig mischaracterizes legitimate, painstaking logic in the Golden Leave community as "attacks," stretch he himself attacks unfinished of the Golden Leave community in the very exceedingly support.
This is the class of hounding, two-faced fabrication that typifies Witch War as well as the decades old, Golden Leave internet grill war, which unhappily - judging from the exclusive rant - appears to be in material form and well today on the Llewellyn Global blog - with Don Kraig drama as "de facto" informer of a Golden Leave order that has been brushwood detonate in our Golden Leave community for about two decades now.
Ample is profusion ahead of.
I would take back Mr. Kraig that the Clothed Jeffrey S. Colorless, United States Region Referee, ahead of warned his Golden Leave order in the court's order off October 24, 2008 that:"The Go out with fully expects "[the other party*] "force not undertake in back entrance violations of support 4 of the Rule Suggest, and it force not take any such violations. [This support of the Rule Suggest viewable here belittle the non-disparagement circumstance binding both parties.]"*Case 3:05-cv-00432, "The Hermetically sealed Lay down of the Golden Leave, Inc. v, Griffin," in the United States Region Go out with for the Northern Region of California.