The bible shows us that angels consider on earth as men, sometimes looking be keen on natural men (Joshua 5:13-14; Residue 16:5), and at other time looking be keen on everything other-worldly, so distant so that the people gazing upon them were fascinated with fear, as was Zacharias in Luke 1:12. He was knocked for six in advance the angel who visited him. So were the keepers of Jesus' critical, 'who became as dead men in the same way as they saw the angel of the Lady (Matthew 28:4).
When they consider to people on the earth sometimes they operate on material form be keen on in Emerge 18:1-19. Jesus and two angels appeared as men and actually ate a dinnertime with Abraham. Unconventional two of the angels went on to Sodom and slept overnight at Lot's habitat. So we know they can represent, consider as men, and mislay a sunlight hours of time on earth.
We know that some angels ax, meaning, they sided with Satan in the perfect discord and were cast from their seats in fantasy. Satan's fall is described in Isaiah: "How you sport fallen from fantasy, O originate star, son of the dawn! You sport been cast down to the earth, you who subsequently laid low the nations!" (Isaiah 14:12)
A third of the angels ax with satan: "Subsequently marginal sign appeared in heaven: an deafening red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on his heads. His hound swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth." (Rev 12:3-4).
While satan was cast out, he is god of this world (2 Cor 4:4) so continuation cast out doesn't stop satan from his assert to predicament us. He always pretends to be on God's breakers. "And no take by surprise, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light." (2 Corinthians 11:14). Significance the word 'masquerades' and happiness. Imitation corridor "An operating scheme; a charade; as in draining a hide or cloak. Of course he would incredible he is one of the good guys to an ill-equipped unbeliever, or even to a Christian. "It is not bizarre, hence, if his servants masquerade as servants of respectability." (2 Cor 11:15). His servants are the fellow angels that followed satan in the war opposed to God and extremely incredible to be one of the good angels. But they definite shabby to predicament.
Hebrews 13:2 says we sometimes gather angels improvised.
So the punchline is, if you were beleaguered by an angel of light, how would you know he is one of the good guys, or one of the bad guys? Award is a 1 in 3 path he is one of the bad ones. How would you know? Would you be so fascinated with fear that you aptly status what the angel says? Would you be so chock-a-block with stick to that one of these beings was sent to "you" that you would status what he understood in need question? Would you be so mystified by their light that you unquestioningly status they are from God?
The definite way to know is to know the Legend of God. John and Peter each one warned of false teachers, and Jesus understood they may come to us in sheep's clothing (Matt. 7:15; 1 John. 4:1; 2 Pet. 2:1). John understood our employment is to "test the spirits," and Paul said: "Liking everything. Show off on to the good." (1 Thess. 5:21).
Not all angels come in ask for. A number of are your adversary. Be heedful and test all things!