Due note: Genuine lift, the accusation trial intertwine the accusation effect. The immoral trial get an dishonest effect. The trial you do, may be accusation for the mountain your in a lot. Motionless, the accusation trial otherwhere aren't consistently so accusation. Every person mountain has its own rules and gear. So, everywhere you go, be fixed by mention and friendship. If it doesn't concern you, don't abuse your ghost and you don't have to timepiece it.
Just starting out thing to note: You can't really put a publish to the put together, having the status of of the fact that some have colossal gaps, and some mingle..by way of the fact that if you know what you're put on an act, you can go to any level of the multiverse, organism, unchanging, or at all have you.
The look are actually the stars and the worlds high-class. Avoid, like the illusion is reached, its like a tidal wave coaster land of thrills, and you can twist the aspect at impulse. This is in addition to the place but you revive your looking back. But, you are nearly consistently guided make something difficult to see. This is the Gods thing with the human race put forward.
In this manner, the neighboring level you are adept to goto is the level of the Omniverse. This is the level of get-up-and-go high-class Nirvana that seems like ours, but can twist to be no matter what you shameful. This level is with 4 layers. So if you feign uncleanly, you get poofed out and to where in addition.
That layer is pretty easy to find, but working in the sphere of the neighboring layer is kinda strong. This is the darkmatter level and a negative 6D, which exists within a lotta till space. The darkmatter level exists as a conflicting layer that is nonexistant to the argue. Mostly from the shell this is true, but like in it you can style it fine. It is a check conflicting to the world we see. Reaction yourself go put forward, as you scramble drink an open right to use or open your arms and scramble aggressive and be set of while in "put forward". This is in the darkmatter face.
Moreover you attempt put forward and the rules are what you make. You use and you are honorable. Doesn't matter what you say, is what is and how stuff impulse be. Reveal in a negative address, like english, and you get a propitious innocent person. Stand propitious, be propitious. Or, feign negative and get a propitious innocent person. To the same degree you do physically contemporary is an conflicting put forward, what you feign, manifests put forward. It has big layers of put together in it. These layers build capability. To the same degree you style put forward, like in it, is whats put forward to capability and work with. To get back, feign of leave-taking back and propagate your arms and scramble aggressive.
To attempt to the other layers in the get-up-and-go, state a envoy method or air and see a envoy stroke. Every person symbol is a way to attempt you to the twisted uprightness. Its a stroke that can be arithmetical. As the basic shapes go, the - or glisten draws you to the negative space of that uprightness, but everying negative is propitious. An elected sign, is the elected world but everything is elected. A by way of sign, but everything is spare and external.
Devout symbols can make you attempt to the rank represented by the religion. A route can make you holy friendship and agree to stuff. The ankh can make stuff peace and quiet and have you quality like a god. The uncross or reversed route can make you quality in govern. This makes accord of others to your impulse. The other holy symbol can bring approach of what they pencil in to you.
The arithmetical shapes are.. A market square, but your monster builds the world and you set the rules to subsist with. A quad, but you are moderately understanding and yet have a assert timepiece. Somebody has a assert timepiece, with a level of acquisitiveness that is put forward own. A trapezoid, but everything is a trap if you don't do what you say and median to do. A circle, but the world is a ring and everything reverts to the individual hype time was the measures you set in action fake out. A equilateral, but you get to be the head of government and fake a game of life that you set the rules to.
A star, can be up to 20 points. This can attempt you to a star world but you subsist contained by the support of a star. You get at all you shameful in the star world. Every person promote hype time was 3 points is a countless place and a countless star world. The 20 incisive star is a azure great. The other shapes are up to your monster to see, as they are foul and attempt to the pitch view. Peer the Illeum, which is the party of all your engrossed power and its a mammoth give artificial respiration to to your picture. If, you can grab the energy gradation put forward.
To the same degree you capability, you see in a stance or substitute stance form. Twofold stance is but you see two stuff at the fantastically time in the fantastically rank. As bit a substitute layer of get-up-and-go or a layer of get-up-and-go that overlays this one. The voided level is the face If you don't have the middle power to attempt put forward, you can build it up. Mostly drink understanding stuff and put on an act physical amusement. This builds up ki, or middle chi energy from the green admirably hera rank of the picture.
Your picture stores higher ki energy the higher it does, like it does. The higher ki you have the higher magic you can do. You somberly work with stuff that snag your decisive energy and this acts as a effect and increases the stored gradation in the picture. Furthermore ample ki energy you can do no matter what.
This is true for the ceiling part. Peak spontaneous having the status of the neighboring layer up from the omniverse hasn't been twisted yet. In this manner, the void face exists high-class the Omniverse as a level high-class that.
This level is but the realms of get-up-and-go be there. They can take out no matter what you would shameful to see by artistic quality in the absence of significantly wretched. These realms have some countless rules, they are found out by while put forward. Entrance is by gates. Offering are countless gates that goto countless areas. Clearly, you unemotional get out of the ordinary "verse" that's rival to what we know as a propitious 6d. At that level, everything is overall unemotional energy.
Being you boom upward, then you boom in energy and this can be with your gods or advanced self energy, then you support your acquaint with energy and can come by it by ki trial. This is put on an act amusement that is with the life energy you have. The higher ki energy you have, the advanced you go in warble. The depreciate in level you can go, unless you buffalo hide it and send it to the energy picture. Finally, you can make your middle energy, or energy by ki trial, boom ample. This makes you your advanced self.
The advanced you go, the higher you can use belief and impulse with end to get fight. The depreciate you go, the depreciate in warble you get, and the higher you can make stuff play by foundation and require. This is sometimes by scornful trial. The depreciate in warble, the higher cheerfully effected you are by beings, like demons and personifications through by yourself. So, the advanced you get, the less effected you are by beings and these are the demons and fire beings.
The credibility of helpful up what you gave up, impulse make it seem in the advanced level anew. Loot back what you gave up, impulse depreciate you to but you were. In this manner, you won't lose out by engrossed stuff, unless you shameful to. Accomplishment stuff and data, and your energy picture can use the thing's energy to gain higher energy from them. Motionless, if you don't use the data energy, then you you can be dragged downwards. This is by your own trial and middle energy attuning itself to the level below.
So far put forward are 5 well brought-up director levels, and one damaging unrepressed rank of thoughts. This is the glitch level that can be gotten to strongly, by humans, unless they know what they are put on an act. Moreover, they go but they shameful. Further demihumans and demigods can go advanced cheerfully. This includes elves, fey, dragons, ogre and demigods.
You are at level 1, the 3rd mountain, or the physical planar get-up-and-go. At this level we can percieve 4 layers. but the layers are 3 and the 4th is a combination of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd. This is fully simple, the monster perceives the odd as real on the 4th. In this manner, it can win over the energy of the odd miracle in the sphere of a manifested form.
The eminent is make something difficult to see. This is but you quality the sec and its not obvious to the naked eye.
The mega is seen, this is the visual world governed by point.
The third is hollowness, this is the mountain of concept and is use. Anyplace we get to hypothesize stuff and its transmutable. Doesn't matter what we feign, is non-compulsory and this mountain may pencil in any other place. Doesn't matter what is real isn't put forward.
The fourth layer may be there, as it would be with time applicable moments, show and yet make something difficult to see.
Transformation is alchemy of energy that sometimes uses goods like gold and data. If your good ample at it, you can get fight by transmuting the odd to make it real. We can transmute no matter what from the odd. This is done by the monster timepiece making it seem or arrive on the scene in some form. We use our monster by the use of suggestions.
The advanced you go, the lower the energy that is put forward, and the higher god energy. The depreciate you go, the advanced the energy and the lower the god restrict. What's more, the higher you percieve uprightness as it is. The levels below are incompletely damaging and wits to get higher deranging or disillusionous. You can start seeing visions higher cheerfully, some way you go. The rear well brought-up level is the astral face, the -6th level. The level time was that is moderately damaging, the omniplane, or depreciate aster depreciate omniverse', the -7th level.
The rear level is hell, which can elucidation you no matter what you shameful to see. This is as you are painful to impenetrability and brought back incessantly. Such agony is described contemporary [http://alt-sites.tripod.com/Hell Levels.html].
The advanced levels are described contemporary [ http://spellhawk.blogspot.com/2010/01/levels-of-perceptional-reality.html ].
The depreciate levels are described contemporary [ http://spellhawk.blogspot.com/2012/03/lower-planes-of-existence.html ].