Anders Bjorn Drachmann (1860-1935) was a Danish copy philologist, son of the surgeon Andreas Georg Drachmann and partial brother of the poet Holger Drachmann. In 1887 A. B. Drachmann calculated copy philology and won a agree with for a professorship at the Studious of Kristiania. In 1892 he became an mix coach at Copenhagen Studious. His works include: Moderne Pindarfortolkning (1891), Scholia Vetera in Pindari Carmina (1903) and Christendommens Oprindelse (1919).
Cargo of this book:
- Conception and Medicine of Lack of the Gods in Antiquity, Accounts of Deniers;
- Simple Blunt instrument of In vogue Spirituality, Xenophanes;
- Ionic Naturalism, Diagoras;
- Sophistic and Its Influence;
- Socrates and the Socratics;
- Hellenism;
- Platform to the Roman Empire;
- Median Ages and Overdue Times; and Retrospect.
Download Anders Bjorn Drachmann's eBook: Atheism In Pagan Antiquity
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