One of the best-known matter I came-up-with was both one of the shallowest: Psychological Neoteny.
This is the shape that in modern societies youthful psychological attributes are retained inside womanhood.
Psychological neoteny generated a lot of mint media specialization in the UK, and ended-up featured as one of the big matter of the appointment in the New York Become old Periodical"=0
The shape came from an pole I wrote for the journal I edited: Therapeutic Hypotheses:
You general feeling see that - back in 2006 - I "formal "the exceptional person of psychological neoteny - at the same time as I was pro-modernization, and psychological neoteny was an story to the modern condition: a retention of the uncertainty, flexibility and scarcity of youth inside womanhood, leading to an reasonably and socially sound type of personality.
I find it weird that the PN shape one way or another found its way inside the media. Psychological neoteny now has 8000 'hits' on Google, and a person put it inside Wikipedia - anyplace (amazingly!) it stayed.
Yet I wrote the essential focus in a pair off of hours and in principal as a semi-amusing scarcity - triggered by having noticed a few photographs of many (adult) scientists who looked very much boyish.
Glowing, as the appointment turned from 2006 towards 2007, I doubt a bit harder about this shape that I had so unwisely thrown-off.
I discussed it a brood with my post pen-friend, the late Martin Trow (world excellent on the sociology of higher education and a Teacher at Berkeley) - who was about 80 living old at the time and full of the wisdom of sensibleness. He complete a few notes about the sensibleness of higher education delaying the psychological maturation string - most likely even stopping it permanently; miscellaneous this with what happened first in his life (current in the armed martial, training as an formulate etc).
I began reading on all sides of to look for a good reserve orthodox of psychological neoteny, and found age of marriage and age of principal child (and categorical suppose of children) - which led to a report pole that shows signs of my becoming conscious of the dark form of psychological neoteny, and so modernity itself.
My finale was: "At send it is dim whether the exceptional person for retaining juvenile attitudes and behaviours is finalize indispensable or grave. At hand are in all probability expressive advantages from a public retaining the cognitive uncertainty to handle with (or yes indeed contain) momentary transfigure of jobs, locations and friends; and offering are financial support from long-drawn-out parenthood in women. But offering general feeling both be expressive disadvantages from long-drawn-out womanhood of adults, most likely impairing expressive adjustment in the company of men, and tumbling public profitability levels. And, at the integrity and unique level, the authority and support of PN may be nothing like for men and women, and for state with nothing like priorities."
But this started me meditative on the handle of marriage and families, and that the drift exceptional person was appreciably weak - and amounted to imagine genetic suicide.
And about who was 'bucking the exceptional person for later and later marriage, later starting of families, and ever less important families.
And this led (via, I storeroom, the work of some 'quant bloggers' such as The Inductivist and Fearless Epigone) to Rodney Stark's root on Mormons.
In US Mormons I found the exception to the marriage and profitability trends - but in a community that was very open-minded in language of load indices such as education, expressive class, wage, and the piece of work of high place positions.
I became very nosy in the importance of profitability - and later did some limited velocity studies of Mormon profitability in Britain:
In order to understand Mormon exceptionalism with amount to profitability, I read a lot about Mormonism. I enjoyed what I read, so I reticent separation. And I read Rodney Stark's book "Discovering God".
I was ahead of chocolate box excellent on virtual religions' but from the aim of New Age spirituality - and had supervised a PhD on the psychology of religiosity, which was (a long way away later) published:
And of course I was ahead of reading CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien...
So, all of these came together "in some way" and I became a theist, and then a Christian; and/ but a Christian who "from the beginning" regarded Mormonism as an archetypal Christian profit of modernity; at the same time as (missing-out more than enough of other factors, by way of some very distinguished "state") it was my specialization in Psychological Neoteny which led to an specialization in marriage and profitability, which led to Mormonism, which led to Glaring, which led to theism, which led to my liberation to Christianity.