Tuesday 27 March 2007

Journal Exercise

Journal Exercise Image
Besides the Sun, the strongest energy field which influences us is the Moon which describes the archetype of the soul and its path to emotional contentment. Since the beginning of time, the Moon has captured our imaginations and inspired us. Astrologically, the Moon symbolizes our ability to respond to life emotionally. It illuminates our soul's desires and urges us to express emotion. We all need nourishing experiences in our lives which help us to grow, but by habit we often seek out and repeat those experiences which do not nourish us.

What are the nourishing experiences you have had which were truly emotionally satisfying, those which left you with a feeling of completion...love, joy? What were the 10-20 most fulfilling experiences you have experience? Reflect on what you can do to create them again. What experiences left you feeling empty, wanting, and dissatisfied? How can you avoid them in the future?

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Friday 16 March 2007

Mistakes Using Astral Projection

Mistakes Using Astral Projection Image
For anyone who has been using Astral Projection techniques for an extended period of time and not getting results, you may have to reevaluate and review your techniques.

Below you will find what I consider to be MISTAKES PEOPLE FREQUENTLY MAKE WHEN USING ASTRAL PROJECTION TECHNIQUES. Some people may find these techniques work but if they aren't doing them correctly, it may slow down the progress.


Do you fear the possibility of death? That you're possessed? That your cord may be cut by someone? These or any other fears will have you continually thinking about this and prevent you from projecting. Before you anticipate any results, you should always address your fears.


Do you keep talking the entire time? Are you saying things like "Am I close" or "I wonder if this is right?" Having no thoughts is crucial to inducing vibrations. Stop talking when you're trying to get your body to sleep and simply "listen." That faint ring in your head shouldn't be analyzed. Just listen and don't speak. When my body has gone to sleep, I induce the vibrations. The ringing fades because I'm now sleeping. I'm now gently focused on my third eye. All my thoughts have vanished. This takes time to master but it is crucial. If other thoughts do come to you, simply let it happen but try to keep focusing on your third eye and bringing your thoughts back to that single thread.


People send me emails all that time telling me that leave their eyes open while trying to astral project! You have to reduce the magnetic pull so that separation occurs and you leave your body. A magnetic pull is created by electricity. Electronic pulses are even sent by thinking. Energy is created by pulse and heart rates. "Relaxation" should not be confused with Focus 10. Focus 10 is Body Asleep. You must learn how to physically fall asleep but keep your conscious from dreaming. Everything slows down when the body falls asleep, and the magnetic pull in your body is then reduced. Vibrations will rush in if you can master the "no thought" part. Even when you do that, your thoughts must still be kept to a minimum because your heart and pulse rate will increase with the excitement and I'll be getting your emails telling me that you're only about to raise your astral legs or arms! The head and torso region have the primary chakras and that is the reason your head separates last. That's why excited thoughts make it harder. My guide's often told me, "Get out of your head." Once your body is asleep, you shouldn't be able hear, feel, and hypnogogic imagery should begin to appear. Avoid fighting the images. If you let them overtake you, you'll start dreaming. Keep bringing your consciousness back to your intended focus.


Accomplishing Conscious astral projection requires months and even years of practice. You may think about giving up or start doubting its existence if you expect results in days or weeks. Discipline, dedication and patience are required for astral projection. Be prepared for the long haul and it will happen. Anything good is worth any wait and effort.

The top reasons are listed below but others include not getting enough sleep so that when you do sleep, you're too tired to keep your mind awake. Others include not removing distractions, such as phones, significant others and pets.

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Thursday 15 March 2007

Protective Blessing For Dogs

Protective Blessing For Dogs Cover
Diana, Goddess of the Wild,

Keeper of dogs both fierce and mild,

Hold (name of pet) safely in Your arms

And protect this creature from all harm.

And should the day come that he/she roams

Guide him/her to the path back home.

Bless (name of pet) with a joyful life

Free of hardship, stress, and strife.

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Sunday 11 March 2007

Chalice Blessing

Chalice Blessing Cover
HP: Be it known that a man is not greater than a woman
HPS: Nor is woman greater than man
HP: For what one lacks
HPS: The other can provide
HP: As the athame is to the male
HPS: So is the cup to the female
HP/S: And when conjoined, they become one in truth. For there is no greater magick in all the world than that of love.

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Black Magic And The Occult

Black Magic And The Occult Image
Throughout the ages, most elements of the Occult have been referred to as BLACK MAGIC OR EVIL FORMS OF MAGIC.. This is common misunderstanding, as most elements of the Occult and its understanding are focused on the good element of the energy.. THE BLACK ARTS is more a personal aspect from a confused magician or sorcery.. All magic or energy wielding that is designed to intentionally harm another will in the end, end up harming the wielder and I will explain why..?


First of all let's sum up Black magic or Evil magic as some call it. Many people are doing this form of magic without even knowing throughout there lives, manipulating people, manipulating greed, controlling the energy in a negative way which benefits themselves only.. If we can better understand these forms of energy manipulation or control it is then easier to protect ourselves from this common aspect of life.


A good example of Black magic is any form of energy, that negatively effects your health or power to make choices (internal freedom).. It could be an influence at work with your boss where you are so used to being told what to do you are unaware of what it is doing to you.. It could be chasing the money to the point where money becomes your life and emotional response to others does not exist.. Another example could be in an abusive relationship where one partner gets pleasure out of hurting the other, do not confuse this with anything else this is emotional black magic..


Now that I have named a few examples I will explain why it will eventually negatively effect the wielder who tampers with negative or Black magic.. Similar to what Einstein said every action deserves a equal and opposite reaction it is similar with energy.. If you keep taking and taking and using it negatively, it will return on you and the effects could be devastating.. It could make you depressed or suicidal or even cause cancer to name a few.. It is important to make sure all use of the energy which we are all apart is always positive, that way only more positive can return..


The unfortunate side of this is the victims, if you are a victim of energy harm or black magic it is important to try to defend yourself with your own energy.. Be positive and get advice from those that have massive amounts of energy levels, there are plenty of good magic users all around us who do not know they wield for good or might not even be aware of energy but always are willing to help..

Once you have advice or help you need to identify the wielder and confront them with emotional protection.. You cannot ask them about black magic as most will be like what the.. But you can tell them how they make you feel and then say you will never effect me like this again and be strong.. Sometimes moving away can help but you must confront these energy abusers first as they can leave a energy trail that can hurt you for months.. Sometimes black magic wielders will go for those that they think they can control easier or who are overly nice. If this is the case, you need to address this immediately if you notice it happening to another.. It is recommended to confront the wielder and explain an explanation and ask them to stop doing it..

I hope this post helps people understand a bit more on energy, which exists in everything and what makes BLACK MAGIC, if you can think of anything else, feel free to comment below.. In a future post I will discuss HOW SOME USE BLACK MAGIC INTENTIALLY TO HARM OTHERS..

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Tuesday 6 March 2007

Runes A Magical Language From Prechristian Europe

Runes A Magical Language From Prechristian Europe Cover
The issue of a magical language for the Neo/Pagan community has been debated for some time by the memebers of the Wiccoid Pan Paganites. Some feel quite comfortable using the Quaballistic system of the Judaic peoples. While others feel that this system is infused with thousands of years of patriarchy which taints it in the minds of those who do not desire to use it.

There have been a number of languages that have been uncovered in the past century. Ogham, the Celtic written language is one choice, but using this system is problematic because the tradition it came from (as with many of that time) was oral and the Druids (teachers of the Ogham alphabet) were destroyed along with the Library at Tara by the overzelous St. Patrick. The information surviving to this day on the Ogham alphabet is mostly recreated by people who do the most with what they have...but the inner knowledge of the Ogham system has been lost.

The runic language, however, was created by the Teutonic peoples of the Continent and Scandinavia was able to last as a magical system alive and intact because the Christian influence came at a later time and those people were not destroyed but rather were converted.

The Teutonic Runic system was used by the Goths, the Visigoths, the Vandals and many other Teutonic Tribes of the era of the fall of the Roman Empire, the Norse/Vikings of the 10th through the 12th century, the Saxons who invaded the isle of Great Brittan, and many tribes of Teutons not known to history for their military expeditions. By this we see that the runic system was in use from approximately 500 c.e. until at least 1,200 c.e. and there are many examples of runic talismans from which to investigate.

Other examples which aid in a good understanding of what the rune system was and how the magical archetypes were fused both in the minds of the Vitki (the name of a runic magician {Thorrson1}) and in the shapes of the runic staves are a wealth of writings from those who used the system (the Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda) and from some of the Roman historians Tacitus, Virgil and others. These two main sources give an perspective to the study of the runic system. That of the participant and that of the observer. One who is interested in working with the any magical system is both of these a participant and an observer.

There have been a number of revivals of the runic system in modern times. Both occured in Germany, the center of the Teutonic tribes. The first was an intellectual/magical revival in which a number of occultists worked with the system and added to the available knowledge though innovation and study of folklore and history. The second was a manipulation of the archetypes of the runes to control a population, popularly known as Nazi Germany. The Nazis used ideas, archetypes, and the pride of the Teutonic peoples to control them magically. This is not to say that the German people are no responsible for their actions is not the point I offer. Rather that some of the runes that were used by the Nazis will be seen in the runic system and that one should attempt to disinherit the short and horrid imposition from the beauty and power of Nature that is inherant in the symbols and has been for hundreds of years.

The last of the runic revivals is the current one. The interest in the runes has increased vastly in the last ten years. One of the reasons is the writings of Edred Thorrson, and the institution by him of the Rune Guild. The books written by this man are heavily researched and relatively easy to read and follow. There are other writers on the runic system, but they are all different, using different runic alphabets, and seem to be a mish-mosh of the four different runic alphabets. The amount of work to be done on the runic system is great, but the rewards of working with the system are as great, enlivening, and exciting.

There are four basic runic alphabets. The Elder Futhark, Younger Futhark, Anglo-Saxon Fothark, and the Frisian Futhark. The most complete of the forms is the Elder Futhark, of twenty-four staves. The other forms either are missing staves or have staves that are mixtures of two staves. Think of the scientific Table of the Elements. The form that has the greatest number of the most basic forms is the best place to start because you can make as many combination from these with great understaning of what forces are at work in the compilation.

The Elder Futhark also is the oldest form known as being a complete alphabet. There are some earlier examples of the use of the runic symbols, but 500 c.e. is the earliest compiled,complete futhark.

The studying this author has done on the runic system has been with the Elder Futhark, using Edred Thorrsons's books. They are a great beginning although being a bit on the patriarchal side for my taste. He offers a wealth of information which any user of magical formuli can combine and find further understanding of the runes. I recommend his books highly as a resource from which to do one's own research. I also recommend reading the Edda's and writings by Virgil, Tacitus and other Roman historian on the subject of German/Teuton society.

The amount of information available about the runes for the pagan who is seeking a magical alphabet with which to scribe, cypher, or to expand consciousness is exceptional for an ancient lettering. Unlike the Quaballah it is not connected with the Judeo/Christian reality, but unfortunately is connected with patriarchy.

The breakdown of the dieties in the Teutonic/Norse tradition is reflective of the history that is shared by almost all of the religions in Europe. The earliest god/desses of the region were originally thought to be from the Lake Van in Anatolia (where modern day Turkey is). The pantheon of dieties was known as the Vanic dieties. This was basically a Nature based religion common in Europe before the patriarchal era began. Many of the goddess and god names are recognizible as being a part of the Aesir. Goddesses like Freya, Iduna, Sif, Hella; and the god Frey are all names I had heard before I read my first book on runes.

The group of dieties usually attributed to the Norse/Teutonic people are the Aesir. The well known pantheon of Odhinn, Thor, Tyr, Loki, The Fenris Wolf, the Giants (thurs'), and many more. The accepted historical explination of the change is the invasion of the Scandinavian areas by the Teutonic Tribes of the Continent. Many of the god/desses were eliminated from popular practice and relegated to less visible and less important realms of influence. The most powerfull god/desses were married into the pahtheon of the Aesir, Freya (meaning "Lady"), Hella, Iduna, Frigga (an alternate personality of Freya), Frey (meaning "Lord"), and others.

The historical change from a Goddess based nature religion to a martial God based religion had very a very strong impact on the region. The change in concepts aided in the justification of the raiding and invading of various Teutonic tribes throughout the first and second centuries of the Common Era (C.E.). It also spread the runic system throughout Northern Europe and England.

The negative side of this warlike attitude is the desire of many Pagans to use a system for the spreading of peace and of the healing of the Earth Mother. Much of the information in the texts available deal with the battles and conquests of the Teutons and their God/desses, not quite the place for a peace- loving pagan to find power and solace. However the main battle in the runic sagas (Eddas) is the battle between conscious action and non-conscious action. The Aesir and Vanir in alliance against the Thurses or forces of chaos. The law and chaos dealt with are not the social "law" and anarchy that most of the status-quo fear, but rather the law of the natural order and the chaos of non-natural or artificial destruction of the natural law for reasons with no wisdom.

It seems to this author that the "battle" engaged in the mystical realm of the Norse/Teutonic multiverse is closely alligned with the battle that we face today against the wholesale corporate destruction of the ecology of the planet which I think we can all agree is a plan without wisdom.

With a good deal of hard work and perseverence with the runic system, it seems that the Vanic God/desses can be reintegrated into the system. A rebalancing of the pantheon to allow for the modern view that the god and the goddess influence should be in perspective...even.

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