Friday 30 December 2005

A Pagan Student Bill Of Rights

A Pagan Student Bill Of Rights Cover
1. You have a right to the quality of education commensurate with the medians in similar education for others in your chosen area. Check several teachers or schools to find just what those medians are considered to be.

Corollary: You do not have the right to expect your teacher to be a "SuperPriest/ess" who will fulfill your every need, want and desire. Today, many are advertising themselves as "teachers" with little more than a few years experience themselves, much of which may be book learning. Truly experienced Elders and "Grand Masters" are exceedingly few and far between. Consider yourself astoundingly fortunate if your teacher falls into this category, but within reason, expect a teacher of Paganism to be human and fallible - resolve
for yourself to learn what you can from the situation you are in.

2. The terms of your education shall be agreed upon in advance of its commencement by mutual contract between both teacher and student. Either party may at any time with prior advance notice, rescind said contract. Don't accept an amorphous "well, we'll just take it easy and see what happens" approach. You have the right to know exactly what to expect in terms of time, commitment and subjects learned.

Corollary: You may not drop out of tutorial with a teacher without making a reasonable attempt at telling them why you are feeling uncomfortable enough to do so. Be specific, they need to know how their behavior affected you and your potential for learning from them.

3. You have the right to expect a teacher who is compassionate, has a good sense of humor, has respect for you and others and who has a healthy level of self-esteem. A good teacher will admit when s/he is wrong in the moment and will usually heark back to their own novice days with anecdotes of their own trial and error to share with you. A good teacher knows how to maintain the delicate balance between friendship and appropriate discipline.

Corollary: Any teacher who projects as "too perfect" definitely isn't. Beware also the teacher who is continually in a state of personal woe - these people need too much of your energy that you won't have to give them. Walk out the door and keep searching.

4. You have the right for the teacher to always be truthful with you. Choose teachers whose styles permit you to question freely, who "lead by example" and show you as well as tell you the things you are learning. You can't learn herbalism solely by reading books, some day you have to get out into the garden and root in the dirt. Look for a teacher, whatever their specialty, who does the equivalent in their particular form of practice.

Corollary: Beware of teachers whose main boast is how many books they've read, or that all of their knowledge is "book learned". Such teachers will not be giving you anything authentic that you cannot learn on your own from the same books. A person "teaching" like this is perpetrating little short of plagiarism. To bring in the danger factor, you do not want someone "teaching" you the art of soul travel/astral projection who has never really done it themself. Don't be someone else's guinea pig. A teacher is a rich resource not only of the literary materials they have consumed, but of their own experiences: those triumphs, failures and illuminating moments of true enlightenment that cannot be learned from any book in print.

5. You have the right to expect your teacher to hold a broad education themselves, with specialty areas in which they might be considered to hold above-average knowledge. Anyone purporting to be a teacher of Witchcraft, Shamanism or one of the other forms of Paganism is held to a standard of excellence in their own community, and usually will have specialised in some branch or another of its components. Bonus points to a teacher who has cross-cultural initiations or similar expertise/other cultural referents to draw
from. A broad educational base generally lends another primary desired quality of a good teacher: a broad mind.

Corollary: Ask your teacher to name their teachers or others in the community who know them, and talk to them before signing on to that particular teacher's list. You may find they have an expertise in permaculture, spellcasting or soul retrieval - or you may discover knowledge that might lead you in another direction. It never hurts as a consumer of a service, to obtain references.

6. You have the right to expect discipline from your teacher. You have the right to expect that they will not let you get away with slackness in your learning, presentation or commission of your duties to them. When learning, expect no less than to apply yourself with the diligence most would reserve for a graduate school degree. A good teacher does their own research and give credit where it is due - expect the same of yourself. Be on time; ahead of time even, for lessons and coven/circle activities as your teacher should. Do one more bit of homework than is expected of you. Expect no less than excellence of yourself and you will be richly rewarded.

Corollary: You have the right to expect your teacher to be firm, but flexible within reason. Teachers should be expected to keep their committments to you as you do to them. Overly regimented structures are not conducive to learning, although sometimes in some traditions, such strictures may be put into place specifically to challenge you and help you grow. Look for teachers who walk the balance between firm and flexible for the best learning environment.

7. You have the right to expect change. Do not expect a smooth ride. Life is its own powerful teacher - learning the arts of Shamanism or Witchcraft are seriously advanced study in the crafting of your own soul. By virtue of this process, your issues will be brought out into the open and you will be expected to deal with them and act/react accordingly. How you react will be noted by your teacher and you can expect to have such reactions become the topic of discussion for your further growth. You have the right to expect during these "spiritual crises" for your teacher/s to be there for you to consult, lean on just a little bit and to provide you resources for getting through. You do NOT however, have the right to call the teacher in the wee hours every night of the week with a new crisis, to monopolize your teacher's time for weeks on end due to a major crisis or series of smaller ones. Some support is to be expected from a teacher, but not unlimited support. Ask prior to your training what level of support the teacher is comfortable giving you and adhere to that. Know also when to refer yourself to a competent psychotherapist or healer. And if your teacher suggests you do so, take their advice without quibble. Clinginess from crisis-prone students who do not engage competent healing staff at the appropriate times is
one of the behaviors that can be incredibly abusive of the teacher. If such clinginess is particularly time and energy consuming, it may cause the teacher to end their relationship with you.

Corollary: Your teacher does not have the right to use information concerning your spiritual crises against you, or to pass you off without seriously attempting to help you. Any teacher who does this you should immediately disengage from. Such a person is not the one to be trusting with your soul and your psyche as is required from a teacher of the metaphysical arts.

8. You have the right to be listened to, to have your questions answered and the right to expect a reasonable amount of your teacher's time for the discussion of issues you might have with your training, different areas you wish to explore, etcetera. A good teacher like a good psychologist learns to listen more than talk in order to know what is important and relevant to you, the better to help them custom-craft your learning experience. Walk away from teachers who refuse you time to state your concerns, pooh-pooh your questions or who
motormouth over your every utterance.

9. At the appropriate time, you have the right to expect your teacher to either inform you that it is time for you to move on into your own practice, or to be open to your suggesting something similar to them. A good teacher expects their students to mature and progress beyond them and will be quite pleased for you when this happens.

Corollary: Any teacher who keeps you hanging on indefinitely for initiation, advancement, further training et. al. with prolonged and continual protestations of "you're not ready!" when you know you are is not behaving in a mature manner. If it gets to this point, leave and seek those who will support your spiritual growth and advancement.

Keywords: herbs this  protective charms  elemental magic  spellsandmagic  black magick  practicing wicca  learn spells  obeah  greater ritual  

Thursday 29 December 2005

All About Angels

All About Angels Cover
The word 'Angel' is taken from the Greek word 'Angelos' which means 'Messenger'.

Angels are those souls who from the beginning of creation never lost contact with the Creator, never had physical lives, and seek only to fulfill the will of the Creator.

Angels can vary in form, depending on the needs and expectations of those requesting help. They may appear as either male or female, but are neither. They are beings of light energy.

Angels came into being as a link between the Creator and the humans living on third dimensional Earth.

They are presently here to bridge our memory gap of who we are as spirit, during this time of spiritual evolution on the planet.

They also bring us messages to guide and protect us during the spiritual transformation that is taking place now on the planet.

Angels are different in many respects from Spirit Guides. They usually come with a frequency of unconditional love whereas spirit guides do have personalities and are often humorous and talk a lot!

In the Middle Ages Angels were depicted as bringing messages, such as the birth of Christ. They were usually depicted as human-like beings, which huge wings, halos, and radiating white light.

Angels have been recognized by major religions as having a very important place in the overall plan of creation.

The idea of Angels is significant in Judeo-Christian religious thought. In both the Old and New Testaments, angels are identified as belonging to specifically named groups, in a kind of celestial hierarchy, consisting of Nine Orders.


The First Sphere: Heavenly Counselors

1. Seraphims
2. Cheraphims: The Sumerian original version of them was that they were entities that were relatively fierce looking beings that had the body of an ox or horse and the face of a man with a long beard and wings. They were supposed to have been sent to guard the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden.
3. Thrones

The Second Sphere: Heavenly Governors

4. Dominions
5. Virtues
6. Powers

The Third Sphere: Heavenly Messengers

7. Principalities
8. Archangels
9 Angels

We are most familiar with the angel realms. Angels work most closely with humanity. They work under the Archangels. There are angels for healing, illumination, creativity, nature, music, dance, writing and literature, protection, emotions, politics, science and technology, devotion, purity, information, salvation, environment, transformation, peace, art, relationships, ceremonial order and magic. All you have to do is call (invoke) them and they will come.


The Seven Rays:
Ray 1. . . . Michael and Faith
Ray 2. . . . Jophiel and Christine
Ray 3. . . . Chamuel and Charity
Ray 4. . . . Gabriel and Hope
Ray 5. . . . Raphael and Mother Mary
Ray 6. . . . Uriel and Aurora
Ray 7. . . . Zadkiel and Amethyst


Guardians of large groups like cities, nations, and multinational corporations.


Bearers of conscience and the keepers of the collectible history of Earth. The angels of death and birth are part of this group. They can draw down the energy of the Divine plan for Earth which enables them to bring to humanity a vision of the spiritual interconnectedness of things.


They send out massive amounts of divine energy and virtuous qualities to humanity on Earth.


They govern the activities of all of the angelic beings and groups that work below them. They are considered "divine bureaucrats". They help to integrate and blend the material and spiritual world. They do not work closely with people on earth.


They are heavenly counselors and companion angels of all of the planets.


Heavenly counselors. Guardians of the Light throughout the universe. Have little contact with beings on earth. The Keys of Enoch says that they are also involved with the keeping of the celestial records. They are helpers and assistants to the seraphim.


Celestial angels that are said to surround the throne of God. They are the regulators of the movements of the heavens and have untold responsibilities in the administration of God's infinite universe. There are twelve master seraphim:

1. Epochal angels: direction of the affaires of each generation and root race
2. Progress angels: initiate the evolutionary process of creatures
3. Religious guardians: angels of the church
4. Angels of national life: angels of the trumpets, direct political performance
5. Angels of the races: work for conservation of the evolutionary process
6. Angels of the future: forecast and predict the future
7. Angels of enlightenment: planetary education, mental and moral training
8. Angels of health: angelic healing corps
9. The home seraphim: preservation and advancement of the home.
10. Angels of industry: foster industrial development
11. Angels of diversion: play, humor, rest, and human leisure
12. Angels of superhuman ministry: angels of the angels.

Before the advent of Christianity, angels as messengers had their belief counterparts in Ancient Greece, where Hermes, (Thoth, Tehuti) was considered a messenger of God, and in Rome, where he was called Mercury. The Vikings also had a messenger God called Hermod.

As we prepare to ascend to a higher frequency it is wonderful to connect with Angels. Though they usually do not remain with one person exclusively, they can come to when you call.

Archangel Michael is powerful. In the bible he is said to have been a friend of Lucifer before the fall of the Angels. He is shown as carrying a sword or spear. He is often depicted fighting the dragon or serpent energy.

Raphael supposedly incarnated and took form to walk with the boy Tobias in the middle ages and teach him the arts of healing. Raphael is a teacher associated with medicine, healing with herbs, and all sorts of natural healings.

Gabrielle is associated with message giving. She was sent to Mary to tell her about the birth of the Christ child. She was also sent to Elizabeth about the birth of John the Baptist.

There are also angels that we know little about as well as angels from other worlds.


~ Preparation for the Meditation ~

You might want to tape record the message in this text to guide you through your meditation. Please speak slowly and softly.

Find a quiet place . . . free of distractions. . .

Adjust the lighting and room temperature. . .

Adjust your clothing . . . footwear . . . eyeglasses.

Sit down or lie down . . .

Find a position that is comfortable for you . . .

Quiet your mind . . . Still your thoughts . . .

Relax your body. . .
Your face . . . your jaw . . . relaxing . . .
Your shoulders . . . your neck . . . relaxed
Your arms . . . your hands . . . feel at peace . . .
Your torso . . . your hips . . . letting go . . .
Your legs . . . your feet . . . totally relaxed . . .

Focus on your breathing . . .
Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose . . .
Retain the breath as long as is comfortable . . .
Exhale through the mouth slowly and completely . . .
Repeat for two more breaths . . . or as is comfortable.

See a white light coming towards you from above . . .

As it comes closer to you it begins to take shape . . .

Watch as that form slowly turns into the image of an angel . . .
beautiful . . .radiant . . .

The angel looks at you with unconditional love . . .
embracing your soul . . .

You feel the energy of the angel slowly moving through your body in waves . . .

The angel beckons you to come on a journey . . .

One that will enlighten you to all that you are . . .
all that you can ever be . . .

Slowly leave your body and join your angel . . .
on your journey into awareness . . . .

Keywords: will need  speak dead communication  neo paganism  wiccan calendar  dark witchcraft  wizards magic  charging with personal  obeah  practical rituals focus  

Wednesday 28 December 2005

Talespinner Neopagan Reading List

Talespinner Neopagan Reading List Cover

(Read these five first, they are by themselves the best possible introduction to Neopagan Witchcraft and practical magic that I've found anywhere.)

Starhawk, _The_Spiral_Dance_(San Francisco: Harper & Rowe, 1979). Paperback, 10.95 This is the essential first book for a new witch, Neo-pagan or otherwise. In fact, many new covens have been formed with no other sources than this book. Starhawk details the myths, legends, and magic of the Craft in a beautifully elegant, easy-to-read way. Often found in bookstores on the "Women's Studies" shelf, Starhawk's vision of the Craft emphasizes the Goddess as the source of inspiration, with secondary emphasis on the Horned God. Perhaps a bit too Feminist, but still the best introduction yet.

Margot Adler, _Drawing_Down_the_Moon_.(Boston: Beacon Press, 1979). Paperback, $9.50 Although it is now 7 years out-of-date, this is still the best history of the modern, Neopagan Craft that has been published yet. Includes many valuable interviews with some of the people who gave shape to the Craft as we know it. While the book does include some instruction in magic, its primary thrust is philosophy and history. Keep an eye out--there's an updated second edition due out some time in late 1986.

Marion Weinstein, _Positive_Magic_.(Surrey, B.C.: Phoenix Publishing, revised 1981). Paperback, $8.95 I see-saw between this book and the next one for 3rd and 4th place. Both are good, detailed texts on magic and spell-casting. At the moment, I recommend
_Positive Magic_ first for the following reasons: it is more practical, teaching actual techniques before tackling theoretical justifications, and the language is a bit easier to follow fornon-scientists. The topics covered include the karmic effects of magic, astrology, divination with tarot cards and the I'Ching, and general spell-casting. Its strongest point is the section on tarot, which is the best I've seen yet. Its weakest point (in my opinion) is that it under-emphasizes poetry and ritual.

P.E.I. Bonewits, _Real_Magic_. (Berkeley: Creative Arts Publishing, revised 1979). Paperback, $8.95 This is the other "best" book on magic. It covers a much wider variety of topics, including ritual, psychic self-defense, and many other psychic phenomena. Isaac's approach is scientific and rational, not "religious," and his language is often more that of a scholar than a witch, but this is nevertheless an essential book for any student of magic. WARNING: Make sure that you get the second edition (1979) or later, as the 1971 edition includes much material that is misleading, extraneous, and sometimes just plain false--the 1979 edition was heavily edited.

Scott Cunningham,_Earth_Power_.(St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications, 1983). Paperback, $6.95 A good, reliable volume of spells and charms, compiled from the Family Traditions and other witchcraft sources. The magic in this book consists entirely of what scholars call "Low Magic"--the magic of village herbalists, midwives, and healers--and as such, it is very practical, simple, and unpretentious. Missing is much of the ceremony of Neopagan Witchcraft; in its place, a huge vocabulary of magic that can be used easily and quickly,
regardless of where you are and what you have for tools.

The Best Of The Rest:

(Once you have a good background, from the previous five books, you will find the following all make good reference books, worth having on your shelf.)

Stewart Farrar, _What_Witches_Do_. (Custer, WA: Phoenix Publishing, revised 1983). Paperback, $8.95 This book is so good that it ALMOST made it into the top five, displacing _Earth Magic_. When its first edition came out in 1971, it was the only book on modern
Witchcraft that was written for outsiders. It is surprisingly well-written, and very thorough. Its only serious problem is that it is very specifically Alexandrian Witchcraft (named after Alex Sanders, its first High Priest), and some of it doesn't generalize well. Nevertheless, it has the best-written chapter on initiation, among other things, that I've seen yet.

Herman Slater (ed.), _A_Book_of_Pagan_Rituals_. (York Beach, ME: Samuel Weiser, 1978). Paperback, $8.95 This is the complete Book of Shadows of a Neo-pagan tradition called The Pagan Way. It includes complete, very well-written rituals for all eight of the High
Holidays (both solo and group ritual), plus a mixed bag of rituals for healing, trance work, and so forth. Requires some basic knowledge of the Craft and its symbolism, so its not for beginners, but it is definitely useful to any worthwhile fully-initiated witch.

Ellen Cannon Reed, _The_Witches'_Qabala_. (St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications, 1985). Paperback, $7.95 So far, only Book 1, "The Goddess and the Tree" has been published, but it's already the best book on the Qabala that I've seen yet, and the only one I would
recommend to a new Neopagan Witch. The Qabala and its commentary to date contain a lot of sexist material, reflecting their Judeao-Christian origins. Ellen Reed strips all of that away, but in a way that is truer to the Qabala's origins and meaning than was the offensive material. Where she changes the traditional attributions, she documents it, and includes the traditional ones as well. This book is almost a "must-read."

Jack Schwarz, _Voluntary_Controls_. (New York: E.P. Dutton, 1978). Paperback, $7.95 Jack Schwarz is NOT a witch, but don't let that stop you from profiting from the single clearest, most practical book on kundalini-style meditation that has been published in the West. If you are having trouble meditating, or wish to do serious trance work, turn to this book first.

Camden Benares, _ZEN_Without_Zen_Masters_. (Phoenix: Falcon Press, 1977). Paperback, $6.95 Out of print for almost 7years, I am VERY happy to be able to recommend it again. This book is, among other things, proof that there is more to the Discordian branch of Neopaganism than just practical jokes. It is also the best practical book on Zen for the western world that I have seen yet. All of the best zen koans, including these, are also humorous (and therefore memorable). The book also includes MANY valuable exercises. As Robert Anton Wilson (see below) says in the Commentary at the beginning, "If you don't laugh at all, you've missed the point. If you only laugh, you've missed your chance for Illumination."

Robert Anton Wilson, _Cosmic_Trigger:_The_Final_Secret_of_the_Illuminati_. (New York: Pocket Books, 1977). Paperback, $3.95 In this autobiographical work, Wilson details his initiation into and experience with almost every form of shamanic magick that is still practiced today, and draws some very surprising conclusions. Strongest point: this is a fantastic synthesis of magick, psychology, and physics. Weakest point: its central theme--that all of the great mystical societies and movements in history have been in contact with aliens from Sirius--is not taken seriously by Wilson (no matter how serious he seems in this book), and should not be taken seriously by the reader.

by J. Brad ("Talespinner") Hicks

Keywords: spirituality between asatru  hidden wicca america  worn person  ritual  spellbook  online voodoo  black magic spell  obeah  eleven high magickal  

Tuesday 27 December 2005

Consecration Ritual

Consecration Ritual Cover
Tools Needed:

3 candles
Gold or black for the God
Silver or white for the Goddess
One red candle for the element of Fire
Incense, any type will do. Nothing over bearing.
The object that you wish to consecration, sanctify, and purify.
Water and Salt
Oil for anointing the object

First ground and center yourself. Begin to breathe deeply and slowly, removing yourself from the mundane world. Close your eyes and allow the magick of the Lord and Lady to surround you with Love and Light.

Repeat 3 times: In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

When you feel that your consciousness is on the highest spiritual level, open your eyes and light the two candles signifying the presence of the Lord and Lady.

Then light an incense and red candle to assist in the consecration. Take a pinch of salt and mix it with the water repeating:

I exorcise O ye elements of salt and water, removing all negative and disharmonious energies. I now bless thee in the name of the God and Goddess to assist me in this purification.

Now, take the object in one hand. Dip your finger in the mixture of salt and water, then place a few drops of this mixture on the object repeating:

I now purify this "NAME of OBJECT" in the name of the God and Goddess casting out any negative or disharmonious energies sending them into the ethers. I purify thee clean and sacred!

Now, move the object first over the Fire candle, then the burning incense, repeating:

I now sanctify this "NAME of OBJECT" in the name of the God and Goddess casting out any negative or disharmonious energies sending them into the ethers.

Lastly, anoint the object with the oil, repeating:

I consecrate this "NAME of OBJECT" in the name of the God and Goddess to be used only as a magickal tool. Let this object forever and a day, give Love and Light to my path.

Once again close your eyes and take a deep breath allowing the spiritual world to begin to leave. Thank the Lord and Lady for their presence in your life. Open your eyes and return to the mundane world. It is your choice to leave or extinguish the candle's flame and the burning incense. But never, never blow them out, use a candle snuffer or simply pinch the flame out! Always show love and respect!

Keywords: wiccan chants  influences life  introduction centered  practical magic techniques  spell showbusiness  wiccan altar  site witch  pentacle pendant  pagan holy which  obeah  honesty spell  

Saturday 5 November 2005

Wine Blessings

Wine Blessings Cover
Male: The male holds the power and is the reservoir of power.
Female: The female taps the power in him and channels it.
Both: Neither one can work without the other; one without the other is incomplete.

Male: The god is a god of life and death.
Female: The goddess is of birth and renewal.
Both: To learn you must struggle, to live you must be born, to be born you must die; the beginning, the continuation and the end, over and over and over.

Male: The sun gives forth light.
Female: The moon holds it in darkness.
Male: As above
Female: So below
Male: As the athame is to the male.
Female: So the chalice is to the female.
Both: And together joined they are one in truth, for there is no greater power in all the world than that of a man and woman joined in the bonds of love.


The grape on the vine has been picked and fermented
And soon the vine will wither and sleep
We have bottled it's sweet juice for the winter ahead
But tonight we shall drink of its warmth
As we drink lets us always remember
The eternal cycle of life, death and rebirth
For soon He will die
And soon She will weep
And this fruit shall have to live til the Spring
Emerges in all her glory and brings with her sweet warmth
Til then we must remember Her and our own earth bodies
With the ability to bring forth new life should we wish
An empowerment by the Goddess
A gift to her children
To show them the beauty of life.
And now, Great Goddess, bless this wine
So your children may taste of your wisdom

Tags: pagan manners  9th yesod  pagan craft etiquette  response covenant goddess  autarchic creed  response craft  becoming witch  everyday lessons  heptameron elements  asatru  wizardry  hebrew aramaic  pagan gods  chalice  self hypnotizing  black magik  days craft  

Sunday 23 October 2005

Ideas From Beket Aser Edithdatter

Ideas From Beket Aser Edithdatter Cover
It is necessary that we learn to be just plain adult about working together - or even, just existing on the same planet.

1- If you can't tolerate any slightest deviation from your own tradition, do not take part in public or cross-cultural rituals or gatherings.
2- If you have ideas of what should be in the ritual; or what should not - go to the planning meeting and express your opinions.
3- If you delegate a task to someone else - you have made it their job. The only thing you have to say is "Thank you". When and how they do it is their business so long as it is done at the moment it is required.
4- Appoint somebody to keep notes of the planning meetings - as things are said, not afterwards, or, inevitably, there will be disagreements about the ground rules.
5- Gossip : There are a few situations wherein it is legitimate to pass on "gossip". the following suggestions are not all inclusive but may serve to give guidelines for judging: a. When a major life change definitely is occurring to someone with whom you and the person to whom you pass on the information - frequently work. b. When you are acting as resource to help someone decrease a situation of disagreement. c. When you really plan to take positive action to alleviate the situation the gossip refers to. d. (This situation really does not occur all that often.) When warning someone about an individual whose practices are definitely undesirable for a reason other than that you don't like them. e. When you have truly accurate information to counteract damaging and inaccurate rumor.
6- When examining a situation to decide whether or not you, yourself, are under psychic attack, be sure to ask yourself if it couldn't be because being under attack makes you feel important.
7- Within the group or group structure, the High Priest and or High Priestess are generally entitled to your respect and a certain amount of deference. If they really, really don't know as much as you do, perhaps it is time that you take a fond and friendly leave of them/him/her and begin a group of your own. Obviously, group or group affairs are appropriate subjects for discussion among all the members, and the HP/S definitely should be willing to listen to reasonable suggestions. However, you joined the group in order to learn from its leaders; a year or two of study probably doesn't qualify you to suddenly object to all their teachings, methods, and beliefs. Above all, it is inappropriate to try to stir up the whole group and "take over" the group. The leaders have put a good deal of time, patience, thought and teaching into building the group and giving it a good name - if you want to be Witch Queen of the Universe, start your own group from scratch and try to become good enough to earn status yourself. The goal is not big groups, it is the best possible groups. For group leaders: They need to be grown-up enough to know that every disagreement isn't necessarily a personal attack. They need to develop leadership skills to avoid confrontation and inflexibility. They need to know how to lead without dominating and they need an intense interest in the health of the group. The HP/S needs to listen to the ideas of the members and to use their ideas whenever possible. They should be able to explain rationally why certain ideas cannot be used.

Keywords: slavia written tradition  easy spells  mahatma from  glossary theosophical  magickal cat  black magik  diverse magick  wiccan symbols  what geomancy  

Sunday 2 October 2005

Gays In The Craft

Gays In The Craft Cover
***** Quoting message from Paul Seymour to Michael Harismides. *****

In my experience of observing may circles, the ones that included "gay" people without careful attention to the balancing of energies between them had some serious problems. While my somewhat limited experience may have little bearing on the subject, it has suggested something that has not been discussed thoroughly: The necessity of a balancing of male vs. female energies in a circle, regardless of sexual preferences. Any body want to get into this one?

***** End Quote *****

In my experience, a 'balancing of energies' can take a number of forms. One of them that seems to work no matter how the circle is composed is a matching of resonances. Everyone grounds & centers first, and then either the circle is cast and everyone matches resonances or you do it the other way around. To match resonances: stand or sit in a ring with hands nearly touching, with each person's right hand directly above the left hand of the person's neighbor to the right, to the point where each person can feel his/her neighbor's energy field. Let a GENTLE current flow (sorry, this is the only way I know how to describe this) deosil until everyone feels in balance. You are just trying to balance the energy of the circle, not raise any power just yet. We don't always do this in Birdsnest; last time, a simple kiss on the cheek passed deosil with the words "Perfect love and perfect trust. Blessed be." was sufficient. However, Birdsnest is the barest minimum size for a coven (3), and we are a well-matched psychic circle. Non-psychic circles may have more difficulty matching esonances, and may have to resort to other more symbolic ways of balancing the energies. Try various methods and see what works. My guess is that any method that will balance the energies of a circle for Dianics ought to work for anyone,
as we are supposed ;-) to be inherently unbalanced. Incidentally, I learned how to match resonances from a Christian psychic, and she learned it from atouch therapy course. Talk about non-sectarianism!

BB, Sourdough

PS--The original message had to do with balancing of male & female energies. I might add that we have REAL case of potential unbalance in Birdsnest, as all three of us are lovers of women--and when I am in circle, my anima is doing most of the work for me. This seems to create no problems whatever for us. The one time we did have problems, we broke every rule in the book because we were doing an emergency working when we were all physically and emotionally messed up with initial grief shock.

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Friday 26 August 2005

Sacred Pentagram

Sacred Pentagram Cover
The following article appeared in Vol. 1, No. 1 of NightScapes (a journal of Magick, Paganism and the Occult).

The Pentagram, the five pointed star, is an icon of Magick and the Occult. It is a powerful symbol, and one held sacred by many.

The Pentagram is comprised by a proportional formula called "The Golden Mean." This rule states that an intersection which divides a line, makes the two parts proportionately the same length. To clarify, a line is divided by another line, making two parts. These two
segments will be the same proportional size to one-another as the greater part is to the whole. The Golden Mean is called "The Divine Proportion." It is this rule that provides much fascination to Occultists who revere the Pentagram.

There are two types of Pentagrams: The Upright and the Inverted. Both symbols are sacred, and both have been maligned by the ignorant. The Upright Pentagram traditionally symbolizes mankind. It is the figure of a man (or woman) standing with arms and legs spread, representing the Microcosm. Man and woman are tiny universes within themselves, and are representative of the Macrocosm (the greater Universe, in which we live).

Each point of the Pentagram stands for one of the elements: Earth, Air, Fire and Water. The uppermost point represents Spirit. So, therefore, the traditional interpretation of the Upright Pentacle is "Spirit over matter."

The Pentagram is sacred to many religions and cultures. It is a positive symbol. Unfortunately, for those who are ignorant about the Occult, and who are especially biased against it, the symbol means "evil." The other type of Pentagram is the Inverted, sometimes
called "The Pentamorph." This symbol is regarded as representing evil to both the Occultist and the non- Occultist. The reason for this is that many people, seeing that the symbol is now reversed, automatically assume that "Spirit," at the top in the Upright, is now at the bottom, with the other elements reigning above it (matter over Spirit). This interpretation is purely subjective on the individual's part. The symbology of one does not necessarily apply to the other. An alternate interpretation suggests that the Inverted displays "power being poured back into the Earth."

Another aspect of the Inverted is the depiction of the "Sabbatic Goat of Mendes." Mendes is a city where ancient Egyptians worshipped the Goat, which symbolizes fertility. By having the Pentagram in the Inverted position, one can inscribe a goat's head in its outline, with the uppermost points being the horns, the lower two points being the ears, and the lowest representing the beard.

Neither of the above representations of the Pentagram appear in an "evil" context by themselves. Originally, Wiccans (and many still do) used the Inverted to symbolize the 2nd degree of the Craft (while the Upright symbolizes the Craft itself). Due to the rise of modern Satanism, via Anton La Vey, and others, who have adopted the Inverted Pentagram as their symbol, it has now taken on a more sinister aspect. What is interesting about non-Occultists is their inability to discern the difference between either symbol.
To the mundane, both represent "Satan" or evil, whether Upright or Inverted. It's as if they are "blind" to the perception of whether the symbol is Upright or not. All they see is the "evil" star, and that automatically conjures up all the other connotations along with it.

It's unfortunate that due to the rise of Satanism, Wiccans are hesitant to use the Inverted Pentagram, in fear of being identified with that religion. The Inverted Pentagram is a sacred symbol, representing fertility, and being a fertility religion, Wicca is being persuaded not to use a pertinent icon.

Another revelation that may prove surprising to some is the supposition that the Inverted Pentagram is actually the proper "banishing" Pentagram. If the Upright is used to "Invoke", wouldn't it make sense that its counterpart be used to "banish?"

Yes, the Pentagram is a sacred symbol. It represents power, protection, mankind, and a host of other definitions. If someone has a doubt to the legitimacy of the Pentacle as a symbol to revere, then look to the American flag. There are fifty of them on it! (By Jay Barrymore)

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Sunday 21 August 2005

Closing The Circle

Closing The Circle Cover
By the earth that is her body
And by the air that is her breath
And by the fire of her bright spirit,
And by the living waters of her womb,
The circle is open, but unbroken
May the joy of the Goddess live in our hearts
Merry meet, and merry part
And merry meet again.

Adaption of Starhawk's The Spiral Dance.

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Sunday 14 August 2005

The Typical Near Death Experience

The Typical Near Death Experience Cover
Dr. Moody's research describes the results of more than 11 years of inquiry into the near-death experience. He outlines nine elements that generally occur during their experience: A buzzing or ringing noise, while having a sense of being dead.

Peace and painlessness. While people are dying, they may be in intense pain, but as soon as they leave the body the pain vanishes and they experience peace.

Out-of-body experience. The dying often have the sensation of rising up and floating above their own body while surrounded by a medical team and watching it down below, feeling comfortable. They experience the feeling of being in a spiritual body that looks like a sort of living energy field.

The tunnel experience. The next experience is that of being drawn into darkness through a tunnel, at an extremely high speed, until reaching a realm of radiant golden-white light.

Rising rapidly into the heavens. Instead of a tunnel, some people report rising suddenly into the heavens and seeing the earth and the celestial sphere as they would be seen by astronauts in space.

People of light. Once on the other side of the tunnel, or after they have risen into the heavens, the dying meet people who glow with an inner light. Often they find that friends and relatives who have already died are there to greet them.

The being of light. After meeting the people of light, the dying often meet a powerful spiritual being whom some have called God, Jesus, or an angel. Also, although they sometimes report feeling scared, they do not sense that they were on the way to hell or that they fell into it.

The life review. The being of light presents the dying with a panoramic review of everything they have done. In particular, they relive every act they have ever done to other people and come away feeling that love is the most important thing in life.

Reluctance to return. The being of light sometimes tells the dying that they must return to life. Other times, they are given a choice of staying or returning. In either case, they are reluctant to return. The people who choose to return do so only because of loved ones they do not wish to leave behind.

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Tuesday 9 August 2005

The New Age An Exercise In Linear Thought

The New Age An Exercise In Linear Thought Cover
What is the "New Age"? We read about it in sensationalist newspapers for sale in grocery stores. Sally Jessy Raphael, Geraldo and others talk about it on the tube. The term is even bandied about in polite circles. Psychic Fairs are now New Age Festivals. Preachers and preacheresses, who couldn't sell their message at wholesale prices, are raking in the dough when they add "New", or "New Age" to their church's names. Even our dollar bill reflect it by declaring: "Novus Ordo Seclorum": A new order of the Ages. It seems that the dollar bill and the New Age go hand in hand.

Let us check the dictionary to see if this throws any light on the subject.


1. Not old; recent; modern
2. Different from the former
3. Recently discovered or learned about, etc.


1. A period of life
2. A great and distinct time in the history of Man; an epoch

Well, that defines the obvious, the skin. What about the mat of the subject.

There are many ideas: There are those who look for the second caning of Christ. They literally believe Jesus will soon establish his theocracy here on Earth. Sane believe in the coming of "Christ Consciousness", the realization of the "God within" or some are taking to heart the teachings of Cayce, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, David Spangler, Ram Das, etc or are becoming involved in channeling, psychic readings or spiritual study groups.

Others say that it is taking personal responsibility in life decisions, being in responsible relationships, practicing ecology, integrating body, mind and soul in the concepts of holistic health, becoming more spiritual (translated as be nice, read nice stuff, practice Yoga Asanas, give up red meat and control your animal nature), and be consciously aware of our stewardship of the planet.

All of this seems to fall perfectly in line with the New Age as would be described in traditional Patriarchal Western thought. This Western thought teaches us that everything moves linearly, in a straight line, from old (out of date) to new (up to date), from low (our old base ideas) to high ( toward spiritual heights). There is a real problem here, to quote scripture: "...there is no new thing under the sun" (Eccl 1:9). Mlle. Bertin, milliner to Marie Antoinette, put it even better, "There is nothing new except what is forgotten".
While the New Age may be new in the Patriarchal system, is it really new? Or is it old ancient ideas, layered over with a heaping helping of Patriarchy?

What are the cornerstones of Patriarchy? 1. Male dominance, 2. Hierarchal structure, 3. Power (over), 4. Control, 5. Separation.

When we study New Age ideas, do we see gurus, priests, teachers, ministers, prophets or spirits to be followed? Even though we might be told that "you can do it yourself!", what in fact is done? Rantha and Seth speaks, Shirley McLain writes books. Sun Mung Moon gives other clergy free trips to Korea to see how the reincarnated Jesus does things. Classes are formed to teach people how to channel. (Mediumship out, channeling in) Large fees are paid to learn this and other form of psychic divination. Classes are even formed to introduce people to the New Age, and to be "wise consumers of New Age goods and services. 2 hours for $17." To quote Dooreen Valiente, "The Pipes of Pan can scarcely be heard for the rustle of the dollar bills and the clang of the cash register." (ABCs of Witchcraft, page 374)

People are taught to "Do-it-yourself", but there must be an authority figure to do the teaching. A few years ago, quite a few groups held awareness sessions, psychic development classes, etc, for free or for a nominal sum. Today these sessions are being done less thoroughly, without a firm basis, for lotsa money by semi-competent people with letters behind their names.

Holistic health is touted as a new idea in healing. It is essentially the integration of body-mind-spirit or soul. if you accept this premise, then you must also accept that there is such a division that needs integration.

Dividing people up into smaller pieces such as body, mind and spirit, then reassembling them is not integration--it's repair. 1, as well as all beings, exist as a whole being. I cannot be separated and exist. Without body is death, without mind is coma.

How does your thought process work?, along the Patriarchal lines of separateness, or along the ideas of holism? Do you think of yourself as whole, or as the sun of your parts? Is your thinking possessive (my head, my finger) or non-attached (the head, the finger)? We are! We exist! We are not the sum total of parts that were assembled on a production line. We are whole.

Now what about ecology? The same argument holds true. We are not separate. We are our environment. We cannot exist without these surroundings. This is the reason that our Astronauts and Cosmonauts must be in space suits or capsules. We cannot be separate from our environment.

About 15 years ago, Akwasasne Notes, newspaper for the Mohawk Nation, had an article entitled, "Why the Indians were not Environmentalists". The jist of the article was the they could not separate themselves from the environment, because they were one and the same. They realized that whatever was done to a part affected the whole. Every action has a consequence and affects everything else. Further it is Patriarchal thought that says that we need to take care of our environment. it is a ploy for separation (us vs. them) and dominance (we...take care of). We cannot be separated.

To carry this further, we don't need to take care of our planet. We are the planet. We need to be aware of this, become responsible for our actions, accept our divinity as well as all divinity. It is not our job to be stewards, to be masters over the "lesser beings". We need rather, to learn cooperation. We as humans share this planet with other life forms and non life forms, one being no more or no less important than the other. A change in one affects all.

So what is the New Age? The New Age does not exist. it is figment of Patriarchal linear imagination. it is using new words, new phrases to try to breathe new life into a worn out philosophy. The outward signs, channeling, inspiration, holistic health, reverence for self-planet-others, etc, have been around since the first mother nurtured her child. Patriarchy is fighting for his life, and like the automobile industry is putting out a shiny new model of the sane old thing.

So now what do we do? THINK. Think clearly. Change the way that we've been taught to perceive ourselves and all around us. Trash the Patriarchal, linear model. Confront the dividers. Do not give authority to those who don't deserve it. Don't believe, know. Speak up. Realize that all things move in cycles and spirals. Realize that we are whole. Be wary of teachers who sell their knowledge for big bucks, rather than a fair price. Trust in yourself and continue to study. (by Don Wildgrube)

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Sunday 31 July 2005

Ignorance And Tolerance

Ignorance And Tolerance Cover
I came across a little sign in my favorite fabric shop yesterday. It was shaped like a tombstone (of the Halloween decoration persuasion), and had cobwebs and spiders:

Here Lies

Hilda Haggy, Witch

Burned at the Stake, 1702

in Salem
(Or Some Other City)
Wick a Witch Week

Now, of course I still go there for my material to make clothes. Of course I still greet Pam, the owner, when I come in to make a purchase. And, of course, I still smile, purchase, talk, joke, and freely associate with these "Christians-that-so-rudely-put-up-an-offensive-decoration." And there's a very simple reason why.

Ignorance is something we deal with every day. It can be simple, such as "I'm sorry officer, I didn't know the speed limit here was '55'," to complex as in the person who treated you so poorly because their brother died (but you were, of course, ignorant to that fact). I simply put the "offensive decoration" in the same category as a child who doesn't understand why in the world the orange won't flush down the toilet, and blew it up.

As Americans, we have two things we accept. First, we accept that (on paper) we have the right to practice any religion we choose, assemble peacefully as we choose, and print or say anything we choose, thanks to that wonderful document, the Bill of Rights. This constitutionally protected freedom we accept gladly; we even use it at times to get out of being told we shouldn't say the things we want (or do the things we want).

The other thing we must accept as Americans, is that our citizens, like it or not, are for the most part, Judeo-Christian. It was founded by the Judeo-Christians who conquered this land, shaped by their descendants and is still run by their progeny today. In fact there are very few witches or other followers of the Path who were not born to Judeo-Christian parents and households (i.e. born to Pagans who were descendants of same).

For some of us, this second reality is as difficult to accept as a shot when we have the flu. We rail against it, expect our poor, confused brethren (GASP! yes, I called them brethren) to accept us for what we are, and pay no mind to the sensibilities that were forced upon them by their well-meaning parents and guardians. We become bitter when those sensibilities affect their attitudes toward us, and some of us even go out wearing Pagan jewelry not simply because we like it, but because we're itching for a brawl.

There isn't much written about what we do with about ignorance. But you can use the Wiccan Rede as a guide here, because here you ARE harming others when you "Do What Thou Wilt." If you react to ignorance with bitterness, you are harming yourself, and run the risk of harming the object of your bitterness. You may even cause harm to other Pagans in your area if you poorly represent your community (especially if the person observing your behavior is partial to white hoods and burning crosses, like they are in my neck of the woods).

It is a much wiser choice to redirect the hurt and angry energy caused by inconsiderate or ignorant behavior and attitudes. If you use this energy to create a good situation or even a rapport with the person, you will find your rewards much more pleasant. If they don't come immediately, remember that karma sometimes takes a while to manifest.

Non-pagans don't have to be on the opposite side of the fence in other facets of our lives, either. We are Pagans; that doesn't give us leave to be anti-social. I know many Christians that I still consider friends, who I would still trust with my life, even after many years I many years separated from them by belief. And although they laugh very hard when I say it, I consider them among the Christians that "get it." I know who I am. I would not give up my Paganism for anyone. I do not, however, fault or begrudge anyone else THEIR beliefs, no matter how different they may be. I consider theirs a rather natural reaction to anyone who lives a Pagan life, considering the environment in which they live.

Try to understand what a Judeo-Christian society is expecting of them. Understand that they are people just like you, trying to make sense of their universe. Understand that religious programming, no matter how much you disagree with it, is hard to break. Attempt to understand them, and be patient. And you will find that eventually, they will extend you the same courtesy, even if it takes a few thousand years.

by Black Arawn

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Sunday 10 July 2005

The Difference Between Evoke And Invoke

The Difference Between Evoke And Invoke Cover
Evoke is to "call forth" or "to recreate imaginatively or remind" whereas Invoke is an appeal for help or support.

Invoking and Evoking

What's the difference, and how do I do it? (As always, this is based on personal opinion)

One of the most confusing things that beginners deal with, apart from circle casting, is Invoking and Evoking.

First of all, it may seem that there is little difference between the two, or maybe little point in doing it.

But this is an important part of ritual, and is done quite frequently.

What is Invoking, and what is Evoking?

Evoking is when you ask a Deity, elemental, etc. to be present in the circle. Invoking is when you invite the Deity, etc. 'into' yourself, and for a time you 'become' that Deity.

Why do it?

You invoke or evoke to ask the Deity(s) to attend your ritual.

When done well, a Deity will actually be present in your circle: you will be able to communicate with them, and they will be able to help you with whatever you have planned.

(This is one reason that it is so very important to be clear in your intentions, and to have thought them out beforehand- the Deities are present, they are inside your circle, and they can see you).

Which one is best to do?

If you are a beginner, I would highly recommend sticking to evoking.

For one, personally I find it easier to do.
For second, it is more objective, and easier to figure out if you did it right.
Third, being more objective, it's harder to fool yourself into believing you did it properly if you didn't.

Finally, invoking can be especially difficult if you are conducting ritual alone.

How do I know which Deity to invoke?

Only one word of advice here: keep it simple. As a beginner, please don't invoke the Morrigan, Loki, Kali, etc. etc. etc.

Not that I'm saying these are 'evil' Gods, it's just that you will probably find it more than you can handle.

If you want a death Goddess, try Persephone.

If you want success in battle, try Ares or Victoria, if you want feminine power, try Diana.

If you want a trickster, try Mercury.

There's no need to climb a mountain to see over the molehill.

So, how do I do it?

Cleanse your space, cast your circle, call your element(als).

Generally, calling the Goddess is done in a 'Goddess position': arms and legs outstretched.

Calling the God is done in a 'God position': feet together, with arms crossed across the chest (no, you don't have to do it that way).

In doing the actual calling, you may or may not have something written down, or you might decide to adlib something; whatever suits you is fine.

While you are reciting the call, visualize in your mind how that Deity looks to you.

Are they short or tall, blonde, brunette, or redhead? Are they strong willed, poetic, young or old? How does their 'soul' look to you, what colour is their aura, what kind of personality do they have, how do they make you feel?

Send out a call to this image, asking them to come and join your ritual.

The hard part is learning how to call with your mind while you're reciting a spoken call. :)

Should I always cast a circle before Calling a Deity?

I would say definitely yes. There's nothing really wrong with calling on a familiar Deity at any time.

However, I would advise against calling a Deity you don't know well outside your circle.

Will this give me cool powers, like 'Sabrina'?


How do I know if I've done it properly?

If you've evoked the Deity, and they do decide to come, you will probably notice it immediately.

The air becomes electric, you may notice a 'presence' in the room, the temperature may change. Heck, they may decide to give you a hug. :)

Can I invoke/evoke elementals?

Well, technically, any time you call the elements, or the elementals, you are evoking them.

I really wouldn't advise invoking any elemental. Stick with evoking for them.

How do I 'unevoke' a Deity?

Simple, thank them for coming, and mean it. Say you're glad they came, but now ritual is over, and thank you so much for stopping by.

Just be respectful.

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Friday 8 July 2005


Numerology Cover
How To Determine Your Number

You begin by taking your full name, example: Jessica Rae Jones.

You assign each number to a letter using the following table:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Jessica Rae Jones = 1511931 915 16551
Add the numbers together to get 54.
Reduce that to s simple digit: 9.
It's as simple as that.

There are two master numbers in numerology, 11 and 22. If you get a digit that is, say, 11, you can reduce that to a 2, or opt to stay at 11. Also, if you get a digit that is a 74, you may again stay at 11 or reduce it to a 2.

1= SELF DEVELOPMENT. Individuality, independence, initiative, inventiveness, self reliance, self sufficiency, leadership.

2= SELF-SURRENDER. Humility, submitting oneself to serve others, community work, kindness, co-operation, diplomacy, peace making, patience, listening, sensitivity to others.

3= SELF-EXPRESSION. Expressing in outer form the inner you, sharing thoughts/feelings/beliefs, creativity, artistry, beauty, using talents to benefit all, humor, friendship.

4= SELF-DISCIPLINE. Doing what need to be done, duty, work and service, self control, efficiency, organization, building, laying firm foundations, attention to detail, accuracy.

5= SELF-EMANCIPATION. Being free and learning what that means, adapting to change, unexpected situations, new ideas, exploration, adventure, travel, observing, learning to let others have their freedom.

6= SELF-HARMONY. Bringing harmony to others and to the situations you find yourself in, learning you are only in harmony when you meet your responsibilities to others willingly, learning the value of home and family and helping others, learning when to help and when to let others help themselves.

7= INNER-SELF. Finding wisdom within yourself, discovering the Self inside, leaning to think, analysis, study, reading, meditation, introspection, perspective, searching for truth, spending time alone and learning not to fear being alone.

8= SELF-POWER. Finding the power you possess and putting it to use in the material world, learning how spiritual laws lead to material success, learning to manage and achieve and accomplish material success without greed or selfishness or ruthlessness, being in business, learning to give so you can be open to receive.

9= SELF-LESSNESS. Sacrificing self interest to serve others, selfless service, learning to be loving, caring, giving and generous, being understanding, sympathetic and sensitive, learning to put aside prejudices, being what you would like others to be, being of help, making the world a little bit better.

11= SELF-ILLUMINATION. Seeking truth wherever it may be found (in quiet or confusion or in solitude or crowds), learning to use your intuition and trust it, having faith, seeing the best in others, living your truth, sharing your revelations, learning proper use of psychic powers, heeding inner guidance, being compassionate, being bold but humble.

22= SELF-MASTERY. Finding the great power within you and using it to do great things to benefit many others, learning not to limit yourself yet not glorify yourself (being guided only by the needs of humanity and how your abilities can be put to use in a big way), being a visionary and a builder.

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