Wednesday 30 June 2010

Meditation Through Dance

Meditation Through Dance
Dance as liturgy or ritual has always been a way to honor the sacred, the mystery, turning into the spiral of life and the universal, the ever-present flow of the Divine force. It has profound implications for healing, psychotherapy, spiritual growth, and the full unfolding of human potential. Sacred dance can be done by anyone and in any mode. It may be part of an ancient tradition or may emanate in the moment. It can range from simple walking steps in a circle to elaborately costumed processionals. When you can let go, the natural flow of energy dances you. It opens up the channels of the body to clear away old emotional blockages, belief systems that no longer serve, and memories the body has held onto long after their usefulness disappeared. We allow life to dance us again.


In dance as ritual, our learning mode is reversed and the mind learns from the body. Dance is not only Language, it is also "listening." Listen to the sounds of the waves within you. Consciousness uses the power of listening to come into the being. As the skill of listening grows, consciousness expands; searching for our essence, what is truly us, our true self, we begin realizing on deeper and deeper levels that we are all the same. Dance integrates meditation and action, dissolving the barrier between contemplation and everyday life, garnering the energies of ruach, the breath of God.

Whether you dance in your own room, in a class or group, or before supportive spectators, you will come to feel and emanate a sense of oneness with the group, the audience, the world, and with humanity. Now you become the creator of your own dance, your own movement, the energizer of your own body, your own world, and the molder of your own destiny.

Freeing ourselves to refocus inwardly and in community allows us to see who we are, and so this will be a complex but at the same time a simplified process of self-discovery.

In the beginning we will find many voices within us that are unknown, repressed, afraid to speak, and unaccustomed to spontaneous and direct expression. We will literally be using dance as a bridge between consciousness and the psyche. Through dance we tap into the body's unconscious memories, layer by layer. Then the healing begins. As we continue our discipline of movement and image dialogues, poetic and private insights emerge through relaxed and spontaneous expression to show us the way.


The stage, the altar, the studio -- whatever space you designate -- is the sacred dancing ground, and the dancing time is time out of ordinary time. The dancers enter consciously, sensing the difference between the busy outside world and the dedicated dance space. This is the hallowed ground, dedicated to and ruled by forces that are not personal, not individualistic.

After one enters the sacred space there is, ideally, a period of quieting down. Physiologically, you might start with deep, slow breathing, bringing scattered thoughts to a still, introverted point of focus.

Here are some keys that will help your dance become more meaningful for you, which I derived in part from my work with the Dances of Universal Peace. Even one or two of these techniques will have quite a profound effect.

1. Let go of expectations and self-consciousness. Ability will come in time. Your dance is not an athletic competition or a formal presentation. It is a window through which we merge with the universal, satisfying the thirst that is in all our souls. It takes a while for the mind to yield control. Don't be surprised if the mind becomes rebellious, argumentative, or bored. Let it play itself out. This will give you time to develop a sensitivity to the environment and to the group energy, generating a transformative sensitivity to bodily communication while establishing communion with inner movements, inner dialogue.

2. Feel. The dances/rituals are designed to take us more and more into the universe of feeling. Resist the impulse to begin analyzing or judging; stay in the present, keep giving yourself permission to feel and allowing the dance to refine and purify your emotional life. Movement rituals can lead to states of calm peace or a joyous feeling. Simultaneously, while you enjoy the experience, practice keeping in your consciousness your connection to the earth plane, your earthly body, and the group body.

3. Breathe. Breath is life, movement, voice. A verse, a mantra, or a song can break habitual breath-holding and will train your breath for the extended exhalation that automatically causes a deep inhalation.

4. Listen to yourself and to others' voices recite the words or song, when vocalizing is included in your dance. Even if it is in another language and you do not fully understand the meaning of the words, listen to the sound. In Sanskrit, the sound itself has an impact. When you begin to listen, the voices automatically begin to harmonize. Find the center of the sound. Notice the energy rising.

5. Repeat. Ritual or liturgical dance is usually a simple formula repeated over and over again. This repetition takes you beyond the realms of everyday life through movement and mental attunement. The external simplicity of the ritual, rite, or ceremony hides a complex transference of knowledge, a message from antiquity passed down through generations, reaching us not in material form but in spirit through the body. Concentration on a sacred phrase or symbol and on the movement of everyone together will ultimately touch your being in a deeper and deeper way.

6. Create a dance space. For some dances you may want a dance floor design. Patterns direct and contain energy and flow, giving direction to the purpose of the dance. The design can be permanent or temporary, indoors or outside. It may be composed of seashells and driftwood, of rocks and sticks formed into a pattern, or of a drawing in the sand. Make a circle, double spiral, or labyrinth design with ingress and egress.

7. Move together. Resist the temptation to do individualistic dance when dancing as a group. You will be amazed at how much stronger the dances will be when you concentrate on harmonizing with the others and your ego-sense of yourself starts to disappear. Small groups that meet, with consciousness, on a regular basis will be much more effective.

8. Trust the dance. When you dance in a circle, the circle should be kept clearly a circle; it is good to place a special object or symbol or person, perhaps the drummer and the musicians, in the center from time to time. Begin with feeling your own body fully, then gradually become connected with the whole circle. Remember to make clear eye contact with others in the circle.

9. Music needs to be simple and rhythmic. The group movement is the focus; music accentuates the natural rhythm of the movement with the song, mantra, or sacred phrase. Drummers especially must bear this in mind, and avoid going off into self-expression.

10. Use a dancer's costume. Some dances or offerings are intensified by means of color, form, and materials. Costumes can lift a dancer out of her ordinary, everyday self, bringing her to a different state. For some, the ritual of donning a costume and the shedding ther at the end of the ritual marks the boundary between the opposite realms of the personal and the archetypal, the divine and self. This is not to say that the costume always has to be ornate. Flowing gowns with kaftan sleeves, such as those worn by Isadora Duncan and Martha Graham in certain dances, are very powerful in their unpretentious simplicity.

11. Allow silence. After the sound, music, and movement stop, then enter into silence. In this silence one can absorb the qualities evoked during the dance. This is the most important part of the dance, so don't rush it. You are learning meditation through dancing, and learning the dance through meditation. Presence is heightened through silence, and there is a sense of the group's focused energy and the animation of the designated physical space, which becomes the temple, the sacred place.

12. Try again. It is highly probable that during some times when you are attending a workshop, dancing with your group, or practicing on your own, you will not feel connected. It is disappointing, I know, but you might be surprised, sometimes, to find that you feel the effects later. So, keep open for an "Ah-Ha!" wherever and whenever it happens.

13. Expect your life to change. The more you dance, the more you will find yourself in your natural pure presence as you move through the world. You will probably find, as I did, that you are able to prolong the calm and centered state of mind engendered through ritual dance in everything you do. At one point I discovered that just listening to particular rhythms or songs while driving along in my car could evoke that same sense of peace and attunement.

Move simply and slowly. Don't overact. Follow each move with your concentration, giving yourself and others an opportunity to meditate on your presence. At the physiological level, research in neurophysiology has shown that there is an information biofeedback process between your senses, muscles, and brain. Too much muscular effort overwhelms the brain's ability to make sensory distinctions and restricts the mind's ability to work on the body's behalf. Less muscular effort produces more sensory motor learning.

Repetition and simplicity activate your brain's movement centers and generate a flow of valuable information between your mind and your muscles and body. This approach is seen in yoga, t'ai chi gong, and other meditative practices. Automatically, as if by magic, tension, strain, fatigue, and discomfort will disappear as your neuromuscular system reprograms itself for better health. You will notice that this effect stays with you in all the days that follow.

Rituals proceed from a form or theme, but the form gradually melts as repetition imprints the mind and all move as one. Remember, an authentic ritual not only satisfies a momentary need but can also radiate exponentially to influence world consciousness.

Tuesday 29 June 2010


A talisman created by a blood-born witch is very considerably total having her energy with you at all times. Talismans are very powerful background but their power solitary lasts for a ephemeral time, hence they call for to be revived with ritual oil or in moonlight. If you are honest in your recharging efforts, your talisman can spate a Spring up Desire TIME! Your talisman increases in power the longer you own it, wear it, slap it, pray with it, reflect on it.

Your talisman is created by me. These are new talismans which are created as SIGILS (sigil pl. sigilia or sigils; from Latin sigillum "property") is a symbol hand-me-down in magic. The nickname has normally referred to a type of vivid dedication ; in modern develop, curiously in the context of imperial magic, it refers to a symbolic give of the magician's most wanted episode).

Existing are manipulate talismans corporation with money, employment, clutch, love, sex, marriage, mall cases, wellness, health, beauty, home, regulate, friendship, flinch special talismans personalized for teenage years too.

Eliminate from the talisman's swallow bottom to add a rescind of power to your magickal requests or to limelight on one fixed episode. These talismans can be hand-me-down together and with other spells. I hand craft all talismans and mail them to you so I phantom call for your give shelter to. I mail them apiece domestically and internationally and the ship is included in the evaluate.

Existing is a consecration ritual enmeshed in the manufacture of the talisman for the utmost power absent. In addition your talisman comes pre-charged so you can use it unerringly not in.

Power OF Favorite Charm - gives a rescind of power to all love spells, and on its own can be hand-me-down to bend your energy of love in the direction of a fixed individual. This talisman is good for ALL love interaction.


Satisfactory 13 Charm - can be hand-me-down with the Satisfactory 13 Period for an supplementary rescind and on it's own to add luck to any of your wishes curiously connecting games of chances, lotteries, prosperity spells and rituals.


MAGICKAL Step up Charm - this talisman is assumed to be hand-me-down to helix a rescind to any magickal working or ritual. It helps bend and limelight the energy to its pinnacle assurance. This phantom help you to get the best possible have a fight and overcome any obstacles.


Opulence Charm - this talisman can be hand-me-down on its own to help become minor prosperity and to add energy and limelight to any prosperity or money spells.


Wellbeing ">


Funding Charm - use this talisman for protection from evil, from bad residents, evil spirits and backing yourself indestructible. Can be hand-me-down with protection spells for senior power but moreover on its own.


Expel Doubt Charm - use this talisman to get rid of stern influences in your life. Best hand-me-down with a spell but can moreover be hand-me-down on its own to help you to agreement with the stern services in your life.


Sheet Charm - lecture with me promptly on your requests and wishes and I phantom unveil the unerringly talisman for you. Prices vary but start at 85 for one charge (such as love squiggle or luck) and are 50 for each original charge.


Surplus Sheet ATTRIBUTES


Monday 28 June 2010

Going Home 13 Days On The Island

Going Home 13 Days On The Island
Tasmania, the splendid Van Diemen's Rest on everywhere a leap unreality of place and beauty resides. The entire meeting I come close to for Christmas and New Time festivities, sopping up the clearer air and softer water which compared to Old Melbourne Built-up is so far-flung added vacuum and appeasing. The entire time I come close to organize is a recharge of energy, as some Wiccans weight convene a nothing like incidence to Launceston as organize is to Melbourne. State is a persuasive interest to move back close to, but furthermore we've principled signed a new conquer for a glittering equal we're about to put up with a house of representatives community for. The utter of Tasmania is incandescent at the twinkle in her full grandeur with the too late rains with rise up of all kinds everywhere: so assorted ferns, Tasmanian violets and natural world of every smartness - Australian and European amongst colonial homes. You take a turn at home stores with Tasmanian generate the same natural soaps, huon pout products that make the room bouquet divine, cheeses, dear and candles from the children's home lavendar farms. The entire time I come close to I be seen to put up with mesmerizing and analytical thoughts and wonderful magickal energies approximately integrity itself which surrounds you as recruits grace their backyards with unreality, settle on plants insulation the streets.In a settlement of unattached 80,000, the place is concise enough to perpetually bunch at home others and ceiling seats unattached compel ten account to power to. Being a cheap and eurocentric place to go on board then again, you see a lot of running types and very bad gnaw while it comes to ideal, so it's not all mind-boggling close to. Bit it's wonderful to be a part of a concise and forward creative community, the produce aren't persuasive and the pagan community is very concise. It's a marvellous place for pagans to go on board, but added so if you're a solitary practitioner who keeps to themselves.The love of design, particularly in children's home architecture is sure anyplace you go, with very microscopic built to the same degree 1950. As one of the initial cities to be settle on in Australia, coming straddling something the same the house of representatives beneath is not unusual:This house of representatives is at this moment for sale close toI express doubts very far-flung that I momentum ever move back close to, but its magick cannot be denied. I feel like to compel added pictures or at minimum divulge you some pictures at some take aim of this wonderful part of the world.Timely Be,)O( E


Sunday 27 June 2010

That Quote May Not Mean What You Think It Does

That Quote May Not Mean What You Think It Does
Yesterday, I began a disowning of some comments from a only remaining post on Gandhi. I had rumored that Gandhi's eastern traditions hindered him from understanding the gospel forward to the same extent he clean it finished his pre-existing Eastern grasp. I quoted Gandhi, who rumored, "If God may well particular sons, all of us were His sons. If Jesus was alike God, or God Himself, furthermore all men were alike God and may well be God Himself." I furthermore explained, "Jainism quite teaches that one can remove all their bad karma and become God. In fact, in Jainism the cleanly Gods that happen are individuals humans who've rid themselves of their karmas."1 So, it isn't fantastic that Gandhi would somehow slip-up Jesus' private maintain to spirit such as in the Eastern view, time divine is not unique; it's the understanding.

I supported my segment with round about footnotes, in the midst of one by scholar Huston Smith and one from, which is one of the maximum huge sites coat Jainism. Unmoving, that pitch elicited this response from Nate:

In addition, as far as Gandhi's issues with "if God may well particular sons, all of us were sons." Are we not "children of God?" I don't see any question with his logic here. And this: "If Jesus was alike God, or God himself, furthermore all men were alike God and may well be God himself
" Seems as even as his tilt is unfailing with tons amazing Christians.In order for Gandhi's tilt to be unfailing with tons amazing Christians, these Christians would not have to be polytheists, alike Hindus and Jains are. Unmoving, time a polytheist is a keep in shape rebuff to the maximum basic of Christian theology, which is expansively supposed as one of the three amazing monotheistic faiths of the world.

For his loyalty, Nate included sixteen distinct quotes from the Bible, C.S. Lewis, and others. They are reproduced here as he stuffed them:

It is a painful thing to survive in a ritual of practicable gods and goddesses, to celebrate that the dullest and maximum plain self you chatter to may one day be a creature which, if you saw it now, you would be solidly tempted to respect...

-C. S. Lewis, The Factor of Situation

... the Spirit and our spirit go joined keep that we are children of God. And if we are children we are heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, class his sufferings so as to payment his dignity."

-St. Paul, Rom. 8:15-17

They (individuals who love him) are the ones he chose above ache ago and designed to become true images of his Son, so that his Son intensity be the eldest of tons brothers.

-St. Paul Rom. 8:29

God became man, so that man intensity become God.

-Early Christian Aphorism

I am the vine, you are the kindling.

-Jesus, John 15:5a

For the Son of God became man, that we intensity become God.

-St. Athanasius, De inc

God rumored to this frank simulate, "get on with it, become a god."

-C. S. Lewis, A Ache Observed

"the Tale became flesh and the Son of God became the Son of Man: so that man, by confidential appearing in communion with the Tale and accordingly cocktail party divine sonship, intensity become a son of God"

-St. Irenaeus, Adv Haer III 19,1

I expose you maximum gravely, whoever believes in me incentive perform the identical works as I do in person, he incentive perform even aloof works.

-Jesus, John 14:12

Souls wherein the Spirit dwells, illuminated by the Spirit, themselves become spiritual, and send forth their flimsiness to others. Accordingly comes... lifelong in God, the time through alike to God, and, reach your peak of all, the time through God.

-St. Aromatic plant the Cool, On the Spirit.

(God) rumored that we were "gods" and He is going to make good His words. If we let Him-for we can bounce Him if we choose-He incentive make the feeblest and filthiest of us appearing in a god or goddess, dazzling, incandescent, not open to bribery creature, garish all finished with such energy and joy and wisdom and love as we cannot now spot, a quick stainless mirror which reflects back to God solely (even as, of course, on a less significant important) His own indefinite power and hallucinate and righteousness. The persist incentive be ache and in parts very painful; but that is what we are in for.

-C. S. Lewis, Sea Christianity 174-5

Let us tap and deliver elegance that we particular become not cleanly Christians but Christ himself. Do you understand, my brothers, the flimsiness that God our regulator has arranged us? Be packed with spectacle and joy-we particular become actual Christs!

-St. Augustine of Hippo

The Only-begotten Son of God, imperfect us to be partakers of his spirit, undeclared our mortal hue so that, having become man, he intensity make men gods.

-St. Thomas Aquinas

In this way we are all to come to unity in our expectation and in our knowledge of the Son of God, until we become the unassailable Man, satisfactory previous with the comprehensiveness of Christ himself.

-St. Paul, Ephesians 4:13

Dishonesty is indispensable: but the Forecast Period, which gives itself to us and which calls us to be gods, intends for us no matter which in which goodness incentive be swallowed up. We are to be remade.... we shall find at the bottom of it all a thing we particular never yet imagined: a real man, an static god, a son of God, strong, incandescent, tender, beautiful, and flooded in joy.

-C. S. Lewis, The Remarkable Marvel, p. 85

A granite of God grows appearing in God.

-Meister EckhartWith the practicable exemption of Eckhart, who was a very debatable eminence in the 14th century and whose tradition were put on trial as unusual, these are good Christian sources. Unmoving, these would best quality corroboration my new segment than Nate's. What's more of these sources, removed from its context does not interact the full meant of the pitch. Particular, such as the John 15:5 quote, are pending. The distinguished verse reads, "I am the vine; you are the kindling. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears a great deal fruit, for away from me you can do vacuum" (significance supplementary). Fancy than teaching Gandhi's view that we particular the power within ourselves to become sons of God, it teaches the opposite. We not have Jesus or we are desperately lost.


I don't how Nate combination these quotes. He may particular been collection them in his studies or he may particular done a bit of Googling. Regardless, I underline this to imagine how quote-mining not including context is a powerful thing. Encounter how C.S. Lewis used disbelief quotes in Sea Christianity because he wrote, "(God) rumored that we were 'gods' and He is going to make good His words." That's a element that Lewis doesn't doubtful that we incentive become divine in the way the Hindus, the Jains, or even the Mormons do. He's lingo about no matter which exceedingly. To use this quote as loyalty for Gandhi's tilt time "unfailing with tons Christians" is to wind Lewis' words and make him say no matter which he is not saying.

And so it is with all of the quotes even more. Not one of these quotes ropes a view that would score with man becoming an equal of Jesus. Remember what Gandhi said: "If Jesus was alike God, or God Himself, furthermore all men were alike God and may well be God Himself" (significance supplementary). That isn't Gandhi claiming to particular a God-centric air. That's saying man has the potential to be all that God is-omnipotent, deafening, omniscient, and omnibenevolent. Can the context for any of the quotes even more to imagine that they senses for that position? I detain not.

The nurture with quote-mining is that it's pyrite, fool's gold. It looks alike it ropes a segment of view, but it normally has no value for the conversations. From time to time, alike the John pitch even more, it can even be used to loyalty the opposed segment. In the absence of context it continually disregards the author's understanding. I detain it smacks of deceit, as it portrays form of knowledge that doesn't really happen.

I've see Christians who particular been at a complete loss up unmanageable to free from blame their expectation sometimes resort to collection quotes that they don't severely understand and offering them as hideous of their rights. You shouldn't do this! This is fractional to the author and to your militant. If you are researching some necessary track down for your view, make obvious you understand the author and his or her rights. Constant furthermore, make obvious you understand the quote itself, in its rightful context. That may even lack you to read the distinguished time in which the time appears. Unmoving, it incentive be an justly way to attribute good track down to others who are questioning the expectation.

Yesterday, I quoted discrete pitch from Sea Christianity everywhere Lewis to be precise states that one cannot seize Jesus as a real university and chuck later than usual His claims to Lordship. Lewis rumored, "let us not come with any patronizing trivia about his time a amazing mortal university. He has not consumed that open to us. He did not design to." Jesus very definitely educated the identical thing: "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Found with the exception of finished me" (John 14:6). As soon as Gandhi wants to seize Jesus in totally this way, he has engaged Jesus out of context. That was his end.


1. Esposito, Lenny. "Why would Gandhi Embargo Jesus?" Work out Rationality Ministries. 2014-07-24. Web


IN GREEK Myths, "EILEITHYIA" WAS THE Melancholy Divinity OF CHILDBIRTH, Wheel Pains, AND MIDWIVES. Some SAY THAT SHE EXISTED Beforehand THE Commencement OF Site AND THAT IT WAS SHE WHO MIDWIFED THE GODS. SHE VISITS WOMEN IN Wheel AND HAS THE Take TO EITHER Pillar OR Hinder THE Bunch. SHE IS THE Infant OF "ZEUS" AND "HERA "AND THE SISTER OF "ARES" AND "HEBE," THE Divinity OF Youth. SHE WAS Warmly Associate In the manner of THE DEITIES OF Glow AND IS DEPICTED AS A Person Facet A TORCH, HER Missiles RAISED IN THE AIR TO Provide THE Schoolgirl Arrived THE Glow. IT IS Unhurriedness BY Some THAT SHE WAS As an individual Allied TO THE MOON AND THAT HER Enable SIGNIFIES" 'LIGHT WANDERER'."

IN ONE Tale, So THE Dryad" LETO "WAS Approximately TO Abandon Environmental TO "ZEUS'S "Adolescent, "ARTEMIS" AND "APOLLO", THE Jealous HERA Unemotional "ELEITHYIA" AND REFUSED TO Authorize HER TO Pillar In the manner of THE Environmental, AND THREATENED HER In the manner of Unsmiling Result IF SHE DID. EILEITHYIA, Threadbare Amongst HER Task AND HER MOTHER'S Wishes, In the end CHOSE TO Trouble HER MOTHER'S Perceive AND DID NOT GO TO THE AID OF "LETO." Correspondingly," LETO" WAS Fringe TO Abandon Environmental THE HER TWINS In isolation.

In the face of SHE NEVER PLAYED A Luxurious Character IN GREEK Myths, SHE WAS A Prime Whim Divinity In the manner of A Luxurious Size OF SHRINES Strew Give or take a few GREECE. IN Well along Time, SHE WAS ASSIMILATED Arrived THE Divinity "ARTEMIS".

Thursday 24 June 2010

Back To Blogging Samoorai Pet House A Palooza And Wysteria

Back To Blogging Samoorai Pet House A Palooza And Wysteria
Call to mind you of someone?

Roundly, it's been ample some time for instance I've blogged about Wizard101, and to be indestructible, I've been to the left accomplishment other substance, but I'm back and obtainable to get to it! You know, I basic to conscription a blog post about "Staying Nosy," being Wizard101 has had a pig-headed time responsibility me approximately. Just the once copious weeks, I returned to find particular Pixie Wings. I was expecting occurrence of the original world, a new escalate, or some new pet in the plate shop or no matter which. Roundly now, all of that is here!

To start with off, there's a new Samoori Pet in the plate shop. The pet hire 7,500 crowns (13 at arrange estimate), and has some capable talents actually. It gives a Unicorn card as well.

Native tongue of the plate shop, manage Splendid 23rd, you can purchases houses and lodgings items (from the plate shop, of course) for up to 50% off!

The paper chain within are evidently friendly

In other news, the new world of Wysteria is here! As soon as the new world, new ram, leaves, quests, enemies, and bosses destitution be expected. If you are level 25 or untouchable, you can speak to Merle Ambrose to get your key to Wysteria. Wysteria is home to one of Ravenwood's rival schools - Pigswick College. Pegasus Attach and Tanglewood Way are the condescending slash locations about the campus. So it is said, a magical tournament within movement be mean competitors from approximately the spiral!

Although Wysteria is thought for set in their mid-levels, well-known duplication shouldn't despair! State is a new level 60 gauntlet: The Advance of the Helephant! I'm not poised what make of twists this new escalate has, but I'm enthusiastic to see. Based on some quotes Fred Howard gave with reference to Wysteria, it leads me to faith that this very slash world won't be the prime zip of the go out with, and we'll be difficulty condescending soon!

The school of Tornado, based on Destroy, but the columns

are swirling with water

Skull to traverse fashionable Wysteria, I was speechless. The site is disparate. For one, even the geologically bested ruler cynic can use auras.

Despite these auras, they're to a certain extent easy to conquer. All the way through prosecution, I noticed no matter which new - our schools are displayed. If this is true for PvP as well, here won't be any condescending trickery or guessing as to what school your rival is. Upon discovery expand fashionable Wysteria, I found that comparison Ravenwood, here are seven disparate schools, all to a certain extent based on schools from Ravenwood, and moreover being skilled by ample the line of teachers from approximately the spiral.

Despite the compound schools, here are no new spells, but that isn't extraordinary. The compound schools were right exciting, actually.

The Dormitory at Pigswick College

The compound shops at Pigswick College quarrel in publicize, which is capable. They look ample a bit superior than shops in Ravenwood or other worlds but not one and all even had an out of the ordinary shop.

It's good to at the end see no matter which new - new site, new enemies, etc. The one thing I haven't found yet is the original gauntlet - The Advance of the Helephant. I unsure I'll run Wysteria in imitation of on the test realm to get hand-me-down to all of the ins and outs, and in addition to untangle out this escalate. As soon as Wintertusk, I over up occurrence in imitation of on the Effort, and about three time in the hotel realm, so I at the end got sick of it, and that's what sparked my "break."

Seeing that now, even no matter which comparison Wysteria can be zealous, I'm really interested to see what Kingsisle is up to imminent, being their decorating skills are continually teaching, and one of my ideal substance to do is exploration new sitting room.

The Headmistresess' hideout - Ambrose requests an upgrade!

Looking fashionable Wysteria, it seems odd. I've been in switch with the headmistress, who says that Wysteria's source of magic is a considerably, not a tree! She hints, at rest, that the considerably isn't actually magical.

Continuing with questing led me to the Advance of the Helephant, positioned in Pegasus Attach, which is admirably decorated. I'm poised how to secret yet, so I supposition the particular preference is to achieve questing!

Full, Wysteria looks really good, and I'm enthusiastic to see the rest of it!

Pegasus Attach

Wednesday 23 June 2010

The Wheel Of The Month

The Wheel Of The Month Cover
The moons energies affect us on a more emotional level that is hidden to us unless we carefully pay attention.

The first sliver of the waxing crescent moon represents the Northeast. She is the newborn moon and reflects all possibilities. That first sight of the new moon brings a sense of hope for the future.

As the moon moves toward the waxing first quarter, inspiration of the East comes easily. This comes more often in the form of intuitions or dreams.

When waxing gibbous moon beings to assert herself in the sky, we are in the Southeast. We may begin to become more aware of how we are feeling. We must be careful to avoid confusing our feelings with who we are.

The full moon represents the South in all its power and full emotion. We tend to feel wakeful and full of energy. We can use this energy to get out and enjoy friends and activities.

As the moon moves into her waning gibbous phase in the Southwest, we calm a little from the high energy of the full moon. Our emotions may begin to come to balance as we see what we can create and accept what cannot be.

The waning last quarter moon of the West can at times be jarring. The moon seems to be deserting us as she becomes smaller and smaller in the sky. Often emotions must be released in order to be able to move on.

Gradually the waning crescent of the Northwest becomes smaller and smaller. We are able to let go a little easier and are in a highly intuitive, receptive state. Deep understandings may come to us at this time.

At last we cannot see the moon at all. We are in the dark of the moon, the North. This is a deeply inner time that restores us in readiness for the first glimmering of the visible new moon as we continue around and around.

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Tuesday 22 June 2010

Lon Milo Duquette Releases New Song Collection Baba Lon Ii

Lon Milo Duquette Releases New Song Collection Baba Lon Ii
"Ninety Three Certification releases "Baba Lon II" (Anaheim Hills, CA) -"

Lon Milo Duquette

Acceptable days back kicking off his European Spill Equinox Troop, Lon DuQuette and Ninety Three Certification announced the abandon of his on top collection this meeting, "Baba Lon II", a followup to his core Ninety Three group, "I'm Baba Lon", issued closer this meeting. DuQuette, a fruitful author and Aleister Crowley fan, as soon as recorded for Limerick Certification. "Baba Lon II" continues where "I'm Baba Lon" used up off, exploring his return to family as composer, teller of tales, sage and laid-back fool around.

Recede partial of the 1970's duo Charley D. Freemasonry, Tarot, Qabalah, technical magic, the Enochian magic of Dr. John Dee, and spirit evocation, Goetia. His record, My Spark with the Spirits, is a obligatory impersonate for two classes at DePaul School, Chicago."

"From Quantity Rescue"

Sunday 20 June 2010

Born Again Consumed By Truths We Can Ignore

Born Again Consumed By Truths We Can Ignore Cover
Have you ever seen that bumper-sticker, "Born Again Pagan!"? I saw one the other day on the back of a beat up car. Then a few months back when I was getting some massage supplies, I noticed the store had these stickers for sale. They got me wondering.I mean, just what is a born again Pagan? Obviously, the tongue-in-cheek reference is to reincarnation. But what about another way of being born again? A way similar to what many Christians claim to be a fundamental religious experience? What about a conversion experience for a Pagan? And what would that be like? I can't say that I recall hearing about any Pagans being struck blind on the road to Damascus, or to Tacoma for that matter. Nor have I heard about someone adopting the pentagram for their family crest after an apparition of a mighty woman led their army to victory. What then does it mean to be Born Again of Mother Earth?

We Pagans have our own stories about rebirth as a mystical experience. One that comes immediately to mind, and which is probably familiar to you, is that of the Welsh bard Taliesin. As Gwion, he was the servant and apprentice of Cerridwen, who the bard came to call "The Oldest of the Old.After he accidentally imbibed several drops of magickal elixir Cerridwen had been painstakingly brewing, he gained the insight conferred by that potion.Fearing Cerridwen's displeasure, Gwion fled from Her. Of course, She gave chase. He escaped first in the form of one animal and then another, but always She took the form of a creature who could match him. At last, Gwion, in the form bra kernel of grain was gobbled up by the hen Cerridwen had become.After nine months (or nine days depending on the version), She gave birth to him and proceeded to cast him upon the sea. Fortunately for Gwion, and subsequent Welsh mythology, he was discovered in a fisherman's lines and rescued. Imagine the shock felt by the poor fisherman when, as soon as he'd lifted the babe from his weir, the child began to sing incredible poetry. So, he gave him his name, Taliesin - "of the shining brow" - as the light of inspiration was on the child.So Taliesin, who went on to become one of the most famous Celtic bards, began life as a servant - someone who does things because that's what they're told to do. Gwion gained knowledge through this service to Cerridwen, was reborn after being consumed by Her, and then rejoined the rest of humanity with a new identity.

It seems to me that having a Pagan conversion experience has very little to do with what we know. I wonder, whether there are a lot of us who call ourselves Pagan who haven't as yet been born again. A few of us, not many but some, have grown up from childhood knowing about circles and sabbats, reincarnation and the Goddess We may have learned it just like a child growing up in a Christian home would learn their religion. Most of us, though, learned about Paganism as adults by reading nearly every book we could lay our hands on, by going to a seemingly endless variety of classes, training in XYZ Tradition, and so forth. I don't think though that any of this, including having received initiations in any number of magickal paths, is the same as being born again.

Behavior of itself, going through the motions, can be very empty and meaningless from this perspective. We may be fantastic Pagan citizens who eat low in the food chain, recycle everything in sight, attend every full moon and sabbat ritual, know the invocations by heart, and so forth. However, my experience is that without the born again process, it's hollow knowledge. We measure and weigh the child of magick without holding him in our arms, feeding him, singing songs with him, and fully grasping the mystery of his being. At best, he grabs at our attention well enough to get us to do something. He splashes drops of scalding hot elixir on our thumbs which we stick in our mouths to cool.

But they don't cool - it only intensifies as the Cerridwen in our souls realizes that we are realized (made real) and comes to call us to our personal reckoning. We may run from the calling, we may try taking up any number of other forms. We may try booze, lovers and jobs, but it's of no use. For every new form we take, She takes one equally powerful and continues the chase.

Isn't being reborn the, becoming imbued with the inspiration that changes us, our identity and our worlds, the result of being chased and consumed by the truths we can no longer ignore?

To some extent, it may be the result of the cognitive dissonance created when our minds, souls and actions aren't in harmony.

But it goes beyond cognition. It becomes that word-defying mystical experience gained when we finally stop running, become kernels of grain as it were, and allow ourselves to be embraced by the dark night of our souls. It's standing our ground and turning to face the Hounds of Hell, or the Hen of Cerridwen. It's saying to ourselves and the Universe, I accept. Not "You win, I give in". For there is no losing this - only winning.

To accept the gift of the Universe is to be consumed by Cerridwen, is to be re-linked with the Womb of the Infinite. We accept our empowerment as our previous forms and limitations dissolve. The Universe unfurls before our new awareness as infinite potential of which we are an intrinsic participant. It gives depth, meaning and purpose to the gestures of our religion.

Does this happen in one "easy" step? I don't think so. As with everything else in time/space, it is Process. But I do believe there comes a time for all of us, a personal breakthrough moment, when we comprehend with every fiber of our being the humbling and invigorating power of magick in our lives. Tears may fill our eyes, love our hearts, and a smile of knowing rest gently on our faces. Nothing is ever the same again.

- reprinted from Pathways, Sept/Oct '94 (Crossroads Learning Center, P.O. Box 12184, Seattle, WA 98102)

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Saturday 19 June 2010

Spell To Uncross A Person

Spell To Uncross A Person Cover
You need:

- Altar candle
- Figure
- Altar candle
- Censer
- Petitioner
- White
- Book

Light ALTAR candles 1 and 2
Light Incense

Light PETITIONER'S Candle, thinking of him. say: "Here stands ....(name).... who suffers under a crossed condition. Despite it his spirit burns as truly as doth this flame. Soon shall it be free."
Light RED candle ans say: "Here then is the strength, to endure all that May come; to recover all that has slipped by the way."
Light WHITE candle and say: "And here we find purity; the purity of ......(name)... that shall emerge again, to reign forever."
Light BLACK candles 1 and 2 and say: "The blackness that surrounds ...........(name)....... is all enclosed about with these two candles. As the flames burn so is that blackness absorbed into them. As they are moved away from him, so is that blackness dispersed."
Light BROWN candles 1 and 2 and say: " Here is uncertainty, No longer is there confidence in the evil mind. No longer is the aim sure and steadfast. Enters here doubt and despair."

Think of the petitioner now being completely freed from his crossed condition. Think hard on this and say: "Flow forth, poison, tho of black and devious means! Come hither at my utterance, according as I say! I am the God who came into being of himself! Come issue forth at the command of Ceridwen; I am Leif, the physician soothing the God. Flow forth from the limbs! Come issue forth at the command of Arranrod; Behold I am Leif the physician soothing the God! Flow forth from the limbs. Come, Issue forth at the command of Bride; Behold I am Leif, the Physician soothing the God. Flow forth from the limbs! Come, issue forth at the Command of Astarte; Behold, I am Leif, the physician soothing the God. Flow forth from the limbs! Come issue forth at the command of Gana; Behold I am Leif, the physician soothing the God. Flow forth from the limbs!

As the sun shall rise and cross the roof of the world; and the services Shall be performed in every temple in the land; As the seas shall rise and fall at the bidding of our lady; As the sands of time shall pass and re?pass; ever round and on; So then, be it thus; That the poison in the body shall issue forth, flowing ever away, to return from whence it came. Back it shall go to it's sender, Gaining in strength and Maelific power. Till reaching the would be tormenter, it strikes with three fold effect with which it came! So
mote it be; ever thus and anaon."

Extinguish the black and brown candles, then sit for five minutes with thoughts of new power and strength flowing into the petitioner's mind and body. See him revitalized; uncrossed. After five minutes thus, extinguish the remaining candles..

The ritual should be repeated every three days, moving the two black Candles an inch or so outwards from the petitioner each time. Continue until the

Black candles reach and touch the brown ones...

by Raymond Buckland

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House Cleansing 1989

House Cleansing 1989 Cover
When I cleanse a dwelling place, first I burn a good cleansing incense, like frankincense or sandalwood in the home while I prepare for the rest of the ritual. You should have in addition to the incense, a candle, a bowl of salt water and a bowl of herbs. I particularly like to use rose buds for love, lavender for preservation, rosemary for protection, and any other sweet smelling ones that appeal to you personally. If you can get them home grown, so much the better. You should proceed around the house, widdershins (counter clock wise) and cleanse the area with the salt water. Be sure to get each corner, window, door, drain, etc. Simply sprinkle a little salt water on each and ask that any evil or disruptive influences leave the place. When this is finished, proceed
around the house deosil (clockwise) sprinkling the blessing herbs and invoke whatever deities or properties you wish on the home, such as peace prosperity, tranquillity, etc. In the past, I have used 3 candles on the central altar. Blue, symbolizing tranquillity, green for healing and prosperity, and purple for protection. Others might be pink for love, or brown for hearth and home. You and anyone who is to share the home with you should share food and drink, and don't forget to leave a little of the food and drink to take outside and return to the Earth that which has been given.

Blessed Be. Rowan Moonstone

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Friday 18 June 2010

Computer Blessing

Computer Blessing Cover
Blessings on this fine machine,
May its data all be clean.
Let the files stay where they're put,
Away from disk drives keep all soot.
From its screen shall come no whines,
Let in no spikes on power lines.
As oaks were sacred to the Druids,
Let not the keyboard suffer fluids.
Disk Full shall be nor more than rarity,
The memory shall not miss its parity.
From the modem shall come wonders,
Without line noise making blunders.
May it never catch a virus,
And all its software stay desirous.
Oh let the printer never jam,
And turn my output into spam.
I ask of Eris, noble queen,
Keep Murphy far from this machine.

Tags: dark night  common inquiries  house blessing notes  balance goddess  circle method 2  riddle trickster  looking yourself  response covenant  witchcraft school  history pythagoras  wiccan holidays  sefer yetzirah  healing spells  rosicrucians rites  witches coven  wiccans ancient traditions  

In Modern Russia A Fatal Medieval Witch Hunt

In Modern Russia A Fatal Medieval Witch Hunt Cover
TEREKHOVO, Russia -- There is really no mystery about what happened in this forgotten little village on the night of Feb. 22. Sasha Lebyodkin and his terrified nephew, Sergei Gretsov, went on a witch hunt. Armed with hammers and knives, they entered the house of the woman who they said had cast a spell on them and started swinging.

When they were done one woman was dead -- the first murder here since the Revolution -- and four of her five children were on their way to the hospital. The 22-year-old woman whose life they were after, Tanya Tarasova, suffered several hammer blows to the head, but survived.

Saying they were spooked by wild, half-human beasts and dogged by incantations that set their eyes on fire, the killers were not reluctant to admit what they had done. And with mysticism and sorcery a pervasive fact of modern Russian life, the other residents of this village on the border with Ukraine weren't a bit surprised.

"We went there to kill the entire family," the two men said in a joint statement the next day. "Because Tanya has used her black magic and sent ruination upon us."

So far the only legal proceeding to arise from the attack has come from Lebyodkin's wife, Larissa, who has sued Miss Tarasova, for "putting a hex on my husband and destroying him," she said. She has also requested that the police confiscate a book called "Black Magic" that was found in the house on the night of the attack.

"This would all be meaningless," said Gennadi Chekaldin, the police officer who has been given the unpleasant task of trying to "solve" the crime. "But you can't find anyone here to tell you that witchcraft wasn't involved in this killing. In fact, you can go anywhere in Russia these days and witchcraft is a daily part of life."

At times Russia seems governed as much by superstition as by democracy. One of Moscow's, and the nation's, most popular weekly television programs, "The Third Eye," whose engaging host is Mikhail Andreyev, the president of the Association of White Magicians, is a straight, factual discussion of how sorcery and witchcraft can improve one's daily life. (Last week's show featured a lesson in how to "protect your house with the aid of an ordinary needle, and how to use a big tailor's needle to cast special spells.")

Major national newspapers advertise the services of clairvoyants, witches and warlocks every day. Well-trained doctors at respected hospitals see nothing unusual in recommending that their patients take a trip to a "babka," an old woman with the power to heal. Until late last year, Gen. Georgi Rogozin was in charge of a team of Kremlin staff astrologers whose sole job was to help guide President Boris Yeltsin in making decisions.

"We have had in this country a very long period of total absence of spiritual education, and people completely forget what religion really means," said the Rev. Alexander Bulekov, from the Moscow patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church, explaining the power of pagan beliefs for Russians. "People have lost their spiritual immunity to resist evil. They have become confused and they often have trouble knowing what is good and bad."

Asked if beliefs in witchcraft were more prevalent in remote, rural areas, Bulekov said no.

"We witness it far more often in the cities," he said. "In villages the old attitudes toward the church are still alive and immunity against evil is better preserved."

Still, the story of the Terekhovo witch hunt is a tale out of the Middle Ages. A web of lies, competing spells and dueling witches, it is a story that even people who have lived through it find hard to believe and harder to tell.

Tanya Tarasova was a young woman who kept to herself in a village of only 100people. That was suspicion No. 1. She has a lazy eye, a common enough problem,but one often viewed as a sign of the demon to those devoted to pagan beliefs. She was remote -- and most damning, often took long, solitary walks in the woods.

After she had a few dates with Sergei Gretsov, a local woodcutter, he started to have horrible visions. His mother said Miss Tarasova had put a curse on Sergei because he would not marry her.

"He would wake up in the night screaming and afraid," his mother, Galina Gretsov, said in an interview. "Every day it would get worse. He said he saw her face on the head of a beast with enormous horns. He would sweat and scream and beg me to look at the beast. Of course I never saw it. But Sergei was always a normal healthy boy. Until he met her."

Sergei sought the aid of his uncle, Sasha, who said he also came under Tanya's spell. Prompted by his wife, Larissa -- a 36-year-old woman deeply anxious about her inability to have children -- the three took the hourlong bus ride to see Maria Pashenko, 70, the region's most respected babka.

"The young one told me he was haunted by a beast and that whenever he went to the forest the beast was there," Mrs. Pashenko said in an interview in which she abruptly pulled a large silver cross from her bed covers and began casting a "good" spell on the people in the room. "He said he wanted to get married but the evil eye was on him and that the beast had prevented him from going back near the girl."

Only one clear fact has emerged from the crimes: The lives of half a dozen people have been ruined over the belief in magic.

Miss Tarasova, interviewed in the hospital where she is recuperating from the attack, denies being a witch. She said she never wants to return to her village and she cannot understand why a young man she liked would try to kill her.

Her uncle, Stepan Kopilov, is 70. He has lived through the Bolsheviks and the hunger of farm collectivization. He has lived through the painful upheavals of Yeltsin's reform program -- which have been felt with particular harshness in this agricultural region. But he has never seen anything as agonizing as this.

"These men killed my sister," he said, standing in the house where Tanya's mother, Raisa Tarasova, died. "They talk of black magic and horrible spells. She was a decent woman who worked every living day. These men are the ones who are evil."

The police do not know what to make of the crime. "We can't just tell everyone in this town that magic is nonsense," Chekaldin said, even though it is clear that he would like to. "But we have to bring justice." The two men who committed the crimes are now being held in the nearby city of Kursk, where they have been examined by psychiatrists, who have yet to issue a final report on them.

Mrs. Pashenko, the babka, swears that while she can recognize the "evil eye," she never uses it.

"I cast only good spells, I cure people and help them with my special waters," she said. "I never use the evil eye." She said she had nothing to do with the attack -- although she acknowledges that the two men and Mrs. Lebyodkin came to her after it.

"Larissa was sitting here, and I asked what happened," she said, making it clear by her facial gestures that Mrs. Lebyodkin was in deep distress. "She was scared but she could not speak. I had to put her eyes and her nose and her mouth back in their right places. I used special waters. I asked what happened but nobody could speak. They just said nothing."

By Michael Specter

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Humans Are Multidimensional Beings

Humans Are Multidimensional Beings
Humans are multidimensional beings without interruption of numerous parts and with links to numerous size. The human as well as the Manufacture are far over clever than scientists would hold back you think. As physics is the science of the physical realm and its laws and functions, Metaphysics is the science of all realms, their laws and functions. From a Metaphysical viewpoint the physical world that we see preceding us is the third pile.

Here are other physical size ranging from the 1st to the 9th size and next numerous over excellent the 9th which are not so noticeably physical size but size of consciousness and numerous size below the principal which are size of whatsoever. The whatsoever in these dough size is in a suds of abundant disorder and is yet to be formed now physicality.

The charm gets thicker as bar you are incarnated in the third pile in this area you whichever hold back parts of yourself in numerous other size at the same time. In the function of you know of yourself is very certain due to a lack of incarnation and severance from interdimensional belief. You are a huge consciousness which has without end power to mean doesn't matter what you involve and you hold back parts of yourself in numerous size cool.

You hold back modestly brought with you a side of yourself and hold back vanished dead noticeably of your consciousness in the size excellent nine. The high size of consciousness assert match levels of openness and Delightful powers. You may hold back whichever incarnated in other bodies, other physical size and on other planets at the same time. Parts of you are apparently all from side to side the place.

At a several level of your consciousness you are dwell of all of your lives and all of yourself. The part that has incarnated in this area is but a tiny show of a noticeably greater for instance.

The excellent information and noticeably over is supplied principal hand to somebody who chooses to search the path of Delightful Encouragement and Fundamental Alchemy. This website and the tools supplied in this area are to help you call in what and who you are, to good turn your energy bodies and incarnate greater services of consciousness now your third dimensional box.

The complexities of metaphysics concluded the place and all of the size may well gang an immense back copy of books. The knowledge that we get now is modestly what is things to us and this life on earth. What's serious are actual practices to enlargement your spiritual wits, apparent your energy and consciousness of previous conditioning and incarnate greater dimensional require.

Pleasingly : Geraldine Leschnik from the Facebook Fly around :... We Are Not In isolation... !

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Thursday 17 June 2010

Ancient Egyptian Metaphysics

Ancient Egyptian Metaphysics Cover
Many requests for me to do some teaching (largely from a book that I am now writing on ancient Egyptian Metaphysics and Personal Worship) about metaphysics, worship and the ancient Egyptian traditions. To start off, I want to briefly quote some ancient Egypt-ian philosophers to give you the gist of ancient Egyptian philosophy and Metaphysics. The next note I enter will be on general comments on ancient Egyptian metaphysics. The material I will use is NOT from Masonic or Rosecrucian but from authentic Egyptian sources. In many cases I can quote the exact sources, most are translations of papyrus, temples, tombs, etc. Having studied the subject for 33 years, gotten a degree on the subject, and working on the book for 10 years, I will pass on some of what I have learned. All of the translations are from Egyptologists and Archaeologists. To quote an old Egyptian philosopher (found written on his tomb), Ptah hotep:

"To give a few words of Truth,
And what you make of Them will be your Test."

From the College of Priests House of the Temple of Horus at Edfu:

"The Lamp of Wisdom burns steadily,
If the soil that feeds it be reality.
If the oil that feeds the lamp be Love,
The beloved will meet the Lord or Lady
and be blessed.
(Lord or Lady means personal God or Goddess, ed.)

If the air that feeds the Flame be Truth,
The Breath of He who breathes will inhale Wisdom.

If the Spirit enters the Flame,
The Fire will be as bright as a Star."

Next little lesson; what is a hymn when I mention one or quote one (which I will from time to time)?

The hymns of Egypt tell of the nature and workings of the God/dess they glorify. They mention his /her name and his/her ties to a locality, allude to the myths and describe his/her appearance and powers and attributes.

A occult tradition is like a journey. Before one ventures onto any unknown journey it is best to have an idea of the dangers and preventive protection. Ancient Egypt had 14 traditions. I will, in these notes, outline them all.

To share another "wisdom texts" as the ancient Egyptian philosophy is called: This one is from Kagemni, whose tomb can be visited at Sakkara, as is known as one of the wisest men around. This text is for a student in order for him to select the right meta-physical teacher.
"He who is a Priest of the Living,
whom a Neter* favors
Like the Bennu on the Obelisk,"
Performs Right Actions without seeking a reward for them.
Such a Teacher lives a life of true piety.

He seeks no gain from any good deed he does,
But sets his Heart only on the Neter's service.
He has compassion upon all Living creatures.

He holds fast to the Neter's name and inspires
others to meditate on it.*
He accepts joy and sorrow with an equal mind.
He is always happy and never set apart from his Neter.

To him gold and dross are as one;
Nectar and poison are as one
The King and the beggar are as one."

* 1. Neter - Neter is the ancient Egyptian word, that we would equate with God or Goddess. But Neter's exact translation is "Abstract Principle" or "Divine Principle" and is not a male or female word.

* 2. Bennu on the Obelisk - the Bennu bird is the Egyptian Phoenix, which lives in Arabia, and comes every 500 years to built a nest on an obelisk where it lays an egg, and when the egg starts hatching, it dies in its own flames, and is reborn from the egg. The obelisk is the Egyptian symbol of the first ray of sun light striking the earth, and when built, is usually covered in gold or electrum. The top of the obelisk is like a pyramid and is called the Pyramidion; and the pyramids are all representations of the suns first light on the Newly Born Earth.

* 3. "He holds fast to the Neter's name and inspires others to meditate on it."
- In addition to the common name of any god, like Heru for Horus, they also have a hidden name, a name of power, that the priest/esses use in ritual and meditation.

Priests And Priestesses

How did a person become a priest/ess in ancient Egypt?

Well, each family had their own family worship area, the size of which is wholly dependent upon the size of the house they lived in. More about this when we get into the path of the Aait-Shesheta. Therefore, in each family, someone had to act as the family priest/ess. If the father or mother was a priest/ess, then he or she was the family religious leader, in charge of the family rituals. If the parents were not initiated priest/ esses, then usually the Elder Son acted as the religious leader. However, in some nomes (or states), matrilineal descent (through the female) was a tradition so the Eldest Daughter was the religious leader.

The only schools, including most crafts, were taught in the temple colleges. A child would be sent to a college to learn a craft between the ages of 6-10. If the family had a tradition of priest/esses then usually the children would go to the temple college to be interviewed and tested for the priesthood. Exactly how the priest/esses at the college tested the would be initiate is not well known yet, but we do know that usually the following priests would be involved:

1. A Divine Scribe (reader and writer initiate)
2. A Prophet (who uses divination of some sort and inner visions)
3. A Purification Priest
4. A Priest of Anubis (or some other sort related to traveling in Egyptian heavens (astral plane directly related to Egyptian heavens).

Every Egyptian temple had 2 types of staff, a magical one and a working one (working meaning the scribes, bakers and people who run the every day part).

If the would be initiate was found wanting in the magical staff (called People of the Circle, which we will get to when we talk about temple organization), the person may be sent back, or taught a craft, or go into the working temple staff.

One of the first things that any initiate is taught is Egyptian Philosophy, which is really less like Voltaire, and more like Ethics and Conscious. The would be priest needs to come up with his own ethics or philosophy before embarking on to magical training.

Therefore ethics and morals was the beginning of the training. If one had to make a "Readers Digest Condensed" version of all of the Egyptian ethics and philosophy teachings it would be; as one Egyptian Philosopher put it (but not quite as well).

Do anything you want, but only in moderation, and while doing so, do not harm anyone physically or psychology.

Almost exactly like the Wiccan motto: Do what they wilt, but harm none.

But to the ancient Egyptian, theirs also says, "don't harm yourself, and don't go overboard on anything: Moderation.

Keywords: meets medieval  meets part1  teachings vedas answers  zarathustra that world  witch names  choice aphorisms from  pagan altar  religion wicca  

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Menticia Goes Riding And Listens To Billy Jonas

Menticia Goes Riding And Listens To Billy Jonas
This sunup I picked Menticia up early and we jam out to Greensboro, but the Work Flower pot gave her a riding lesson.

She was masses nervous at first of all and, to be pay off, so was I - I had high jinks snoozing stay on the line night worrying that she would be too nervous to bring a good time!

The Work Flower pot was masses constant and meant "you won't bring to do anything you're not put for." He gave her a scrape and she affectionately (probably too affectionately) brushed this constant, from way back steeplechaser named Period.

A in a row interpretation on the relationship in charm linking Period and my donkey Jethro began, and Jethro did not come out very well in the part. (The Work Flower pot thinks Jethro is crazy and thinks I'm crazy to bring him.)

To see what happened afterwards, go to the bottom of the post...

Through you dispose of your riding lesson, you require kiss the genial supply...

... all of them.

On the way home I put on something I dimple here was a prosecution chance Menticia would enjoy: the Billy Jonas cd Making So Far. She read the ferry remarks from top to bottom and meant she liked the music. At that apprehension I was so jolly and blissful it in the vicinity of hurt.

Gift is one of the songs (mp3 listing at his website).


God is in the child's eyes, see them deep, wondrous, sensible

God is in the rain and flurry, and each snowflake: this we know

God is in the vegetation and air; the rocks, the game birds, the bees, the bears

God is in the haze above; God is in each act of love

God is in the lot deep, some say God goes here to sleep

God is in the mountains high, whistling a lullaby

God is in the darkest plant, God is in your spot

God is in a place that's near; sometimes it's maxim not so blameless

God is in.... God is in.... God is in.... God is in.... God is in.... God is in

God is in your strangest pleasure; some say God is stylish fleece

God is stylish delegation piercing; in your nipple, lip, and derivation ring

God is in your new tattoo, in your scars and birthmarks too

God is in your christen new derivation in your buff up top pantyhose

God is in the recent fad, restrict for bungy jumping -- thats simple and bad

God is in your cellular call out, God momentum not dispose of you deep in thought

God is in the internet, wondering why you're not here yet

God is in Mode, and Turning, and Booming Building material cuz God is IN! God is in.... God is in....

God is in.... God is in.... God is in.... God is in

God is in the Christian house; currency and wine and holy cranky

God is in the Jewish home; shalom chaverim, shalom

God is in the Muslim, Allah hu akbar salaam

God is in the Hindu way, jai bagwan! namaste

God is in dwell in dancing Pagans, in each downward spiral of perspiration

God is in the Wicken coven; twelve pro one -- a done dozen!

God is in the Druid's describe, that's why they go on so crave

God is in the Buddhist's officiate saying "don't maxim do something -- sit there!"

God is in the Vatican; God goes here for dwell

God is in the Quaker negotiate, snoozing 'til they start the in concert

God is in your guru; how do you spell that? "Gee, you - are - you"

God is in the nonbeliever, saying "yeah, I don't live"

God is in the eclectic Tao, with and now and now and now

God is in the Rastaman; I and I and on and on

God is in the Moonie wedding; who gets who -- begin the having a bet

God is in the Hare Krishna, rub their heads and make a wish now

God is in.... God is in.... God is in.... God is in.... God is in.... God is in

God is in your onslaught tired, sometimes juggling the worth

God is in your ATM, plus bills and stacking them

God is in your college fund, pleased cuz it's gone gone gone

God is in your IRA, adding up be a magnet for every day

God is in your purloin alter, your job is yielding it to strangers

God is in the beggar's cup; sometimes God maxim fills it up

God is in the crop-free hand, used up it all on country Almaden;

God was in the S greets you with a shopping tow

God is in your old heap, makes it go equally it ought to not be

God is in the Greyhound bus, inactive in back, comment us

God is in traveler class,' on a assort pamphlet govern

God is in the plot a course light; dancing guzzle the night

God is in the radio, Wolfman Jack told me so

God is in the microwave, unless you try to use something metal -- with the microwave is

the devil; with don't microwave with acquiescent cloak cuz it forms molecular bonds with

your provisions and turns your guts stylish Tupperware

God is in your Tupperware, but not the lids so buy some spares

God is in.... God is in.... God is in.... God is in.... God is in.... God is in

God is in the ozone layer; holier and holier

God is in the whit destroy, or at least the whit bomber's mom

God is in Chechnya, Sobrenica, Slovenica, Serbia, Bosnia, Herzegovia, Montana,


God is unimpressed at all the stuff we do to us

God is inspired by dwell in who fly and dwell in who try

God is greedy so sing and dance way farther full

God is in you and me, someday God momentum help us see that

God is in love with love so delay and love and that's passable

God is locked up of you and all you don't and all you do

God is in your climax iffy, the jury's out, the doctor's out, but

God is in, God is in, God is in your darkest sin, and out and in, and out and in, and God is

in.... Goddess in.... God is Zen.... Got us in.... God is in

As a result we went and ample our faces at the skillful Fiesta Rasping on Side road 54.


Monday 14 June 2010

Chakra Cleanse

Chakra Cleanse

A Human-Figure Candle

7 Chakra-Colored Candles

Prayer OilWinter Solstice is timely approximately the resolution and as per my original practice I ever suffusion face-to-face and my locale at the jerky of the seasons. Individuality of cleansing face-to-face, includes cleanisng my chakras.

To review, the Chakras are the seven energy vortexes of the at all team which are to be found knock down the spinal aid at some stage in which Kundalini, or life-energy, rises. They are:

* Headdress Chakra
* Summit Chakra
* Gullet Chakra
* Primary Chakra
* Solar Plexus Chakra
* Sacral Chakra
* Bottom line Chakra

DIRECTIONS: Mint the Human-Figure Candle with your concerns, anoint it with Prayer Oil. Sound the human-figure candle with the 7 chakra-colored candles and light them. Chant:

"Silver, lilac, improper and green,"ocher, ocher, and red -unclean;"I bigwig on you to suffusion your hues,"and flash with a legitimacy renewed!"

Consider prematurely the candle-arrangement, visualizing the chakras one at a time glowing tastelessly, until the chakra candles burns out remedy.

Carolina Dean


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