Sunday 31 December 2006

Learning About Spells

Learning About Spells Cover
Because of the very nature of magick, each working should be highly individualized and personal. Even if following a traditional spell, it should be tailored to your specific needs to be most effective for you. Understanding the basics of spell construction will enable you to formulate your own specific, effective spells for any purpose you desire.

Preliminary planning is necessary. The very first step is to decide precisely what your desired end result is to be. Before you can start, you must decide where you are going. You must be very explicit.

It is important, also, that you choose your time carefully. You should take into consideration all astrological implications, energy currents and moon phases.

The moon is the astronomical body closest to us and, therefore, has a profound influence upon us, it is very important to choose a time when the moon is in an astrological sign which is appropriate for your working.

For example:

Aries action enthusiasm
Taurus renewal sensuality
Gemini communication curiosity
Cancer emotion nurturing
Leo vitality determined
Virgo organizing studious
Libra balance cooperation
Scorpio sexual philosophical
Sagitarius strength humour
Capricorn authority ambitious
Aquarius innovation social
Pisces sensitivity idealistic.

Bear in mind that magickal workings for gain, increase or bringing things to you, should be initiated when the moon is waxing (from dark to full); when the moon is waning (from full to dark), it is time for magickal workings of decrease or sending away.

The highest energy occurs at the full moon and, therefore, this is the most powerful time for magickal workings. The new moon is the next most powerful time for magick.

Whenever possible, follow nature's natural energy currents. There is a natural time for starting things (a planting time), for maturing things (a growing time), for reaping things (a harvest time) and, of course, a time for rest and planning.

Flowing with these currents will make your magickal work much easier. remember to plan your project for a time of uninterrupted privacy. It is important that you have no distractions. Generally speaking, it is best to work as late at night as possible. A time when there is less frantic energy is most appropriate. You might consider midnight or later.

In choosing a place to do your magickal working pay particular attention to your needs, for you must be comfortable. Your place should be private, quiet and secure. If at all possible, set aside a special place for this purpose only. An unused room, a special corner
of your bedroom, a quiet, secluded spot in your garden. A place that is yours. A place that you can come to whenever need arises and that is as free from intrusion of others as possible.

Prior to the night of your magickal working, gather together the things that you will need. All of the things used are tools. They have no inherent magick. They are to help you create a mood. If correctly made and used, they will trigger primitive responses from
deep within you. They should be chosen with care. Consider the purpose of your ritual and choose your tools accordingly. If your magick is to be sexual, your candles, oils, incenses and so forth, should bring forth a sexual response. If the desired result of your
magick is tranquillity, then the tools should make you feel calm, peaceful and serene. Any candles you might use should not have commercially added fragrances as these may not be appropriate for your working.

Prior to your ritual, prepare yourself and your equipment by any means necessary to clean and purify. Historically, people have fasted, followed meticulous and detailed bathing practices, practiced chastity and used many other methods.

Most often a ritual bath is the preferred method. A bath frequently utilizing candlelight, fragrant herbs, bath salts or sensuous oils. A sumptuous hot bath, special bathing preparations and appropriate lighting, combined, can create the soothing effect which will help in the very important step of relaxing and clearing the mind completely of all mundane thoughts and experiences of the day. Your ritual bath should, also, begin to set the specific vibrations conducive to your purpose into motion. You must not only cleanse and purify but must, also, begin to create the type of energy necessary. Once your purification process has been accomplished, you are now ready to begin. Proceed to the special place you have previously chosen in which to perform your magick. If at all possible, you should make use of the primitive responses set into motion by a well chosen piece of music. Your music should start slowly and build to a rousing climax.

As you use your oils, light your candle or incense (or utilize any other tool you have chosen), you should begin to further intensify the energy that you have set into motion around you. A high degree of intensity is vitally important.

The altered state of consciousness that you must reach is not a meditative state. Anything that interferes with your ability to concentrate upon, reach and control the high energy state necessary to perform magick should be avoided. Such as, screaming children, a sink
full of dirty dishes, use of alcohol or drugs, etc.

Do not scatter your energy by attempting to do more than one magickal working at a time.

Remember that magick is the manipulation of energy, a thought is a form of energy and a visualization is an even stronger form of energy. Your visualization can be a method used to intensify further and direct your will. Your visualization can be the method by which you
control the magickal energy you have produced. You must know what you want. You must see it. You must feel the high energy flow. You must direct it.

One of the most important elements in the practice of any form of magick is the universal law of cause and effect. This means that whatever you do (or don't do) you cause something to happen.

The most important consideration is the universal law of retribution. this means that no matter what you do, it comes back to you in like kind.

It is the nature of things that as you send something out it gains momentum, so that, by the time it comes back to you, it is stronger.

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Saturday 16 December 2006

Protective Blessing For Birds

Protective Blessing For Birds Cover
Kuan Yin of beauty and of grace,

Protectress of the avian race,

Shield (name of pet) from all hurt and harm

And keep him/her always safe and warm.

Watch over (name of pet) from day to day

And guide him/her home if he/she should stray.

And grant him/her much happiness

And a good life free of strife and stress.

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Friday 15 December 2006

Your Natural Connection Exercise

Your Natural Connection Exercise Cover
(first letter here)Part of being on a magical path is recognizing, and connecting to, the energies of Nature wherever you may be. Here is an exercise that you can do even in the heart of the city.

Explore this place until you find one spot that feels especially comfortable. This will be your Nature spot. Stand in the middle of that Nature spot. Take a moment to center yourself, meditate, and connect gently with the energy of that Nature spot.

Stand and face outward from your nature spot toward whichever direction you choose. (If you know which direction you are facing that is fine, but not necessary for this exercise.) Facing your chosen direction, gaze outward and allow yourself to connect with all that you can see and feel before you. Honor all that is before you by reverently absorbing the energies before you. Imagine a circle surrounding you. Draw it in your mind's eye, beginning in front of you, circling to the right, around yourself and your Nature spot.

when you have done this, turn a quarter turn to the right and face outward in a new direction. Again, gaze outward and connect with all that is before you to see or feel. Reverently honor and absorb the energies of the direction you are facing.

When you have done this, turn a quarter turn to the right again and face outward in a new direction. You have completed half of your circle. Take time to gaze outward and connect with all that you see and feel in this direction. Honor and absorb the energies before you in this Nature spot.

Turn again a quarter turn to the right and face outward in a new direction. You have completed three quarters of your circle. Gaze out before you and connect with what you see and feel in that direction. Reverently honor and absorb the energies of the direction you are facing.

When you have done this, turn a quarter turn to the right one more time and face the direction you started with. You have completed your full circle. Feel the energy of all the directions surrounding you in your complete circle.

From where you stand, at the beginning of your circle, walk forward slowly, no more than twelve paces, and look for an object from Nature. This may be as simple as a leaf or a twig. It may be a feather, a stone, or even a bit of colored glass. when you have walked no more than twelve paces, return slowly, tracing your footsteps back to where you began. You may find something you overlooked the first time. When you have returned to where you started, take a moment to connect with your object from Nature and to give thanks for the gift you have received.

When you are ready, turn a quarter turn to the right and slowly walk forward, no more than twelve paces, to find an object in the next direction. Continue as you began until you have completed your circle of the four directions and have found your objects from Nature.

The key is to find one power object (or totem) in each direction. If you find four different kinds, that is fine. If you find four similar kinds, that is also fine and may be a clue to the type of energy you need to work with. It's advisable not to concern yourself about what you find as much as how you connect with it. Enjoy yourself.

When you have found each totem, try to leave a little something in return, for thank you.

~Amber Wolfe

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Friday 1 December 2006


Beltane Image
The first of May is Beltane or May Day, a time to celebrate the leaping fires of passion. It marks the height of spring and the flowering of all life. Beltane is a festival of sensuality, sexuality, flowers and delight. It is a traditional time to make love, preferably outdoors.

Beltane is the time when fairies return from their winter rest, carefree and full of mischief and delight. On the night before Beltane, in times past, folks would place rowan branches at their windows and doors for protection. If you do NOT wish the fairies to visit, do the same! This is also a perfect time for night or predawn rituals to draw down power to promote fertility in body and mind.

At Beltane, the Pleiades star cluster rises just before sunrise on the morning horizon. The Pleiades is known as the seven sisters, and resembles a tiny dipper-shaped pattern of six moderately bright stars in the constellation of Taurus, near the shoulder. Watch for it low in the east-northeast sky, just a few minutes before sunrise.

There are many lovely old customs associated with this time. Here are some simple ideas for celebrating this wild red time of year:

* Make a garland or wreath of freshly picked flowers and wear it in your hair.
* Dress in bright colors, especially hot pink or crimson, the traditional colors of Beltane, or wear green all day (and nothing all night!)
* Hang fruits and baked goodies from trees and bushes for later feasting
* Build a Beltane fire: leap over it to cleanse yourself, or state your desires and let the fire carry them upward
* Leap over your garden rows (or house plants), sharing joyous energy
* Make a 'May gad': peel a willow-wand and twine cowslips or other flowers around it
* Throw a May Day party and feast on May wine and food till the dawn. Turn a broomstick into a maypole and see how many people you can get to dance round it.
* Make love in the woods, in your garden, outside - at night.
* Watch the sunrise. Pack a picnic breakfast, a blanket, and some sweaters; and head out before dawn. Unpack your picnic on a hill with an unobstructed view and enjoy the early morning rays as the sun peaks over the horizon.
* Make a flower feast! Freeze edible flowers in your ice cubes. Add edible flowers to your salad. Candy flowers to decorate your dessert.
* Make a May basket. Fill it with flowers, food, ribbons, and fun. Leave it on a doorstep of a lover or friend, or someone who cannot get outside, such as an invalid or elderly person.
* Make a daisy chain and cast it into one of the lakes to please the water spirits
* Rise at dawn on May Day and wash in the morning dew: The woman who washes her face in it will be beautiful, the man who washes his hands will be skilled at knots and nets (always a useful skill for students).
* Twist a Rowan sprig into a ring and look through it- tonight is one of the three in the year when the uninitiated can see the faeries.
* Create a May Day altar with a mirror, a small maypole, a phallic shaped candle, a daisy chain and springtime flowers.
* Light a fire or candle on the top of a hill and make a wish as you jump over it (for authenticity, you can try this sky clad, it would also be amusing for any passing late-night dog walkers!)
* Perfume your house with delicate scent of woodruff, a tiny, star-like flower that blooms around this time in the Northern Hemisphere.
* Embrace the ones you love. Hugs and kisses all around.

Holidays are days made holy by the attention we pay them. Simple practices such as the ones listed above remind us that we too dance to the natural rhythms of the earth.

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