Sunday 31 December 2006

Learning About Spells

Learning About Spells Cover
Because of the very nature of magick, each working should be highly individualized and personal. Even if following a traditional spell, it should be tailored to your specific needs to be most effective for you. Understanding the basics of spell construction will enable you to formulate your own specific, effective spells for any purpose you desire.

Preliminary planning is necessary. The very first step is to decide precisely what your desired end result is to be. Before you can start, you must decide where you are going. You must be very explicit.

It is important, also, that you choose your time carefully. You should take into consideration all astrological implications, energy currents and moon phases.

The moon is the astronomical body closest to us and, therefore, has a profound influence upon us, it is very important to choose a time when the moon is in an astrological sign which is appropriate for your working.

For example:

Aries action enthusiasm
Taurus renewal sensuality
Gemini communication curiosity
Cancer emotion nurturing
Leo vitality determined
Virgo organizing studious
Libra balance cooperation
Scorpio sexual philosophical
Sagitarius strength humour
Capricorn authority ambitious
Aquarius innovation social
Pisces sensitivity idealistic.

Bear in mind that magickal workings for gain, increase or bringing things to you, should be initiated when the moon is waxing (from dark to full); when the moon is waning (from full to dark), it is time for magickal workings of decrease or sending away.

The highest energy occurs at the full moon and, therefore, this is the most powerful time for magickal workings. The new moon is the next most powerful time for magick.

Whenever possible, follow nature's natural energy currents. There is a natural time for starting things (a planting time), for maturing things (a growing time), for reaping things (a harvest time) and, of course, a time for rest and planning.

Flowing with these currents will make your magickal work much easier. remember to plan your project for a time of uninterrupted privacy. It is important that you have no distractions. Generally speaking, it is best to work as late at night as possible. A time when there is less frantic energy is most appropriate. You might consider midnight or later.

In choosing a place to do your magickal working pay particular attention to your needs, for you must be comfortable. Your place should be private, quiet and secure. If at all possible, set aside a special place for this purpose only. An unused room, a special corner
of your bedroom, a quiet, secluded spot in your garden. A place that is yours. A place that you can come to whenever need arises and that is as free from intrusion of others as possible.

Prior to the night of your magickal working, gather together the things that you will need. All of the things used are tools. They have no inherent magick. They are to help you create a mood. If correctly made and used, they will trigger primitive responses from
deep within you. They should be chosen with care. Consider the purpose of your ritual and choose your tools accordingly. If your magick is to be sexual, your candles, oils, incenses and so forth, should bring forth a sexual response. If the desired result of your
magick is tranquillity, then the tools should make you feel calm, peaceful and serene. Any candles you might use should not have commercially added fragrances as these may not be appropriate for your working.

Prior to your ritual, prepare yourself and your equipment by any means necessary to clean and purify. Historically, people have fasted, followed meticulous and detailed bathing practices, practiced chastity and used many other methods.

Most often a ritual bath is the preferred method. A bath frequently utilizing candlelight, fragrant herbs, bath salts or sensuous oils. A sumptuous hot bath, special bathing preparations and appropriate lighting, combined, can create the soothing effect which will help in the very important step of relaxing and clearing the mind completely of all mundane thoughts and experiences of the day. Your ritual bath should, also, begin to set the specific vibrations conducive to your purpose into motion. You must not only cleanse and purify but must, also, begin to create the type of energy necessary. Once your purification process has been accomplished, you are now ready to begin. Proceed to the special place you have previously chosen in which to perform your magick. If at all possible, you should make use of the primitive responses set into motion by a well chosen piece of music. Your music should start slowly and build to a rousing climax.

As you use your oils, light your candle or incense (or utilize any other tool you have chosen), you should begin to further intensify the energy that you have set into motion around you. A high degree of intensity is vitally important.

The altered state of consciousness that you must reach is not a meditative state. Anything that interferes with your ability to concentrate upon, reach and control the high energy state necessary to perform magick should be avoided. Such as, screaming children, a sink
full of dirty dishes, use of alcohol or drugs, etc.

Do not scatter your energy by attempting to do more than one magickal working at a time.

Remember that magick is the manipulation of energy, a thought is a form of energy and a visualization is an even stronger form of energy. Your visualization can be a method used to intensify further and direct your will. Your visualization can be the method by which you
control the magickal energy you have produced. You must know what you want. You must see it. You must feel the high energy flow. You must direct it.

One of the most important elements in the practice of any form of magick is the universal law of cause and effect. This means that whatever you do (or don't do) you cause something to happen.

The most important consideration is the universal law of retribution. this means that no matter what you do, it comes back to you in like kind.

It is the nature of things that as you send something out it gains momentum, so that, by the time it comes back to you, it is stronger.

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Saturday 16 December 2006

Protective Blessing For Birds

Protective Blessing For Birds Cover
Kuan Yin of beauty and of grace,

Protectress of the avian race,

Shield (name of pet) from all hurt and harm

And keep him/her always safe and warm.

Watch over (name of pet) from day to day

And guide him/her home if he/she should stray.

And grant him/her much happiness

And a good life free of strife and stress.

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Friday 15 December 2006

Your Natural Connection Exercise

Your Natural Connection Exercise Cover
(first letter here)Part of being on a magical path is recognizing, and connecting to, the energies of Nature wherever you may be. Here is an exercise that you can do even in the heart of the city.

Explore this place until you find one spot that feels especially comfortable. This will be your Nature spot. Stand in the middle of that Nature spot. Take a moment to center yourself, meditate, and connect gently with the energy of that Nature spot.

Stand and face outward from your nature spot toward whichever direction you choose. (If you know which direction you are facing that is fine, but not necessary for this exercise.) Facing your chosen direction, gaze outward and allow yourself to connect with all that you can see and feel before you. Honor all that is before you by reverently absorbing the energies before you. Imagine a circle surrounding you. Draw it in your mind's eye, beginning in front of you, circling to the right, around yourself and your Nature spot.

when you have done this, turn a quarter turn to the right and face outward in a new direction. Again, gaze outward and connect with all that is before you to see or feel. Reverently honor and absorb the energies of the direction you are facing.

When you have done this, turn a quarter turn to the right again and face outward in a new direction. You have completed half of your circle. Take time to gaze outward and connect with all that you see and feel in this direction. Honor and absorb the energies before you in this Nature spot.

Turn again a quarter turn to the right and face outward in a new direction. You have completed three quarters of your circle. Gaze out before you and connect with what you see and feel in that direction. Reverently honor and absorb the energies of the direction you are facing.

When you have done this, turn a quarter turn to the right one more time and face the direction you started with. You have completed your full circle. Feel the energy of all the directions surrounding you in your complete circle.

From where you stand, at the beginning of your circle, walk forward slowly, no more than twelve paces, and look for an object from Nature. This may be as simple as a leaf or a twig. It may be a feather, a stone, or even a bit of colored glass. when you have walked no more than twelve paces, return slowly, tracing your footsteps back to where you began. You may find something you overlooked the first time. When you have returned to where you started, take a moment to connect with your object from Nature and to give thanks for the gift you have received.

When you are ready, turn a quarter turn to the right and slowly walk forward, no more than twelve paces, to find an object in the next direction. Continue as you began until you have completed your circle of the four directions and have found your objects from Nature.

The key is to find one power object (or totem) in each direction. If you find four different kinds, that is fine. If you find four similar kinds, that is also fine and may be a clue to the type of energy you need to work with. It's advisable not to concern yourself about what you find as much as how you connect with it. Enjoy yourself.

When you have found each totem, try to leave a little something in return, for thank you.

~Amber Wolfe

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Friday 1 December 2006


Beltane Image
The first of May is Beltane or May Day, a time to celebrate the leaping fires of passion. It marks the height of spring and the flowering of all life. Beltane is a festival of sensuality, sexuality, flowers and delight. It is a traditional time to make love, preferably outdoors.

Beltane is the time when fairies return from their winter rest, carefree and full of mischief and delight. On the night before Beltane, in times past, folks would place rowan branches at their windows and doors for protection. If you do NOT wish the fairies to visit, do the same! This is also a perfect time for night or predawn rituals to draw down power to promote fertility in body and mind.

At Beltane, the Pleiades star cluster rises just before sunrise on the morning horizon. The Pleiades is known as the seven sisters, and resembles a tiny dipper-shaped pattern of six moderately bright stars in the constellation of Taurus, near the shoulder. Watch for it low in the east-northeast sky, just a few minutes before sunrise.

There are many lovely old customs associated with this time. Here are some simple ideas for celebrating this wild red time of year:

* Make a garland or wreath of freshly picked flowers and wear it in your hair.
* Dress in bright colors, especially hot pink or crimson, the traditional colors of Beltane, or wear green all day (and nothing all night!)
* Hang fruits and baked goodies from trees and bushes for later feasting
* Build a Beltane fire: leap over it to cleanse yourself, or state your desires and let the fire carry them upward
* Leap over your garden rows (or house plants), sharing joyous energy
* Make a 'May gad': peel a willow-wand and twine cowslips or other flowers around it
* Throw a May Day party and feast on May wine and food till the dawn. Turn a broomstick into a maypole and see how many people you can get to dance round it.
* Make love in the woods, in your garden, outside - at night.
* Watch the sunrise. Pack a picnic breakfast, a blanket, and some sweaters; and head out before dawn. Unpack your picnic on a hill with an unobstructed view and enjoy the early morning rays as the sun peaks over the horizon.
* Make a flower feast! Freeze edible flowers in your ice cubes. Add edible flowers to your salad. Candy flowers to decorate your dessert.
* Make a May basket. Fill it with flowers, food, ribbons, and fun. Leave it on a doorstep of a lover or friend, or someone who cannot get outside, such as an invalid or elderly person.
* Make a daisy chain and cast it into one of the lakes to please the water spirits
* Rise at dawn on May Day and wash in the morning dew: The woman who washes her face in it will be beautiful, the man who washes his hands will be skilled at knots and nets (always a useful skill for students).
* Twist a Rowan sprig into a ring and look through it- tonight is one of the three in the year when the uninitiated can see the faeries.
* Create a May Day altar with a mirror, a small maypole, a phallic shaped candle, a daisy chain and springtime flowers.
* Light a fire or candle on the top of a hill and make a wish as you jump over it (for authenticity, you can try this sky clad, it would also be amusing for any passing late-night dog walkers!)
* Perfume your house with delicate scent of woodruff, a tiny, star-like flower that blooms around this time in the Northern Hemisphere.
* Embrace the ones you love. Hugs and kisses all around.

Holidays are days made holy by the attention we pay them. Simple practices such as the ones listed above remind us that we too dance to the natural rhythms of the earth.

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Tuesday 28 November 2006

The 8th Sephirah Hod

The 8th Sephirah Hod Cover

Title: Hod, Glory.

Magickal Image: A hermaphodite.

Situation on the Tree: At the foot of the Pillar of Severity.

Yetziratic Text: The Eighth Path is called the Absolute or Perfect Intelligence because it is the mean of the Primordial, which has no root by which it can cleave or rest, save in the hidden places of Gedulah, from which emanates it's proper essence.

God Name: Elohim Tzabauth, the God of Hosts.

Archangel: Michael.

Order of Angels: Beni Elohim, Sons of God.

Mundane Chakra: Kokab, Mercury.

Spiritual experience: Vision of Splendor.

Virtue: Truthfulness.

Vice: Falsehood, Dishonesty.

Correspondence in microcosm: Loins and legs.

Symbols: Names and Versicles and Apron.

Tarot Cards: The Four Eights.
Eight of Wands: Swiftness.
Eight of Cups: Abandoned success.
Eight of Swords: Shortened force.
Eight of Pentacles: Prudence.

Color in atziluth: Violet purple.
Color in briah: Orange.
Color in yetzirah: Russet red.
Color in assiah: Yellowish black, flecked with white.

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Monday 27 November 2006

Why Use Circles

Why Use Circles Cover
They say that the longest journey begins with a single step. So, too, the exploration of Magickal studies begins with a single step. Though the first step in a physical journey is often self-evident, the First Step on a Magickal journey is often not quite so clear. While formally organized groups often have a path of lessons to instruct newcomers, the solitary or isolated student is often left standing in perplexity on this broad plain of knowledge, wondering just where in the heck to begin. And wondering, too, if it's "okay" to start
just anywhere.

While it's true that studies can begin in any direction that attracts you, the necessary first step must be learning to make psychic shields. There are "Things of the Dark" out there. There are any number of explanations for what these things might be-- ghosts, demons, or simply uncontrolled urges of the subconscious mind. In truth, it doesn't matter what they are. What does matter is that their effect is very real and unless they are put under your control, they will drag you over the borders of sanity into psychosis. You are most
vulnerable to them while you're in an "open" trance or meditative state. That's why the wise practitioner always begins by taking steps to define exactly what will be permitted through the portals of their "psychic shields"-- no matter how simple the ritual. And this, in a nutshell, is what "protective magic" is about.

There are a number of ways to do this. The most common is to begin by drawing a circle (around a group or yourself) and invoking the one or more protective powers. Generally, this is done by candlelight, in front of an altar that holds certain magical objects. The circle may be further "secured" and "cleared" by using salt, salt water, rum, incense, or some other method. You may be wearing a special robe and will have taken a bath (or performed a cleansing ritual) earlier. The powers that protect you will be called on and THEN you will begin your ritual.

Is it psychological? Absolutely! Is there a reason why protection rituals always take this form? Positively! Let's take a step back and see what you're actually doing and how the process works-- from a psychological standpoint-- and how to use this knowledge to help you refine your circles to enhance your rituals.

Psychologists and psychics alike view the mind's structure as a three-part entity: The ego (that which you think of as yourself), the superego (the "higher self") and the Id (the child within). The Id is, in a sense, a computer. Like most computers, it operates on the "garbage in-garbage out" principle. There's an old superstition "as you name something, so will it become." Tell yourself that you're very unlucky and your id will obligingly give you bad days by enhancing any negatives in your environment. Tell yourself that you are clumsy, and your id-computer will obligingly arrange for you to break a leg while stepping off the sidewalk. The bad news is that the Id can't make a judgment as to whether or not this is a good idea. It only knows that it's received these "instructions" and must carry them out. The good news is that you can actually program/reprogram this portion of your mind.

You begin programming this Internal Servant of yours by first drawing its attention to what you want done and then explaining what you need done in a simple and clear manner. Repeating the instructions in a chant help fix the goals for the Id-- rhymed chants seem to be easier for it to process. Each time you perform the ritual and repeat the chant, the programming is strengthened. Never mind that your ego and superego understand that you're going to program the child-like Id. It works just the same.

To direct the Id's attention to the process, you first have to impress it. Using special tools and clothing alert it that something unusual is going on and that it must pay attention. Acquiring hard-to-obtain items, drawing symbols, performing a symbolic sacrifice (donating money, say, to a good cause) are all ways of reinforcing the Id's impression that this ceremony is very special and that the result will be very powerful. Organized, meaningful symbols speak to your subconscious mind in ways it understands, reinforcing the goals you have set.

Drawing the circle itself establishes boundaries within your environment ("The rest of the world can do what it likes Out There. All within this circle is in MY control!"). Purifying the circle and consecrating it (sprinkling water which has been blessed and salt added) further enforce your territory, defining the borders where you are "safe". Nothing can enter this area except what you invite inside. You further tighten these borders by calling on certain Powers.

You can call on any powers you like. Some use traditional Christian images. Others call up deities from the religion they are most comfortable with. And many people use the thought/image of a beam of light that represents either God/Goddess (whichever one they like) OR The power of light and life and goodness in the Universe.

The number of powers called as guardians varies. You may choose to invoke one powerful being to protect your circle. Or you might call on the Universal Being/Light AND four guardians (one for each quarter of the compass). A third approach is use a guardian for the four quarters of the compass and no higher being. There is no "absolutely correct" system; the correct system is the one that YOU are comfortable with.

Take time to choose the guardians of your circle carefully. You should select guardians (gods or animals or some form of life) which have a deeper meaning to you and whose qualities are in harmony with your goals. For the new student, it's best to have all your Powers and Guardians from the same belief system/religion/mythic universe so that the symbols will be consistent and not confuse the Id.

You CAN use people-- saints, movie actors, figures from favorite books as guardians. DO, however, pick someone who's dead or non-existent. The dead can't argue with your interpretation of them, whereas the living may be highly offended to be approached as gods/ guardians).

As your studies continue, you will find that your totems or guardians change. This is to be expected; as you explore new realms in your studies, you may find you need guardians who deal with very specific areas to strengthen and guide you in these new fields.

But don't make the mistake of assuming that you'll become so powerful that you will never need the protection of the psychic shielding circle in some form. And don't assume that you will not need a circle for "positive" magicks such as healing. Open is open-- and open is vulnerable. And circles strengthen and protect you by defining what psychological influences will be allowed to work with you.


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Wednesday 8 November 2006

Daily Invocation And Blessing

Daily Invocation And Blessing Cover
Thou art the King who reigns within,
The jester and the Friar,
The maiden child, innocent and bold,
The mother, crone and liar.

Thou art the meaning of success,
The flash that doeth inspire,
The holy beam of golden light,
The flickering of the fire.

Thou are the glory of the day,
The beautiful song of birds,
The light that glowest in the dark,
The poet, and the words.

And every single day I see,
In every star that shines,
With fear and wonder, joy and love,
That thee and me combines.

For in the end we are one,
The Lady and the Lord,
The spirit and the great God,
The truth I'm moving toward.

So in the day that lies ahead,
To every man and tree,
To members of the fairy lands
Bright blessing be to we.

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Thursday 12 October 2006

Gods And Goddess Names

Gods And Goddess Names Cover

Goddess Names:

(British) Ancasta, Belisma, Damara, Godiva, Latis, Morgause, Ratis, Tamesis (Egyptian) Athtor, Bast, Hathor, Isis, Maat, Mafdet, Mert, Tefnut
(Finnish) Annikki, Ilmatar, Kalma, Lyllikki, Vellamo
(Greek) Ahprodite, Ariadne, Artemis, Aspasia, Astra, Athena, Bendis, Chloris, Cytherea, Cybele, Delia, Elara, Hecate, Iris, Rhea, Selene (India) Anumati, Arani, Chanda, Raka, Surya, Tamra, Tara
(Phoenician) Astarte, Baalat, Ghe, Omicle, Re, Sapas, Tanit

God Names:

(British) Arthur, Balin, Gareth, Gawain, Herne, Launfal, Myrddin, Tannus, Uther, Wayland (Egyptian) Aker, Amun-Ra, Anubis, Apis, Babi, Bes, Horus, Min, Nu, Osiris, Ra, Thoth (Finnish) Ilma, Jumala, Nakki, Paiva, Surma, Tapio, Ukko
(Greek) Achelous, Adonis, Ajax, Anteros, Apollo, Ares, Cadmus, Centaur, Eros, Hades, Minos, Morpheus, Orion, Pan, Paris (India) Bhrigus, Brahma, Ganesha, Hanuman, Indra, Kama, Varuna
(Phoenician) Adad, Adoni, Aleyin, Baal, Dagon, Eliun, Genos, Hey-Tau, Kolpia, Pontus, Salem

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Tuesday 3 October 2006

Casting A Circle

Casting A Circle Cover
A basic but formal, circle casting would involve a few simple practices. First, a candle is lit at each of the cardinal points and often two candles are placed on the altar. As you walk around the circle, east, south, west, and finally north, face the direction and invoke its power.

As you do this at each quarter, visualize any aspect that corresponds with that direction such as: East – Wind, South – Flame, West – Rain, and North – Bull of Strength.

As you go round, you can sprinkle salt water and smoke with incense each of the quarters saying:

With Salt and Water I purify the "With Fire and Air, I charge the "You may also want to trace the outline of the circle with your Athame as you move from point to point. After the North quarter has been called, continue facing north and say:

This circle is cast!

I am between the worlds, where balance is maintained and the cycle continues eternally before me. All things here meet as one, and there is no time.

Then light the altar candles with the candle from the south and say:

The fire is lit, In perfect love and perfect trust, this ritual is begun!

After the circle is cast, you may want to do purification, and a banishing in order to put all the every day worries behind you. These are simple meditations. For a purification, meditated on being cleansed as you sprinkle yourself with salt water. For a banishing chant, forcefully, something along these lines:

“Unfriendly beings, unwanted guests, Begone! Go, or be destroyed by the powers of Earth, Fire, Air and Sea, and by the powers of Life and Death and Rebirth. I banish you!

During the circle, magical workings can be done with a sense of security and inner peace. Typically, I will draw on my power by chanting, others may dance or practice breathing, and once my power is peeked, I will perform my spell. After, I will relax and treat myself to some quiet time, a reward and break from my usual stressed out mode. Once I feel recuperated, I give thanks to each of the cardinal point powers and I grounded the energy. This involves meditating on my connection with the earth. I let the residual power in the circle drain deep down into the core of the body of the Goddess. I declare the circle to be open.

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Tuesday 19 September 2006

Solitary Esbat Ritual

Solitary Esbat Ritual Cover
Here is the Moon Ritual I use when working solitary. It's a smorgasborg of parts from various trads, with a small amount of original material, but it works for me. If your just starting out, I hope you find it helpful. If some part is unfamiliar, check out the books on the suggested reading list.

Quarter Candle Invocation

Tools: Quarter candles

East: I call upon light and Air at the East to illuminate and enliven the circle.

South: I call upon light and Fire at the South to illuminate and warm the circle.

West: I call upon light and Water at the West to illuminate and cleanse the circle.

North: I call upon light and Earth at the North to illuminate and strengthen the circle.

Casting Circle

Tools: bell, athame or sword, water, salt, circle incense.

Sound the bell three times.

Holding athame, say

'Mighty Mother
Strike this blade with light
That I may cast the magick circle!

Cast the circle with the athame, saying

'I conjure thee, o circle of art,
to be a temple between the worlds;
to be a crucible of change for the powers of the ancient ones.
Wherefore do I bless and consecrate thee.
So mote it be!

Touch the salt with the athame and say

'Mighty Mother, bless this creature of earth in thy service. As salt is pure, so may it purify us in all ways we may use it.'

Consecrate the water by adding three pinches of salt and saying

'Mighty Mother, bless this creature of water in thy service. As water gives us life, so may we be reborn in these rites.'

Consecrate the fire by holding aloft and saying

'Great Father, bless this creature of fire in thy service. May it spark the sacred flame the burns within our hearts.'

Consecrate the incense by adding three pinches of incense to the fire and saying

'Great Father, bless this creature of air in thy service. May it carry our will out upon the winds of change.'

Spurge the circle with the holy water, saying

'I consecrate this circle in the names of Cernunnos and Aradia.

Cense the circle with incense, saying

'The circle is conjured a circle of power that is purified and sealed. So mote it be!'

Calling the Quarters

Tools: athame

After the circle is cast, facing east, draw the Invoking Pentagram of Earth in the air with the athame, saying

'I call the Lords of the Watchtowers of the East,
Lords of Air
New beginning, new life,
From the gates of Dawn,
From the realms of Spring,
as we here possess breath and wit
we are thy kith and kin!
Come join us
to attend our rite and guard the circle

facing south, draw the Invoking Pentagram of Earth in the air with the athame, saying

'I call the Lords of the Watchtowers of the South, Lords of Fire
From the stroke of the lightning
To the blaze upon the hearth
From the gates of Noontide
From the realms of Summer
as we here consume life to live
we are thy kith and kin!
Come join us
to attend our rite and guard the circle

facing west, draw the Invoking Pentagram of Earth in the air with the athame, saying

'I call the Lords of the Watchtowers of the West, Lords of Water
Lengthening shadow across the mountain,
gathering coolness of the evening glen,
first star of the twilight.
From the gates of Evening
From the realms of Autumn
as we here feel and our hearts beat
we are thy kith and kin!
Come join us
to attend our rite and guard the circle'

facing north, draw the Invoking Pentagram of Earth in the air with the athame, saying

'I call the Lords of the Watchtowers of the North, Lords of Earth
brilliant darkness, sun at midnight,
gossamer flicker of aurora's light.
From the gates of Midnight
From the realms of Winter
as we here have bodies and strength
we are thy kith and kin!
Come join us
to attend our rite and guard the circle'

Solitary Invocation of the Goddess

Tools: Goddess candle

With arms raised in the Crescent Goddess salute, say

'I invoke thee and call upon thee
Mighty Mother of us all
bringer of all fruitfulness
by seed and root, by stem and bud,
by leaf and flower and fruit do I invoke thee
to descend and join me in my circle!

light Goddess candle

Solitary Invocation of the God

Tools: God candle

With arms raised in the Horned God salute, say

'Deep calls on height, the Goddess on the God,
On him who is the flame that quickens her;
That he and she may seize the silver reins
And ride as one the twin-horsed chariot.
Let the hammer strike the anvil!
Let the lightning touch the earth!
Let the Lance ensoul the Grail!
Let the magic come to birth!'

light God candle

'The Temple is erected, and I am between the worlds;
beyond the bounds of time and space,
where day and night,
sorrow and joy,
birth and death,
meet as one!
Hail and welcome! Blessed be

Raising Power for the Work

Tools: Cords, candles, tools of divination, poppets, whatever tool is needed for the work

Here is the place for dancing, chanting, drumming, or what is used to raise power.

Then, when the power is raised, focus it with visualization and chant.

When all is ready, let the power go.

Solitary Rite of Cakes and Ale

Tools: athame, chalice, wine or fruit juice, plate of crescent cakes

Fill chalice in left hand, pour from right hand. Holding chalice in left hand and athame in right hand, lower athame into chalice, saying

'As the athame is to the male,
so the cup is to the female,
and conjoined, they become one in truth.

Hold aloft the chalice and say

'Gracious Goddess of abundance
bless this drink and infuse it with your love
In your names, Goddess and God
I bless this wine!

take a sip of the wine

Hold aloft the plate of cakes. Draw the Invoking Pentagram of Earth over the cakes with the athame, saying

'Powerful God of the harvest
Bless these cakes and infuse them with your love
In your names, God and Goddess,
I bless these cakes!

take a bite of the cakes

Now pour a bit of the wine and set aside some of the cakes as a libation to the Mighty Ones. After ritual, put the libation outside, where the Old Ones may send some of their other children to share...

Grounding and Centering

Let the power raised that is still within return to the earth to heal it's wounds, remembering to keep a little for one's self. This is important! Skip this and you may find your self with anything from a spacey mindset to insomnia to a splitting headache. Let the excess energy return to the Mother.

Thanking the Gods

'Queen of the Starry Night
Horned One of the Wild Wood
I thank thee for attending my rites.
Go if you must,
stay if you will,
and know that you are always welcome!
Blessed be!

extinguish God and Goddess candles

Releasing the Quarters

Tools: athame

Facing east, make the Banishing Pentagram of Earth, saying

'Lords of the Watchtowers of the East
Lords of Air
I thank thee for attending my rites,
Go if you must,
stay if you will,
and know that you are always welcome!
I bid you Hail and Farewell!

Facing south, make the Banishing Pentagram of Earth, saying

'Lords of the Watchtowers of the South
Lords of Fire
I thank thee for attending my rites,
Go if you must,
stay if you will,
and know that you are always welcome!
I bid you Hail and Farewell!

Facing west, make the Banishing Pentagram of Earth, saying

'Lords of the Watchtowers of the West
Lords of Water,
I thank thee for attending my rites,
Go if you must,
stay if you will,
and know that you are always welcome!
I bid you Hail and Farewell!

Facing north, make the Banishing Pentagram of Earth, saying

'Lords of the Watchtowers of the North
Lords of Earth
I thank thee for attending my rites,
Go if you must,
stay if you will,
and know that you are always welcome!
I bid you Hail and Farewell!

Closing the Circle

Tools: athame

Walk the circle deosil with the athame in the receptive hand, pulling in the energy into the athame. When done, hold athame aloft, facing north and say

'Beings and powers of the visible and invisible,
Depart in peace!
You aid in my work,
whisper in my mind,
bless me from the Otherworld,
and there is harmony between us.
My blessings are with you.
The circle is closed
but never broken!
So mote it be!

The ritual is done!

Tags: blessing flanders  about chakras  astrological keys  thelemic golden  sacred pentagram  fish symbol  chamber quantum  casting circle  spell casters  wiccan names  real witches  legend about benu  chinese alchemical scripture  voodoo shop  

Tuesday 5 September 2006

Bring Back Those Good Old Days

Bring Back Those Good Old Days Cover
I think that most people give little or no thought of the meaning of the days of the week. Monday is the blue day, tuesday seems to be very popular for meetings, Wednesday is "hump" day, Thursday is anticipation of Friday, Friday the Eagle flies, Saturday is party day, and Sunday the time to recover hopefully but usually not so the next day is Blue Monday and on and on.

Most people in the United States not only have English as their primary language, but have no other second language and in my estimation are impoverished by that fact. The languages of Greek, Latin, the Romance languages and the Germanic languages are very descriptive. often the spirit of the word explains the meaning of the word. The Greek word for word is loyo; (logos) from which we get the word "Logo". Logos indicates not only the word that we read, but also indicated a quality. We need to examine the quality of words as well as
the meaning. With that in mind let us look at the days of the week.

In the romance languages we can see the quality of the day. The planet that is indicative of the day. A couple of examples in Spanish are: Monday is Lunes, the Moon, Tuesday is Martes, Mars, Wednesday is miercoles, Mercury, etc.

English is based on the Germanic language that the Saxons brought over with them. So let us look at the old Teutonic words to see if we can discover the quality of the days of the week.

Sunday in Teutonic is Sonnes Doeg and the meaning is readily seen and can also be seen in English. Sonnes is Sun and doeg is day. The day of the Sun. This is considered the first day of the week to Christians and relates to the qualities of a Sun God. If the mythologies of the various Sun Gods are compared to the "Light of the World", the "Son of God", the reason for this being His day are evident.

Saturday in Old English is Sadorns Doeg. This again can be easily seen in English as well. Saturday is the day of Saturn. Astrologically Saturn is a teacher and a taskmaster : Saturn put limits on people, institutes laws sets boundaries. He is seen pictorially as Old Father Time. The qualities of Saturn are very similar to that of the Hebrew God, Jehovah, which is why Saturday is the day that the Jews go to temple, their "first day".

Monday can also be seen easily in English. In Teutonic, Monday is Monas Doeg, the day of the Moon.

Tuesday in Teutonic is Tiews Doeg. Tiew, Teu, Tiw, Tig are all variations of the same God. This is Mars, God of War, God of Battle and He rules Tuesday.

Wednesday is Wodens Doeg, the day of Woden. This may answer questions you have had since first learning to spell Wednesday. We pronounce it Wens day, so why the "d"? For Woden! If you look at the mythology of-Woden, you may think that Wednesday should represent the Sun or maybe Tuesday, since Woden was the King of the Gods and a fierce fighter, but Woden had another side. He is described as having a patch over one of his eyes, having surrendered it up to be able to drink of the Skaldic Mead. After drinking the mead, he invented the alphabet, writing, poetry. He had two ravens on his shoulder that he sent out daily to learn all that was going on in the world. This is a God that was more than just a tribal Kingpin, this was a God of Wisdom, of learning, of letters, of communications. The Romans equated Woden with Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods, the God of thought.

Thursday is Thors Doeg. Thor the thunder God, the God that bellows, the God that does things in a big way. The Romans saw Thor as a version of Jupiter, the planet of expansion.

Many dictionaries attribute Friday to the day of Frigg. Frigg was the wife of Woden. She spun straw into Gold and had a great wealth of knowledge but was very secretive. No one learned from her. I puts me in mind of the proverb, "it is wiser to keep ones mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt." It seems to me that most people that keep great secrets, when found out have no secret at all. So how does this ersatz Wise Woman rate a day of the week?

Lets look a little further. It makes more sense that the Goddess that fits better, both similar in sound and quality is Freya. In Rome, Friday was the day of Venus, the Goddess of Love. Freya was the Northern European Venus, so it is more fitting that Freya gave her name to Friday.

So what does this all man, now that we know the Planets or Gods or qualities of the days of the week. It means that we have a magical tool that is used in spell crafting. If you want to effectively do a working, you should use all of the tools at your disposal. You use the proper color candle, the proper incense, the right frame of mind, so why not do your spell on the right day.

Spells for money, "gold", for things that are represented by the Sun are done on Sunday.

Spells dealing with travel, with changes, moving and other things represented by the Moon are done on Monday.

Spells of a fiery nature, of dealing with blood, fire, action, battles and incidentally healing (surgery is blood) are done on Tuesday.

Spells in which the mind is important, in which knowledge is desired are done on Wednesday. This would also include divination and of psychic" communication.

Spells in which a great increase is desired, or spells in which you are dealing with "great" objects, such as the legal system, large companies or institutions are done on Thursday.

Love spells are done on Friday. Friday is the day of romance and pleasure. This is the day that you work for things that are pleasing to you, for things that bring about harmony and cooperation.

Saturday is for learning lessons or teaching lessons. This is the day for doing binding rituals, rituals to keep someone away from you or to keep them from hurting you. This is also the day to work magic for vengeance, to attack another, but please be mindful of the "law of three-fold return". What ever you send out, you also will receive, three times greater. The short version of Wiccan Rede states, "Lest in self-defense it be, Ever mind the rule of three." I had a friend that told me that it was easier to think of bombarding an
enemy with hearts, than with arrows, and the results is more gratifying.

Use the qualities of the days to plan meetings, to plan gatherings, etc. is your gathering to be something that is to flow easily, to "move to the beat", to deal with things ethereal? If so, plan on a Monday meeting. Are you going to hammer out policy? Are you expecting a lot of activity? Do it on a Tuesday? Do you want to learn, to explore things that make you think? Wednesday. And so on....

Tune into the meaning of the days. Look further into the mythologies. For centuries, this has been the way of magic and by virtue of constantly using these correlations, a certain amount of the specific energies are built up on these traditional days. The wise person uses all tools available.

Keywords: heal energy americas  card tricks  kitchen witch  old spells  blackmagic  white witch  wicca pagan  plant healing consciousness  have animal  

Sunday 27 August 2006

What Is Paganism

What Is Paganism Cover
"The term Pagan has numerous common definitions. Many dictionaries define a Pagan as anyone not of the Judeo-Islamic-Christian religions. Some people consider anyone who does not share their religion to be a Pagan. Still others believe that a Pagan is a person who is anti-religion. None of these "definitions" manage to capture the true meaning of the term.

"To discover the core meaning of Pagan, we look back to ancient times when the word Pagan referred to a person of the country, or a peasant.

{deletia... in summary, several paragraphs relating the history of the Catholic Church and the poor peasants' inability to relate. Brief description of the "glory of the Goddess and God in each starry night" and note of the inconsistencies of the original Pagan beliefs with the Catholic church. Also, several paragraphs detailing the development of of the Church's campaign to expunge Paganism, some of the methods employed and the subsequent Witch Hunts. Finally, an overall summary of the persecution. If interested, let me know and I'll post it separately.}

"Paganism in Modern Times

"Today, little is known about the Pagans who survived what is now often called "The Burning Times." Paganism, as it exists today, is best described as the practice of any of a number of nature-based religions, traditions that find their roots all over the world. {Liana- sound familiar?} Many modern Pagans call themselves "Neo-Pagans" to declare their religion as a revival of the old beliefs.

{more deletia... in summary, two paragraphs comparing contemporary Pagans to the peasants of old, extolling our intelligence and involvement in technology. Also a paragraph defusing the Satanism comparison. Again, if interested, let me know and I'll post it.}

"What do Modern Pagans Believe?

"Paganism is actually a large umbrella containing a number of nature-based religions beneath it, from the European-originated Wicca and Druidism, to African Yoruba traditions and Hawaiian Huna. As a result of this diversity, it is impossible to make statements about the beliefs of Pagans that will apply to *all* {italics} Pagans. However, some statements can be made that will, in general, apply to a vast number of Pagans.

"Many Pagans tend to:

"* Be polytheists, believing in more than one deity or more than one aspect of a single deity.

"* Be pantheists, seeing the God/Goddess force represented in everything around them.

"* Recognize the divinity of the feminine as well as the masculine, not seeing masculinity as a superior force.

"* Believe that the life force is sacred, and that nature, as a vital representation of that force, is divine.

"* Believe that all life forms are equal, sharing an equal claim to the earth as a home.

"* Believe that each individual is solely responsible for his or her actions.

"* Believe that the forces of nature can be shaped in ways commonly called "magical."

"* Believe that magical acts designed to bend one to another's will are manipulative, and not encouraged.

"* Believe that whatever actions a person takes, magical or mundane, good or bad, come back to him/her, sometimes threefold.

"* Believe that there is no single path to spiritual fulfillment, and that the individual must determine the spiritual expression most appropriate to him or her.

"* Believe in reincarnation, or some form of life after death.

How do Pagans Practice Their Religion?

"Many Pagans find spiritual expression through the practice of ritual, or religious ceremony. These rituals, often held at significant points in lunar or solar cycles, offer an opportunity for Pagans to commune with the Goddesses and Gods, to celebrate the passages of life, and to work magic.

{deletia... in summary, paragraphs relating techniques to "raise power" explaining that we don't espouse "power over" (my words). Also outlines goals that many pagans have in mine when raising of power. Outlines the sabbats, and relates the pattern of the seasons. Briefly describes Beltane and Samhain. Once again, let me know if you would like to see this text.}

"Each Pagan religion has its own special way of recognizing the passing of the seasons and personal life passages. Ritual offers a way to imbue these moments with magic and reverence.

{deletia... last paragraph giving information on how the reader can learn more about Paganism, specifically in the Bay Area, and relating the goal that BAPA has in mind.}

Keywords: armanen runes  speak dead communication  salem with account  salem village writers  england hartford 1660  witchcraft defamed tricks  

Thursday 29 June 2006

Casting Circle Method 2

Casting Circle Method 2 Cover
Begin by placing candles that represent the elements in the directions they are associated with, North (earth), gets a green candle, East (air) gets a yellow, South (fire) gets red and West (water) gets blue. Set up your altar within and place a chalice of water and a bowl of salt there also. Light the candles, light the incense of your choice and bless the water with your wand, saying:

"I consecrate and cleanse this water that it be purified and fit to dwell within the sacred circle. In the name of the Mother Goddess and the Father God, I consecrate this water."

Bless the salt with the wand:

"I bless this salt so it may be fit to dwell within the sacred circle. In the name of the Mother Goddess and the Father God I bless this salt."

Face the north with wand, sword or athame at waist level and walk around the circle's perimeter either deosil (clockwise, for spells of invitation or increase) or widdershins (counterclockwise, for spells of banishment or uncrossing, dark moon rituals). As you do this, repeat:

"Here is the boundary of the circle. Naught but love shall enter in, naught but love shall emerge from within. Charge this by your power, old ones."

When circle is complete, sprinkle salt around it (deosil or widdershins) beginning in the north. Repeat with water, then lit incense, then hand (while envisioning a white hot fire emerging from your fingertips) so that the circle is sealed with representation of earth, water, air and fire.

Calling Elemental Spirits

Hold wand above head and petition the directions:

"O Watcher of the North, Guardian of all earth, I call upon you to join my circle tonight and join in my magickal workings and spiritual endeavors."

"O Watcher of the East, Guardian of the air and all that inhabits the skies, I call upon you to join my circle tonight and join in my magickal workings and spiritual endeavors."

"O Watcher of the South, Guardian of heat and fire, I call upon you to join my circle tonight and join in my magickal workings and spiritual endeavors."

"O Watcher of the West, Guardian of the waters, lakes and oceans, I call upon you to join my circle tonight and join in my magickal workings and spiritual endeavors."

Face each direction as you call it and visualize the energy of each element in it's candle color. You are now ready to invoke deities and perform your ritual or spell.

Leaving The Circle

To leave the circle for any reason requires a doorway. Visualize a door being cut with the athame and the energies absorbed in the handle. Exit and reseal around the same cut.

To Disperse The Circle

Face North with wand as in the calling and recite:

"Farewell, Spirit of the North. Thank you for your presence this night. Go in power.
Farewell, Spirit of the East. Thank you for your presence this night. Go in power.
Farewell, Spirit of the South. Thank you for your presence this night. Go in power.
Farewell, Spirit of the West. Thank you for your presence this night. Go in power."

Pierce the circle at waist level with the athame and move deosil or widdershins around the circle (whatever is the opposite direction you cast in). The energy will return to the knife.

"Circle open, but unbroken. Power down, to the ground".

Tags: cleansing consecrating  asatru pagan community  greek chakras  asking questions  fish symbol  becoming witch  create sacred permanent  gays craft  pagan circle  cauldron  grimoirum grimoire  casting spells  druids traditions twenty  down witches worshippers  white witch  white magic  detzniyutha that which  

About Chakras

About Chakras Cover
Located on top of the head.
Color- violet
Stones – diamond or quartz crystal
For – inspiration, wisdom and spirituality
When unbalanced, may feel depression or lack of grounding and inspiration. To
balance, meditate and let energy work.

Located at base of spine.
Color – red
Stones – ruby, red jasper or garnet
For – good health, survival instincts, vitality and male sexuality
When unbalanced, one may feel violence, anger, constipation, and have survival
fears. To balance, spend some time each day sitting on the ground, and dance.

Located in lower belly
Color – orange
Stones – amber and citrine
For – creativity, female sexuality, desire and pleasure
When unbalanced, one feels jealousy and possessiveness and may experience sexual
problems. To balance, try sexual healing, creative dance or yoga.

Located between chest and naval
Color – yellow
Stones – gold and tiger's eye
For – will, determination, assertion, power and laughter.
When unbalanced, one feels a lack of will, anger, poor digestion, fear and hate.
To balance, rub belly and breathe through the diaphragm.

Located in area of center chest
Color – green
Stones – emerald, malachite, green jade
For – unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness, group consciousness, peace
and tolerance. When unbalanced, you feel anger, heart problems, rigidity or lack
of love. To balance, serve others and not yourself.

Located – at throat
Color – sky blue
Stones – lapis lazuli, sodalite, blue quartz
When unbalanced, you may feel difficulty communicating and feel all your
emotions in your throat. To balance, sing, chant, hum and breathe consciously.

Located between eyebrows
Color – indigo
Stones – indigo blue or amethyst
For – intuition, imagination and visualization
When unbalanced, one may experience headaches or lack of meditative abilities.
To balance, meditate.

Tags: altar ritual  sephirah chokmah  about discordian  sacred pentagram  study planetary system  history modern celebration  your path  design rituals  only book love  claim discrimination church  card tricks  dead spirit communication  collection potions recipes  illusion  magick spells afghan  wiccan supplies  moon goddess america  

Wednesday 28 June 2006

Lost Books List

Lost Books List Cover

(The Lost Books of the Bible)
1. The Gospel of the Birth of Mary
2. Protoevangelion
3. 1 The first Gospel of the INFANCY of Jesus Christ
4. 2 Thomas's Gospel of the INFANCY of Jesus Christ
5. Epistle of Christ & Abgarus
6. Gospel of Nicodemus (formerly Acts of Pontius Pilate
7. The Apostles' Creed
8. Epistle of Paul to Laodiceans
9. Epistles of Paul & Seneca
10.Acts of Paul & Thecla
11.1 Epistle of Clement to Corinthians
12.2 Epistle of Clement to Corinthians
13.Epistle of Barnabus
14.Epistle of Ignatius to Ephesians
15.Epistle of Ignatius to Magnesians
16.Epistle of Ignatius to Trallians
17.Epistle of Ignatius to Romans
18.Epistle of Ignatius to Philadelphians
19.Epistle of Ignatius to Smyrnaeans
20.Epistle of Ignatius to Polycarp
21.Epistle of Polycarp to Philippians
22.1 Hermas Visions
23.2 Hermas Commands
24.3 Hermas Similitudes
25.Letters of Herod & Pilate
26.The Lost Gospel of Peter
(Forgotten Books of Eden).
27.The conflict of ADAM & EVE w/Satan
28.2 The 2nd book of ADAM & EVE
29.The Book of the Secrets of Enoch
30.The Psalms of Solomon
31.Odes of Solomon
32.Letter of Aristeas
33.4th book of MACCABEES
34.Story of Ahikar
35.Testament of Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulum, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Joseph, and Benjamin


Total of 52 Works
1. The Prayer of the Apostle Paul
2. The Apocryphon (secret book) of James
3. The Gospel of Truth
4. The Treatise on Resurrection
5. The Tripartite Tractate
6. The Apocryphon of John
7. The Gospel of Thomas
8. The Gospel of Phillip
9. The Hypostasis of the Archons
10.On the Origin of the World
11.The Exegesis on the Soul
12.The Book of Thomas the Contender
13.The Gospel of the Egyptians
14.Eugnostos of the Blessed
15.The Sophia of Jesus Christ
16.The Dialogue of the Savior
17.The Apocalypse of Paul
18.The First Apocalypse of James
19.The Second Apocalypse of James
20.The Apocalypse of Adam
21.The Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostles
22.The Thunder, Perfect Mind
23.Authoritative Teaching
24.The Concept of Our Great Power
25.The Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth
26.The Prayer of Thanksgiving (+ scribal note)
28.The Paraphrase of Shem
29.The Second Treatise of the Great Seth
30.Apocalypse of Peter
31.The Teachings of Silvanus
32.The Three Steles of Seth
34.The Letter of Peter to Phillip
36.The Thought of Norea
37.The Testimony of Truth
39.The Interpretation of Knowledge
40.A Valentinian Exposition
41.On the Anointing
42.On Baptism A
43.On Baptism B
44.On the Eucharist A
45.On the Eucharist B
48.The Sentences of Sextus
49.The Gospel of Truth
50.Trimorphic Protennoia
51.The Gospel of Mary
52.The Act of Peter
**.A section of Plato's "Republic" was also found together with the
above works.


Total of 15 works
1. 1 Esdras
2. 2 Esdras
3. Tobit
4. Judith
5. Remaining Chapters of the Book of Esther
6. Wisdom of Solomon
7. Ecclesiasticus (Wisdom of Jesus son of Sirach)
8. Baruch
9. A Letter of Jeremiah
10.The Song of Three
11.Daniel and Susanna
12.Daniel, Bel, and the Snake (or Dragon)
13.Prayer of Manasseh
14.1 Maccabees
15.2 Maccabees

Total of 102 non-canonical works in three collections. There are still other works than these! It should be noted here that some of the Apocrypha are recognized as canon by some and are contained in some translations of Bible, usually included between the Old and New Testaments.

Tags: black pagan  rules common courtesy  early culdees  night soul  pagan manners  kabbalistic correspondenses  quilting craft  danger evaluation  from mithriac ritual  sefer zohar idra  luciferian witchcraft  find magic  only happiness prosperity  natural hearth home  whitemagic  creator magickal  hermetic work  

Monday 19 June 2006

Ways To Attract Faeries Into Your Home

Ways To Attract Faeries Into Your Home Cover
I love looking for fairies and have been blessed with the ability to commune with them for many years now. So when I moved into my own house, I was determined to create a beautiful fairy garden. I soon discovered, however, that there is more to making a fairy garden than simply planting pretty flowers and letting a small patch grow wild!

(Be Warned!, Once they are invited in, they may never leave)

1.Spend time in nature.
2.Meditate while sitting under trees, around lakes, etc.
3.Have plants and flowers inside your house or apartment.
4.Be cognizant of the abuses of nature and do your part to clean it up and reverence it.
5.Involve yourself in some creative activity on a regular basis. You don't have to be expert in it, but enjoyment of any creative activity will draw those of the faerie realm.
6.Leave an area in your yard to grow wild so that the faeries can play freely.
7.Be generous in your dealings with others.
8.Keep the child in you alive.
9.Place an echinite (fossil sea urchin) on your mantelpiece. They were called faerie loaves, made by the faeries. Those who had them would never want for food and always had faerie assistance.
10.Sing often. Nature spirits gather wherever there is song and music.
11.Keep your house relatively clean. Unless you are trying to attract a brownie, most faeires shy away from mess.
12.Once you have a faerie in your home, never leave it monatary gifts. A thimble of milk and a little bread with honey will do just fine.

Ways to Attract Fairies to your Garden

Do you want to design a garden that is an absolute haven for fairies? More and more people are awakening to the knowledge that fairies, like angels, are very real indeed. Although we cannot usually see them with the physical eye, they are there in elemental form, and it is possible to train your mind to connect with them. There is more information on how to do this at one of the links at the bottom of this page (just don't forget to come back and learn how to make your beautiful garden!)

There are lots of things to consider when designing your fairy garden and becoming an instant magnet for fairies!

* Flowers
* Trees
* Colours
* Sounds
* Scents
* Hiding places
* Provisions for wildlife
* Being eco-friendly
* Your native soil and weather conditions

And much more!

Offerings to Attract Fairies to your garden

Once your garden is ready for fairies, there are a few extra enticements to help bring them out of their hiding places.

* Put out offerings, such as bread, milk, honey, cream, milk, mead or sweet treats
* Leave gifts, such as home baked cakes, handmade crafts or natural objects like crystals and shells
* Put out little houses and shelters for the fairies to play in. You can learn how to make one here or, if you're not creative, use small birdhouses
* Play enchanting music, or hang musical objects like windchimes. Fairies love sound and song!

Finally, laugh and play in your garden. After all, more than anything else, fairies love to have fun!

Plants to Attract Fairies to your Garden

Sacred trees, native wildflowers and magical scented herbs are a great starting point for your garden. If a plant is attractive to wildlife then it will be attractive to fairies too! At you will learn about using different flowers for different themes, seasons and areas of your garden.

Remember to tend your plants regularly, and make sure you use eco-friendly methods, preferably organic! Don't just throw weeds and fallen leaves away, make use of them in compost or mulch, and if you have to get rid of some pests, either use organic pesticides or even better, unleash an army of predators via biological control!

Tags: pagan manners  ideas merlin enchanter  quest truth  computer blessing  modern celebration wicca  cult looks  covenant goddess  wheel year  bringing your  grimoire complete book  pagan jewelry  practical beginners energy  energy house  magick beginning what  magia  alter wiccan  brief ritual  wiccan names  

Saturday 10 June 2006

Bedtime Prayers

Bedtime Prayers Cover

Bedtime Prayer I

Written by: Druidh and Cricketmouse

This is a little bed-time poem me and my husband wrote...actually I use to sing the first line when driving down dark country roads at night to calm my nerves, then my husband added more.

Faerie bless, and Faerie keep
Faeire watch me while I sleep.
Protect my hearth. Protect my home.
Protect my spirit as I roam.
Faerie guide me through the night
And keep away the shapeless fright.
Faerie bless and Faerie keep
Faerie watch me as I sleep.

Bedtime Prayer II

Written by: Tanney

Bright light, White light
Take away my fright
Don't let the darkness scare me.
There's nothing here to fear
Let me sleep the whole night long,
For I am safe in here.
White Light, Bright Light
Protect me throughout the night.

This should be done cupping hands as if holding a ball of white light. Toss ball into the air and imagine it bursting to fill the whole room with protection.

Bedtime Prayer III

Written by: Lady Skylark

Day is done, it's time for bed
Goddess bless my sleepy head
Earth and Water, Air and Fire
Bring gentle dreams as I retire
When the morning sun does rise
The God will bless my open eyes

Bedtime Prayer IV

Copyright 1992 K.Dyer

Now I lay me down to sleep
In the twilight dark sae deep
Lord and Lady in thy Light
Keep me safe and well this night

Bedtime Prayer V

By: Megan

Now I lay me down to sleep
Through the twilight, and dark so deep
Earth and Water, Fire and Air
Stay with me while Mom's not there
Elements guide me through the night
And leave with thanks at mornings light

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Friday 9 June 2006

Casting A Sacred Circle

Casting A Sacred Circle Cover
Many times we are asked "how do you cast a circle?" There are so many different was that this can be done. Differs from each Tradition to the next. Even within our own Avaloian Tradition we make improvisions on this.

The main factor is to cast a sacred space. A space that separates this world from the other. A space that we ourselves make holy. And that is what is important. A space that you set aside from all else, to glorify and exalt. For you are the one casting, cleansing, purifying, and setting it aside from all else.

Before you cast, one should make sure of the intent of casting. Ask yourself why you are doing it. Once you have this the gathering is made easier. If you are doing this with a group of people One must be chosen to be the Lord or Lady. The Lord or Lady usually has one person who waits them. This is not to say the Lord or Lady is higher than they, but the fact that they shall be the God/dess incarnate. You may also do this solitary. Depending on the amount tending.

The Lord/Lady has the sword brought to them. All else are standing outside where the circle is to be cast. The Lord/Lady takes the sword and walk deosil (clockwise) around the space to be cast. The wait has a small bell with them. Beginning at the East, the sword, in a non-threatening manner, is raised. The wait rings the bell. All fill fall silent. Moving clockwise the Lord/Lady salute each direction. If there are four novices present each will stand to the directions as the Lord/Lady passes.
Lord/Lady: Let all those that wish to partake enter ye now ! (the bell is rung)

Everyone enters by stepping forward (no actual circle has been cast yet)

Wait: My Lord/Lady all those that wish to partake in this Magickal Rite are now present. I pray you, cast the Sacred Circle.

Lord/Lady: What thou doth sees makes here this night, shall be forever within this circle. So Mote It Be !

(When anyone speaks the So Mote It Be or Blessed Be, all shall repeat it)

Again at the East, the Lord/Lady takes the sword and draws within the ground or upon the floor the circle saying as the pass...

"I draw this magick circle let no evil or ill will cross its mark."

Once the Lord/Lady has reached the East again, They take the sword and place it upon the shoulders of the novice, and says...

"be thou the guardian of this gate... I call I summon I stir oh ye spirits of Air, come forth now I pray thee and witness our Rite. So Mote It Be!"

The Guardian answers: I am he/she the guardian, no evil or ill will shall pass by me, My Lord/Lady.

the Wait rings the bell

The Lord/Lady goes to each quarter and perform the same, on each guardian. The Wait will ring the bell as each guardian answers.

Once the quarters are called the Lord/Lady goes to the center of the circle as the Wait performs the cleansing of the circle with salt and water.

Incense can be used instead of salt and water mixture. The Lord/Lady summons the spirit of the Great Lady and the Great Lord by saying....

Great Lady witness now your children who stand before you in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Standing East, with the censer the Lord/Lady says....

Great Maiden Come To Us.....

All repeat....

Standing South, with the torch or candle the Lord/Lady says....

Great Mother Come To Us....

All repeat...

Standing West, with chalice of wine or water, the Lord/Lady says...

Ancient Queen of Wisdom Come To Us....

All repeat...

Standing North, with the salt, the Lord/Lady says....

Brother Come To Us...

All Repeat...

Drumming, rattles, any form of music making can be added to this. As you can take note there really isn't any particular God or Goddess called, this is the Avaloian Tradition. All Gods are one God, all Goddesses are one Goddess.
So there is the very basic beginnings of Magical Workings... you can take it from here..... Do What Thou Wilt, Save Harm None, Shall Be the Whole.

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