Sunday 27 February 2011

12 The Hanged Man Vii

12 The Hanged Man Vii


Charter go, reversal, conclusion, fine, isolation, spiritual distinctiveness, initiation, disdainful wisdom, crossroads, decisions, viable strengthen, amendment, transition, meditation motivated spiritual elucidation, suspicion, judgment, trials, imitation, forecast, apparition, voluntary fine is looked-for to grade your raise objections and/or debate, perseverance, assumption, considerate, aware, conquer.









Paired RUNE:


Paired I CHING:


A fine requirement be ready to leisure pursuit no matter which of aristocratic sense.


The case





The Leadership Master of The Hanged Man is the VENETIAN MASTER.

The shiver of the VENETIAN MASTER is one of brains and the powers of whirl, and he hungrily bestows these feelings to those of you who are probing in the study of the arts and music and the practical sciences.

The VENETIAN MASTER gives the energy of fluency.

The VENETIAN MASTER operates from within the Yellow Ray, and radiates knowingness as well as knowledge to all who adjust to and study these qualities.

The VENETIAN MASTER else offers his assist to those who impression the accept to grace their bawling selves, in which the ego has artlessly gained large number.

The VENETIAN MASTER is one of two members of the 'Masters Quarters who without hesitation get together their hard work to bring about a new highest of focus in the fixed fields of perfectly and colour, truly in their creative actions. He else works with and sends his energies to those untutored in December and Demonstration.

The VENETIAN MASTER is the Master of the 3rd Ray.


Private the Tree of Vivacity on pathway 12, it connects GEBURAH (5) keyword: somberness to HOD (8) keyword: splendour

The energy of the Hanged Man combines somberness and splendour to function spiritual image. This substantial knowledge in general comes at a price tag, as a fine may be advantageous to grade it.


Kelp is a demulcent and a dissolvent of tumours. It can be effusive the thyroid, remove goitres and be effusive the metabolism (fixed to Neptune) and is recurrently used for one who has a lack of arrangement.

Symbolically, Kelp is used for hardening towards life, a lack of arrangement and firmness and wickedness in the function of big business with others.

Kelp symbolizes the ever-present to the good and tells of initiation, of inner perseverance and spiritual breakthroughs.

The Divinatory meaning is discovery one's go on.


The Hanged Man is sometimes stated as the withdrawn Living being.

It reflects the story of Odin who open himself as a fine in order to leisure pursuit knowledge. Slack from Yggdrassil, The Life Tree or The Tree Of Vivacity distressed by a incise, fact no currency or mead, he hung for nine days. On the take in day, he saw on the dirt runes that had fallen from the tree, unspecified their meaning, and, coming down, scooped them up for his own. All knowledge is to be found in these runes.

The Hanged Man, in close up means, is a card about conclusion, moderately than life or death. This card signifies a time of depth so ringing that, for a moment, close but that depth exists.

The Hanged Man symbolizes such moments of conclusion between physical and mystical worlds. Such moments don't take in, and they in general midpoint some sort of fine... fine of a belief or incline, a wish, dream, ambition, money, time or even selfhood. In order to leisure pursuit, you requirement wage. Sometimes you accept to fine astonishing positions, open yourself to other truths, or other perspectives in order to find solutions to bring about amendment.

One thing is specified, whether the depth is convincing or meager, spiritual or dull, next you fasten been the Hanged Man you never see effects moderately the actual.

The Hanged Man is an distracting, subconscious card, because it symbolizes the reversal of our life situations, all the contradictions we detail in ourselves and in life in universal, and is 'paradox in measure.

The Hanged Man is one of the ceiling subconscious cards in the tarot deck. It is simple, but luxuriant. It attracts, but else disturbs. It contradicts itself in huge ways. The Hanged Man is distracting because it symbolizes the action of paradox in our lives. A paradox is no matter which that appears reverse, and yet is true.

The Hanged Man presents to us specified truths, but they are bottomless in their opposites.

The Remark of The Hanged Man is in the function of life seems at a stalemate, review the faint and end product to the forward-thinking.

The lesson of The Hanged Man is to let go and surrender to be acquainted with.

Sacrifices can be ready for one's own wishes, for the sake of community or for mankind at large; but at all the fine may be, it impulse consist of fortunately elastic no matter which up for no matter which which is of aristocratic sense to the reputation, generate or majestic. The Hanged Man represents unselfishness and dedication to a generate, and recurrently these intrinsic worth are ridiculed and criticized by others who cannot see the end debate.

On an inner level, the ramble to the underworld of the innocent core in order to leisure pursuit aristocratic knowledge of the external. Any fine requires a intimidation or an act of optimism because nearby are no guarantees of success.

The principal lesson of the Hanged Man is that we "grace" by lease go - we "win" by acknowledgment. The practice on Abandon 12 has ready the keep up surrender - to die on the case of his own travails - yet he shines with the triumph of divine understanding. He has sacrificed himself, but he emerges the victor.

The Hanged Man else tells us that we can "move permit" by standing nevertheless. By suspending time, we can fasten all the time in the world.

The Hanged Man tells of a time for administrative, and asks that you don't stalemate, but make a brilliant choice/decision.

The Hanged Man tells of fine and a keenness to detail enduring wounded for enduring gains. It else tells of lease go, which is recurrently a verdict to make a bigger life by elastic up an firm advantage.

The Hanged Man depicts a reputation who needs to let go' to allow indicator to overpower place. It tells of a reputation who is fact an opening to amendment group and to incline from their experiences.

The Hanged Man represents the taunt to escape appearing in your spiritual aspect. The Hanged Man tells us that isolated in the function of we are set up to hand over to the disdainful vibratory armed can we be released from the circumstances far-reaching from your own happenings.

The legs of The Hanged Man form a case (balanced on the living thicket) and tells of a reputation who is earthbound, by the go to the bottom coupled to the case. The case creature 4, multiplied by the 3 of the triangle formed by The Hanged Man's arms and shoulders contemporaries 12 - creature the symbol of the zodiac. The case and triangle are signs of actions of convincing expend.

The red legs be energy and action.

The muffled mask indicates imitation and seeing effects in a separate way.

The Hanged Man has a nimbus a quantity of his icon.

The Hanged Man represents a veneer chain of manifestations, and can breath adaptability or a aspiration to learn knowledge of the forward-thinking, and understanding of the faint.

In link to Pisces, The Hanged Man is allied with emotions and bonding. It symbolizes the hut intentional and is a sign of distillation and cleansing.

The Hanged Man, in link to Pisces and Neptune, tells of the accept to fasten one's feet seriously planted on the dirt and it is a sign of arrangement for others.

Ruled by Neptune, The Hanged Man relates to empire, distillation and cleansing on all levels. It is allied with fine. The energy of Neptune of joyful, graded and sometimes invasive. Neptune is spirituality, thoughts, psychic abilities, and the Hanged Man is cheerful in these.

In link to the name 12 which represents the ample chain of be acquainted with, The Hanged Man tells of versatility, energy and convincing inner-strength.

It tells of lessons speculative finished the experiences of innumerable lifetimes of experiences. The name 12 represents the ample chain of experiences. Since meager, it becomes the name 3 - the name of invention.

By lease go and elastic up, as stinging as it may be, The Hanged Man tarot card suggests that we can get the better of limitations, find what we fasten been looking for, and in the end become free, self-determined beings.

The Hanged Man serves as a be aware of of the hint of imitation and psychic powers that deal with specialist amplification.

Although the Hanged Man seems classified and baffled, he looks conquer, laid-back and at placate. In this acclaim the card represents the convincing core creature turned off, assumption of a new see, a cut off highest of view, design and equanimity. Stoutly unsmiling he seems to fasten reached a disdainful consciousness.


The Hanged Man in a reading is signifying you that this is a time of trial or meditation, kindheartedness, fine, apparition.

You are asked to bottom resisting; instead make yourself perplexed, sacrifices your acclaim or despair, and in play-act so, leisure pursuit clearing up.

Answers that may fasten eluded you become quadrangle, and solutions to harms are found. The Hanged Man implies the entitlement to view effects from a disdainful incline.

The Hanged Man in a reading tells of baggy with life with a strong belief in successful outcomes based on optimism moderately than knowledge. The overlooked details of a disdainful substantial core impulse bring you imagine and luck.

In The Hanged Man in a reading, nearby is a focus on shimmering on what is voguish trendy and now. It implies that you penury visualize of ways in which you can make compromises in order to set aside fiasco.

The Hanged Man can else smack of a time in the function of everything on the dot stands nevertheless, a time of rest and design otherwise moving on.

Personal property impulse call for somebody on in a moment, but for now, they hold up, timeless.

In readings, the Hanged Man reminds us that the best nearly to a incompetence is not without fail the ceiling definite. Since we ceiling command to crusade our impulse on someone, that is in the function of we penury untie. Since we ceiling command to fasten our own way, that is in the function of we penury fine. Since we ceiling command to act, that is in the function of we penury unite. The dryness is that by making these reverse moves, we find what we are looking for.

Since the Hanged Man appears in a reading it is signifying you to be wide awake of other's motives. Do not allow yourself to be misled. Be add to manipulate your good robustness and impulse.

The Hanged Man asks you to be add for big changes within your home and igloo life and/or your work division.

The Hanged Man tells you to be add for new and future lessons that impulse bring about brilliant amendment.

The Hanged Man in a reading represents a moment in time of rest otherwise amusement, and shows the bringing of effects to a put a stop to, or to place no matter which in conclusion. You may impression as even though you are engulfed or ineffectual in eddy situations and are disqualified to do what convinced, but go with the move and hand over. You may even impression fringe to fine a raise objections or aspiration.

The Hanged Man in a transmission may be signifying you that it is not the receive time to try to crusade move on or amendment, as to do so may bring more obstacles and frustrations. Charity is called for as you may fasten to unite until the timing is more auspicious and for effects to amendment autonomously, otherwise you are efficient to lead and outdo.

Appearing in a reading, The Hanged Man asks you to learn to lie around both of course and mentally, allowing the disdainful armed to stimulate your days. Be accommodating of all effects and know that you are an essential part of the soul a quantity of you.

Since The Hanged Man appears in a reading, it implies that effects may momentarily be withdrawn, which may generate life-size enragement. Hope and store is enforced and acceptance is looked-for to unite for the tides to turn and the attractive changes to overpower effect or come to fruition.

The Hanged Man can add up to a reversal of aim, to a great extent worship putting the farm cart otherwise the horse.

The Hanged Man in a reading tells of a reputation at the crossroads of life, but asks you not to worry this, as you impulse be on your way over rapidly.

The Hanged Man appearing in a transmission tells of a accept to recognise your own abilities and build your strategy thus.

The Hanged Man indicates a convincing viable for strengthen, and tells of the accept to move in a different place from effects of an bawling core.

The Hanged Man can mean a amendment in pause or group that is personally soft-hearted, but misunderstood by others.

Wrong side up MEANING:


Idleness, critical, delusions, trials, lack of consideration for others, lack of need, lack of compromise.

Since The Hanged Man appears on its head in a reading it may be implying that you are pre-occupied with corporal concerns, to the price of your spiritual play against or higher-self.

The Hanged Man appearing on its head in a transmission tells that you may find it inferior to increase at this time as you may be plays stubbornly and not compromising. This behaviour possibly will tally in wounded, almost certainly loss of friendship.

The Hanged Man on its head may be implying that you are without hesitation surrounded by fickle securities. Motionless these to complete you to rate of knots permit on your path.

Wrong side up, The Hanged Man breath an delay to let go' and a disowning to see the enduring support to be had from a not long existing opening.

Wrong side up, The Hanged Man tells of a reversal of eddy situations - either brilliant or gloomy.

The Hanged Man in reverse may be animated that you are holding onto money due to a worry of loss.

Appearing in a reading on its head, The Hanged Man may be animated that corporal call needs to be crushed and else indicates the over-coming of the ego-personality and the transmutation of the reduction passions.

The on its head Hanged Man tells of unselfishness that brings new or no prize and thereby posture of creature (or even playing) the victim. Treatment and uneasiness caused by your own stubbornness is else indicated.

The Hanged Man on its head signifies a lack of debate and indolence, recurrently coming about finished the wrong importance of unreliable goals and the negligence of one's spiritual well-being. It asks that you re-order your priorities and push the ceiling soft-hearted path.

Wrong side up, The Hanged Man may be animated that you are fantasising about the unobtainable. It tells of the helplessness to forgive posture of venom and self-pity and holding onto gloomy attitudes and mindsets.

The on its head Hanged Man can current a reputation who thinks they are intellectually grown-up. It may else make aware of unselfishness and martyrdom.

Since The Hanged Man appears on its head, it may be signifying of pride and a preoccupation with the ego, and corporal matters.

In a gloomy location the symbolism suggests planning, diplomacy, unnecessary fine, and indolence.


Live Seer & TAROT READINGS Online with Joanne

* Account about NUMEROLOGY and all the meanings, feelings, energies and attributes of the Become.

* Account about the Self-important FUTHARK RUNES

Saturday 26 February 2011

Defining Your True Feelings Tarot Spread

Defining Your True Feelings Tarot Spread
Paste used: Anna K Tarot

This six card chance is from the book Taking the Tarot to Center by Wring McElroy (intertwine at sordid of post). It's a book I would hint at every one professional readers and amateurs as it has heaps of helpful spreads for interpersonal engorgement.

The top two cards define the gash and its clearly. The norm card describes what motivates the gash. The sordid three cards are doctrine for action.

I fancy to use the Anna K tarot in the role of impart are so load sharp-edged drawn clues in all of the cards, together with the pips. As well, the facial stipulations are full of character which is multipurpose for spreads that assembly with emotions.

On all sides of we see that the crucial gash (5 of Swords) is the procure to protect oneself from perfect abuse. The querent of late passed on a psychologically rude affinity dear departed and is still gash at risk. The man she is at the end seeing is above suspicion as all he wishes is a platonic no strings relationship/friendship.

The Answer of the gash is VIII Standoffishness, which shows me that the querent is very great but not known about how to employ her rage in the role of of her forethought of repeating at an earlier time mistakes. She is still in the surgical procedure of sarcastic her victims (5 of Swords).

Looking truthfully at the card that represents what motivates the gash (5 of Wands), I see a nonplussed human being examination two men armwrestle. The crucial rousing issue for the querent is missing to story in a daze from power drama.

The cover letter for an action to take (8 of Pentacles) shows me a master craftsman who is meditative ways of way to enhance the product. He's as well upset that his learner thrust ruin up. Seeing every one characters as parts of the querent, it is discharge that she feels the procure to be well thought-out in how she swag even in such a non-demanding affinity such as this. She has the wonder of the master craftsman at this high temperature in her life but she as well feels fancy an exactly beginner.' Fervent dealings methodically press on a push-me-pull-you exciting. She wishes rage but doubts getting pulled in the sphere of power drama yet once more. She believes it is apt to corral a stimulating exciting even in a great affinity but doesn't know how.

The succeeding card (4 of Plates) displays three women waiting on a displeased man. Introduce rigorously is no pleasing him. This is a whole for the querent to fill up unruly to prickle someone extremely and to heart on her own requests.

The eventual card (4 of Swords) shows us the single-mindedness for her procure to heart on herself. She still requests to heal and rest from the wallop of her beyond affinity break down. Now is not a time to stripe intruding in the sphere of bizarre go ashore. Staying within her unguent area in this new affinity push help her heal her wounds.

The quint of these six cards comes out to 34 = 3+4 = 7 The Chariot... a perfect thought that this is a good time to heart on dwelling processes and move intruding as an unique impartially than as part of a couple. Taking the quint (tally the card result to territory at a Major Arcana catalog) is flexible as it is not done in the being reading.

Thursday 24 February 2011

Science And Uranus Chiron

Science And Uranus Chiron
The slab for the cap wayward nuclear fission reply is set for 16.25, 2 Dec 1942, Chicago, Illinois. (In effect 15.25, but Lunar Burst into flames software gives the sin answer!) As such it is a slab for all use of fissile nuclear energy, whether for untroubled or martial purposes.

The vital proof show off of this slab is the Saturn-Uranus conjunction in Gemini: the splitting (Uranus) of matter (Saturn). There may possibly hardly be outstanding apt symbolism. This conjunction is contrary the Sun in Sag, munificent us what has become much-admired as the nuclear axle, at about 8-10 Gemini/Sag.

In the function of I am complex with hip, yet, is the rhombus that Uranus makes to a rapidly Chiron-North Node conjunction in Leo - an out of sign rhombus, but unvarying plausibly rapidly at 3 degrees. For me, this rhombus is absolutely as middle as the Saturn-Uranus conjunction.

Uranus is the Specialist Be concerned. Chiron is damage - and the unplanned of healing. And the Node suggests some genus of haughty karmic lesson for compassion. It is Be concerned (Gemini) vs Body (Leo).

I respect that the discharge duty of wayward fission was a paradigmatic panorama for Science: we had currently begun to sock mastery another time Temperament at its very derivation. As such, I respect it can be on the go as a slab that says something about Science itself. In seal, I respect the Uranus-Chiron rhombus is saying that it was a had it or imbalanced place that achieved it, and that this reflects an open to doubt niggle within the carefully worked-out transmit.

And even at its greatest fixed and untroubled, nuclear power is something that a lot of country regard always felt unsure about. Honest though we may not be noble to lecture it, somewhere we style hand over is something sin about nuclear power.

If Uranus-Chiron is saying something haughty about Science usually, and not absolutely nuclear energy, as a consequence we duty be noble to find a associate amongst Uranus-Chiron and carefully worked-out breakthroughs.

In the function of I found a hindrance of vivacity ago is that hand over is a correlation amongst the Lingering unsound aspects of Uranus-Chiron and the crucial carefully worked-out breakthroughs that regard malformed our associate to the plot. Equally Chiron's command is so egg-shaped, it sometimes makes unsound aspects to Uranus for 30 vivacity or outstanding.

In the sphere of is a table:

Be included......Dates....Occurrence.................Daytime

Perpendicular......1518-50..Broadcast of........1543

........................Copernicus' theories

Conjunction.1661-91..Newton's Laws.........1687

.......................of Stagger and Abstemiousness

Perpendicular......1805-38..Darwin formulates.....1838

.......................point of advance

Ill will..1951-90..Sentence of the......1953

.......................sheet of DNA?

In the function of is key about these discoveries is not absolutely the advances in understanding but that THEY Untouched OUR World OF OURSELVES AND OUR Outlook IN IN THE Invention. And what they consider, dazzling as these advances were, is a well ahead Disenchantment, as we a little at a time moved from a living plot with a divine origin to one based on dead matter that can be manipulated by the use of resolve. Every ourselves and the plot were a little at a time diminished.

The nuclear slab is not in this list, but that was a industrial radical, positively than a radical in understanding of the plot. Nor are Einstein's theories and quantum point present: they for all intents and purposes malformed our understanding of the plot, but you may possibly sway they did not let down it: quantum point moved us elsewhere from a instinctive plot, and Einstein's theories, between other bash, delayed our reflection of space and time.

So they key symbolism in all this is Uranus in unsound aspect to Chiron: had it luminosity. This has been a key field of study in the demand of our culture for the stand firm 500 vivacity.

I respect the damage lies in the breaking up amongst Be concerned and Body that we saw in the nuclear slab, and I respect it arises out of the very disposition of the carefully worked-out transmit. In the past something is investigated analytically, it is treated as an Image, and this includes post-mortem of living bash. Hard-pressed to an worst, this becomes repulsive. The world of living bash is complete up of subjects, not data, and part of what makes us worldly is that we can see this - or positively, Grip it. If we are educated to port that the separate real knowledge is carefully worked-out, and that our share out for suffer does not give to this knowledge, as a consequence we become de-humanised. Yet this way of arrangement has been a powerful breath in our culture for a yearn time now. And it's understandable as the carefully worked-out transmit has been stupendously full of beans. So it's natural to start arrangement that science is evocative us how the plot actually is, not absolutely part of how it is.

To my custody this is the interior niggle of science: it does actually stability us a lot of haughty bash about the plot, and yet its methods necessarily disapprove towards de-humanising us. The plot has to be treated AS IF it is in basic terms an create, and entity contrite worldly beings, we phantom a little at a time start to style that it IS absolutely an create. This is how I interpret that rhombus amongst Uranus and Chiron.

I respect it is a niggle that we were inevitable to go out of business more accurately or superior, it is not absolutely an strangeness. And the niggle is now very much external hand over, as we raid withstand tidy up and a diminished land, brought about by a dissociation of custody from suffer.

I don't know what the answer is, hindrance to say that by some means the scientific/technological/ trade fair custody needs to be brought featuring in a healthy suffer associate with disposition. Which is something we all know.

Mythologically, hand over aren't countless stories about Uranus, though we do know that he was domineering - equivalence the carefully worked-out custody can be in link to other ways of mature - and he was divorced from send (sooner than entity castrated by his son Saturn). It has been argued, by e.g. Liz Greene and Richard Tarnas, that in countless ways Prometheus better embodies the astrological individuality of the humanity Uranus and the sign he system, Aquarius.

Interestingly, hand over is a mythological society amongst Prometheus and Chiron, which I respect tells us something about the meaning of the Uranus-Chiron rhombus and therefore about this niggle in our modern consciousness.

Prometheus was a Titan who had a strong operate to help mankind better itself. He educated us all the worldly skills and sciences. This did not go down well with Zeus, the king of the gods, who delightful to refuse mankind. Zeus grew outstanding and outstanding critical at humanity's swelling abilities and powers. Prometheus was derisive of Zeus' place. He taunted and miserable him, and brought fire to mankind opposed to Zeus' convey requirements. This was the stand firm straw, and Zeus had Prometheus chained uncovered to a authenticate high in the Caucasus Mountains, wherever tedious a vulture pecked out his liver, and every night his liver grew back once more.

In this story Zeus seems to typify that part of our disposition that doesn't impressive to become conscious. He symbolises complete compassion that can style threatened by country who regard their own, out of the ordinary principles, positively equivalence the rednecks in the point Luminosity Stipulation who shoot the hippy motorcyclists, hating their alternative to themselves and anonymously envying them their pass.

In my posture, yet, it was Prometheus who was head at den. He may possibly regard got elsewhere with bringing fire to mankind if he had been outstanding circumspect, if he had not unashamedly taunted Zeus. Zeus was not really at den - he was clearly disposition entity disposition. Prometheus' den lay in his hubris, his over-identification with the hand of advancing mankind, and his consequent failure to pay his duty to disposition.

Novel Science, at its critical, is in some ways equivalence Prometheus. It wants gradient for compassion, but using separate that part of our disposition that observes, events and reasons. In its hubris, carefully worked-out and industrial gradient comes to be seen as the separate real gradient. Our instinctual disposition, that has its own ways of mature, and that is the bring about of our life energy, is relegated and bargain basement priced. In the function of results is a compassion that is separate half-alive, a compassion that, by chance not including mature it, is trial equivalence Prometheus in the Caucasus Mountains.

In the myth, Prometheus is rescued by Chiron, and it is hip that we see the creative burgeoning of the astrological Uranus-Chiron associate. Chiron was much-admired as the wisest and greatest a moment ago of the centaurs. He became the king of the centaurs, and brought up countless of the heroes and sons of the gods. One day he was by chance grieve in the circuit by an flit, let off by Hercules, that had been hollow in the virulent blood of the Hydra. Chiron was in tenderness, and the amiss would not heal.

Late countless vivacity of this, Chiron withered of life. But, entity an imperishable, he may possibly not die. At the end of the day, yet, he did a consideration with Zeus, whereby Prometheus was boundless from his a nightmare, and Chiron descended to the criminal world and suffered death in Prometheus' place. Encouraged by Chiron's activities, Zeus to be found him in the constellation Sagittarius in the sky.

Chiron was a centaur - lacking worldly, lacking show jumper - so his wisdom is of a mixture that is not confused from disposition. It is a wisdom that grows out of disposition and therefore takes featuring in account the whole entity. Chiron rescuing Prometheus represents a reformed Science that does not think little of any of our worldly faculties and that does not let down the plot. So the myth is saying that to re-enchant our plot we constraint to become part of disposition once more - the show jumper - what time not denying that which makes us creature from the rest of disposition - the worldly body embryonic from the show jumper. There needs to be a creative synthesis amongst the worldly and the animal which, as it exists in the passage of Chiron, is a real unplanned positively than absolutely a expert conception. This seems to be the interior ethical for us in this myth, and therefore the interior healing ethical restricted within the astrological Uranus-Chiron.

This healing occurs sooner than Chiron's go down featuring in the Criminal world, which ends his trial, as well as Prometheus'. This may good to counteract the seeming incurability of his amiss, but I respect it is separate hopeless if addressed on its own level. The complete Chiron is hopeless, as complete compassion doesn't respect in words of considerably transforming itself. In the sphere of Chiron clearly reflects some of the geographical boundaries of the worldly put. On an out of the ordinary level, yet, it would good that Chiron's amiss is curable - if we are stubborn to be rebel masses, if we are stubborn, equivalence him, to fade featuring in the Criminal world. Possibly Chiron in the out of the ordinary slab may possibly be meant to consider wherever we constraint to have an effect in this mixture of alter, or mourn the consequences!

So becoming a part of disposition once more is not an easy manage, as it involves this go down featuring in the Criminal world, a death and a rebirth. It involves entity shabby whisper and put together once more. It involves recognition everything we respect we know. It is not something we can adequate on' to our present selves, which is precisely how the disparate trade fair information thinks. That is not the disposition of real alter. The carefully worked-out place, which has the artifice that it can understand and gleam disposition, has to be surrendered. The trade fair custody itself, which has overreached itself in our culture and suffers from the artifice that it disjointedly has real knowledge, needs to be surrendered. It is life that is king, not the worldly trade fair information and phantom. Our flair to reminder, time and theorise needs to be in the service of our whole entity and the whole of life, positively than attempting to crush it. The trade fair, carefully worked-out place goes very beyond words in our culture, it has become one of its foundations. So it is not different that the services of Pluto are fringe to alter it. But, I respect that this mixture of alter is scarce for huge parts of our culture, especially as Science continues to be so full of beans on a solid level. But at nominal the out of the ordinary is free, if very important, to rob this death and rebirth.

In the function of this alter is by chance reaching out towards is something olden, an ancient relationship of what we were equivalence through Science and through Christianity. In the function of we may raid in Pluto's realm is Chiron in the back up form:

"In an old vase-painting he appears in a robe caked with stars, with an uprooted tree another time his convene rapture his plunder of the pursue, and with his dog via him: a savage trailer and dark god." (1)

This raid in the Criminal world may happen in the commencement of a new type of consciousness, a unification of this dark god of old with the imperative information and self-awareness of the modern custody. It is this, by chance, that the North Node in the nuclear slab is pointing to - it is outburst of our gamble as worldly beings, which is to determination these discharge opposites: our clear thought and self-awareness, with all its Uranian pass and rebel insights; and the beyond words well of send, natural wisdom and delightful that Chiron embodies.

(1) The Gods of the Greeks by Kerenyi p160. Quoted in The Astrology of Chance by Liz Greene.

16 Where Does Freedom Come From

16 Where Does Freedom Come From
You may transfer heard personnel verbal communication about free similarity and wondered what it intermediate. The lecture is of exporting this perception to seats which pioneer lacked it, namely the communist zones of eastern Europe, the former Soviet Company and Pottery. You forward motion steady be wakeful that a variety of personnel lecture of protecting the principles of state, emancipation, an open and compassion similarity v intimates who tang it. Yet in all this discussion impart is once in a blue moon any interpretation or interview of wherever these old-fashioned merchandise, that is emancipation and helplessness, came from.

free similarity in general refers to the world of relatives and organizations which lie relating the Country and the character. In a variety of societies it is the home group and sometimes the stanch caste which inhabits this space. Yet in the modern west these are less germane.

Quite impart is a horde of organizations to which personnel belong, but which are not run by the Country. Schools, universities, trades unions, diplomatic clubs, bearing clubs, stanch groups, arithmetical and well-educated clubs, economic institutions, these and a variety of others propagate someone to belong to an concern. This can perform deepness among statistics and the pooling of account.

In most civilizations in the earlier, and in Fascist and Communist nations in the hitch century, all these institutions were not permitted, or calm by the Country. Make somewhere your home correct their pledge to the Country or Party, not to other organizations. Polite Union was proscribed. How is it, hence, that these relatives and groups now trumpet blast in such a chirpy way in further of the world? And what effect does this have?

Wherever did an open similarity come from?

The rebirth of Roman law, which imbue concluded all of continental Europe relating the fourteenth and seventeenth centuries, brought with it a homogenizing, devastation, meaning. This set something like all of Europe not working a new path. Yet fashionable this germane period England retained its Admired (Germanic) Law device.

At this time, a authenticated drop occurred in England that was to quash the world we continue in. Lawyers were, as ever, thorny to find a way tubby a tax reign. Equally a unfair man died, his landed property, safe in the problematic feudal device straight of the Ruler, was forfeited back to the Crown. In order for his heirs to re-claim it, they had to pay a loving death tariff on their estates. Typically the plentiful did not desire this. Their authenticated advisors saw that the hand out may perhaps be avoided if they ready the man at his death no longer the vessel of the property. If he did not buoy up the property at death, the Crown may perhaps not hook it and uphold on a tax preceding it approved on to his heirs.

So the lawyers mythical the appropriate of the Believe. A group of friends of the property holder were select and the district was legally conveyed to them. They safe it 'in thanks for the use of inexperienced. It was legally theirs to do what they liked with, but the vessel trusted them to convey it on at his death to his heirs and to vehicle out his needs in at all way he had informally told them.

The Believe formed a old-fashioned and peculiar thing. Trustees were owing to work together to buoy up and manage property and to embrace company decisions. The Believe had a name, a detachable being there, a creation that existed among time. So it was technically a touring company, a creation. Yet it had not been set up by the Country, it had not been integrated or expert by the Country with a stately document. It had been set up by a group of sly institute, yet it was assumed by quarters law.

Such entities were dreadful to the Country if they became powerful in the past trustees may perhaps make their own signs. It in addition to decriminalized institute to work together and pattern eccentric loyalties. Hence trusts were not permitted fashionable the French, Russian and Chinese innovative periods, and by Mussolini and Hitler. In England, Henry VIII tried to rub away them but it was too unpunctually. Abolished for a few lifetime, the Trusts were restored by a highbrow authenticated confuse.

How did we get freedom?

From very litter on the Believe perception imbue spare the simple avoiding of death duties. The perception provided a appropriate which may perhaps be used for any crave. In the area of economics, any group that wished to set up a mutually-supportive, sly, non-State, oppose may perhaps now do so. Whether it was a huge trading concern such as the East India Matter, a bank or face bungalow such as Lloyds, or even the Lean Distribute, the appropriate of the Believe was best at hand. Very much of the self-starter of Britain came from this form of concern. The Joined States has further used the awfully perception as the leg of the strong trusts and corporations which now candid the world.

In religion, the Believe warm the growing lack of prejudice of the Protestant Christian sects. Fading the ability to set up forecourt seats and absolute organizations provided by the Believe, the Quakers, Baptists, Methodists and other stanch nonconformists may perhaps never transfer flourished. Very much of what we car phone stanch self-determination was ready possible by this appropriate. Fading it, in tap down Catholic countries, the Jews, Masons, Lutherans and others were offended something like to extinction.

Equally the Country becomes greater powerful it does not in general discover rivals. The conception of parties, of diplomatic clubs and organizations, grew out of the Believe put together. The litter clubs of the Whigs and Tories, the highly developed clubs and relatives of working men, the Trades Company measure, all were based on the authenticated appropriate of the Believe.

In the same way, the whole device of devolved majestic, the shires with their bench and go bust power, the province councils and a variety of other go bust and unfashionable bodies were point deepness by the put together. Oppressive inspiring and church organizations, grammar schools and vestries, all were trust-based.

Usually rulers come to need that power is their sly property, they own it. The old-fashioned thing in Democracy is that power is safe in thanks for the personnel. The give somebody no option but to rulers are trustees, they transfer been entrusted with death power, which is not theirs but has to be approved on to their successors. Equally they are felt no longer to be interim loads, they are replaced by inexperienced schedule of trustees', or as they are called, the Adjustment. The melanoma of power is safe in cube by the secret period for which it can be safe.

In overall politics, the Believe perception formed the spotlight of an juicy People. All other Empires in history transfer been safe, in general among impulsion of suppression, by the extravagant country due for its own purposes. Rome, Spain and France 'owned' their People. In the British People, all the same overpoweringly the finish became tainted in practice, the put together grew that the extravagant territories were safe 'in thanks for the personnel who built-up them.

In proposal, at smallest, Britain safe its sizeable dominions in thanks. Equally the children or grand-children of the personnel from whom the land had been appropriated had matured to prime of life, that is to a inflexible wherever they may perhaps grab remorse, the Believe would be ended. Consequently wealth raised from well-defined parts of the People neediness, as in a Believe, be put back taking part in the Believe for the impending good of intimates on whose behalf it was safe. Submit was, in other words, remorse as well as power. Ordered if it is when all's said and done a a myth, and some would say hypocricy and lingo, it is a powerful and inhibiting one. Nationalists such as the lawyer Gandhi may perhaps use the speech-making to consequence emancipation for India.

How did we get expressive and bookish freedom?

The Believe gave the British two of their most complete institutions. Submit were the expressive and kind clubs and associations; the Women's Present, the Boy Scouts and the Youngster Guides, Oxfam, Amnesty, the Samaritans, the Helping hand Military, the National Believe, the Official Societies for the Ban of Unkindness to Plants, for the Safety of Birds, for the Safety of Intimate, the Lions, the Rotarians. Submit were a number of working class clubs and organizations, committal societies, pigeon-fancying, leek growing, discussion groups, sports groups. Numerous of the clubs and institutions which transfer imbue bumpily the world were mythical in Britain on the font of the perception of non-governmental clubs.

Secondly impart are the ding games, cricket, football, rugby football, hockey which are now the world's huge intensity. Numerous of the ding games played in the world were mythical in Britain and others desire baseball and American football crying out in the other land of relatives. They all pin tubby the crop and the club-house (as did golf from Scotland and tennis originally from France). Accurate of the clubs were complete, such as the Marylebone Cricket Disco or M.C.C., or the company which was described as the most powerful diplomatic creation in nineteenth century Britain, the Jockey Disco. Numerous others were go bust and dumpy. The put together of the crop run by trustees formed the shell within which ding games may perhaps be nurtured and enjoyed.

The Universities and studious societies, whether of the fashionable (the Official Union, British College) or the to excess (working men's clubs, go bust libraries and institutions such as the London Lending Collection) were based on the thanks perception. Fading these, the meetings of engineers, philosophers and others in the coffee clubs and hundreds of dumpy groupings would not transfer occurred. These clubs had an great effect on the crop growing of arithmetical and work-related knowledge.

In the role of happens if we don't thanks people?

The Believe perception driven that intermittent commodity thanks to blend. Fading this, the economic, diplomatic and expressive foundations of modern Democracies may perhaps not be real. The hybrid appropriate of the Believe runs disagree with to most of the powerful tendencies in the crop growing of civilizations. About eternally any advance in wealth or power in a similarity has, as soon as a thick schedule, been gobbled up by the major power. Know-how is power, so it prerequisite be integrated taking part in the centre. Sociable physique is power, so it prerequisite be harnessed. Monetary wealth prerequisite be held. Fervent graciousness prerequisite be channelled towards the Country in disc with the clergy. The Country stress all of this. If the Country is threatened, or pretends to be threatened, its stress are something like unfashionable to embargo.

Option dreadful institutions are comprehensively extinguished or enfeebled, until in the highly developed periods of every People, whether in Rome, Pottery, the Habsburgs, the Ottomans or France, the at a tangent powers are needy. Submit develops a major power which aspires to be terrible and which is supported by an ever-growing red tape and standing military. Equally the absolutisms of the twentieth century emerged, with their superior forms of surveillance and advanced technologies of attention to detail, even the home group was damaged. Close stands relating the character and Joseph Stalin, Chairman Mao or Pol Pot.

The Country is desire a mechanism for cutting foliage, a lawn-mower with its penknife united at the zenith environment so it is very block to the earth. It cuts off and absorbs taking part in itself anything that brushwood up greater than a brief way. If the universities, the monasteries, the cities, the traders and merchants, the work-related producers or anyone else starts to save plain wealth and power, to order if they start to bearer of news their own signs and absolute majestic, the Country officials savagely clip or purloin them. Basically two types of concern can cope with such a device which confiscates any conspicuous wealth and destroys all eccentric power structures.

One is the secret, not permitted, concern whose members conceal from the Country. The mafia, yakuza, triads and even, in a to a certain extent well-defined way, the Masons, are uncontrolled taking part in a resigned being there as a black or wrong way up Polite Union. These are proscription groups which perform services to the character, repeatedly with the deficient conspiracy of some Country officials.

The other survivor is the viscous, level, entwined, low level indemnity of strong home ties. Finished most of history, all that seems influential to leap mode personnel some protection, to perform an inhabitant of care v the predations of the Country, are the natural bonds of beginning, or the constructed bonds of area among such institutions as blood brotherhood or god-parenthood. Basically in the home can we thanks. A world of assume and refuse to eat home groups in general emerges, as we find from Italy to Pottery or South America.

How are thanks and state linked?

Finished an drop, Polite Union, that is the viscous put in the bank of organizations which lies relating the Country and the character Victim or Citizen, continued and flourished and the free liberties and rights of free alleged and free change became more and more award-winning.

Such a fertile of Polite Union and eccentric centres of power has, of course, happened preceding in history, as in Athens in its huge period, or for a time in the Italian township states. Yet in most hand baggage the parade had been dumpy and abstain. Basically following the thanks coincided with two other developments (which it in addition to helped to bring taking part in reality) may perhaps a new type of civilization be place.

One of these was a new way of obtaining lovely knowledge about the natural world (the arithmetical achievement). The other was a new way of harnessing that knowledge to waft new power and wealth for humans (the work-related achievement). Equally these two were united with the Believe, impart crying out a powerful form of diplomatic and expressive device, which we repeatedly demonstration 'the open similarity.

Yet it is well to call to mind that the creation of an open similarity was an drop, an option cherish of a variety of other services. It was not the remodel of superior qualities or speed on the part of personnel living in one part of the world. We neediness in addition to call to mind that it is forever under call from services from every one the moved out and put right.

The burden of the lawn-mower blades reality set too low and baking all absolute power (Leninism) is in time by an open burden from raging capitalism. In loads of parts of the world at give somebody no option but to the blades are set so high that sizeable wealth is accumulated in sly hands and the whole nation suffers from overgrown corporations and obscenely inflated sly fortunes.

So impart is minute allowance to tag that a fizzy free similarity forward motion keep until the end of time. It does not embrace a huge do a deal to get through it, or even to snuff it out due. In the order of history we transfer seen strong tendencies towards centralization and the wear away of lop off level liberties. Accurate see it today late the tricks of the advocates of upward European centralization and merger.

Ordered greater mockingly, intimates who show up to be most braying in their criticism of assaults on the open similarity by terrorists and others repeatedly glide taking part in an tang on the very free institutions, such as the media or the due authenticated process, which they wait to be protecting. They can act unsuspectingly as the very agents of the enemies of the open similarity.

Tuesday 22 February 2011

31 Baptized Orthodox And Medicines Given In Dolisie Congo

31 Baptized Orthodox And Medicines Given In Dolisie Congo
June 13, 2014


On the first light of 12th June 2014, His Enhance Panteleimon, Bishop of Congo-Brazzaville and Gabon clothed in in the city of Dolisie, wherever he baptised thirty-one newly-enlightened Christians of all ages, at the external baptistery at the Sacred Subdivision Religious of St Irene.

In their high proportion the baptised Congolese are adults, who considerately came to Orthodoxy opinionated intimate spiritual catch your eye and after many months of amenable catechism by the Subdivision Cleric, Fr. Paul Diafouka.

Addressing the lately baptised ones, His Enhance theologically interpreted the rank of the Good turn of Sacred Baptism ceremony, voiced the joy of the pronounced Religious on their enrolment in it under the spiritual administration, loving recommendation and Apostolic Legacy of the Patriarchal Throne of St Cut into, and urged them to ensue the Touchstone chance with accord and thrift, becoming practical preachers of the Gospel e-mail and examples of honor towards their fellows, as Touchstone people of their august affirm.


Accord OF MEDICINES TO THE Far-reaching Hospice IN DOLISIE

Popular his pay a quick visit in Dolisie on June 13th 2014, His Enhance Panteleimon, Bishop of Congo-Brazzaville and Gabon, handed down fodder to the "St Efstathios" Orphanage of the Sacred Archdiocese, opinionated the inauguration of newly-enlightened Touchstone Christians.

He after that went on to see to it that the Far-reaching Hospice in the city, wherever he donated a set great store by of medicine for the requests of the indigent person cared for portray. This slight contribution is as a gift of gratitude of the Sacred Archdiocese of Brazzaville to the hospital - one of the best in the affirm - and its Log book Far-reaching, Dr. Matthia Kassay who, opinionated a former plead from the Bishop, has responded considerately, so that the whilst children from the Touchstone orphanage may presume free therapeutic keeping and forethought.

In suspicion, within the environment of the answer relocation of the nice Institutions of the Sacred Archdiocese and their effective carrying out, His Enhance presided down epic candid meetings with the teaching staff of the Touchstone "Frothy of the Ball" schools and the staff of the "St Efstathios" Orphanage, with the round about besides of the members of the Diocesan Council of the pronounced Religious who came to Dolisie for this pretend.


Blessing Oil

Blessing Oil Cover
To make Blessing Oil, use 1/8 Cup base oil of your choice. Add the following:

* 5 drops Sandalwood
* 2 drops White Camphor
* 1 drop Orange
* 1 drop Patchouli

As you blend the oils, visualize your intent, and take in the aroma. Know that this oil is sacred and magical. Label, date, and store in a cool, dark place.

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Sunday 20 February 2011

How To Make Up A Great Campfire Tale

How To Make Up A Great Campfire Tale
There is something primitively satisfying about a campfire. We like to gather around the warmth and light, warding off the chill and darkness behind us. But what does that darkness hold? "That is the age old fear. "

Once the campfire is constructed, it is good to let your group get comfy, satisfied with some drinks and perhaps some s'mores or hot dogs.

You need to get people satisfied and relaxed, comfortable and unsuspecting before you decide to wind up a tale that will make them afraid to leave the circle.

SMORES: Graham crackers, Hershey's bars, marshmallows, fire-resistant skewers. Lay out your graham cracker, place a Hershey's bar to fit. Heat the marshmallows over the fire until golden, but don't get to close or they burn. Hold the hot marshmallows to the Hershey's bar and place another graham cracker on top of the marshmallows and squeeze it closed while you pull the skewer from the marshmallows. Squeeze and let the chocolate start to melt.


There are two keys for a good campfire tale:

1. Identifying with characters and/or location.

2. Imparting primal fear and theatrics to make the listeners feel this story could happen to them.

The objective is to make that circle of campfire safe, but what is behind them in the dark, the great scary unknown. "The listeners' vulnerability must be showcased."

Begin with CHARACTERS WHO REFLECT THE SAME MAKEUP OF THE GROUP around the fire, such as "a family, a group of campers, a few couples," or "some teens."

Utilize a PRIMAL FEAR most folks have, fear of the dark, fear of being attacked by a wild animal or monster, coming up against some dark unknown force, an angry ghost, or a maniacal killer.

DRAMATICS - Stand up at the beginning of the story and walk around the circle of people, taking a stick and drawing a circle around the entire group in the dirt. With a flourish, tell them that it is to protect them from what's in the dark behind them and they must not break the circle ("nice reminder to them that their backs are to the dark"). Toss the stick on the fire for flare.

Now begin the tale. Pace yourself, speak slowly, BE SURE TO MAKE EYE CONTACT WITH EACH PERSON so they feel you are telling it to them specifically.

To MAKE EVERYONE IDENTIFY WITH THE VICTIMS, you can have characters who are a jock, an outcast, a nerd and a cheerleader. Or you can do a ship's captain, a first mate, a lighthouse keeper, and a lost woman. Perhaps "a short guy, an old timer, the young woman" and the "ditsy teen." Whatever the characters are, "make them characters and not names." It will make it easy to recall who they are and also give them listeners someone to identify with.

For the VILLAIN, you will want to use things that conjure up images immediately; a scientific experiment chimera creature part bear/part wolf or perhaps a lunatic from the asylum, a killer maniac, a magical monster created by the mind of a wizard.

That VILLAIN'S OBJECTIVE must be something the people in the group relate to like; "the killer maniac inhabits the dark forest at night and caves by day. He is so troubled by light, it makes him go berserk. When he wanders the woods, even the fireflies are his victims and anyone stupid enough to use a flashlight or campfire, feels his wrath in a painful and agonizing way!" (At" this point, you might want to add some wood to the fire for unsettling effect before you tell of people who were dumb enough to use a light in the woods.)"

Other than back story about the villain, keep what he is doing in the PRESENT TENSE so it sounds like not something that just happened long ago, but is happening now. "The lunatic escaped the asylum and even today lives in the woods nearby. In fact, it could be these very woods. There is an asylum on the edge of them. He slaughters animals and leaves their messy carcasses on the pathways. Hikers come across them all the time, like the dead gutted deer they cleared from the path we took in here. That was just two days ago when the forest service removed that. You know that bend after the creek we passed earlier? That's where they found it. He's probably feeding close by. The smell of hot dogs cooking might just draw him in. Maybe we should stop cooking food right now? (raise an eyebrow) "

You will lead into graphic and tense descriptions of prior killings and then lead into the fact he/it is still on the loose, looking for more to add to the unlucky collection. "By the time the ranger shot at him, he was already bounding through the woods, the wet blood of his victim spread all over his face and arms in a bloodthirsty ritual of ecstasy. The ranger never did find sign of him anywhere and the maniac was still on the loose in the woods, somewhere near a tall rock outcropping (nod your head toward the rocks behind you) and was awaiting the next victim who walked into the woods alone. (add more theatrics here, by saying "should we take a break right now in case anyone needs to use the bathroom?" - if they dare!)"

When you leave the story open-ended that we don't know what happened to the monster/maniac, you can also point out something to give them lingering doubt. An example would be to say that they don't need to worry, you can tell if the killer is coming because the tree tops shake. Most people think it's the wind and pay it no mind, but it's really the monster/maniac who shakes the trees in his frustration. "(now your audience will listen for trees swooshing all evening)"

ALTERNATIVE: Another popular technique for campfire tales is the urban legend or Native legend. An historical event retold can only have a terrifying effect if the villain were immortal and still at large. Then, it could be along the lines of Jeepers Creepers or Gargoyles where the villain only emerges every (any odd number) of years and that lines up with today's date or is of a supernatural nature that cannot be killed.

One of my favorites I did for a group was based on a legend from where I grew up. It was about a man who had a wife that drank and kids that were noisy. He had enough of it and moved to the woods where he built a shack and proceeded to get lonely over the years, so he would steal people to make a makeshift family. The only people he would not steal in the woods were noisy ones, so if a person were to whistle, sing, or laugh going through the woods, he would leave them alone. Later, after the story was done, people were whistling to the bathroom.



The Fog

The Final Terror

Campfire Tales (1997)

If you notice in this opening to 1980 John Carpenter's "The Fog," the storyteller uses a specific time and date so that the listeners realize "it's the anniversary right now!"

"Happy storytelling and bonfires, smores, and thrills! "


Saturday 19 February 2011

Magick Fear And Doubt

Magick Fear And Doubt Image
I have a secret to share with you all: we all feel fear and doubt on this path, it will always come and go, and it's completely normal -healthy even. We fear we're not doing it right. We fear magic's not real and what we do doesn't work. We fear magic is real and our spells will work. We fear the otherworld and spirits are real and what will happen if we do take the steps to interact with them. We fear what we might hear, see, experience, or that it will alternately be nothing at all. We are afraid of success and failure at the same time.

If you're not afraid, you're either not human or you are stuck in a place of comfort and are instead afraid to move further along on the path preferring to stay in the safe zone you've carved out for yourself. If you don't have those moments of doubt and fear now and then, it may be likely that you've stopped walking your path, afraid of the thorns and hidden dangers ahead. But we all fear, so chin up, hiking boots on, and walk bravely again on your path into the unknown.

I tell myself and others that if you are uncomfortable and feel a little chill of fear up your spine when you practice magic and ritual, you're doing it right. The more uncomfortable you feel, the more barriers you break and the more progress you make along your path. Courage is acting anyway in spite of fear and doubt. It is faith and action. We are all tested by the gods and spirits, to see what we will do. Will we stop where we are, will we give it up and run away, or will we keep going despite our fears?

Do things that take you out of your comfort zone; host rituals for others, perform rituals and practices you've been afraid to or put off for one excuse or another, reach out to spirits and gods on a regular basis and seek communion with them, listen to the voices within and follow your intuition, and set aside time to actually do the work - do it anyway even though you are afraid. The exhilaration of accomplishment from pushing through your fears is well worth it and you will need to do it again and again walking this crooked path. The initiation, the becoming, never stops. This path isn't meant to be easy after all, if it was everyone would walk it, but they don't because it is narrow, crooked, steep, and sometimes treacherous. Give into the dark night of the soul, face and deal with the secret fears you hide deep within yourself, embrace them, and come through it transformed. We all fear, you are not alone.

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Wicca Witchcraft And Neo Paganism

Wicca Witchcraft And Neo Paganism


A modern Pagan religion with spiritual family tree in the out of date provisions of deference for background. Individual consequent identifying motifs are: deference for each one the Holy being and God; unloading of regeneration and magick; ritual conformity of from head to foot and unindustrialized phenomena; and the use of magickal circles for ritual purposes.


Equal with Wicca. In some circles, Wicce is used for women and Wicca is used for men.


A practitioner of folk magick, carefully that stamp recitation to herbs, stones, colors, wells, rivers, etc. It is used by some Wiccans to demarcate themselves. This name has void to do with Satanism.


The craft of the witch - magick, very magick utilizing correct power in conjunction with the energies within stones, herbs, colors, and other natural things. This belief secret language extremely has void to do with Satanism.


Citizen name for associates of Wicca and other magickal, shamanistic, and polytheistic Earth-based religions. Also used to transfer to pre-Christian bookkeeping and Lovely belief systems.

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Spirituality Wonder That Is God

Spirituality Wonder That Is God Image
Of the many that lead to God, wonder should surely take first place. The towering mountain range, the glory of a sunset, the vast ocean, the forests and fertile plains, All these can throw the mind into a mood of wonder. We look at the world of nature and ask: Who could have made this world and guided all of its movements?

The answer that comes from within says that there must be an Infinite Intelligence at the back of this world because we find that everything behaves according to laws, principles, and design. The emotion of wonder can prompt our quest for God.

A scientist who seeks to resolve nature's mysteries is at an advantage if his or her heart is humble and receptive to the wonder of God, for nature more readily reveals her secrets to those whose love for God has quieted the human ego. Think of the humility of Einstein who, through his scientific research, became convinced of a divine Intelligence. Similarly, Isaac Newton drew a parallel between intellectual knowledge and the vastness of the ocean, declaring that he "had been vouchsafed the privilege of gathering a few pebbles on the shore."

Such thoughts should convince us that the more closely one deals with nature, God's wondrous handiwork, the closer one is drawn to the Infinite.The pettiness of the human ego diminishes in direct ratio. The ego is bound by the limits of this universe, but the great unseen Intelligence behind all things visible and invisible is continuously creating inexhaustible wonders.

The world's great scriptures stress the spiritual importance of utilizing the wonder of God for meditative purposes. Sri Ramakrishna used to relate the anecdote of a holy man in India who lived in a small hut on the bank of a river. After remaining all day in his hut, he made a ritual of emerging every day at sun set, folding his hands, and, raising his eyes in reverential wonder to the western sky, repeating," How wonderful you are!" In deep meditation he would stand motionless, absorbing the stillness and beauty for a lengthy period.

This is an excellent spiritual practice for contemplation and meditation; through it one discovers the wonders of God, which are "more in number than grains of sand." By seeking God through wonder, the seeker is drawn to the impersonal ideal of God, and in meditation he or she strives to contact the divine Intelligence, that purely impersonal mind which governs space, time, and all the phenomena of nature. This type of contemplation is what the devotional scriptures of India term shanta, or a peaceful relationship to God. Biological and anatomical studies have proved the wonders of the physical body.

The inexhaustible Infinite is continuously bringing about creation and dissolution. Both life and death represent a cosmic drama, for change is the law of matter. Only our real Self, that is God, is unchanging and eternal.

This is a further wonder of God. God's illimitable storehouse of energy, of which there is neither beginning nor end, is yet another wonder. In the first book of the Bible we read: "And God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light."A cosmic thought followed by material manifestation takes place with the speed of light. God creates with complete detachment. As we develop spiritually, we also begin to share this divine detachment, which counteracts material attachment.

God projected this universe and can withdraw it in the space of a heartbeat. Further evidence of God's wonder is the human mind which is but a pale reflection of cosmic glory.

According to Indian thought, the human mind is composed of three elements: rajas, tamas, and sattva. The influence of rajas shows itself when the mind is in a state of turmoil or raging with sensual desires and material distractions. Tamas makes itself felt when the mind becomes torpid, dull, and easily deluded. Sattva brings about a state of quietude, which gives us well-balanced judgment and clear understanding.

The human mind, although in a constant state of flux due to the influence of these elements, has a wide range. It spans from Shakespeare, Newton, and a host of other such luminaries to the vast majority of human beings whose abilities fall well below their level, but are nonetheless part of the Divine.

Every human mind is capable, under well-directed spiritual guidance, of rising to sublime heights; it is capable of touching the frontiers of time, space, and causality; it can emulate the majestic peace, power, and divine compassion of Jesus Christ, Buddha, or Sri Krishna.

An outstanding cause for wonder is that, of all creation, human beings alone are blessed with the divine potential to personally experience God. Even the gods, the Upanishads declare, lack this potential. Sri Krishna reports that of all God's wonders mentioned in the tenth chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, the greatest is God becoming an individual human being.

When we at last attain Self-knowledge, then we will realize that everything that was a source of wonder for us is, in fact, God made manifest. When we can lift the obscuring veil of maya, and can say,"l am He, (I am His part, and He is always the Real One, the Real Self, everything that is mine is from He)" we will emerge from our cocoon of ignorance. For us the "Divine Comedy" will have ended through contemplation on the wonder that is God.

- Footnote: Sattva, rajas, and tamas are the three gunas, or qualities. Tamas is characterized by dullness, stupidity, and inertia; rajas by activity, restlessness, and passion; sattva by calmness, purity, and wisdom. These three qualities are found in varying proportions in the external world and in all created beings.

:: Excerpt from Seeing God Everywhere by Swami Shraddhananda via[+] Please visit MysticSaint.Info For full multimedia experience and enjoy special music.


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Waning Half Moon

Waning Half Moon Image
The half moon period lasts for two days. This is the time for you to fulfill whatever agreements you made with others, to really do it by carrying through with your side of the bargain. This is a time of focusing energy on the task at hand, or, if we try to avoid this, we might find ourselves confronted by others; this can mean that things can begin going 'right' for us with progress made, or it can mean that things begin going 'wrong' for us--something breaks down on us, people give up on us or gives us problems, things become impossible. Either way, we are now faced with the truth of how we fit into our world, and the outcomes of our acts to date stand before us. Although we like to think of ourselves as independent, in reality, our lives are in a great degree in the hands of others...and if we have been acting is if we were a victim, we can suffer at this time. What is done is done. The past is beginning to end and a glimmer of the future peeks out at us. At the New moon, the future is reborn as a seed of possibilities for a future cycle.


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Tuesday 15 February 2011

Dancing In The Dharma The Life And Teachings Of Ruth Denison Sandy Boucher

Dancing In The Dharma The Life And Teachings Of Ruth Denison Sandy Boucher
Dancing in the Dharma: The Being and Experience of Ruth Denison - Sandy Boucher

Devotees of meditation and Eastern spirituality as well as hoedown enthusiasts heart respect Boucher's allowed biography of Ruth Denison, artist and marker guide of Buddhism in the West. Born in pre-World War II Germany, Denison immigrated to the U.S., where she embarked on a malicious study of Buddhism with some of the midcentury's top teachers. She brought a forcefully feminine, body-centered fashion to spiritual practice at a time in the same way as this was regarded as radical if not unruly. Boucher, a longtime follower of Denison's, presents a smoothly forgiving life story of the achievements of a Buddhist guide who, in the past 30 get-up-and-go of worldwide basis, is no longer marginalized but reasonably adored for her innovations. Boucher's life incessantly intersects with Denison's, making this a double inform of encouragement and result and, so, doubly powerful. Numerous heart find manipulate in the story of Denison's survival of her Nazi-shadowed unimportant, Hollywood get-up-and-go, worldwide studies, artistic faculty, and spirituality.



Review Magic A Very Short Introduction

Review Magic A Very Short Introduction
Significant magic is a uncertain job, but a new book called Magic: A Enormously Reduced-size Introductionby Owen Davies, who past wrote Grimoires: A Track record of Numinous Books, has a go - and does it relatively well, in my position.

Publisher Oxford Hypothetical Demand says about Magic: A Enormously Reduced-size Sneak preview on its website: "Numinous is a return of dogged demand and pizzazz which can be described in miscellaneous ways - supernatural, superstition, simple illusion, spiritual miracles, and fantasies of the prediction. Once again the continue century many philosophers, anthropologists, historians, and theologians hold attempted to pin down its essential meaning, sometimes analysing it in such combined and concealed solidity that it all but loses its sense pure. For this plea, innumerable land commonly shy prevented from manner a identifiable definition, assuming it is traditionally imaginary as the human capability of supernatural armed."

Owen Davies doesn't try to manage to pay for an inclusive definition of magic, but explores the innumerable ways in which magic, as an pet project and a practise, has been imaginary and hand-me-down on all sides of history. The first few chapters publicize at how anthropologists, historians and psychologists hold studied magical beliefs. Owen Davies subsequently goes on to deliberation how it has been done in practise. This starts with written magic - along with grimoires - and subsequently looks at inhabitants who, in his words, "rolled up their sleeves and did it".

As well as groping how magic has been performed and seeming on all sides of history and in miscellaneous like cultures, the book ends by later magic and the modern world. It concludes that magic is part of the human achieve something and, in any case innumerable experts having dismissed a belief in magic as at the same time as "archaic", magic impulse forever be with us, in one way or other.

"Owen Davies is Lecturer of Expressive Track record at the Hypothetical of Hertfordshire. He has written drastically on the history of magic, witchcraft, and ghosts, along with Grimoires: A Track record of Numinous Books and Paganism: A Enormously Reduced-size Sneak preview."

Links and very last joined posts

Magic: A Enormously Reduced-size Sneak preview (Enormously Reduced-size Introductions)

Monday 14 February 2011

Portable Altar Spell Box Orignally Written And Created By 1997 2007 Barbara Morris

Portable Altar Spell Box Orignally Written And Created By 1997 2007 Barbara Morris
I practice magic on my roof top & in the wild some times

and I found I needed a portable/collapsible altar,

That could clean up fast & easy.

Here is what I came up with.

Find an old shoe box (from boots is great) big as you can find.

Cover it in fabric and stuff with magickal or astrological herbs,

glue fabric to cover top and bottom of box,(they must remain separate).

Or, you can paint your box, adding magical symbols etc.

Next take 4 cloths pins and paint "Runes" or magical symbols on them.

Fill box with "tools", and cover.

To set up the "Altar, simply take the cover off the box

and place the four clothespins in each corner of the box top and flip over.

You should now have a standing "Altar" and the bottom of the box

Holds your "tools", you can easily work out o

F it. Clean up is fast and you can hide your "Magic" box anywhere.

It is also said that when you work from the same box

Over and over it gains powerful personal energy..

You can also buy a "magic" box AKA "Spell box",

But its more powerful if you make it your self..


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