Wednesday 31 October 2007

Astral Projection Lesson 4th Overcoming Fears

Astral Projection Lesson 4th Overcoming Fears Image
In our last lesson, you had the chance to practice a few exercises to connect with your different energy bodies. These exercises are an excellent way to prepare your mind and your energy system to begin to astral project. Unfortunately, a lot of people get stuck at this point. Why? Because they come up against certain blocks to astral projection. And one of the most common blocks to their success is fear. In fact, for the majority of people working to achieve conscious, out of body travels, the #1 thing that holds them back are a small handful of fears. Even some of the most experienced astral projectors have reported that in their early, learning stages, they had to deal with and overcome fear in order to get out of their bodies and into the astral. Once you get over your fears, you're already half way to successful astral projection. So I want to focus Lesson 4 on helping you do just that. Today I've got two videos for you. Each will cover 5 common astral projection fears, along with some tools to help you overcome them, and information on why most are totally unfounded. In this first video, you'll learn about the top 5 astral projection fears. These include: The fear of not being able to return to your physical body The fear of harm and harmful entities in the astral The fear that you will die during astral projection The fear of the unknown The fear of separation from the physical body

Let's face it we've all got fears, it was Robert Monroe who said FEAR IS THE GREAT BARRIER TO HUMAN GROWTH, confront it in one way and it might come back to test you in another, until you have it totally out of your system. I have spoken to many people about this and read comments on my Facebook page and on my blog, fear of the OBE is often what prevents people from having success. It's ironic isn't it? I've let fear get the better of me on many occasions only to wake up realizing that what I was afraid of was really just the noise of the rain on the roof or some other noise that had crept into my experience.

We have practiced a few exercises to connect to our different energy bodies, an excellent way to prepare ourselves, our mind and our energy system, to astral project. Unfortunately, a lot of people get stuck at this point. Why? Because they come up against certain blocks to astral projection. And one of the most common blocks to their success is fear.

Fear can get right in the way and for many people it does. Even some of the most experienced astral projectors have reported that in their early, learning stages, they had to deal with and overcome fear in order to get out of their bodies and into the astral.

So remember a little fear is quite normal and the great thing about fear is that we can overcome it and in overcoming it we gain strength and courage. It is truly worth all the effort of working on and breaking through our fear. IT PUSHES US TO THE LIMITS SO WE CAN GO BEYOND THOSE LIMITS AND GROW.

A lot of people have asked me how to get over fear, personal friends, students and my Facebook friends so I want to focus Lesson 4 on helping you all do just that.

Today I've got two videos for you. Each will cover 5 common astral projection fears, along with some tools to help you overcome them, and information on why most are totally unfounded.

In this first video, you'll learn about the top 5 astral projection fears. These include:

1. The fear of not being able to return to your physical body

2. The fear of harm and harmful entities in the astral

3. The fear that you will die during astral projection

4. The fear of the unknown

5. The fear of separation from the physical body

I know you can't wait to get started, but hang on just a moment and watch the video it will help your OBEs run a lot more smoothly!

In this second video I look at 5 more astral projection fears and how to deal with them.

1. The fear that someone will cut your Silver Cord

2. The fear that it's against your religion

3. The fear of having a scary experience

4. The fear of possession

5. The fear of the vibrational stage

Remember, you have control of everything when you astral travel, so don't let any fears stop you from your greater explorations. Your fear may even be an ally, for as you overcome it so you break through to another level of your spiritual development. I have had quite a few confrontations with fear but each time the outcome has been positive.

In your next lesson, I'll be covering three common techniques for successful astral projection. But you don't need to wait. If you're ready to begin your astral journeys, you can try Explorations Beyond the Body today. The program covers all this material in a more detailed and comprehensive manner, plus a whole lot more, LEADING YOU ALONG THE PATH TO SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION.

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Tuesday 30 October 2007

Blessing For Your Garden

Blessing For Your Garden Image
On the night of the full moon, go into your garden, pour a libation of fresh spring water, and say:

Plants of wonder plants of power
Increase in potency by minute and hour
I conjure you now, I charge you with strength
I give you life of infinite length
And boundless magical energy
As I will it, plants, charged you be.

Don't forget to bless your garden spirits as well. Leave some fragrant herbs strewn in the garden, or string some silver bells, and say the following:

All members of the Sprite and Fey
I offer myself to you this day
For spiritual harvest and your work here below
So that I may flower and blossom and grow
And learn of myself and that up ahead
While working or playing or dreaming in bed
And in return, there is nothing I ask
But that within your magic spirit can bask

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Sunday 21 October 2007

What I Believe

What I Believe Cover
I have studied many different religions of the world. And if you strip them down to the core, in the middle they are all pretty much the same. Be good to yourself, be good to each other. On my path of personal discovery, I found that I am "pagan." What that means to ME is...

I take history, mythology and religion and mix and match to create my own spirituality and worship and practice in my own way.

Spells are really just prayers with props, and rituals are just ceremonies. The essence of power is within our own minds.

You do not need any tools or temples to honor or seek guidance from something that IS everything. It surrounds us, courses through us, IS us. Most of us do not use enough of our brains to really focus without some kind of inspiration.

Symbols aid in visualization and directing energy. Whether it be to celebrate a season, honor elders and deities, heal a sick friend, or hopes for personal prosperity.

I don't believe there are "gods" up in the heavens playing chess with our lives. But I believe that if you concentrate, you can tap into the natural rhythm of the Earth. You can direct your desires, and empower them, and make things happen.

Spirituality is how you see it... The higher powers and elements know when you speak to them, by any name.

And opening your mind you can learn to go with the natural flow of life. To make your dreams come true and help others. I stay strictly in the pale end of the spectrum, keeping my karma clean.

I practice what I preach.
I help when I can.
I never hurt intentionally.
I am not greedy.
I am thankful.

If you are a good person, it comes back to you. Regardless of what your religion is called, or what symbols and deities you use. Respect, and you will be respected.

Ask for what you want, nurture what you need. But like your grandmother told you when you were very little, "Be careful what you wish for."

by: Jessica Black

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Friday 19 October 2007

Magical Tools In Wicca

Magical Tools In Wicca Image
For some items, dedication may be enough. However, we think you can never go wrong by invoking the divine and other deities.

Consecrating your RITUAL TOOLS is a way of setting them at a high vibrational or energy level. This protects them from contamination by negative energy, and charges them with Divine Energy. This greatly increases the item's Power. Negative energy can GREATLY decrease any and all chance you have at having a powerful item. If there is negative energy within the item it can become a leech that will suck all your energy out of you and into it.

Consecration is especially useful for anything that may be used in healings.

You may want to consecrate your RITUAL TOOLS to specific deities. For instance, Tara or Quan Yin for compassion, Kali for releasing the old, Hecate for protection, Artemis for clear focus, etc. Or you may simply align it with positive energy.

How To Consecrate Sacred Objects

After purification and dedication, you can do one of the following in sacred space, using both your imagination to visualise it and your voice to ask for it...

Hold the item in your dominant hand (usually the right), and focus on the purest, brightest white Light you can imagine. Imagine it filling yourself, your sacred space, and the ritual object.

Smudge the WICCAN TOOL with cedar smoke, visualising the sacred Power of the cedar aligning its energy with the Most High.

Pass the object "through" (or above) the light of your Goddess candle (or if you choose, both Goddess and God candles). Think of that Light penetrate and filling all the spaces between the atoms in your WICCAN TOOL.

After each of these, place your WICCAN TOOL on your object, in the very centre. Focusing on it completely, ask your Deities to sanctify this tool.

State clearly "Only the most pure Divine energy may enter and work through this sacred object."

Hold this intent, until you feel it has completely "taken." Then close your intent with "So mote it be! Blessed be."

Your WICCAN TOOL is now consecrated.

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Monday 15 October 2007

How Has Astral Projection Helped You

How Has Astral Projection Helped You Image
I found this interesting article someone wrote on how astral projection has benefited him / her. It's very candid, honest and completely truthful (at least to me). I want to share it with you here.


Astral projection has helped me OVERCOME MY FEAR OF DYING. Now that I know "me" is not just my body, and that my soul exists outside of my physical self, there is nothing to fear about death. I know that my consciousness will not snuff out like a candle. I also know how incredibly pleasant the astral realm is, so I'm looking forward to it, instead of dreading my demise.

It's taught me more about LOVE AND FORGIVENESs. Experiencing emotions like love in the astral is very intense and I've been given opportunities to forgive people that I would not have had available to me in the physical (as they are now dead).

I now THINK MORE "OUTSIDE THE BOX". Because I've discovered things (like time travel) that other people said wasn't possible, I know there is so much more to existence than what we are told. I now question reality as it is presented to me. I truly think nothing is impossible, it's just a matter of knowing how to manipulate energies.

It's VISUALLY STUNNING. The higher astral planes are so beautiful that for us to not enjoy it, is like saying, "why travel to exotic places here on earth?" Why not just stay in your home town, despite knowing that gorgeous places await you? With astral projection, I don't have to pay travel expenses, and yet I can see places that exceed ANY place of beauty in the physical. I can also travel to any destination (the moon for example). There are no limitations, but those that I impose myself.

ACCESSING INFORMATION. I can talk to people's higher selves and find out what they are really thinking or feeling, regardless of how closed off they are in physical life.

When astral projecting, we are not encumbered with a body that slowly deteriorates over time. We do not need to eat or sleep. We are TRULY FREE! [credits: source] SO, READER, WHAT HAS ASTRAL PROJECTION DONE FOR YOU?

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Monday 8 October 2007

Mystical Pentagram

Mystical Pentagram Cover
The Mystical Pentagram is a technique which will enhance psychic self-awareness. Practiced on a daily basis it will produce surprizing individual results. One of the features of this technique is that it encourages personal development by allowing each entity to discover a personal mantra which corresponds to the five elements.

To begin, you will need a table of correspondences such as "777" by Aleister Crowley. Look up the names of the gods and goddesses which correspond to the air element. Pick a name which when chanted 'feels' right for you. For example, Nu is the Egyptian lord of the firmament and corresponds to air. If I were inclined towards egyptian dieties, I would chant the name Nu for several minutes to see what effect transpired. If I felt relaxed, comfortable, and generally positive I would inwardly know that this name would be in tune with
my inner self. Proceed to find correspondences for fire, water, and earth in the same manner and finally for spirit since it is the aggregate of the four common elements.

Once you have found a personal mantra or a chant consisting of five names, vowel sounds, etc. You are ready to proceed with the practical application of the Mystical Pentagram.

Assume your favorite meditation position, relax and begin to breathe in a rhythmic pattern; ie. inhale count one, two, three, four, exhale count one, two, three, four and so on. Continue to breathe in such a manner for about five minutes so that a definite rhythm is firmly established.

Visualize the five psychic centers. Memorize their positions so that you become familiar with the positions.

Next visualize a brilliant white light forming a circle above your head in the spirit center. Mentally draw a white light pentagram within the circle of light. This should be an invoking pentagram.

If your mind should begin to wander, gently bring it back and vocally vibrate the mantra you have chosen for the spirit center. Let your mind dwell on this center and intone your mantra several times for at least five minutes.

Next see a shaft of white light radiate down through your skull stopping at your throat near the adam's apple. See a circle of white light begin to form and pulsate. Mentally draw an invoking pentagram within the circle of light and vocally vibrate your chosen mantra for the air center. Continue to stimulate this center for at least five minutes.

Now see a shaft of white light radiate down through your torso stopping at your fire center. This is located just above the navel. See a brilliant white light begin to pulsate at this center and draw an invoking pentagram within the circle of light. As your mind begins to wander gently guide it back to he image of the glowing white pentagram. Here vibrate your chosen fire mantra. Once this center is stimulated the sensation is unmistakable. A mild tingling or vibration of the solar-plexus area is physically experienced. Continue to dwell on this center for at least five minutes.

See the shaft of white light push down tot the water center which is located in the groin area. Here, too, a brilliant circle of white light should be visualized. Again draw an invoking pentagram within the circle of light. Intone the mantra for the water center and repeat the sound several times for the next five minutes.

Having arrived thus far, see the shaft of white light radiate down through your legs stopping at the bottom of your feet which is the earth center. Form a brilliant, white, pulsating circle of light and draw an invoking pentagram within the circle. Intone your earth mantra and vocally vibrate the sound several times during the next five minutes.

When all of the energy centers have been stimulated, direct the light energy from the spirit center to the earth center. As you exhale see the light travel from the top of your head down through your body to the bottom of your feet. As you inhale see the energy travel from your feet up through your body up to the top of your head, the spirit center. These circulations should be persisted for at least seven complete circuits. See the energy cleanse and vitalize every part of your being and expand your awareness to cosmic consciousness. As you continue to repeat this technique each day you will begin to see and feel a change in your psychic awareness and a marked improvement in your health.

Don't become discouraged if you don't achieve results immediately. This technique produces very positive effects but they are cummulative in nature. Be gentle with your inner self however you must also be persistent and keep the communication open. It is also a good idea to peform this exercise at the same time each day in order to allow your body cycles incorporate the energy flow in a natural order.

Suggested reading:

The Art of True Healing-Israel Regardie
Energy Ecstasy-Bernard Gunther

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