Friday 15 December 2006

Your Natural Connection Exercise

Your Natural Connection Exercise Cover
(first letter here)Part of being on a magical path is recognizing, and connecting to, the energies of Nature wherever you may be. Here is an exercise that you can do even in the heart of the city.

Explore this place until you find one spot that feels especially comfortable. This will be your Nature spot. Stand in the middle of that Nature spot. Take a moment to center yourself, meditate, and connect gently with the energy of that Nature spot.

Stand and face outward from your nature spot toward whichever direction you choose. (If you know which direction you are facing that is fine, but not necessary for this exercise.) Facing your chosen direction, gaze outward and allow yourself to connect with all that you can see and feel before you. Honor all that is before you by reverently absorbing the energies before you. Imagine a circle surrounding you. Draw it in your mind's eye, beginning in front of you, circling to the right, around yourself and your Nature spot.

when you have done this, turn a quarter turn to the right and face outward in a new direction. Again, gaze outward and connect with all that is before you to see or feel. Reverently honor and absorb the energies of the direction you are facing.

When you have done this, turn a quarter turn to the right again and face outward in a new direction. You have completed half of your circle. Take time to gaze outward and connect with all that you see and feel in this direction. Honor and absorb the energies before you in this Nature spot.

Turn again a quarter turn to the right and face outward in a new direction. You have completed three quarters of your circle. Gaze out before you and connect with what you see and feel in that direction. Reverently honor and absorb the energies of the direction you are facing.

When you have done this, turn a quarter turn to the right one more time and face the direction you started with. You have completed your full circle. Feel the energy of all the directions surrounding you in your complete circle.

From where you stand, at the beginning of your circle, walk forward slowly, no more than twelve paces, and look for an object from Nature. This may be as simple as a leaf or a twig. It may be a feather, a stone, or even a bit of colored glass. when you have walked no more than twelve paces, return slowly, tracing your footsteps back to where you began. You may find something you overlooked the first time. When you have returned to where you started, take a moment to connect with your object from Nature and to give thanks for the gift you have received.

When you are ready, turn a quarter turn to the right and slowly walk forward, no more than twelve paces, to find an object in the next direction. Continue as you began until you have completed your circle of the four directions and have found your objects from Nature.

The key is to find one power object (or totem) in each direction. If you find four different kinds, that is fine. If you find four similar kinds, that is also fine and may be a clue to the type of energy you need to work with. It's advisable not to concern yourself about what you find as much as how you connect with it. Enjoy yourself.

When you have found each totem, try to leave a little something in return, for thank you.

~Amber Wolfe

Tags: squaring circle  gays craft  million died  naming names  self blessing  earth goddess  amazing excruciatingly  tips solitary witches  witchcraft  voodoo doctor  circle magical operations  free spells  rituals blue  

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