Tuesday 12 May 2009

Amethyst Tea Light Candle Holder

Amethyst Tea Light Candle Holder
Lavender, long sweetheart in jewelry for its glitzy, light purple rinse and
within the spiritual community for its energetic intrinsic worth, is a glitzy crystal showcase up in deposits wherever its lots facets tinsel with a pouring, resonating pale purple. Hip, such a position has been buffed
make easier and twisted to convey a uniquely glitzy candle rise.

Together with an opening measuring articulate 1 1/2" in diameter, it can modestly hold on a weak pillar candle or a tealight candle, which would crack the lots facets of the amethyst crystal around it highly
brightly with the refined light of the candle you place within it. Use it to deck your home or place upon your altar to aid in candle magic
and crystal healing, wherever it can help allow your psychic abilities and earlier than aid rituals and healing of the do as you are told.

Each candle rise is twisted from a natural formation of amethyst,
resultant in each candle rise possessing a novel stoutness and strength.

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