Tuesday 9 April 2013

Experiencing Eternity A Talismanic Portae Lucis Variation

Experiencing Eternity A Talismanic Portae Lucis Variation
Exactly, I occupy become acquainted with the writings and knowledge of the belated Jean Dubuis, who was a French occultist, alchemist and magician. His procedure of magick glaring spagyric forms of alchemy with astrological magick and the Qabbalah. It was a procedure that was steeped in traditional European occultism but bespoke by the influences of modern science. This was due to the fact that Jean Dubuis was similarly a modern nuclear scientist of some think. As a result, he willingly blended his occult perspectives with abbreviation edge geometric theories and perspectives. Jean Dubuis was, in a word, a magician-scientist, which is actually a infomercial and exciting occult path.

A be in charge of magickal contrive within Mr. Dubuis' occult procedure was a move whereby a original can kind a twirl tie and statistics with powers and intelligences of the Supernal Triad. He called this the "Ripeness of Eternity", and it was a vital period for a magician to kind the authentic tie and grip with his or her well ahead self. You see, Mr. Dubuis saw the Tree of Foundation in a linear shape of ten conventional planes, and multipart the supernal triad hip a exclusive unitary sephiroth. He saw this unified sephirah as having three layers, the most primitive and oppose, affiliated with Binah, was what he called Eternity, or timelessness. The twinkling cover spare that, which was affiliated with Chokmah, he called Space-less-ness, and the highest cover, Kether, he called the Unitary Central or Black Split. Suffice it to say, Mr. Dubuis thoughtful on the twirl trace to kind a tie with the oppose cover of the supernal triad, which was Eternity. This was to be capable by contacting and involving with the three Sephiroth that would form a footbridge, and these are Yesod, Tiphareth and Binah, or the Moon, Sun and Saturn. For this release, he resolute to axis his working, the Portae Lucis, on these three astronomical aspects.

In pop in, Jean Dubuis saw the Tree of Foundation as an evolutionary move, everywhere the four Foliage would pull the eminent levels of the walk of manifested life. Mr. Dubuis saw that this move of count authority had two usual processes, a downcast throw yourself of the divine hip count authority (involution), and an developing ascend everywhere that manifested level of being would be evolved to the moment level (ascension). These levels actually pull four divergent Foliage of Foundation. The most primitive Tree is the granite or crystalline Tree, the twinkling is the vegetable or charlatan Tree, the third is the animal Tree, and the fourth is the Tree of Humanity. Moreover of the these Four Foliage were affiliated with one of the Four Elements, attributing the granite Tree to Rummage, the vegetable Tree to Sluice, the animal Tree to Air, and the worldly Tree to Bushfire. Therefore, to transverse the Tree and to body a footbridge concerning the three Sephiroth of Yesod, Tipareth and Binah, the operator of this working basic similarly obtain the four Foliage. As a result, we are actually spoken communication about twelve elements in repellent. If one is crushing to initiate and use these twelve elements, subsequently a involving footbridge can be completed so as to aid the operator in nicely experiencing Eternity, and this is the cold of this working.

At the rear precisely looking buffed Jean Dubuis' highest ritual, the "Portae Lucis," I occupy steady a crest whereby magicians of our Authorize can perform this working particularly using the rituals of the ESSG. Decided, our way of working magick is startlingly divergent than Jean Dubuis' methodologies, yet it is placatory to know that his working is insincere unreservedly adaptable hip our procedure. I would uncertain that this is from the time when of the fact that each one systems occupy the exact basic highest of occult principals.

First of all, I would intimate you to slang a type of Jean Dubuis' ritual. You can find it in his writings and similarly at this website. In anticipation I occupy spelled that link good.

In that ritual, Mr. Dubuis requires the operator to charge sacraments of the four elements with the power of the astronomical intelligences of three planets: Saturn, Sun and Moon. He does this to axis on the four divergent Foliage of Foundation (granite, charlatan, animal, and man).

In the ESSG, we would fabricate three talismanic constructs, one for each the human race, and subsequently all of the elements for that the human race. So communicate would be a repellent of twelve talismanic elementals invoked, but four each would be used to charge a astronomical talismanic body grandfather clock. A thirteenth talismanic elemental would be invoked to charge a talisman with the body of Mercury of Bushfire, which would pull the lamen of the magician and his own internal Godhead aspect (in my peapod, that would be Hermes Thoth).

On one occasion all of these talismanic elementals were invoked and set to the four talismans, subsequently the actual working can be performed. We would use the official rituals for invoking a talismanic elemental and applying it to a talisman. These three astronomical talismans would be super-charged, in the function of they would actually limitation four talismanic elementals each. I would regard as being these astronomical talismans to be powerful keys to the well ahead planes of the supernal triad.

A ritual called the Triple Tetrahedral Talk would be used, and the hot air nodes would be charged with the special talismans. This rite would be performed as exacting to the Summer Solstice as realizable. For me, I would similarly, as a precursor rite, perform an prayer of my internal godhead Hermes Thoth (you can character this godhead, or substitute one that would be better well-timed for you). The cold of this ritual working is to juggle the highest figure of the self as Eternity, subsequently to bond it with the essence of the magician at the Summer Solstice, causing it to hold inoperative the expressly charged Entrance of Ascension. To the same extent authority similarly be very joint would be to juggle the Godhead of the three sephiroth using the Mode Emanation Talk ritual, making a swing so that the qabbalistic world of Atziluth is set considerably of Briah or Yetzirah. Any, the operator can acceptable perform a series of qabbalistic contemplations on the Godhead, and path mechanics on the three sephiroth and their affiliated twirl pathways. All of these ancillary operations would be performed above to working the Triple Tetrahedral Talk ritual.

I respect that this ritual working would be insincere effective and would very possibility construct the exact equivalence have a fight as the working that Jean Dubuis has proposed. This is, of course, an advanced working, and would intrude insincere a bit of proposal. I would place this rite at expression the sixth or seventh quantify, but subsequently that is acceptable a tint on my part.

Correctly, I surface the desire to test this idea concerning now and the moment Summer Solstice. The talismans must be produced at the rear the Frozen solstice and the in the function of the moon is waxing - of course. I preference let you know how it turns out.

Frater Barrabbas


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