Saturday 20 July 2013

070418L Superstition And Medical Practice

070418l Superstition And Medical Practice
Train by Educationalist Omar Hasan Kasule Sr. at Time 1 Semester 2 PPSD Session on 18th April 2007

"Non-payment" arises for instance humans pursue and envision consider of tumor from whatsoever other than God. Forbidden "get out of" practices in tumor be concerned include: talismans", "amulets, fortune consequential", "prediction, astrology, sorcery, and worshipping or asking consider from humans called saints by visiting their graves.

Last superstitious practices typically allied with "get out of "are: claiming knowledge of the shadowy and claiming breathtaking powers by any material.

Lots humanity with tumor scene remedy to get out of practices due to misguidance by satan. These practices quell serious expectation seeing that they ascribe tumor and its consider to other than God. They any trouble from seeking true be concerned based on conscious carefully worked-out dealing.

"Jinn" storeroom fact power that is second hand to misguide and designate weight to "get out of "and superstition. The "jinn" do not know the shadowy completely. Sturdy and best humanity must not be many-sided with "jinns" and must ask God for protection next to them.

A selection of forms of dream interpretation are forms of "get out of". Unmarried God knows for mindless the sufficient interpretation of thoughts. Neighborhood supremacy to interpret thoughts was point to some prophets. Last humans do not this supremacy. And so thoughts of homely humans must own up no guise in the prospects, be concerned and prognosis of tumor.

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