Sunday 20 July 2014

Daily Message January 20 2013

Daily Message January 20 2013
original artwork by: Derek Brewster

"This finer all, watch with attractive eyesthe whole world several you,seeing that the most excellent secretsare always inside in the most improbable sitting room."

- Ronald Dahl

Cheerful Establish and Overpowering First light :))) Blessings to you and yours for a magickal day today. At the moment is Sunday, January 20, 2013.

Sundays are ruled by the Sun, the sample of our Astronomical arrange, in any case of light and sustainer of life. At the moment is a excellent day for healing and you delicate to central on accurate warranty, soul, spirituality and accomplishment. It's a fervent day for accurate achievements of any group. Sunday is a fervent day for spells as assorted types can be done today. The Sun gives energy to any spell work you do today. The best spell for today stock healing, physical soul, obtaining goals, revelation and initiating any magickal liveliness. If you are working with stones today discover topaz, sunstones or diamonds for protection. Use pearls in crafting talismans.

Tonight's Moon is Waxing, Bonus Topic in Taurus. The Waxing Moon is such as the moon is success huge in the sky, and moving towards the full moon. It is the cautionary time for magick that draws matter towards you bringing about indeed changes. The Waxing Moon represents the Divinity in her Maiden aspect. The Maiden is all about new early development, babies inspiration and enthusiasm. In addition to the Moon in Taurus matter begun now older the keep details, psyche to expansion in price, and become organization to alter. It brings out an appreciation for beauty and sensory experiences. The magickal color of the day is Orangey, and the incense of the day is Marigold. Organize an amazingly magickal day!

Attachment and Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong


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