Friday 2 June 2006

Asking For A Blessing

Asking For A Blessing Cover
The last day of the month is the sacred day of the triple goddess of crossroads and the patroness of Witches, Hecate. Hecate had many names and titles: Hecate Trevia, "of the three ways"; Hecate Phosphoros, "the light bringer"; Hecate Nykterian "of the night"; and Hecate Basileia, "Hecate Queen." On this night of the waning Moon we have a perfect opportunity to work with this goddess and ask for her blessing to illuminate our darkest times, and grant us her protection.

Hecate, goddess of the crossroads, hear my cry,
Protect and guard me under your midnight sky.
Hecate Phosphoros "she who brings the light,"
Hecate Trevia bless me with your wisdom tonight.

By: Ellen Dugan

Tags: sephirah netzach  million died  cleansing ritual  circle dragon  ways macha  casting circle  blessing food  simple cleansing  love lost  water ritual african  necromancy  california voodoo curse  blackmagic  

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