Wednesday 28 February 2007

Ideas From Merlin The Enchanter

Ideas From Merlin The Enchanter Cover
1.Be Yourself... if you worry about what others think, then you won't think for yourself... and if you don't think for yourself, you may as well be dead!
2. Allow all others to be themselves... just because Joe Blow from kokomo has blue candles on his altar and you use only white ones, that doesn't mean he is the son of Satan. We must each one be allowed our own Pagan path in freedom, for if we cannot do that, then we have no freedom!
3. Let's stop all the silliness of who is and is not a Witch, and what one must do to be a witch.
4.Don't ask for someone's opinions unless you really want it! More Witch wars are started because someone asked for another's views and didn't like the answer they got!
5. Add a dose of good humor (the worst Witches are the ones that take everything so S-E-R-I-O-U-S-L-Y!)

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