Saturday 24 February 2007


Nornir Cover
Nornic Law is essentially the same as Natural Law: Things will continue. Growth and change are necessary to life.

The goal of the Nornir is to maintain a dynamic balance. This is a range, not an absolute. Things in Midgard have been moving towards a negative side for, oh, say, the last 400-500 years, and faster in the last 100. It is the supposition of the Nornir that if active participation in remedying the situation Jordh is in is not begun on a widespread basis soon, this downswing will continue, without being able to be stopped. This means tons of bad juju, eh?

The term, "Patrons" refers to a deity or set of deities who has chosen a person to (essentially) become an avatar of that entity. Quite often, there are people who choose their patrons, and that's okay if it works for them. I never got a chance to do that, since the Nornir said, "YOU!" before I had a chance to choose....

So what I'm doing, when I say, "Working with the Nornir" is exactly that: they require someone(s) here in Midgard to do some work from the other end, in order to maintain ANY sense of dynamic balance.

Now, I cannot say that the Nornir are (pardon the phrase, if it offends) "Party-Gods", like, say, Thor. In fact, they are, by their own design, uninvolved. Yes, a lot of folks say they control the fates of men. I think this is more a leftover from the split in the Indo-European Migration. It would be more accurate to say, "They are aware of everything which has passed and which could have passed, which is passing or might have been passing, and everything which will pass, or might come to pass." They do not, however, tend to get INVOLVED in these things.

The Norns which we read about in many books, the PERSONAL NORNS, are referred to in Nornagard as "Naenen". They are MUCH more numerous, and are, in essence, identical to ljosalfar. They DO tend to get involved in the affairs of people. The landvaettir also congregate in Nornagard, to list grievances and problems with their areas. Our job (there are 5 people that I know of doing Norn- things) is to fix these problems. Fun, huh?

The Nornir wrote the rules which protect the realms, but they are also, therefor, the most bound by them. Odhinn bends these rules at will (don't we know it!) and others, as well. The Nornir, however, do not, for if the people who write the rules break them, there's no good example, is there?

So what I do to honor the Nornir is, upon finding a trouble-spot, such as a Gate left open, or the like, is to close it, repair the area, and heal the land and creatures about. It's hard work, and I'm happy to do it. There are also certain rituals which are important to me, and certain other things I can do for them and the human community. For instance, it was traditional to call a Norn-Erilaz to be present at births, deaths, and rites of passage. I do midwifery, and thus am present at certain births in the pagan community. Finding a Doctor who will carve a Nadhiz on his thumbnails, says Jane Sibley, is rather difficult. However, as often as possible, I'm present. I've also been told I'm an excellent birth partner for single or surrogate parents.

These are a few things, and if you want more, it would be a help if you could ask specific questions...I find that usually is the clearest way for me to explain these things.

Hope it helps answer the question.

Nornir gyf auja!

(by Gaffer Maccluiunn)

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