Monday 5 November 2007

Recognising The Power Of The Universe Part 1

Recognising The Power Of The Universe Part 1 Image
In order to use the great power that permeates every atom of the universe and breathes life into the world around us, we must first learn to recognise it. Too often we take the workings of nature for granted and ignore, or are ignorant of the everyday miracles that enable life to continue on this small planet of ours.

Living and working as we do in the controlled atmosphere of houses, offices, factories or shops, travelling in the comfort of motor vehicles, we lose touch with the rhythm of the seasons and phases of the moon that are so important to us all for food and growth. Even people engaged in agriculture are in a constant battle against nature instead of working with her, especially since intensive livestock rearing and the growing of engineered vegetable crops are now the norm.

Because civilisation has moved so far from the natural world, a conscious effort must be made to regain the sense of wonder that comes from observing the vitality in plants and animals, to feel the undercurrents in the air as subtle changes occur throughout the year. (read part two)

~from Gypsy Magic

by Patrinella Cooper

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