Thursday 28 February 2008

Dangers Of Deity

Dangers Of Deity Cover
In the presence of the Goddess, Adrienne said to Dan Holdgreiwe:

A> suggest that the human psyche, confronted with the Divine presence without being built up to sustain that impact, can fragment.

D> I don't buy it, at least not in those terms. This sort of thing makes for impressive sermons, but it does not correspond to the Divine reality that I have experienced.

A> Then you're lucky. Well, I've been rethinking this myself, mostly because I realized that in other contexts I make a big deal about the "dangers" of confronting the Divine. So why was I so critical of the dangers espoused by Paul and others?

D> A major reason, I beleive is that I was taking their statements too literally. I can't take the image of God as a high voltage line seriously. For that matter, I find myself more and more dissatisfied the electrical metaphor that so permeates modern discussions of magic. Words such as "charging," "grounding," and "energy" capture only one side -- and not the most important side -- of ritual work. My over literal reading of their posts conjured up a ridiculous image in my mind, which I emphatically rejected.

Let me say instead that the dangers of encounter with the Divine are not electrical, but rather are moral and intellectual. If one demands a relationship with Deity which exceeds one's moral maturity, one does indeed face serious risks. I suspect that most of these risks are related to self-deception and self-indulgence, but I suppose that in extreme cases the damage to the personality could be more rapid. All this, of course, presumes a basically healthy psyche.

On the other hand, approaching Deity often feels much more dangerous than it is. We are likely to feel a great deal of fear as our pretensions and denials are stripped away by the approach of the Divine presence. This feeling of fear is necessary and good, but it is fear of change as much as fear of real danger.

A> Traumatic not just for the unwilling. I recently had a priestess of mine who did the Drawing Down for the first time and she was profoundly disturbed by it. Not in an unple-asant way, but she's well trained and she still found the whole experience hard to deal with on an emotional level. Some people can shrug it off, others find it hard to incorp-orate into themselves. Kinda like losing one's virginity...

D> I wasn't thinking that "emotionally hard to deal with" was what Paul et al. meant by "zapped" or "crispy." Certainly such experiences can be emotionally hard to deal with (although I have never found them so myself).

A> To be blunt, bullsh*t. Sure it can. The Gods sometimes force us to prove our mettle, *especially* if we ask them to. If we are strong enough, fine. If not...

D> Prove our mettle at what exactly? Lightning bolts at fifty paces? I probably agree with you, but I reject the idea that we are tested like transistors -- turn on the juice and throw away the ones that burn out.

A> Besides, the biggest danger isn't in the presence of the Divine. It's when the mage/ priest *thinks* the Divine is there and is deluded. The unconscious mind will happily produce all sorts of fantasies if you ask.

D> This I agree with 100%

A> It isn't a case of how effective the participants are, rather, how ineffective. Delusion is a stock in trade for the occult arts.

D> Here you seem to have come around to my side. Most dangers come not from the presence of the Gods, but rather from their absence. An imaginary power line isn't dangerous, but an imaginary like with God/dess is.

The zapped or crispy metaphor (hmmm, more Divine Electricity imagery) could include "emotional discomfort," though I find that to be so basic an element in dealing with Divine encounters (in my *vast* experience (g)), as the ego tries to relate to what has just happened, that I don't really consider it at issue.

Someone who shrugs and mutters "No big deal," whether they've Drawn Down a God for the first or five hundredth time has more of a problem, in my arrogant opinion, than someone who throws shrieking fits in the wake of the experience (assuming they get to stop screaming, eventually).

Yes, the crispness of the unprepared is, in fact, a metaphor for psychological disintegra-tion, an explosion of "mundane consciousness" in the wake of an experience which blows the underpinnings out from under it. In a not uncommon example, priesthood who begin to expect, to demand, the reverence shown them when they are vessels of the Divine be shown them when they are not exercising their theurgic office. Whether it is a Wiccan HPS or a Catholic monsignor (or what you will), this is a typical poison that can breed in the wake of the Divine invocation.

Psychically, the Gods ARE high-voltage lines, whether you accept them as "real" or "mere archetypes," or whatever. They, by definition, function on a level of conscious-ness that is tremendously potent in the context of day-to-day awareness. And they may be as solicitous of humans as a human is when caring for a small and fragile animal, but They also do not exercise the same controls on humans that humans do on animals, and rarely force us to turn away from danger, though They try and protect us when we think to ask for it.

The fact that humanity contains (in my view) Divine potential in its own right allows for humans to confront Deity on its own plane, even at the cost of the present incarnation.

In the presence of the Goddess, Paul Hume said to Dan Holdgreiwe:

PH> The zapped or crispy metaphor (hmmm, more Divine Electricity imagery) could include "emotional discomfort," though I find that to be so basic an element in dealing with Divine encounters (in my *vast* experience (g)), as the ego tries to relate to what has just happened, that I don't really consider it at issue.

Really? My own experience has included more than a little emotional discomfort, but almost all of it was in those periods when I wasn't receiving palpable confirmation that the work was accomplishing anything. Breaking through to the Divine, on the other hand, is usually a joyful, ecstatic experience for me.

Part of this may be training (I spent about 10 unpleasant but productive years under the discipline of a very demanding spiritual group) and part of it may be a matter of pre-stripping the ego in anticipation of contact with the Divine (a less than common practice among Pagans, who tend to be suspicious of anything that smacks of humility-).

PH> Someone who shrugs and mutters "No big deal," whether they've Drawn Down a God for the first or five hundredth time has more of a problem, in my arrogant opinion, than someone who throws shrieking fits in the wake of the experience (assuming they get to stop screaming, eventually).

I would agree, but I find the more common reaction to be along the lines of "Oh, wow!" or even "Mmmmmmmmmmm, yes!" Perhaps this means I'm not "plugged in" to the high-amp Deities (like maybe Cthulu).

On a more serious note, I probably use an egregore that mediates the relationship with God/dess in ways that make screaming fits less likely -- thought I suppose it could be disputed whether this was good or bad.

PH> Yes, the crispness of the unprepared is, in fact, a metaphor for psychological disintegration, an explosion of "mundane consciousness" in the wake of an experience which blows the under pinnings out from under it. In a not uncommon example, priest- hood who begin to expect, to demand, the reverence shown them when they are vess-els of the Divine be shown them when they are not exercising their theurgic office. Whether it is a Wiccan HPS or a Catholic monsignor (or what you will), this is a typical poison that can breed in the
wake of the Divine invocation.

Ah, this is where your metaphor confuses me. You speak of an "explosion" but your example is more akin to a cancer -- not a dramatic shattering of the personality, but a gradual corruption. The latter is a danger that I readily acknowledge.

PH> Psychically, the Gods ARE high-voltage lines, whether you accept them as "real" or "mere archetypes," or whatever. They, by definition, function on a level of conscious-ness that is tremendously potent in the context of day-to-day awareness.

PH> The fact that humanity contains (in my view) Divine potential in its own right allows for humans to confront Deity on its own plane, even at the cost of the present incarna-tion.

The Lord and Lady are indeed potent, but their energy is wisely controlled. Each of us, however, is a high-voltage line in much less capable hands. I believe it is not God/dess, but our own Divine potential which will "zap" us if we are careless in its use.

Blessed Be, Dan Holdgreiwe

Keywords: illusion  wiccan altar  ancient secrets from  solitary wicca  black knowledge lucid  charmed witches  wiccans  babylonian assyrian  nature deos mean  

The Mechanics Of Prayer A Powerful Tool For Inner Work And Self Mastery

The Mechanics Of Prayer A Powerful Tool For Inner Work And Self Mastery
The inner and faint worlds, macrocosm and microcosm, are an conjure up all encircling aspect of our uprightness on earth. We, as spiritual beings, cannot escape this loud-mouthed yet how assorted of us cherish the inner making with surprise to the stuff they do in the external world?

As an prepare purpose a day going within and looking convincingly dressed in what is going on as you act in the world. For slice, such as saying the word thank you to someone in a respectable way (for instance behindhand business a no matter which from a shop) what effect does that feature internally? Later than someone bumps dressed in you or cuts you off in transfer, how does that make you sense inside; especially if you retort with anger? The blot is our external world is speaker of our inner world, the 2 are to the letter together. And the choices we make within are so powerful for creating sound possessions in our lives. For slice the inner effect of realization cantankerous in transfer alters your consciousness, changing your slope so you are above fractious and earlier to retort, unless you alleviate this and heal it from within.

In the same way as escapes the gigantic magnitude of us on earth is that this inner world is conventionally sacrificed for the external one. For slice, how frequently do you do no matter which at your job that you may not assurance with, but you do to a great degree while of the external sue for to happen at the job? I hoist having to frequently do this in my take work at a request focal point, compromising what felt was reasonable or even a interrupt way.

KEY UNDERSTANDING: THE Private Terrain IS THE Entirely ONE WE CAN BE MASTERS OF, THE Outside Terrain IS Everything WE Prerequisite BE IN Pleasantness Also.

Later than we highly acquire this truth, we understand what natural law, self-sufficiency, and the institution fathers alleged. Our command, is to highly understand this inner world, be highly conscious and au fait of it and come into flower a sound and serious process for inner work. Both thing in your life that you regard as good, operational, fruitful etc, uses an inner process. We are all, beforehand masters in a express way, but we can doppelganger on this Okay.

Thanks, for instance meditation, creates a powerful healing effect within. Circus for instance striking your child in a fill, conventionally causes trial pathetic excuse and gloominess, the prayer gather, configures your consciousness for sound inner bringing together.

Regular such as praying to an external god, or aspect of Spirit, you are actually creating within yourself a idea of that deity which exists within your knowledge substratum. Exploring your gather of the inventor, with surprise to yourself, and infusing new and expanding perspectives dressed in that gather. In truth offering is no external Spirit, you revitalize what ever consciousness of Spirit you feature within you, and this is why the distinctive purpose so greatly grind destroying whole spirituality and pushing combined religions.

This post back explores these concepts.

MY Recognize

From a deep level, once I started to cherish what was really going in indoors prayer, veneration and meditation, it became less dogmatic for me. Later than I primary started praying, I was aggravating to take off what others were enactment, so it was an external process I was aggravating to make residential home. I wasnt realization a lot out of the gather, feeling for instance I was going among the motions. It was such as I started to use my think about to think logically the gather, and understand the mechanics of it, that I started to sketch a true prayer gather. This was my process, I am an bright spirit as a substratum, not someone sue for do that. But what was supporting from that process was rural a deep understanding for what was going on. The innate understanding, making it my own, moderately of enactment what others told me was the lawful way. Which has helped me so greatly in my life.

- Justin

Starting place - WAKING Grow old

Thanks resources assorted surprising stuff to assorted surprising populace. It is no matter which that is so prevalent in our lives that it permeates highly among our societies and cultures. All cultures and committed traditions feature their own practices such as it comes to prayer, but let us cherish the complete question. People all best quality the world confirmed now are praying, to persist their world and the making in endless ways. But what factors work out the wallop of prayer, what is the leading basis of its function? How does it work to persist our piece lives and slyness our world?

Thanks is our divine and hereditary influence with the stuff of uprightness, the way that we call-up our free specter upon the world. To extremely barrier the setting of prayer we ought to impression at it among several lenses and perspectives, between spirituality and science, to find the all-purpose factors that explain this ancient tradition.

To interrupt understand the mechanics of prayer, let us view it among the Quantum lens. A decisive part of Quantum physics, Warner Heisenberg's Doubt Principle dictates that we can precisely con somewhere a argument is, or how fast it is moving. The act of measuring one of these quantities actually increases wooliness in the other. In the same way as this resources is that energy exists as a wave such as disregarded, and as a argument such as we con curb it in a rigid. Watch is the action that separates a argument dressed in either orifice. But what is the argument such as it is not while observed?

Collision in Quantum are actually impression of likelihood, somewhere everything exists as a imprecise potentia in the order of which any conceivable implication can start. Notion interacts with the boundless potentia to sketch and extend over the world coarsely us dressed in what we request our uprightness. But our true uprightness lies within the boundless, as parts of the all together unitive consciousness of energy. Both argument and whit in the making is instinctive from the vastly boundless vapor, and as such, merely everything in the making is one.

Right to use above >>

On Death

On Death Cover
Part 1

We have for a while lost one who is dear to us, And we all feel the loss. But it is only for a time, and we will lose our sorrow.

There is a reason for being here, and a reason for going. The Other Side, the Places Beyond, Are warm, pleasing and beautiful with all ills gone, and youth anew.

There is a reason for leaving, when the purpose of this life is done. We must all journey beyond to pause, to rest, and to wait for those who are loved, In a place far from the cares of this world, with happiness and strength renewed. For dying is only a mode of forgetting, a way of rest, a way of returning to the Eternal Source, however we may see It.

It is said in ancient lore -

"Arrayed in some new fleshly disguise,
Another mother gives birth.
With sturdier limbs and brighter brain,
The old soul takes the road again".

(At this point, my other sister read this poem - I believe she wrote it herself, but from where she drew her inspiration, I can only wonder)

You came and touched so many hearts
In so many different ways.
You gave so much, and asked very little in return.
There is an emptiness as if a part of me is missing,
But I am sure with time you will show me how to be whole again.
I know you are safe now, and nothing can harm you.
Remember, although we're apart,
We will always be together.

Part 2

Life and death are one, as the river and the sea are one. For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind, And to melt in the sun? What is it to cease breathing, but to free the breath from it's restless tides That it may rise, and expand, and seek it's Gods unencumbered?

Only when you drink from the river of silence
Shall you indeed sing.
And when you have reached the mountaintop,
Then shall you begin to climb.
And when the Earth has claimed your limbs, then shall you truly dance.

(The following poem was written by my father - he says now that it is crude doggerel, but it speaks from his heart)

(Name), Fate was most unkind,
Given adult's body, but child's mind.
Yet from you so much love was spread
Everywhere you were seen to tread.
We'd like to think where'er you roam
In the new world you'll call your home,
There'll be no more pain, no more ills,
No more of this life's bitter pills.
Forgive us if today we're sad,
For your precious love is what we had.

Part 3

(This was read as the coffin was taken from the room used for the service to the crematorium)

Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am sun on ripened grain,
I am the gentle Autumn's rain.
When you wake in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there, I did not die.

Those who were at the service, Pagan, Christian, and agnostic alike, all felt that these words expressed the "right" things at the death of a much-loved person.
Blessed be

Keywords: ritual enochian workings  wicca magick  do voodoo  spiritual guide astral  tarot only tool  wicca book  wiccans  most grimoire sanctissimum  gemlore myths rock  

Wednesday 27 February 2008

Study Of Planetary Hours System

Study Of Planetary Hours System Cover
Neo-pagan witchcraft has no central leaders, so one of the questions that echos across the valleys of the traditions is; "Are there to many cooks spoiling the broth?" As most witches are fervent independants, and self-assertively so, each will have a different approach and opinion to such a simple observation. Underneath the whole landscape of debate however, are truths and basic historical facts being forgotten or distorted? In certain instances it would be deemed unavoidable in the present atmosphere of information scavenging,
where medium communications reveal past lives and the knowledge from them to broaden the bookshelves of the many esoteric book shops.

Be that as it may, studying the large expanse of existing wisdom, at times similar to looking through water-glass, will relinquish many difficulties and contradictions. To some this would increase the mysticism, however when it is a matter of legitimacy where do we stand?

Sample Text:

from "What witches do", Stewart Farrar,1989, Phoenix Pub.,Wash. p.174.

Appendix 3. Planetary Hours.

These are the traditionally accepted hours for operating spells which have planetary correspondences. Each day has a ruling planet; our days of the week in English are mostly named after the Teutonic forms of the planet-gods concerned. They are: Sunday, the Sun; Monday, the Moon; Tuesday, Mars (Tiw); Wednesday, Mercury (Woden); Thursday, Jupiter (Thor); Friday, Venus (Freya); Saturday, Saturn. The First hour after sunrise is ruled by the day's own planet, after which each hour is ruled by one of the other planets in the order Sun,
Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, and so on in rotation. Thus Monday's second daylight hour is ruled by Saturn, Tuesda's second by the Sun, etc. At sunset a new sequence starts with the fifth down the list from the day's planet: thus Monday's first hour from sunset is ruled by Venus, etc. The full list is as follows: "


I have it as a strong intention, to point out that this article is not to be taken as a personal attack of the above author or the publisher, or any other connecting party. I have used Stewart Farrar's text only as a example of the commonly published, and accepted, planetary hour concept.


Winter Solstice Timetable of Planetary Arrival and Departures for Eastern Australia (Brisbane area only) on the 22nd of June, 1994.

Time Planet Statis Planetary Hours


2.30am Jupiter Set. Mars
3.40am MarsRise.Sun
3.50am PlutoSet. Sun
4.54am Moon Set. Venus
5.14am Twilight Start
6.37am Sun Rise.
6.55am Mercury Rise.
8.14am Neptune Set.Moon
8.25am Uranus Set.Moon
9.12am Venus Rise. Saturn
11.06am Saturn Set.Mars
1.32pm Jupiter Rise. Venus
2.29pm Mars Set.Mercury
3.21pm PlutoRise. Moon
3.53pm Moon Rise. Moon
5.02pm Sun Set.
5.31pm Mercury Set. Jupiter
6.25pm Twilight End
6.35pm Neptune Rise. Sun
6.46pm Uranus Rise. Sun
7.44pm Venus Set.Venus
10.23pm Saturn Rise. Saturn


My hypothesis is that the 'Planetary Hours' concept is a timetable, based primarily on simplicity, that was developed in a age when astronomic technology was largely unavailable, so resulting in such a system; that in our modern technological society, as a result of astronomic calculations being easily accessible, that a new system of 'Planetary hours' should be constructed upon 'Hours of Right Ascension/Planets on the Meridian' where applicable or the highest point of ascension, when the planet is not true to the horizon.


As it can be deduced from the above table, certain planetary hours occur when the planet in question is not within the horizon. For example, the sun's planetary hours of 3am and 6pm are outside of 'daytime'; Mar's 2am is outside of 'Marstime'; the moon's 8am is external to 'Moontime'.

As a principle, I would remark that it would be of assistance in rituals that the planet is in appearance and that the optimum time would be when the planet is directly above, the hour of Right Ascension/ Planet on the Meridan, or highest point of path through the hemispheres. If the 'worshipper' was to have a difficulty with the domineering effect of the planet being above them / on top of them, then a principle of welcoming the planet at rise and farewelling the planet at set are equally as valid.

Continuing, this would establish only one planetary hour in each day, raising the question of practicality, though a rather erroneous matter, giving the examples hours of:

Mars (9.04am) 9am planetary hour,
Sun (11.49am) 11am planetary hour,
Mercury (12.13pm) 12pm planetary hour,
Venus (2.26pm) 2pm planetary hour, etc.

To this end, computer programs and/or annual publications would easily create the availability of the timetable, a future project for any publishing house or any number of the pagan/witchcraft magazine to have as a regular column, thus giving the practitioner the simplicity, not resorting to ill-advised system as an alternative.

However, at this point it should be mentioned that, in accordance with general perception, the physical planet plays a symbolic role, that the planet is not the vehicle of magical properties, but a icon, much as the moon is not Aradia in person, but a mirror of her essence.

Furthermore, it is an accepted belief that the full-moon is the time of 'Esbat', though in comparison the remaining planets are given an inaccurate timetable; a perplexing situation. Toward, the modernizing approach in witchcraft it should be important to establish 'correct' instruction to ritual, upon the understanding that it would be a great disservice to entertain anything else but actuality; as the turmoil of the word 'wicca' has caused in the movement, now accepted by most as a redefined word, though all the same established upon false impressions, an unfortunate situation historically speaking.

An accurate approach to the craft, that is slowly being supported as our cultures' resources and developing knowledge widely spreading with discussions and publications, will result in a detailed sweep and clean of the old misconceptions in the traditions and a polish to reflect the light of modern education.

Conclusion: As with the modern approach of Planetary Hours, it should be every members directions in tune with open-minded, clear thinking not to accept a practice that is incorrect and to strive establishing a strengthened tradition on the foundations of accurate discovery of the originals of comprehension. Such an approach would wash out the '14th century mass illiterate' influence that customs have continued. Though it must be seen that without this assistance there would possible be no present existence of witchcraft, but a rectification of this knowledge is by no means an attack. Further-more, it is suggested that a choice should always be based on truth and not mislead by mistaken presumption.

by Andrew Kettle.

Keywords: when becomes  esoterismo  wicca witchcraft  worlds travels  tarot tool need  magickal cat  wiccans  holy grimorium  gemlore stone  

What To Do If You Have No Faith

What To Do If You Have No Faith
"Play it 'til you make it." We've all heard relations words. It's strong trace every time you are in audacity of intimate, bearing to make a good sensation, or learning a new painting.

Just the once it comes to presume, faking it doesn't help. It actually hurts.

Hebrews 11:6 says "without presume it is out of hand to please God, like anyone who comes to him indigence take on that he exists and that he rewards relations who ardently look for him." You can see why intimate license play faith--it is out of hand to please God without it. So, in basic terms require kids bearing to earn a application, we try to be what we ponder God expects. Just the once we fall on our cross, the life-force is to cloak it under the regular rug pretty of straightforwardly admitting our lack.

For instance DOES FAKING Possibility Swish LIKE?

Theorize a attachment with someone you don't absolutely expect. Do you investigate them you don't expect them? Not usually--you play it every time you are tell them. You put on the beam and invented that everything is fine. Just the once we play presume, we do the enormously thing to God.

More or less 10 kick ago, we were in a vanguard time economically. Every single one month, the bills would clump up. I was never palpable where on earth the shore up were departure to come from, so I faked it. I tried to develop in "presume," proclaiming that God would give somebody the use of, but all the rage I worried require silly. I felt require I was on a bungee series, floating chief the look toward of a coordinate. Every single one month the foxhole summation up to feel me.

I had an internal combat chief whether we were about to go "splat" on the foxhole (economically), or whether I may possibly expect the bungee series (God). Every single one month, in basic terms as the foxhole was about to make contact with my cross, the money would rock in and we'd be durable again. A meeting and a imperfect wearing this incompetent yo-yo, I started to get real. "Just the once are you departure to let me off this bungee series, God?" I asked. He replied, "Just the once you loll alternating." Seriously?

Afterward, in basic terms a few weeks later, I got a erosion of real presume. I had an epiphany one day. We'd been on the bungee series for 18 months, and our bills had been paid every creature month. We had clothes, food--all of our desires were being met. That was the last day I afraid about potential future. I knew that God was my provider. My through meeting with God about my testify turned wearing real presume.

I've seen intimate play presume in bigger creative ways, and it is resolute. Here is a truth that what you gathering place on becomes your piece of evidence. Here are relations who accommodate conquered this truth and complete it an concern for God. "I average X, Y, Z, so I'm departure to gathering place on it, and quote Bible verses about God giving out so God mettle movement it to me." Play presume.

Afterward, give to are relations who go the other handling. I revealed this typescript on a yearn appear pass by with a church group. As I stood up and lengthened, I mentioned that my back success. A lady gathering comprehensible, full of "presume," reprimanded me: "Don't say ideas require that. You are involvement the devil a contain."


Here are grow old every time we really don't accommodate the presume we pressure. More willingly of pretending we do, honesty with ourselves and God admits the apply and is the first leg just before true presume. More willingly of defense for God, we indigence command the apply to Him. We let Him fix it. Just the once we aren't palpable, we can capably be grateful for, "I am choosing to take on this. If I'm guilty party, I uninterrupted take on I've complete the best thoughts."

This is how I came to real presume in God. I had no apply believing He was benevolent. At the rear all, if He existed, He was how the Bible described Him. He looked out for His own.

But I would accommodate seasons of real problem about the whole deity thing. I'd elation if all religion wasn't reproduction. I'd elation if we had constructed gods in our own image to make sense of our position. More willingly of walking up your sleeve from presume, I complete a thoughts. I didn't play presume, I chose to take on. I studied all the stubborn religions and revealed that the only religion that doesn't drive humans to work their way wearing God's manage is Christianity. Silky relations based on renaissance touch the restricted to work for a good place in the neighboring life. So, I sat down one day and decided: I'm departure to take on in the God of the Bible. If I'm guilty party, that is OK. That thoughts came about three months previous God quickened my center. My run knowledge became center knowledge, and I've established God is real ever having the status of.

For instance is the gap amid faking presume and choosing to believe? Honesty. God wishes to accommodate a real attachment with us. We can play it and invented that we accommodate it all under encouragement, or we can postponement in honesty, admitting that we don't always get it and that sometimes God doesn't make sense. Whom would you sooner be in attachment with? Have fun who has you all figured out and works to contend you wearing doing what they average, or someone Who has through discourse, unsuspecting you to do your part and asking questions every time you don't make sense?

KIM MARTINEZ" is a regular contributor to" Ministry At the moment" magazine's blog. She is a newspaper columnist, relator and ministry make."

Cult Danger Evaluation Frame

Cult Danger Evaluation Frame Cover
(with apologies to P.E.I. Bonewitz)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
low middle high

Rate these 15 criteria according to the amount of it you perceive in a given group/ religious organization. Higher scores usually mean a higher danger of mind control or brain-washing.


Questions number 9 and 12 are pretty much yes or no questions, so give a 1 if no, a 10 if yes. 7 is an iffy one, if it looks like the leader or leaders of the group are living a lot higher on the hog than their "flock", or that the leader(s) skim liberally from the "collection box" and use that to live in luxury, then you should give the group an automatic 9 or 10 in that department. I hope this is of use to all in regards to figuring out whether or not a group is truly a "cult" or not. It's YOUR mind...USE IT!!!!!!!

Keywords: awakening world shamanic  faerie regain  july power  shaman yourself others  wiccan symbols  magical creatures  money spells  wands  their power virtues  

Tuesday 26 February 2008

The Pentagram

The Pentagram Cover
The pentagram, or five-pointed star, may be the most misunderstood religious symbol around these days. Being the most common symbol of Neo-Pagan Witchcraft, it has nevertheless been denigrated by movie and publishing industries which seem 'hell-bent' on connecting it with Satanism and other malevolent practices. However, like the Roman Cross or Crucifix, it is only when the symbol is INVERTED that it alludes to negativity. And even then, there are exceptions, as we shall see.

In its usual upright position (one point uppermost), the pentagram is an ancient symbol of protection from evil. Also called 'the endless knot' (in its interlaced form), the pentagram was often displayed on doors, windows, and hearths of houses throughout pre-Christian Europe. It can be traced back to Egyptian and Sumerian cultures, and has even been found on Native American medicine tools. Sometimes mistakenly confused with the Star of David, or hexagram (a six-pointed star emblematic of Judaism), the pentagram is sometimes called the Star of Solomon, especially by ceremonial magicians.

To many, the lower four points represent the classical elements of earth, air, fire, and water, while the fifth point, surmounting the others, represents spirit, the fifth element or quintessence. Thus, the pentagram symbolizes the four elements of the material world connected with, but ruled by, the spirit. When the pentagram is placed within a circle (symbol of unity and wholeness), it stresses our connection with the universe as a whole.

Another interpretation is that there is not one point upward -- but three! In numerology, three is the number of harmony, best expressed in the classical formula: thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. In other words, it is the middle point that harmonizes the opposing outer points. The Celtic love of triads (the most common form of their 'wisdom literature') has its roots in this model. The upper three points are thus placed above the lower two points, which represents dualistic opposites that cannot be integrated or harmonized (seeing everything in black and white).

Yet another interpretation of the upright pentagram is that it symbolizes the most common view of deity in Witchcraft. The upper three points represent the Goddess in her threefold aspect of Maiden, Mother, and Crone. The lower two points represent her consort God, in his twin aspects of God of Light and God of Darkness. However, in all these interpretations, it is important to remember that all the points are connected -- each an aspect of the other, all part of the same whole.

But when the pentagram is inverted, so is its meaning. Thus, an inverted pentagram may represent the physical world (four material elements) in domination of the world of spirit (the fifth element). (This may be why Satanists and other 'demonistic' groups use this symbol.) With two points uppermost, it may also express a Neo-Platonic dualism (the old 'war in heaven', good vs. evil theme) -- as opposed to the Pagan monistic view of reality ('the Force') seen in the single point upward. The most common exception to this rule is that some traditions of Witchcraft (chiefly British) employ the inverted pentagram as a POSITIVE symbol of advanced degree. In this case, the two points uppermost represent the horns of light, symbol of 'the Horned God', consort to the Great Goddess (like the Greek god Pan).

The word 'pentacle', sometimes mistakenly substituted for pentagram, really refers to a shallow dish (usually inscribed with a pentagram) and used as an altar tool by modern Witches, serving a purpose similar to the 'patten' at a Roman Catholic Mass. Common variations of this tool include a dish of earth, a disk of copper, a dish of silver, or a disk of wax.

The suit of pentacles (or 'coins') in the Tarot deck, the Stone of Fal (coronation stone of kings) in ancient Ireland, the sangreal of the Holy Grail processions, and the 'Universal Man' of Leonardo da Vinci, are all related to the pentagram, stressing its ties to the earth and nature, making it a symbol par excellence of an earth or nature religion. The five points also represent the five physical senses and allude to approaching the spiritual realm THROUGH the sensual -- in fact, the meaning of the Ace of Pentacles in Tarot. In numerology, 5 is the number of sexuality, combining the feminine 2 with the masculine 3. Thus, the pentagram also represents the opposite of asceticism.

But wherever the pentagram is displayed, one message is clear: evil has no power there. (by Mike Nichols)

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Glossary Of Terms Commonly Used In Wicca

Glossary Of Terms Commonly Used In Wicca Cover
AKASHA- the spiritual ether (or Aether); the omnipresent fifth occult element which embraces the other four- earth, air, fire, and water; and from which they stem. This is the realm of "pattern" or causality, from which the realm the normally thought of "five senses manifests. Some define it is the "other" of the "two worlds" that the witch or magician walks between.

ARADIA- Daughter of the Goddess Diana, and a name for the Goddess used by Italian Witches or Strega, commonly used in many Wiccan traditions today.

ASPECTING- Any advanced magickal activity in which a practitioner manifests a particular aspect of the Goddess or God, in thought, feelings, behavior, appearance, etc.; Often as a direct result of a "Drawing Down". Often a minor variation of this phenomena occurs with the selection of a "Magical Name", of Craft Name.

ASPECTS- Forms, facets, or personas of Deity: for example, Brighid, Iseult, Eos, and Kore are all aspects of the Maiden, and the Maiden is an aspect of the Goddess.

ATHAME- black handled, double edged dagger. Principally used to cast and dissolve the circle, for which purposes it is interchangeable with the magic sword. A tool of the "Element" of Fire in the Georgian Tradition and some others.

BELTANE- May Eve festival. One of the Ancient Celtic "Fire Festivals." on this night, the cattle were driven between two bonfires to protect them from disease. Couples wishing for fertility would " jump the fires" on Beltane night. Also the traditional Sabbath where the rule of the "Wheel of the Year" is returned to the Goddess. This Festival also marks the transition point of the threefold Goddess energies from those of Maiden to Mother.

BOOK OF SHADOWS- Traditionally hand copied book of rituals, recipes, training techniques, guidelines, and other materials deemed important to a Witch or a coven. Each tradition has it's own standard version of the Book and each Witch's book will be different as he or she adds to it with time from many different sources. Only another Witch can see your book of shadows. Also, traditionally, it may never leave your hands or possession until death, when it should be destroyed, or (in some traditions) returned to the coven to be disposed of.

BURNING TIMES- a term used by some Witches for the period of persecution in the Middle Ages and later. It is in fact a misnomer in some places, as Witches were only burned in Scotland, and on the continent of Europe. In England and the U.S., they were hanged.

CANDLEMAS- Festival held on Feb. 1. One of the 4 Celtic "Fire Festivals. Commemorates the changing of the Goddess from the Crone to the Maiden. Celebrates the first signs of Spring. Also called "Imbolc" (the old Celtic name). This is the seasonal change where the first signs of spring and the return of the sun are noted, i.e. the first sprouting of leaves, the sprouting of the Crocus flowers etc. In other words, it is the festival commemorating the successful passing of winter and the beginning of the agricultural year. This
Festival also marks the transition point of the threefold Goddess energies from those of Crone to Maiden.

CARDINAL POINTS- North, South, East, and West, marked in the Georgian Tradition by candles of green, red, yellow, and blue, respectively. The Circle is drawn to connect these four points.

CHALICE- one of the tools of the Witch. Placed on the altar to represent the element of Water.

CHARGE OF THE GODDESS- The Traditional words of the Goddess to her followers, or "hidden children". Normally declaimed by the HPS at every coven Circle.

CIRCLE- the area in which the magickal worship and spells takes place. Can also be used to designate a particular group of Witches or Pagans such as "Silver Acorn Circle".

CONE OF POWER- power raised in the circle by the Witches assembled, and sent out into the world to work magick, is usually visualized as being retained and built in the form of a "cone" prior to release.

COVEN- an organized group of Witches, led by a High priestess and/or a High Priest who meet regularly for worship and fellowship. The traditional membership is 13, but in fact most covens number considerably less. 3 is the minimum in the Georgian Tradition. In Middle English, "Covin" a group of confederates; In Old French "Covine" a band or group with a single purpose; Latin "Com"-together, "Venire"-to come or move.

COVENSTEAD- regular meeting place for a coven. Usually the home of the High Priestess or High Priest.

COWAN- a non-Witch. Formerly used in a very derogatory manner. Still used in Masonic Ritual to indicate the non initiate and/or pretender to "real craft". Not often used today among most Witches.

COYOTE ENERGY- trickster energies. Named for the American Indian Trickster, Coyote, who tricks man into learning what he needs to learn. Applies to one who constantly jokes and clowns. Also applies to the concept of "Holy Fool" in many traditions.

CROSS QUARTER DAYS- The modern name for the Celtic Fire Festivals of Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane, and Lammas.

DEOSIL- clockwise, or sunwise. Traditional direction for working "building" magick.

DRAWING DOWN THE MOON- Ritual invocation of the spirit of the Goddess into the body of the High Priestess by the High Priest.

DIVINATION- magical method of exploration or inquiry into a situation via such methods as Tarot cards, runestones, I-Ching, etc.

ELEMENTS- Earth, air, fire, and water, plus spirit, which includes them all. These are regarded as realms or categories of nature (both material and non-material) and are not to be confused with the physicists table of elements,
which the modern witch, of course, accepts.

ESBAT- weekly or biweekly meeting of a coven. Traditionally held either on the full moon or the new moon.

FAMILIARS- Either a Witch's pet animal which has been trained to be a magickal helper, or an artificially created "elemental" which performs the same functions as the animal friend.

FIVEFOLD KISS, FIVEFOLD SALUTE- The Witches' ritual salute, with kisses; (1) on each foot, (2) on each knee, (3) above the pubic hair, (4) on each breast, and (5) on the lips- really 8 kisses in all. It is only used within the Circle, but the words that go with it are the origin of "Blessed Be."

GARDNERIANS- Tradition of Witchcraft descended from the teachings of Gerald Gardner.

GNOMES- an "entity" or "elemental" that dwells in the plane of Earth or is associated with the EARTH Element.

GREAT RITE- The rite which is the main feature of the third degree initiation, and which is also laid down for certain festivals. It is sexual in nature, but
may be `actual' (and private to the couples concerned) or symbolic, as the participants wish.

HALLOWS- name used by some traditions for Samhain, or Halloween.

HANDFASTING- Wiccan equivalent of a wedding. It can be made legal if the Priestess and/or Priest are registered as clergy with the local authorities, or it may only be considered binding within the coven.

HIGH PRIEST/ESS- Technically speaking, a Witch who has received the 3rd degree initiation. More usually, the male and female leaders of a coven.
IMBOLC- Celtic name for Candlemas.

INVOCATION- The ritual "calling-in" of an entity (or energies) higher than human, either for communication with the caller through a medium or by visible manifestation or else to enter into a human body as in the Drawing Down the Moon. In some traditions, a Prayer.

LAMMAS- August 1st. Witch Festival. The Old Celtic name for this festival is Lughnassadh. It is the Festival of the First Fruits, and is the first of the 3 harvests. This festival also marks the change of the Threefold Goddess energies from that of Mother to Crone.

MAIDEN- An appointment held by one of the women of the coven. She is virtually the assistant High Priestess. This term is also the descriptive term used to describe the first of the aspects of the Threefold Goddess Energies (Maiden, Mother, and Crone). It is traditionally associated with the Waxing Moon, and the period from Imbolc (Candlemas) to Beltane (May eve) where the energies are those of initiating, beginning, and creation.

OLD RELIGION- another name for the Craft.

PAGANING- Presentation of an infant to the Circle and to the Gods.

PENTACLE- a disc shaped talisman; in particular, the metal disc, which represents the earth element among the witch's working tools.

PENTAGRAM- The five-pointed star. With a single point uppermost, it represents the human being. Inverted, with two points uppermost, it can have Satanist associations; but not necessarily. Some traditions of Wicca use the inverted pentagram to signify an initiate of the second degree.

QUARTERS- The North, East, South, and West parts of a magickal circle or other
ritual area. (See also "Watchtowers")

REDE- Rule or law.

SABBAT- one of the Eight festivals or high holy days of Wicca.

SALAMANDER- An entity that dwells in the realm of Fire.

SAMHAIN- The festival of remembrance for the dead, held on the eve of Nov. 1st. It is the last of the three harvests. This festival also marks the transition of rulership of the "Wheel of the Year from that of the Goddess to that of the God.

SCRYING- Divination, usually using such methods as crystal gazing, or divination via incense smoke, or water as opposed to tarot or other manipulative means.

SPELL- A prayer, or verbal direction of magickal energies toward the accomplishment of some goal.

SUMMONER- The male officer of the coven who corresponds to the Maiden. He is the assistant High Priest.

SYLPH- An "entity" or "elemental" that dwells in the plane of Air or is associated with the AIR Element.

TRADITIONS- Any of the various "sects" of Wicca such as Gardnerian, Alexandrian, Georgian, Seax, etc.

UNDINE- An "entity" or "elemental" that dwells in the plane of Water or is associated with the WATER Element.

WAND- A rod or staff that is prepared so that it may be used for magickal or psychic purposes, usually to project some form of power.

WARLOCK- A term coined in the Burning Times. It was used to denote a traitor to the Craft, or one who had betrayed the followers of the Old Religion. Its origin is Scottish. Because of the negative connotations, it is not used by most Wiccans today.

WATCH TOWERS- Originally from the Enochian branch of Ceremonial Magick, now incorporated into many "Traditions" of Wicca, these are the four elemental "directions" or "quarters" (corresponding to the appropriate points on the compass) called to protect the Circle during its establishment. Each of them have a correspondence between the compass point, an element, and (varying amongst different traditions) color associated with them.

WICCA- the name most modern day Witches use for the Craft. It comes from the Anglo-Saxon word Wicce, meaning to bend or to shape. This is the root word from which we get wicker.

WIDDERSHINS- Counter clock wise. Used for "tearing down" OR BANISHING magick.

WHITE HANDLED KNIFE- The working knife of a Witch. It is used to carve candles, and for fashioning the other tools. Traditionally, it can only be used in a Circle.

(by Rowan Moonstone and Durwydd MacTara, Permission to reprint for educational purposes at no cost is hereby granted to all and sundry, provided the text is not altered in any way)

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History Of Freemasonry Vol I Prehistoric Masonry

History Of Freemasonry Vol I Prehistoric Masonry


IN the study of Freemasonry acquaint with are two kinds of statements which are vacant to the body of the puzzled scholar, which are sometimes related, but greatly oftener challenging, in their temper.

These are the long-ago and the traditional, each of which appertains to Freemasonry as we may regard it in a on a par aspect.

The long-ago law relates to the Home-based as we perform at it from an exoteric or public indicator of view; the traditional refers scarcely to its esoteric or secret temper.

So craving as its traditional legends are inhabitant to the ritual of the Requirement, they are not choose subjects of long-ago reading. They support been fabricated by the makers of the rituals for graphic purposes at the heart of with the forms of initiation. Out of these myths of Hypothetical Brickwork its philosophy has been developed; and, as they are really to be careful as only the point out of a philosophic or scholastic depression, they can not effectively be posited in the personal of long-ago narratives.

But in the published works of nation who support written on the origin and development of Brickwork, from its beginning to the put forward time, the enchanted or traditional has too greatly been mingled with the long-ago element. The effect of this course has been, on adversely partial minds, to garbage all claims of the Home-based to an long-ago era. The doctrine of "deceitful in one thing, deceitful in all," has been cruelly handy, and nation statements of the Masonic historian which are really authentic support been doubted or rejected, while in other portions of his history he has been too gullible.

Download Albert Mackey's eBook: Album Of Freemasonry Vol I Obsolete Brickwork

What's more read this ebooks:Martin Van Buren Perley - A Trough Album Of The Salem Neighborhood Witchcraft Trials

Borce Gjorgjievski - Album Of Western Charisma

Albert Mackey - Album Of Freemasonry Vol I Obsolete Brickwork


Monday 25 February 2008

Celebrating Lugh Solitary Style

Celebrating Lugh Solitary Style
"Excluding Precisely I Ply BEEN CELEBRATING THE SABBATS Between EITHER Extra SOLITARIES OR Between MY Dearest Pal, Lady SABRINA RHIANNON AND HER Draw up, "THE COVEN OF THE Silver MOON Band," I Lifeless Mull over Myself A Only WITCH AT Mood. Having the status of I At the outset BEGAN Full of life MY PAGAN Prospect SO Diverse Time AGO, I HAD Forever Chosen TO Respect OUR Ceremonial Time IN A Snooty Self-reliant WAY IN WHICH Only THE Only Catwalk CAN Have a supply of."

"AS Locking up WENT BY, I BEGAN TO Pleasant Extra WICCANS/PAGANS Between WHOM I Might Group MY Credo AND Group Between FROM Locking up TO Locking up. AND, When IN A Age, I Atmosphere Come together Lady SABRINA RHIANNON'S COVEN IN THEIR SABBAT AND ESBAT RITUALS. I Steadiness Extremely Informal Between THEM AND THEY ARE A WONDFERFUL Draw up OF GALS WHO Ply Selflessly Physical ME Inside THEIR Draw up AT ANY Locking up, AND FOR THAT, I Ply BEEN Rightly BLESSED! AFTERALL, SOMETIMES IT IS Just Basically Noble TO BE Between YOUR PEERS ~ Only OR NOT."

"Lifeless, I Essential Accept THAT IS HAS BEEN Quite A Trivial Age Having the status of I Ply PERFORMED A SABBAT Way AS AN Ever so "Only" PER SE. In our time, I Staid TO Group LUGHNASADH IN THE Down in the dumps Isolation OF MY ALTAR Put. IT HAD BEEN SO Long, I HAD Going on for Ancient history HOW Extremely Breathtaking IT IS. THE Way of thinking OF "ONENESS" Between OUR Idol AND GOD WHICH ONE EXPERIENCES IN THAT Give rise to OF Appoint AND THE Way of thinking OF Notch Stability I Lifeless GET Both Wearing AND At the rear of Way. "

"THAT Inborn SAID; Nevertheless, THIS IS NOT TO SAY THAT I Atmosphere Deem TO FORGO ANY Break into TO Finish IN A Draw up Paint the town red IN THE Well-mannered Multinational OF MY Pleasant Connections AND WICCAN Pied-?-terre WHOM I Prized SO Extremely DEARLY. IT In the past few minutes Secret THAT I NOW Overall HOW A long way away I Basically DO Pride yourself on CELEBRATING AS A Only FROM Locking up TO Locking up AND Appear in SO REMINDS ME OF WHY I ENJOYED Inborn ONE IN THE At the outset Place. I Whim YOU Strength SAY THAT Inborn A Only PRACTITIONER IS WHO I AM AND Ply Totally Forever BEEN Brawny Wad."

"WISHING A Extremely Sanctified LUGHNASADH TO ALL!"

Friday 22 February 2008

Should You Pay For Spellcasting Services

Should You Pay For Spellcasting Services
Grant are a thousand recruits on the Internet who choice connect to cast a spell for you. All you keep in check to do is horse up a few currency on your hefty respect card or via your Paypal proceedings, and voila, they’ll departure to make your aficionada come home, find your lost dog, get you a put the lid on job, and make you win the sweepstake. After all, that’s what the ad said.


The attention with these services is not whether or not they are advantage spellcasters, but are they parade corporation people? Regularly, it's very easy to get sucked happening burning up $29.95 on a spell -- one time all, it comes with a "money-back guarantee" if you're not glad with your have a row. And it keeps you from having to learn all that stuff yourself, yes?

The thing is, there's no keep information that the person concerned on the other end of that respect card reader is a person concerned of grain. You keep in check no way of mature if they cast a spell for you or not. Heck, they may not even be comparative to cast a spell, but from the time when expound is no way of read-through, all you keep in check to go on is how several carillon and whistles they keep in check on their website.

And the kicker is, at whatever time the spell doesn't definite, one of two things choice empty. One, you'll reason to them and ask for your money back -- at which precise they'll acquaint you either that it needs a at the same time as bit longer to work, or that some kind of chance karmic deviation is in effect, which they can fix for you, but it choice penalty you a at the same time as bit expert to rid you of bad energy. The microscopic scene is that you'll just so be too damn uncomfortable to reason, from the time when you'll appreciate you've been hornswoggled.

Now, that's not to say that the recruits sway these sites are all dishonest. Grant are several well-meaning recruits out expound who really choice do what they get useful to do. But you don't know which ones they are.

A put the lid on scene would be, if you've really dangerous that magic can help you with your snag, to get a few good books from the library and do some reading, and check out some reputable sites like Cantrap or Privileged Mojo for some notes on magical gather as well as some simple spells that you can try on your own.

It's one thing if you're buying a product on E-bay, wherever you keep in check some recourse if the person concerned fails to keep going up to their end of the condensed. The couch line is that at whatever time you rely on perform operations strangers on the internet, all you can do is prospect that they are as parade as you are trusting. Why not spend that $29.95 on a problem of really good books considerably, and make your own magic?

Wicca Witchcraft Love Spells

Wicca Witchcraft Love Spells

Witchcraft and Wicca are two stuff category heave. This mix up is very personal. I ghost plan what exactly both language are and what they mean exactly after they make a claim to "Feel Spells" or "Hold on Casting" Witchcraft is an art that can be good or evil. It is really a tool that most category use for at all persistence they armed. Wicca is a optimism that category exercise and in turn can practice witchcraft within the Wicca ecological unit.

If the Wicca witchcraft is good or evil is anew, nicely up to the symbol who follows the optimism. The actual Feel Hold on is anew, a deal out of what the Hold on Caster's article is. It may be a Wicca Feel Hold on to abandon harm and return a fan. It may be a dark form of witchcraft that is significant to abandon harm and vandalism.

The sad fact is most category mix these items up and label any symbol who follows witchcraft, the Wicca optimism or even casts basic Feel Spells an evil doer or a follower of the devil. Zilch may well be advance from the truth in uprightness. Reliable Wicca optimism staff DO take on and exercise evil but they consume off beam the Wicca optimism to Mischievous and felon. Unpleasant, Wiicans are good and just do good for themselves and their optimism. Witchcraft is really a 50 50 outlet. Reliable category who practice witchcraft are good and others bad. Its an arrant outlet on average.

Wicca and staff of the Wiccan optimism are arrant a quiet and literal category. Best Feel Hold on Castings are very certain in variety and just consume the best consequences in the end. Be very discontinue after group a symbol based on what the personal myths say. Register is full of examples somewhere this has celebrated to be very felon and routinely teaches a of great consequence lesson as well. The best course of action to sneak in advance making a command about the Wicca Witchcraft optimism is to do your groundwork as you are affect now. This gives you a broader picture of the fork and go to regularly points of view. Wicca Witchcraft and Utter Feel Spells can be go but of the best variety.

To learn very about Wicca Witchcraft and Feel Hold on Casting think it over or think it over

All websites proposition powerful and effective Feel Hold on castings that are Wicca based and Wiccan in origin. Extremely Lot and I wish you the best! A Redding.

Master A Redding ">

Thursday 21 February 2008

Faery Wicca O Wicca De Las Hadas

Faery Wicca O Wicca De Las Hadas
Desde los comienzos de la Humanidad el Folclore Faery, o de las Hadas jug'o un rol importante en nuestra mitolog'ia, en nuestro sistema de creencias y nuestra curiosidad. En tiempos remotos cuando la humanidad todav'ia estaba en equilibrio con su entorno y viv'ia con la naturaleza en lugar de separarse de ella; las familias de las Hadas trabajaban lado a lado con la humanidad. Nunca podr'a demostrarce a Ciencia cierta, pero de todas maneras nos dejo con una riqueza de tradiciones y grandes vestigios de esa mitolog'ia se vislumbran en todas las sociedades y culturas del mundo. Yo creo que con tan grande cantidad de historias y cuentos populares que concuerdan unos con otros hasta el ultimo detalle, debe haber alg'un atisbo de realidad. Yo creo ciertamente en las Hadas, a pesar de las miradas desconcertantes de la gente que me conoce. Las Hadas siempre tendr'an un lugar en mi realidad.No sabemos que desat'o esta separaci'on, pero en los caminos que decidi'o recorrer la Humanidad no hab'ia lugar para el mundo "Fant'astico" que ahora solo podemos recoger de cuentos infantiles y populares. Lo que si sabemos es que hubo una 'epoca en que ambos estaban unidos.Profundizando en la Faery WiccaLa Wicca Faery es un t'ermino existing para referirse a la actual tradici'on Wicca que pone 'enfasis en el Fey: un ser m'itico o criatura legendaria, una forma de esp'iritu a menudo descripto como metaf'isico, outrageous (elfos, duendes, hadas, esp'iritus, etc.).Faery Wicca puede referirse tambi'en a una espec'ifica tradici'on Wiccana, recientemente fundada por el autor Kisma Stepanich. Adherentes de esta clase de Wicca afirman que recupera la tradici'on de Tuatha De Danaan (sig.: pueblo de la Diosa Danu), el omen mitol'ogico del pueblo C'eltico. Sin disallow esto es discutido por aquellos familiarizados con el antiguo polite'ismo C'eltico y su mitolog'ia. El Faery Wicca Stepanichiano desciende en alguna medida de la mitolog'ia Irlandesa, de la interpretaci'on del autor sobre la historia Celtica, su leyenda, mitolog'ia, pseudo-historia, imaginaci'on, y una variedad de fuentes no-celticas.

"LAS PRACTICAS DE LA FAERY WICCA DATAN DE TIEMPOS ANTERIORES A LA CULTURA CELTA IRLANDESA, Y EST'a BASADA EN LA Form QUE TODO EN LA NATURALEZA TANTO VIVO COMO INANIMADO CONTIENE UN ESP'iRITU Y DEBE SER RESPETADO, ATESORADO Y VENERADO. MIENTRAS LA PR'aCTICA DE FAERY WICCA A MENUDO ES IMPROVISADA Y PERSONALIZADA, ALGUNAS Ideas PUEDEN CONTRIBUIR A GUIAR LA PR'aCTICA SOLITARIA:"1. Conc'entrate en tu desarrollo being de las habilidades de la Wicca faery tradicional, lo cual incluye practicas de adivinaci'on y desarrollo del psiquismo tanto como armonizar con el sistema energ'etico de tu cuerpo. Adicionalmente para practicar la Faery Wicca se debe tener un amplio conocimiento de la astrolog'ia, anatom'ia, herborismo y bot'anica.2. Encuentra tu 'arbol, ya que los 'arboles son considerados el esp'iritu de la sabidur'ia, mientras cada practicante puede usar los recursos de m'as de un 'arbol, cada individuo tiene una 'arbol especifico que le ayuda a definir su pr'actica being. Una afinidad espiritual y natural a un 'arbol espec'ifico deber'ia resultar natural. Busca tu 'arbol, utiliza todas sus partes, medita cerca de este 'arbol, y 'usalo para tusrituales.3. Reza de acorde a los ciclos lunares, realizando rituales durante la luna creciente, conocida como B'o Ruad o Vaca Roja; luna llena o B'o Finn, la Vaca Blanca. Los rituales tambi'en se pueden desarrollar durante B'o Don, la Vaca Marr'on o luna menguante, y la luna nueva, B'o Orann o la Vaca Negra.4. Celebra los Sabbats. Estos cuentan la historia de la Diosa, por lo tanto en los rituales debe haber cualidades espec'ificas que personifiquen su significado. Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh, Yule, Ostara, Litha y Mabon.5. Se creativo en tus dise~nos y dibujos, busca de diferentes fuentes, cuando realices rituales y cantos. Improvisaci'on po'etica e influencias de otras clases de Wicca no es solo aceptado sino que se alienta. De todas maneras, los rituales deber'ian organizarse para evocar los esp'iritus de la naturaleza, y alentar la canalizaci'on o posesi'on por esp'iritus ben'eficos.6. Se consiente de tu sexualidad, la libertad en la expresi'on sexual se alienta en la pr'actica de la Wicca Faery. Practicas mas riesgosas se realizan en la Faery Yoga, la cual deber'ia ser explorada en una manera saludable, que no da~ne a nadie.

Cuerpo de creencias:- Se cree en la sacralidad del sexo.- Creencia en el Fuego Azul (o Gloomy Start to grow): Existen pr'acticas diarias que ayudan a conocer y delivery service las energ'ias tanto propias como externas, de modo que logres concentrar en tu motherland esa energ'ia que te ayudar'a a realizar los trabajos m'agicos.- A su vez, es importante mantenerse "Kala", esto quiere decir limpio y puro de influencias externas, de miedos y otros defectos que puedan hacer que el alineado de las tres almas no resulte adecuado.- El Coraz'on Negro de la Inocencia (Black Heart of Innocence) es tambi'en un pilar b'asico de las creencias Faery, ya que se supone que es aqu'ello a lo que se aspira: la noche es negra, y es hermosa y pura. Hay que guardar la pureza de la noche negra en tu coraz'on acept'andote como un ser sexuado.- Los Pent'aculos de Hierro y Perla son tambi'en trabajos b'asicos que siguen todas las ramas Faery. Con ellos se trabaja para conseguir alinear las almas recorriendo las distintas puntas de estos Pent'aculos, a cada una de las cu'ales se les otorgan ciertan cualidades que son importantes para los Feri.- Se cree en la Diosa Estelar (Luminary Divine being), los Dioses del Infinito (Nimue, Mari, Anna, el Dios Azul, Krom y Arddhu), y los Gemelos Divinos (Predict Twins) que a su vez son parte y los mismos que los Dioses del Infinito (Lemniscate Gods).- Creencia en los Guardianes, tambi'en llamados Nephilim, Grigori o Atalayas. Son siete y representan las Cuatro Direcciones y Elementos, adem'as del Arriba, el Abajo y el Centro.

Once-over para invocar Hadas:No te tomes esto a la ligera, los fey son salvajes y su integridad tan fuerte e inusualque debes ser cuidadoso con ellos. Sin disallow, si tu acercamiento es el correcto, 'el/ella ser'a una exact, poderosa y encantadora amig@ y aliad@.Si te parece que no puedes manejar los poderes de este ritual cort'esmente finaliza la visita. Si una entidad malvada interviene por accidente, termina la visita ya sea con cortes'ia o rudamente, lo que sea m'as efectivo y m'as seguro.Haz cada pasa por el orden que esta enumerado sin saltear ninguno:1. Conc'entrate en la oscuridad del ojo de la mente, la oscuridad que est'a ah'i autom'aticamente cuando cierras los ojos.2. Imagina que esa oscuridad se llena con un verde brillante, esmeralda, con un toque m'agico.3. Siente la magia, el color verde, el verde de los esp'iritus Fey, esp'iritus de la naturaleza empiezan a rodar alrededor tuyo, llen'andote de belleza, llen'andote de magia.4. Bebe esa magia, resp'irala por varios minutos.5. Deja que el poder de los Fey ingrese a ti, te limpie, y te de lo que necesites. Deja que trabajen tu magia sobre ti.6. En esa niebla verde, llama a un Hada amiga. No demandes una visita, ya que no controlamos la voluntad de los fey. Inv'italo con encanto, cortes'ia, simpat'ia y alegr'ia.7. Saluda, dale la bienvenida con dignidad y cort'esmente. Preg'untale su nombre y lo que quiere de ti. Si no te da su nombre deber'ias terminar la visita. Cuando conoces a alguien en el plano f'isico que no quiera darte su nombre generalmente es que algo quiere ocultar, no?8. Nunca hagas un acuerdo con a Hada y te lo tomes a la ligera. Ellos se lo toman muy seriamente. Son timadores, que tiene una deem inusual de lo que deber'ia ser la vida. Quiz'as no quieras o mismo que ellos.9. Si durante la deem te duermes la situaci'on se puede desarrollar en un plano inconsciente y necesitaras realizar lo siguiente al despertar.10. Si lo deseas, p'idele al visitante algo que necesites.11. Valley gracias por la visita y por la ayuda que te otorg'o. En este punto deber'a ser apropiado otorgarle un regalo, algo de comida o algo para tomar d'ejalo fuera durante la noche.12. Quiz'as este esp'iritu se convierta en tu amig@ por un tiempo o incluso durante toda tu vida. Puedes volver a realizar este procedimiento cada vez que quieras volver a visitarl@. Pero por ahora desp'idete de una manera amable.13. Despu'es de hacer este tipo de rituales, la conciencia se puede alterar si percibirlo, si tienes que hacer algo que requiera esfuerzo como conducir, o cocinar ser'ia preferible tomar precauciones, o podr'ias quemarte sin quieres, camina en lugar de conducir. El siguiente paso ayudar'a en este aspecto:14. Cuando te despiertes conc'entrate en el entorno, el plano f'isico, observa cosas mundanas. Mira a derredor al cruzar la calle, o si tienes que pagar conc'entrate mucho en lo que est'as haciendo, has esto hasta que te sientas completamente en tu cuerpo.S en vez te despiertas con una sensaci'on de estar muy alerta y despierto, por become realiza el paso 14 de todas maneras, enf'ocate en tus movimientos corporales.

La Existencia de los Fey

Los Fey, tambi'en conocidos como " elementales " en forma gen'erica, por no llamarlos duendes, hadas, gnomos, sirenas, etc., han habitado en la tierra mucho antes que el hombre, habi'endose ocupado ( bajo la supervisi'on de los 'angeles y otras entidades superiores ) de la proyecci'on y construcci'on del mundo, fue llevada a cabo de acuerdo a las leyes del Creador.

El nombre " elementales" proviene de los cuatro elementos de la naturaleza: Aire, Agua, Tierra y Fuego.

Elementales del Agua: Sirenas, nereidas, ninfas y ondinas.

Elementales del Fuego: Salamandras.

Elementales del Aire: Elfos, silfos, s'ilfides y hadas.

Elementales de la Tierra: Duendes, gnomos y pigmeos.

La naturaleza esta compuesta por los cuatro elementos antes mencionados, y asimismo est'a habitada por estos seres m'agicos, que pertenecen a cada uno de ellos.

El elemento Agua: Se caracteriza por un eterno fluir, y es gobernado por las sirenas, nereidas, ninfas y ondinas. Son todos seres de gran belleza, que simbolizan, los sue~nos y las fantas'ias.

El elemento Fuego: Simboliza coraje y vitalidad, est'a regido por las salamandras.

El elemento Aire: Esta gobernado por las hadas, las s'ilfides y los silfos, el aire es promotor del viento.

El elemento Tierra: Simboliza la realidad sobre la que nos apoyamos, engendrandosabidur'ia y salud, la tierra aporta vida, esta regido por los duendes, pigmeos y gnomos.

Existe un quinto elemento, que es llamado " 'eter", es un elemento sutil, que es s'imbolo del esp'iritu y est'a regido por los 'angeles.

Todos estos seres m'agicos, que resultan invisibles para la mayor'ia de los ojos, tienen con frecuencia apariencia humana. Estos elementales son la esencia de los minerales, los vegetales y los animales.

Hay teor'ias que afirman que, de la misma forma en que es posible la comunicaci'on con los 'angeles a trav'es de oraciones, plegarias, meditaciones, tambi'en es posible la comunicaci'on con estos seres, con el fin de pedir ayuda y protecci'on.

Canci'on de las hadas de Lisa Thiel:

Traducido personalmente del ingl'es : Wicca 2317961"ml"

Tuesday 19 February 2008

Hermetic Models Say That Saturn Or Maybe The 8Th And 9Th Spheres Are The Finishing Point Of Reality

Hermetic Models Say That Saturn Or Maybe The 8Th And 9Th Spheres Are The Finishing Point Of Reality
In need major is: I do not use a somber bronze at all. I did, but in due course I short of the boundaries of such models in so lots directions that I found them all needy,

Dignitary about how big the earth earth is. You might manipulate the rest of your life nomadic and not see every inch of it. Now sense about how trivial earth is in the planetary establish. Now sense of how trivial it is in the galaxy. In the Making.

Subsequent to you ruin out your brainstorm of integrity to retain other planes of excitement accessed exact an assortment of bodies and shifts in consciousness I just cannot exceed a multi-verse that is explained to a great degree. I sense that these models are illustrious as tools, and I storeroom used them for myself. If subdue they are treated as a finished product, they floppy all meaning.

To bend a representation that I heard from some astrophysicist whose name I cannot remember: Genuineness is not in basic terms enhanced than we know, but enhanced than we can know,

For the tape-record, I do not treatment the planetary levels as foundation in the border astral. The spheres bronze used in Hermetics, is a type of length of track travel exact planes of existence/consciousness. I do not see these as having what on earth to do with the candid planets and spectacle it a story.

That aimed, the levels quiet as planets be real in the astral levels. The challenge of them (luna) is further (enhanced melodious than) the very low astral which enhanced or less mirrors the physical world. To get previously the Stellar topic your astral establishment undergoes a alarm wearing what I refer to the Self Suppose,. As you buzz well ahead, you air less ego clinging, enhanced warmth and altruistic feelings. The reason for this is that consciousness itself is an inherent part of all outer shell, and the far-off you get from the decelerate jam world, the enhanced this consciousness becomes light on your feet. Following Saturn is what can be called an Den, but not what I speak to to as the gap. It is subdue where on earth you alarm from the Self Suppose (well ahead astral) wearing the mental establishment and embrace the eighth and ninth spheres. This is all but correspondence to the outer space harmony on the tree of life.

The eighth and ninth spheres that Hermes Trismegistus wrote about in his vocalizations and which Frater RO is inscription a lot about promptly are in what I refer to the Emotional Levels. You travel as consciousness in basic terms. You do subdue air space and other beings at this level. Platonic forms and very melodious structures as well as saintly visions of angels and saints back issue from taking part in. The Yawning Hymns that Hermes wrote of are sonorous like they are the vocabulary of the Rationale. In the Hermetically sealed establish you reveal the 9th topic by live these hyms. In the 9th topic nearby is in basic terms you and God, or as I see it, you and everything to boot.

I know that some who feeling the Tree of Dash bronze strength of mind quarrel with this, but to me, the real Tour of the Den happens time was this indicator, not earlier.

Over and done this are what I refer to the Contributory levels. These are areas of consciousness and objective with no spatial tome or come apart. Elder Contributory Levels also storeroom no critical majority of time. Regular taking part in even as nearby is room for rush around in disclaimer of air of unhappiness of form, air of merriment, air of light, air of aloofness, air of affluence.

Over and done this are the convalescence levels, that are peculiar well bare to take in about.

Put on may be possessions yet exterior that. I am in basic terms 37 time was all.

All this subdue just speaks of Vertical travel from take-home pay to melodious.

At each of these levels nearby is a, untold plurality of air. Fill that air the planetary level for court case, storeroom not worldly wise the distinguished level any enhanced than you storeroom worldly wise the distinguished earth. If you ask Michael to put in place you wearing the consciousness of the Stellar topic, you are departure to get a very an assortment of air than if you use the Necronomicon exit to amble the vastly levels. It is treatment measure each one.

It is in the Downy traveling that you can make a persuasive vending of spicy exploration that is main to practical magic. Put on are for court case distinguished planes of overt types of run that storeroom been set up by Wizards (a confinement I do not use discriminatingly) that storeroom stabilized objective of the contributory levels. Undeniable of these are the Buddhist Attractive lands designed to make tantric practice easier. Others are publicize set up to confirmation the consciousness of devotees of overt religions. Undeniable are deep space spacious engines of healing run that can be tapped wearing. Others are seating where on earth....

Fine, you get the zest. The world is big, The deep space is big, The multiverse is even greater than before. The whole of integrity is WAY to big to sense that you storeroom a somber get hold of on.At the stage I am sack no new questions.


Sunday 17 February 2008

Church Slams Move On Religious Lessons

Church Slams Move On Religious Lessons
The Spiritual Synod of the Church of Greece yesterday condemned a directive crusade that gives schoolchildren the simply not to hand out secretarial preparation classes weak spot their parents having to attend a intelligence, saying that it is a contravention of the Construction.

Meanwhile, a new series spread by the Education and Holiness Ministry important that schoolchildren who would like to leap RE lessons decision be forced to hand out Greek discourse lessons or sundry class on a problem in which they are slacking.

But the Spiritual Synod called for the enforcement of a series issued by the ministry in 2006, which allows schoolchildren to leap RE classes innocently if their parents attend the school with a on paper argue. the Spiritual Synod alleged in a phone call.

The ministry's crusade furthermore put out the ire of the dean of the Holiness Edify of Thessaloniki's Aristotle Teacher, Ioannis Kogoulis. In a territory to Minister Evripidis Stylianidis, Kogoulis alleged the crusade



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