Monday 11 February 2008

Power Points Part One

Power Points Part One Image
Scattered over the surface of an individual's aura are various power points. These points are areas where a person's energy varies in density or form, appearing either thicker or thinner than the rest of his or her energy field. Energy can be channeled into these points so the person can experience healing or have his/her consciousness pushed into another reality.

The human aura is actually a complex web of energy fibers. Power points are areas where these fibers intersect or join. By manipulating these points you can rearrange the fibers to adjust the person's energy field. Moving these fibers can change the person on an emotional, spiritual, or physical level. This in turn can heal a person of physical diseases or emotional turmoil. It can also bring him/her closer to the sacred self.

As with any technique, learning how to sense power spots will take patience and diligence. It is something we learn to do intuitively, not intellectually. You will have to work with a partner.

One person should sit comfortably in a chair while the other person practices locating that person's power points. To locate your partner's power points, stand behind the person and relax. Allow yourself to go into a light meditative state. As much as possible release your mind. In order to feel another person's power points, you must see with your spiritual eyes, you don't see as much as feel; you sense at a deep level of you being.

After you are relaxed, slowly begin to move your hands over the other person's body, being sure not to touch the body. Place your hands about six inches from the body and notice how it feels. Place all you attention to the area between your hands and the person's body. Close your eyes and breathe deeply; let your mind relax.

* What do you see?
* What can you sense?
* Allow your hands to become sensitive to the temperature and texture of the person's body.
* Move your hands in and out as well as over the surface of the body's energy field.
* Stay relaxed and breathe deeply.
* Don't try too hard.
* Simply allow yourself to really feel from deep within your being.
* Instead of thinking with your head, feel with your heart.
* Ask the universe for help in sensing this person's power points, and let your sacred self guide you.

At first, as you move your hands over a certain spot you may feel a strange pulling or tugging at your hands. This is a power point. It may feel like a slight shift in temperature. A particular spot may feel warmer or cooler. Certain areas may feel sluggish or sticky or you may feel static electricity. Allow yourself to be sensitive to any change in sensations. Trust your inner knowing. Don't debate it with your mind. If you think it is a power point, it is a power point.

Once you find a power point, ask the person how it feels as you move your hand over it. Without touching the individual, ask him/her where you are working. Both of you then can build the sensitivity. Take turns practicing until you can easily locate at least several points on each other.

The locations of the power points varies from person to person, and from one day to another. Be patient with yourself. Learning how to feel and sense on these levels is a new experience for your mind. You have been trained most of your life to filter out any information you receive from these levels. When you learned to walk as a child, you fell down often. If you had given up, you would still be in your crib or crawling around on your hands and knees. Be patient with yourself. Let yourself learn how to walk through these new levels. Have fun and enjoy the process.

"(go to part one - two - three - four )

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