Sunday 22 June 2008

How To Use White Magic For Good Luck

How To Use White Magic For Good Luck Image
If you are having bad luck use a white magic technique for turning it around. During the process you can also assess the levels of positive and negative energy in your home. These techniques will also reduce or eliminate the effectiveness of evil spells.


1.Choose the day and time. The following is most effective when carried out at 12pm on a Tuesday.
2.Fill glasses with water. Have at least one glass for each room of your house. Fill 3/4 full with tap water.
3.Create the mix. Add a teaspoon of sugar, a sprinkling of cinnamon, and a few sprigs of fresh parsley to each glass.
4.Set the glasses. Place one glass with the mixture in each room of your house.
5.Assess positivity and negativity. In homes with high positive energy, the parsley remains fresh. Wilting occurs quickly in homes with negative energy. In case of wilting remove parsley and replace with fresh sprig.
6.Remove the glasses. To notice positive change in your luck the glasses must remain in your home for at least a week. The longer you keep them the better your luck will be.

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