Title: Chesed, Mercy.
Magickal Image: A mighty crowned and throned King.
Situation on the Tree: In the center of the Pillar of Mercy.
Yetziratic Text: The Fourth Path is called the Cohesive or Receptive Intelligence because it contains all the Holy Powers and from it emanates all the spiritual virtues with another by virtue of the Primordial Emanation, the Highest Crown, Kether.
Titles given to Chesed: Gedulah. Love. Majesty.
God Name: El.
Archangel: Tzadkiel.
Order of Angels: Chasmalim, Brilliant Ones.
Mundane Chakra: Tzedek, Jupiter.
Spiritual experience: Vision of Love.
Virtue: Obedience.
Vice: Bigotry, Hypocrisy, Gluttony, Tyranny.
Correspondence in microcosm: The left arm.
Symbols: The solid figure. Tetrahedron. Pyramid. Equal armed cross. Orb. Wand. Septre. Crook.
Tarot Cards: The Four Fours.
Four of Wands: Perfected work.
Four of Cups: Pleasure.
Four of Swords: Rest from strife.
Four of Pentacles: Earthly power.
Color in atziluth: Deep violet.
Color in briah: Blue.
Color in Yetzirah: Deep purple.
Color in assiah: Deep azure flecked with yellow.
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