Tuesday 6 October 2009

Freya Norse Goddess Of Beauty And Love

Freya Norse Goddess Of Beauty And Love
Freya, adolescent to Njordr and husband to Od, is the Norse Divine being of love, effectiveness and beauty. She was a very sacred Divine being to the Norse, simply not in favor of Odin. She is depicted with hope golden hair, blue eyes and stylish her excessive necklace, the Brisingamen which was completed with amber and rubies. She is the tower of strength of the Valkyrie, which are the "choosers of the slain". These warrior women rode beyond battlefields on winged keep, prize the souls of intense warriors killed in ravel. Freya is moreover understood to stand a magical falcon peninsula, that allows the wearer to become a bird.

In the myth of her wedding to Od, it is understood that not hope as they are wed, Od moved out, and all feared that he had died. Freya overexcited beyond her loss, cried shed tears of gold but refused to acquire that he was dead. She put on her magical peninsula completed of falcon timetabled, rose voguish the sky, and searched all beyond for him. She did in due course find him, and saw that he had not died, but was banished and lost at sea. Even with Freya was too behindhand, as Od had already been turned voguish a loathsome sea monster.

Freya was understood to spin a chariot lead by cats. The cat was the greatest sacred animal to Freya. Hand over is a myth amid Freya and Thor, with magical blue kittens and their cat mother. The mother cat was words a lullaby that was putting Thor to place to stay. Thor did not copy this so he brought them to Freya. The mother cat got sweltering, turned voguish bird and flew dazed, so Freya decided to convene the blue kittens, and funding them the accept to consider it her on her trips influence the sky.

Freya helps us to get in point to with our emotions. She is understood to be fitting to see the choose by ballot and was a Divine being of magic and prediction. She helps us to get our goals, or do everything we've been regretful to do for one day. She is moreover a warrior Divine being and can funding us force and courage. Mobile phone on Freya subsequently you set in motion to get in point to with your emotions, or if you stand anguish achievement category things for yourself. Freya reminds us to love ourselves as well as others. Sometimes we are too active prize carefulness of and affectionate others, that we pass on to love and suffer carefulness of ourselves. She is at hand to bring to mind us to never pass on ourselves.

On your altar to Freya, stand representations of cats, rose or sandalwood incense, stones of amber, grassy or moonstone and candle colors of red, silver or black or a combination of all three.

Similar working with this good-looking Norse Divine being of love and fertility!

Blessings )O(

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