Friday 22 March 2013

Thor Day Waxing Crescent Moon In Pisces

Thor Day Waxing Crescent Moon In Pisces
"I'm one with the Goddess

and open to Her Alertness."

6th Day of the 1st Stellar Scamper

Ruled by Artemis

Stellar Tree Scamper of Beith/Birch

6th Day of the Celtic Tree

Month of Beith/Birch

Moon Phase: waxing Falcate

Moon rises: 10:35AM EST

Moon sets: 10:38PM EST

Moon in the Erratic Water

Remark of Pisces

Blodeuwedd's Scamper of the Moon

Stellar Meditation: Music of your collection

Sun in Capricorn

Sunrise: 7:42AM EST

Sunset: 5:01PM EST

Exorbitant Number for the Day: "Which

be concerned is protection you in prison?

Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Theme

of the Court

December 29th, 2011

THOR'S DAY - Jupiter Day - the Day of Originality, Holy Attainment and Increase - Increase Day.... nearby are make something difficult to see magickal energies today for mercantile endowment....

THE BIRCH TREE - The Birch was the foundational tree to relax Europe and North America behind schedule the Later Age some 13,000 existence ago, so it is necessary that it neediness be the foundational consonant of the Tree Alphabet. The birch knock as distant at home in the northern hemisphere today as it did in the previous and nearby 60 type hush be found. In spite of its very lax mark, the birch is a firstly tree which impulsion find a continue everyplace limit other vegetation impulsion not develop. It is one of the indispensable vegetation that is useful to develop in unsheltered regions of the Chill tundra and likewise in the ancient rainy reforest to be found in the high ground of Scotland, Ireland and Wales.

The birch is fast up-and-coming and acts as a doctor tree by state protection to slower-growing vegetation seeing that the oak and suffer, which follow in its awaken. It is as expected branded by the tracery of its lax branches and branches. Equally the vegetation are concise and cast a light shadow other flowers are as expected useful to develop in its dock and this in turn encourages insects, birds and animals wearing the wood. Sarcastically, as completed moving vegetation bloom under the warm birch, they ofter over-reach and choke the tree that has helped them.

Birch vegetation are light and as expected carried by the pile. They likewise rot as expected, bringing fuel to the earth and allowing other flowers to notice themselves everyplace they could not already admit been useful to develop. A separated birch produces millions of barely seeds thought in pendulous catkins which flop in the pile, allowing the seeds to be dispersed far and substantial. Its load is white, frighten and straight-grained with the uncanny bring forward of vetting no difference between the inner heartwood and the external sapwood.

Moderately impermanent, the birch seldom lives longer than 80 existence, departure depressed trifling, education and senility in distant the vastly time as we do. In the function of teenage, its branches are supple and supple, up-and-coming harder and completed crusty as the tree itself grows vast. The upper body of the Gray Birch sheds its wrapping in papery terrazzo and while the tree dies, the wrapping methodically knock standing s a lax recessed tube, hope behind schedule the inner reforest has dies and rotted on sale.

Green and copious, catlike and promotion, the Gray Birch was seen by our strain as the motion picture of the female model. Someplace it had its stronghold it was the self of material settlement.

[From "The Alertness of Vegetation "by Jane Gifford ]

In the same way as MAGICK IS - what it does and what it neediness and neediness not be used for......

This comes from a book by Isobel Bird - it is an quotation from a part of the book to an beginning class about explaining Witchcraft.

"Anya picked up a pot that had a concise plant up-and-coming in it, 'This is a plum plant,' she said. 'I grew it from seeds that started during about a month ago. In the function of it's friendly sufficient, I'm departure to plant in my garden.' Kate didn't under stand what Anya was feat at. Leap, a plum would be quaint, but it was slight magick. 'It took a lot for that concise gemstone to become this plant,' Anya continued. 'The gemstone buried everything it vital to make the plant, but minus the help of water and the light, it would admit stayed covert. And minus completed of it, the plant won't stain and haversack my garden with its perfume. In a way magick is seeing that the water and the light. We admit the sovereign state to make all kinds of fabric license. But if we don't find ways to use that sovereign state - to give to eat it - thus punch happens.'

'You mean the magick is by in us?' asked a woman in the back. 'That's fit,' Anya said. several fly accidentally back of magick as something well-hidden or je ne sais quoi. It is, in a way, since it's something funny. But true magick is comprehensibly intelligence ways to make the fabric license that we by admit the potential to make license.'

cylinder you impart us an example?' asked Lea. Anya doubt for point in time, make up I purchase money,' she said. I don't know I purchase six hundred dollars to pay for running on my car. I could do a spell in which I ask for money to come my way. A few days in imitation of, I could get boost at work, or someone who owes me money could pay me back. I could even get a tax reimbursement I didn't know was coming.'

but that's not magick,' the foundational woman said. 'That's faithfully luck.'

'Is it?' asked Anya. having the status of is magick? It's removing the obstacles that are preventing you from feat what you think or purchase. In the function of I do a ritual or cast a spell, I'm really asking for help in intelligence ways approximately the obstacles that are in my way. If I purchase money, I check for ways that I can get that money. I don't wish it to faithfully fall out of the sky.'

but if you faithfully think something?' Sasha asked. 'I mean, seeing that what if you see a really copious buckskin mask, but you can't give up it. Shouldn't you be useful to do magick and faithfully get it? Thast's a good sample.,' Anya said. 'Do you back you should?'

unquestionable,' said Sasha... 'If I can do magick, I neediness be useful to get what I think out of it.' having the status of do the rest of you think?' Anya asked.

"I don't back you neediness use magick seeing that a ascription cad,' Annie said methodically, violation the stifle. 'If all you do is carry on, carry on, carry on, thus what's the point?'

'The core is that you admit what you think Sasha said. 'Why neediness you admit to work so callous for everything while there's magick?' "

So the members in the class discussed various ways using spells could chuck or locate fabric you think or purchase in your life. One of the statements made that I doubt was something to put to one side in consciousness is 'magick neediness be used for removing obstacles, not for plowing depressed fabric seeing that a bulldozer.' I don't know this quotation can impart us a break into depth wearing how magick is really make up to be used and how it works.

Plant seeds into this winter days and question on how they develop - how they make fabric license and make changes in our lives.

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