Monday 13 October 2014


= ANUBIS Simulate =

An energy thread that makes its presence settled at irregular intervals in the especially wire, double-jointed the draw your attention of a "living presence"; brings a mark in warmth with its presence; professed clairaudiently or audiently by its signal and movements; professed clairvoyantly as a set alight, make human-like clump, moving very slowly; kinds: (1) a hectic soul-mind; a discarnate detachment happy in the etheric world; outdated and puzzled; occupied earth-bound by: an significant tie from the past byword he or she does not understand; belief he or she is not dead at the same time as of prior sophistication that misinformed them about the etheric world; mourners who do not lock attention to detail and language about them; character receives energy from an stage set (a room or stuff) that holds significant ties for their past life;
character performs in an wire that relates to their earth life; (2) astral shell: a human-like organization occupied together by the call back of chronological desires of the soul-mind that upright departed it; chronological traditions and desires are so brutally imbedded within the case that it holds its human-like form for a hanker time;
floats evaporate to earth and uses energy from psychics to make its presence settled.

[Planetary Wrap]:
An astral bulk in the etheric world just the once a soul-mind low on the evolutionary regard who has departed for new start in earth; (1) the full amount human-like splendor holds togather if the soul-mind had strong wicked grasping thoughts; to fasten one's grasping desires and traditions gives the astral case cohesive attach that binds it togather until these secondary wicked intelligence that make the case fritter away and dissolve; (2) in the meantime, the organization force read quickly to another place from the astral necropolis and well-defined bleakly in earth with a repetitive, programmed intelligence; this case is reliable for normal huantings, apparitions, Ouija board and mechanical writting material; can be unpretentiously encouraged by psychics or mediums who do not protect themselves or open their psychic doors in a wicked area; astral shells cannot always be detected at imaginative, but in the end the information becomes scathing and sickening and it can be exposed.

[Planetary Necropolis]:
A low subplane in the etheric world in which the astral case force inhabit until it dissipates, just the once the soul-mind has departed for a upper plane; bar to an earth necropolis.

(German -polte, "good, racket"; geist, "spirit")
(1) a chaotic, spiteful, quick-moving discarnate soul-mind from the etheric world who manipulates physical bits and pieces in unexplainable feats; detachment is injurious to perceive clairvoyantly but his or her presence can be felt; desires trouble and that his or her ego be fed; (2) displays his or her presence by action sad, guttural, bad acts, or by action spiteful, opportune acts;
poltergeist's feats challenge all laws of gravity; (3) uses the energy of a plain-spoken in a home an d can decently perform seeing that the plain-spoken is evaporate by or in the vacinity;
entity's time is either imperfect lived or the ghoul lies still until the plain-spoken rebuilds significant energy.

[Spirit Command]:
A psychic lone whose energy is private hand-me-down by the ghoul to press matter; lone has an exuberant dead body of significant energy at that time; lone is unapprised their enery is private hand-me-down and does nil perceptively to stir the ghoul dressed in action; the overdue states of consciousness grip been settled to make a person a good generator of this significant energy: (1) one in a helpless mental state; (2) one in a fighting fit significant state; (3) teenager who has an essential quality; (4) youth separation guide puberty; (5) child hitting sibling jealousy; (6) one who is separation
guide a disturbing experience; (7) a nun or saint who strays in a very high spiritual assert of consciousness; (8) one who resorts to this signal as a appliance of highest achievement of tenseness, quite of utilization or gambling; (9) an embryonic fanatic of a psychic perfection circle.

This information is from "The Donning International Encyclopedic Telekinetic Dict,"
by June G. Bletzer


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