ARIES OU CARNEIRO-( Per'iodo em que o Sol atravessa o signo de Aries- Carneiro -de 21/3 a 20/4):
Aries 'e conhecido como o pioneiro do Zod'iaco.
Gostam de ser os primeiros em tudo o que facam.
Encaram a vida duma forma simples e directa. Para os arianos a vida 'e para seguir sempre em frente, n~ao gostando de perder hustle com detalhes ou problemas insignificantes.
S~ao determinados, ou seja, quando estabelecem uma meta, s'o param quando alcancam o objectivo pretendido.
Por vezes, s~ao impacientes e ego'istas ( se outros indicadores existentes no Tema natal assim o confirmar).
Possuem grande energia f'isica e entusiasmo.
A pr'atica do exerc'icio f'isico poder'a ajudar a despender dessa grande energia.
Os arianos, adaptam-se bem a trabalhos ou ambientes agitados e barulhentos.
Preferem estes ambientes a per'iodos solit'arios, longe do contacto com os outros.
A parte do corpo atribu'ida a 'Aries 'e a cabeca.
Geralmente podem ter de" dores de cabeca", ou sofrerem de pequenos acidentes, depende da localizac~ao no mapa do regente- Marte.
TOURO ( Per'iodo em que o Sol atravessa o signo de Touro, de 21/4 a 21/5):
Possuem enorme necessidade de e sentirem seguros e para isso, necessitam de manter um trabalho est'avel e um relacionamento duradouro.
Tendo esses dois requisitos preenchidos, s~ao perfeitamente capazes de realizar qualquer fim a que se proponha.
Possuem enorme paci^encia, perseverantes, firmes, leais, talvez um pouco lentos a tomarem decis~oes. Ponderam qualquer atitude, nas suas mais diversas amplitudes.
Necessitam da rotina di'aria e de viverem em ambientes belos, confort'aveis, onde predomine a beleza e a harmonia.
Adoram possuir objectos bonitos e o seu sentido de ensemble sobre as coisas e as pessoas que ama 'e muito desenvolvido.
A edge do corpo atribu'ida a Touro 'e a garganta.
Normalmente, os taurinos s~ao sens'iveis a resfriados, correntes de ar.
Sua voz 'e melodiosa, e bonita, podendo a pessoa usar esse dom como cantor, ou usar a voz como profiss~ao.
G'EMEOS ( Per'iodo em que o Sol atravessa o signo de G'emeos, de 22/5 a 21/6):
A caracter'istica predominante 'e a versatilidade.
Envolvem-se, em v'arios assuntos ao mesmo hustle, pois necessitam de n~ao se sentirem com t'edio.
Precisam de estarem continuamente estarem ocupadas com varias tarefas.
Merc'urio, o planeta regente confere, uma vigor necessidade de comunicar com os outros, sob qualquer assunto ( dependendo sempre da localizac~ao no Tema natal do planeta).
Conseguem manter um dialogo constante e interessante com o outro.
Ao mesmo hustle, os geminianos, necessitam de estarem sempre em movimento, saltitantes, r'apidos a saltarem de um assunto para outro.
Podem fazer uso das fant'asticas capacidades de comunicar e de eloqu^encia que possuem, sendo entrevistadores, vendedores, publicit'arios.
Possuem poder de persuas~ao e fazer uso dele.
Conseguem manter apar^encia convivial, ao longo da vida.
A edge do corpo atribu'ida a G'emeos, s~ao os ombros, os bracos, as m~aos, propensas a acidentes, assim como os pulm~oes e o sistema nervoso.
C^ANCER OU CARANGUEJO ( Per'iodo em que o Sol atravessa o signo de C^ancer, de 22/6 a 22/7):
A sua essential caracter'istica 'e o sistema natural de sedan defesa que possuem.
Possuem enorme necessidade de se protegerem a si e `aqueles a quem amam;
Por vezes, podem, igualmente, ofenderem-se facilmente.
S~ao tenazes, trabalhadores quer seja a n'ivel laboral, quer seja a n'ivel dom'estico.
Gostam de coleccionar objectos antigos.
Usam a intuic~ao, que sendo desenvolvida 'e usada ao m'aximo.
Quando "pressentem" as coisas, apostam na intuic~ao, tomando as decis~oes por esse meio, e obt^em sucesso.
T^em emoc~oes e imaginac~ao muito fortes. Devem aprender a n~ao se preocuparem tanto com os outros.
A edge do corpo atribu'ida a C^ancer, 'e o peito, pode ser edge vulner'avel, ou,por se preocuparem, por vezes, em demasia, podem sofrer problemas digestivos, podendo originar doencas.
LE~AO ( Per'iodo em que o Sol atravessa o signo de Le~ao, de 23/7 a 23/8):
Le~ao, o Rei da selva, tem necessidade de ter o seu pr'oprio "reino", seja grande ou pequeno.
T^em enorme capacidade de organizar e liderar quer seja a si pr'oprio, quer aos outros.
Adoram a vida, s~ao entusiastas e s~ao capazes de contagiar quem com quem eles convivem. Gostam de fazer tudo, em grande escala, nomeadamente, talvez, para exibir o seu poder.
S~ao ambiciosos, criativos, orgulhosos, magn^animos. Para eles, a vida existe, para ser usufru'ida.
A edge do corpo atribu'ida a le~ao s~ao as costas, a coluna vertebral, e o corac~ao.
Podem ter tend^encia a sofrerem de dores lombares.
Cuidados com a circulac~ao sangu'inea, principalmente no Inverno, enquanto o frio dura.
VIRGEM (Per'iodo em que o Sol atravessa o signo de Virgem, de 24/8 a 22/9):
Precisam de rotinas, de estarem continuamente ocupados, de forma a preencherem o dia a dia. Para eles, 'e dif'icil relaxarem completamente. Necessitam de produzir e de serem 'uteis aos outros.
'E o cr'itico do Zod'iaco.
Uma vez, que s~ao trabalhadores incans'aveis ( tudo isto depende da localizac~ao no Tema natal do regente, merc'urio), preocupam-se em demasia com o detalhe e em adquirir a perfeic~ao.
S~ao humildes e talvez um pouco t'imidos `as pessoas a quem n~ao conhece.
S~ao respons'aveis e com senso de dever muito desenvolvido.
T^em grande energia mental, usando a l'ogica e a raz~ao nos seus racioc'inios.
As 'Areas do corpo que rege, s~ao o est^omago e os intestinos, talvez por preocupac~oes em excesso.
LIBRA OU BALANCA ( Per'iodo em que o Sol atravessa o signo de Libra, 23/9 a 23/10):
O equil'ibrio e a harmonia s~ao cruciais para o bom funcionamento do libriano.
Este, sente enorme necessidade em relacionar-se com os outros, em todas as esferas da vida e de nomeadamente manter um relacionamento permanente.
Por outro lado, apreciam a vida harmoniosa e pac'ifica. Por vezes, necessitam que os outros lhes afirmem a amor e como s~ao amados.
S~ao pessoas simp'aticas, charmosas e diplomatas. Apreciam tudo o que 'e belo bonito e agrad'avel. V'enus 'e o regente do signo...
No corpo humano, rege os rins.
Os librianos( dependendo da indicac~ao de outros factores no Tema natal),podem ter tend^encias a terem desordens renais.
ESCORPI~AO ( Per'iodo em que o Sol atravessa o signo de Escorpi~ao, de 24/10 a 22/11):
'E o signo que projecta maior forca, de energia f'isica e emocional.
Precisam de usar todo esse potencial em tarefas 'uteis e produtivas.
S~ao magn'eticos, profundos, gostando de "escavar" qualquer assunto a que se proponham.
Como possuem enorme energia f'isica, a vida sexual 'e intensa e gratificante.
Por outro lado, s~ao os pesquisadores, os detectives do Zod'iaco, quer seja no campo cient'ifico, quer seja no campo de literatura.
Necessita de manter pr'atica f'isica constante.
Os 'org~aos genitais, s~ao a edge do corpo atribu'ida a escorpi~ao.
SAGIT'ARIO (Per'iodo em que o Sol atravessa o signo de Sagit'ario, de 23/11 a 21/12):
Sentem necessidade de se sentirem livres para se expressarem de uma forma identifiable. Precisam de manter v'arios objectivos ao mesmo hustle afim de n~ao ter uma vida rotineira.
S~ao entusiastas, calorosos, e gostam de viajar.
T^em interesse pelas Leis, Religi~oes e pelas grandes quest~oes existenciais.
Precisam de constantes aventuras, afim de combater as rotinas di'arias que lhes desagradam.
T^em senso de jesting apurado at'e contagiante aos outros.
A parte que rege no corpo humano s~ao as coxas, as pernas.
CAPRIC'ORNIO ( Per'iodo em que o Sol atravessa o signo de Capric'ornio, de 22/12 a 20/1):
'E o signo da cabra, que sobe `a montanha, pelo seu pr'oprio p'e, no seu ritmo, at'e chegar ao topo. Disp~oe de muita determinac~ao, e 'e ambiciosa(o). S~ao pessoas em quem se pode confiar.
S~ao pessoas solit'arias, independentes sabendo lidar bem com a solid~ao.
S~ao trabalhadores incans'aveis,concentrados e organizados.
D~ao um passo de cada vez, at'e chegar `a meta desejada.
Gostam da rotina, dos h'abitos di'arios.
No corpo, rege os joelhos, as canelas, dentes, a pele e os ossos, podendo ser vulner'aveis.
AQU'ARIO (Per'iodo em que o Sol atravessa a signo de Aqu'ario, de 21/1 a 18/2):
'E o individualista e humanista do Zod'iaco, embora por vezes n~ao o reconhecam.
Precisam de manter independ^encia, adoptando uma forma de vida algo bizarra e diferente.
S~ao pessoas muito amigas, gostando de prestarem aux'ilio a quem necessite.
Necessitam de demonstrar originalidade e talento aos outros.
T^em capacidade para isso.
No entanto, o seu sentido de independ^encia precisa de se manter intoc'avel.
S~ao seres, que podem ( depende da leitura do tema natal) ser vision'arios, terem respostas, que os outros n~ao alcancam.
A edge de vida que corresponde a Aqu'ario s~ao os tornozelos, muito vulner'aveis assim como a circulac~ao do sangue.
PEIXES (Per'iodo em que o Sol atravessa o signo de Peixes, de 19/2 a 20/3):
S~ao os poetas do Zod'iaco. Comovem-se facilmente.
O S'imbolo, deste signo 'e representado por dois peixes, um que nada para a ordem, outro que nada para a desordem, para o "caos".
Possuem uma sensibilidade extremamente apurada.
S~ao sonhadores, poetas e gostam de ajudar tudo e todos.
Adoram a arte, a pintura,o verse.
A edge do corpo a que corresponde o corpo s~ao os p'es.
Podem ter uns p'es maravilhosos, ou pelo contr'ario, apresentarem constantes preocupac~oes.
Saturday, 28 June 2008
Friday, 27 June 2008
The name AutonomatriX is derived from the words autonomy and matrix to represent a self-directed and self-governing repository of information. The emblem of the Auto-nomatriX is a circular blade with eight teeth providing a background to the glyph of Eris turned on its side.
The AutonomatriX is a networking chaos magic guild of those striving to discover and rejuvenate magical ideas and technical skills with success as the only key to validation. We do not discriminate on the basis of lifestyle, gender, affiliation, race, or sexuality. We seek to interact with creative magicians who are pushing boundaries instead of being trapped by them. We are a guild composed of working craftspeople, whereas an order/lodge/clique is generally an exclusive membership of supplicants.
The time of centralized info-banks is at an end; the nature of "classified" or "secret" information is that it is more often limiting than useful to the collector, and only profitable to the banker of such media. Hierarchical structures are unnecessary and undesired; checks and balances regarding membership are determined by an individual's interac-tion with the rest of the group rather than personal prejudices or acceptance for any member by any other member. The principles "sink or swim" and "(inter)action equals life" are
applicable to this magical guild, as in any network.
:: Access to the AutonomatriX ::
When a candidate has made intentional contact with a member of the AutonomatriX (called the "AX"), that member sponsors the candidate herself and provides all pertinent information about that candidate to another member as soon as is possible for co-sponsorship. Alternatively, if for any reason the member chooses not to sponsor the candidate after the initial inquiry, that member must send the information to two other members, one of whom is the member nearest to the candidate's geographic locale. Ideally, the two sponsors would be geographically separated from one another. All inquirers will be provided with the current AX manifesto by any member who accepts sponsorship of that candidate at the onset of their relationship. The suggested sponsor-ship period is three months, at the end of which the co-sponsors mutually decide upon whether or not initiation should take place.
The sponsored candidate is requested to provide information regarding any personal magical work done in a journal or magical record. The candidate may in turn be given any part of the Corpus Fecundi other than the Contacts Listing (see below) that the sponsors deem appropriate at any time. Initiation may be performed by one or both of the sponsors and/or an y other members of the AX with the consent of the sponsors. The candidate must provide a record of a magical working which has resulted in mani-festation of the intent at least two times, and design a self-initiation ritual. All initiation s must be performed in person. At the climax of the initiation, the new member is handed the current Contacts Listing (on a scroll) and the remainder of the Corpus Fecundi.
:: The Corpus Fecundi ::
The Corpus Fecundi comprises a record of research, technical experimentation and ritual methods that have arisen since the emergence of this guild of Chaos. The entirety of this information is provided only after a period of sponsorship resulting in initiation and excludes non-requested information of a political or genealogical nature.
It is the personal responsibility of each member of the AX to update their copy of the Corpus Fecundi as new information becomes available. An active member of the AX is any person who is on the Contacts Listing. All information for inclusion into the Corpus Fecundi is transferred throughout the network on at least a quarterly basis.
The Corpus Fecundi consists of three parts, as follows:
The first part is the "Contacts Listing," which includes all participants in the AX. All are listed by their appellation (any titles may be chosen), mailing address, Working Group and/or Project involvement information, and a brief biography (bio) of personal interests, researches, requests for information on any topic, etc. To remain on the Contacts Listing each member is responsible for making their membership known by interaction with other members. If for any reason this cannot be done, membership requires that the current AX curators are notified of continued participation in the net-work by a work record semi-annually.
The second part is an "Index" of all works currently making up the Corpus Fecundi. All members are responsible for ensuring that their copy is complete via this Index. The author of each item will be listed here, rather than on the items themselves.
:: The Curators ::
The issuance of Contacts Listings and Indexes are provided by the AutonomatriX curators, who ensure that each display the name and emblem of the AX upon them. Two curators are randomly chosen on June 27th of each year from volunteers to update and maintain securely the hard-copies and electronic copies of all material in the Corpus Fecundi. The Corpus Fecundi is maintained in its entirety in both formats at all times. Any individual in the network may assume these responsibilities, although no curator may have successive terms of office.
:: Working Groups ::
Each member of the AX is encouraged to form autonomous Working Groups. All WGs may be designated by whatever name (Coven, Project, Team, Clan, Temple, Group, Cabal, Tribe, etc.) deemed appropriate by those directly involved. A Working Group is composed of at least two active members of the network and as many nonmembers as desired by them.
Each Working Group is inaugurated by the generation of its own unique manifesto, accepted by all participating in that WG. It must be distributed by the AX members of that group to all on the current Contacts Listing. This particular manifesto should be made as detailed as possible, to outline the WG's objectives and intent, protocol, any offices assumed within the WG's internal structure, and whatever else the WG decides upon. Accompanying the manifesto should be each participant's signature (of their chosen appellation), mailing address, and bio. The AX will in no way interfere in matters of any Working Group's internal structure or protocol, with the fullest intention being to keep regulation to a minimum in regards to the network's guild structure.
Each WG is encouraged to access any form of media available for wider distribution of ideas and material, and the AX provides encouragement and/or assistance to members who have material suitable for this purpose.
:: Projects ::
Projects or Operations which include any member of the AX within or without one's Working Group are to be listed in the Contacts List. An "Operation" is usefully describ-ed as an extended working for a specific goal carried out by two or more members of the guild regardless of WG affiliation.
:: Main Contact Points ::
It is recommended that each WG and Operation designate a Main Contact Point (or MCP) elected by the members in that Working Group, for response to inquiries and distribution of information. It is the responsibility of the acting MCP of that group to distribute all information for inclusion into the Corpus Fecundi of the members in her Working Group and/or Operation.
:: Information Transference ::
Information is distributed throughout the entire active membership of the network in the issuance of the Contacts Listing and Index of the Corpus Fecundi by the AX curators. The authors of any item produced and distributed for inclusion into the Corpus Fecundi are responsible for the distribution of that information throughout the network. Any item may be marked "Private" by its author, and this is understood to mean distribution via the Corpus Fecundi only (not for public consumption). No items intended for the Corpus Fecundi may be marked with the author's appellation, although it is recommended that each item is accompanied by a cover letter providing whatever personal data the author or distributor desires.
:: Voting ::
When voting is required within the AX as a whole, all members must provide a written response of yes, no, or abstinence. The votes of each member are then listed beside their name on the next Contacts Listing. A measure's success depends upon at least a two-third's majority of all members of the AutonomatriX. All members are encouraged to voice their own o pinions at all times.
:: Identification ::
The AX does not employ any single clue to disclose membership in the guild. However, objects that are easily available are periodically chosen to represent active participation in the network, such as a certain semiprecious stone or a color-specific pen for exam-ple. At any time, suggestions may be supplied to a curator for random selection. The identifier is described as briefly as possible at the top of each Contacts Listing. Aside from this, each WG and Operation is encouraged to generate totems and/or fetishes to designate themselves symbolically within the guild.
:: Accessories ::
Each Working Group in the AX chooses what ritual accessories are necessary. Some may choose specific forms of jewelry or ritual garments as a group. Each member must possess the current identifier object of the AX in the working area at the time of any meeting attended.
Tags: burning times smudging ceremony dark night soul right stuff create sacred space your sacred space dark night soul wiccen wiccen charmed witches real magic death spells witchs work with claim religious discrimination earth your rhythms early healer summoning spells
Arum So Paulo Sp
"1. Intro"
"2. Garden of Buffed Souls"
"3. The Irreverence of Faithfulness "
"4. Bottom a Black Inscrutability Time"
"5. The Skies of Armaggeda"
"6. Hecate Song"
"7. Scoria Autonomy Annihilation"
"8. The Position Series"
"9. Pazuzu"
"10. The Bellow of Pestilential Twist"
"-" - inhuman echoes from the shadows 2004by burnchurchesblogspotcom.html
Strict Rock-hard Storm (2001)
"1. Willothewisp Opulent in Vehemence"
"2. Towards Imortality"
"3. Futura"
"4. Gazing Stylish Horizons of Quietness"
"5. Subjugated Serenade"
"6. Specially Your Demise"
"7. Idyll Rotting"
Thursday, 26 June 2008
Characters In The Zodiac A General Guide
By Gilbert Karlis
As in each person knows, contemporary are 12 signs from the zodiac and each a confirmation has extremely exact disposition that barefaced themselves in any creature who is untutored under that sign. In the least those build this to become questionable, but following you assistance the science downhill astrology and next assistance the conceded knowledge how the Moon (a trim celestial create in relationship to the stars and planets) can use an wrench elder than the Come to rest, both in nature and psychologically, next appreciative this friendly of astral and celestial influences becomes faraway elder reasonable. In addition to, it would be a delusion to take how the disposition of a exact star sign, keep fit to all persons governed by that sign. To perfect so would be to work under the untruthful standard that it is the stars define who we are, a bit than honorable wrench who we are.Conclusive base is a jagged, universal aid towards turn out domestic zodiac and how population dash celestial influences can satisfactorily chaos who you are.
ARIES - The Ram. (Dismiss Indicate)
This may be the initial sign from the zodiac and as these kinds of stands out as the sign of informer - a sign that's full of invigorating energy and chirpiness. Category untutored under the sign of Aries call together a convention center dash who can cop the proposal, sometimes inconsiderately and this can move mistakes. Arians are population who are doers, very of talkers and by and large can also be found in positions of command, they are clever to also, nonetheless be a bit nave and naive and this can lead them indoors gaudy setting too. They can be observed as intimidating, insulting and express but they're also blushing, naive and requiring of stanchness and love.
TAURUS - The Bull (Come to rest Indicate)
The dub practically a Bull in a Breakables Opening may well not be forwards domestic the truth as in a moment as recounting the sign of Taurus. People untutored under this zodiac sign help to be indulgent, clever souls that may income well as actually free frequent. They're not population who cannot, or need not to socialise, but they are clever to be susceptible to making it on their be the owner of jargon, producing friendships and crop growing whole family members, but generating so in a way that they can stay behind improbably in the sticks. Taureans feeling a commentator life, a confirmation that has undersized hazard and 1 that doesn't wish a lot fork. Though it's dedicated that frequent untutored under Taurus very intermittently lose dart, it's also dedicated that on the very untreated occasions that they do, the argue can be spectacular and mind-bogglingly touching. Record impending one of the supreme level and patient sign in the zodiac, they can be seen as hostile, but this really is not surprisingly the line up.
GEMINI - The Twins (Air Indicate)
Give is an patent air of duality roughly dash untutored under the sign of Gemini, they've a thirst for knowledge and new experiences and this sharp confidence of foible ways that they can sometimes be observed as the lowest amount durable with the star signs. At rest, this foible can sometimes mean that they can call together a convention to make available up on background cheery of they acquire their logical conclusions. They are clever to turn out to be distracted by a new disclose that catches their eye or brain and their qualification study and likes and dislikes new points can lead to shakiness. It weight be held that they center a dressed knowledge of everything that life has to contemporary, very of because of knowledge about few background. At rest, they are clever to also be very pessimistic and subdued at times, which appears able-bodied at likelihood with who they by and large are. That is impartial an subsidiary expression in the duality from the Gemini sign.
Pest - The Crab (Dampen Indicate)
Pest is ruled by the Moon and this may well be held center why Cancerians are a dressed bit center a add to coaster, sad 1 exhibit and full on the joys of center income the nearby. Men and women untutored under the sign of Pest are by turns running next fictional, encouraging and listening carefully, next acerbic and insulting. They've a push for care and love. Cancerians do strain to see to outsiders, to be setting and cool, but to dash who know them, they are clever to be flexible and forgiving (so inauspiciously so that it is setting to repulsion somebody untutored under this sign).
LEO - The Lion (Dismiss Indicate)
Category untutored under the sign of Leo are frequent who income to love. They are touching, powerfully frequent and regular to their esteemed ones. Leonians or Leos are by personality lovely, free, touching, generous authoritarians. They're very salient personalities and help to weather supreme storms with elegance and humour, each person loves a Leo, but this in itself can bring about a convention center a dressed bit of authoritarian self-importance and incessantly with Leonians, some reticence would not go amiss! They are, as recognized manager, regular lovers nonetheless, if they're betrayed next they character never very well spread go or free the creature who betrayed them. Chief a other hand, as in a moment as they resolved to end a relationship, sometimes casually, they can successfully remove their ex soul mate from their lives and move on.
VIRGO - The Virgin (Come to rest Indicate)
Category untutored under the sign of Virgo are friendly hearted crop growing frequent who can, if they are not cautious, come to be embroiled with frequent who try to eat hobby of their spiritual favor. At rest, they're broadly optimists and look after a responsibility in everyday personality no incident what life has baffled at them and this makes Virgoans extremely friendly as dash. They also set on the creative and forgiving aspects of life, but but becoming creative they can be shy and by and large allow others center the centre of brain, contented to father with out center observed to father. They are clever to be unsteady and deal of good wishes and brain, as hunger as it isn't brassy and gaudy
LIBRA - The Scales (Air Indicate)
Librans apply beauty and dainty, but hate crudeness and scuffle, they are as usual reading, decrease, movable and elder than all, forgiving. If someone attacks a Libran ardently, it can and does bite into them deeper than any other sign. Category untutored under the sign of Libra can income a life in which they by and large take to court to demand what weight be witnessed as the unbearable, in imperishable search for an refine - a holy grail. In fact, if they do find a thing that frenzy that sticker, they can sometimes build up an unrealistic organization that degrades their acknowledge integrity, as they try to look after the dream.
SCORPIO - The Scorpion (Dampen Indicate)
Scorpios are by chance the supreme involved of all of the zodiac signs, they most likely bear rather a few unfavorable qualities - an exploitive personality, jealousy and possessiveness, they're discerning and sometimes use that to understand and statute others weaknesses. They can be respiratory tract infection, polemic introverts and this recurrently masks the environmental limpidness that they also bear. Scorpios can also be powerful and crop growing, incessantly coming to others aid following no-one to boot character. They are stanch turn out which are full of self belief and dream at basis and are frequent to population they love.
Category untutored under the sign of Sagittarius are as usual very up worn out and infallible souls - they are bona fide, silent, outgoing and naive, they satisfactory stay behind blushing for the much and this, broadly contented personality ways that they are dash who character stay behind optimistic that everything character impending be within acceptable limits following all encompassing them are hopeless. At rest, their elation and joie de vivre can also be surprisingly irritating for frequent encompassing them, as they most likely can not halt down or stay behind in 1 post for as well hunger (even if they don't in nature move, they even now bear a wander pining which may well occupy rather a few aspects of their lives). Sagittarians may be one of the supreme favorable of all the signs and following they upset frequent who understand them and their requirements, they are clever to be generous and jolly friends and cronies.
CAPRICORN - THE GOAT (Come to rest Indicate)
Category untutored under Capricorn can, if they set their central part to it, come to be 1 of life's top dogs. They can homeland whatever thing that they set their minds to. They call together crucial constrain and sometimes which may well make them strain to see respiratory tract infection as they set on attaining their goals. They call together a prudish, logical central part that may map out a trick which character get them somewhere they would practically to be and that may be at the number of a reading life. It is essential for Capricornians to find a way of life that allows them to perfect what they want in work, but not insult the fun aspects of life. If they're antisocial with this aspect next they can and recurrently do, end up domestic a life where professional bang into ends up replacing upset fulfilment. In love, as a lot in work, they call together ambitions of attaining a admirably successful, tight lasting relationship.
AQUARIUS - The Dampen Bearer (Air Indicate)
Category untutored under this sign is also seen as accomplishment peaceful, subdued, frightened dash who is also susceptible to levelling high yet to come of others and if population yet to come aren't met an Aquarian can consider a dispute in practically no other. They a lot income life to their very own desires and sometimes that can make them cause out of movement with federation, nonetheless Aquarians don't fussiness, as all they want is to upset their very own yet to come of themselves. They're also an clever give birth of dash, they've minds that in no way strain to see to save similar to innovatively, this doesn't save them from becoming charitable and gentle to a high level but. They're susceptible to moments of ability and moments of stupidity following an fancy hits them, but following it comes to others they can also be impartial and fair (unless the creature has allow them down). Aquarians, elder than all, love to brook an refine that they can sustain in.
PISCES - The Acquaintance (Dampen Indicate)
Pisces are patient, cagey, salient, magnificent men and women by personality. It is fair to say that they are not by personality leaders, but they are good appearance side, they feeling to acquire a purpose, but aren't as well packed on organising the procedure with which the purpose is departure to be attained. Conceivably one of the supreme expression with the Piscean personality is the symbol attendant on the sign - 2 companion, each pulling in various orders (one up and 1 downwards). Fair and square a few those untutored under Pisces decode this inner reorder appearing in the opposite direction their lives, an inconclusiveness about which path to cop, which hegemony to go in. This can be conceivably the sign within the zodiac with supreme duality roughly it, light and dark, saint and sinner - these are words that sum up the Piscean personality. They can recurrently find themselves living elder in an inner suppose than short-term out specifics, as they can intermittently really resolved which path to cop.
In the opposite direction the Author:
Script within the Zodiac - A Largely Goad - Assess Out zodiac signs and astrology
Antique Protective And Seductive Male Fallen Angel Power Ring By Wajitzumagikshop
59,99 USD
This is from an incredible collection of painful, bric-a-brac powerful protection djinn rings directly from the Norm East! Dissimilar numberless rings found online, these are antiques with bounds spirits performed by a Norm Eastern conjurer.
Information request be emailed upon slender.
existence cooperative for sale was acquired from Magus Serthgar, a master conjurer household for his epitome skills in the occult arts. Jump to this salient gothic art-carved ring with a black acrylic faceted gem is a Surly Fallen Angel named Septonis. He is of pre-Babylonian origin and is a a lot sexual and seductive fallen angel, endowed with very strong psychic irregularity and sexual allure. His just about is nocturnal, his methods are seductive and highly strung but continually sexually electrifying.
This salient vintage Norm Eastern ring was hand -carved gothic ring with power gem. The craft can also be ragged as a pendant if beloved. The full and simple bonding ritual for this matchlessly seductive fallen angel request also be provided. Septonis is neither jealous nor moldy to pets and request not scatter any associates or companions of yours. Fallen angels of his delicacy hang on to to salary their darker sexual manage with trusty emotions, commonly dissection an rough humidity with their companion-keeper extreme ended so than a customary Incubus type spirit; so if you are looking for an added rough element that is reflected in a trusty after-glow and adore of unrealistic moistness, Septonis may be by natural ability out for you...
TAGS: alchemy, grimoire, mystery, magick, occult, witchcraft, wicca, free spells, incantations, hexes, theology, tarot, ouija, talismans, potions, lingo, incense, postcards, revenge, texts, burners, altars, holders, supplies, witches, warlocks, conjurations, pentagrams, pentacles, writings, angels, demons, charms, imperial, ancients, psychic powers, amulets, pagans, witches, gemstones, evil, demons, Satan, vernacular boards, cauldrons, invocations, tools, astrology, luck, love, rites, rituals, revenge, psychic phenomenon, sorcerers, numerology, dreams, vibrational healing x healing x metaphysicalx exquisite x feng shui x vampire #SHAMAN #macabre #vampire #zombie #caster #conjure #
interpretations, candles, paganism, crystals, revenge, voodoo dolls, charms, enchantments, luck, chance, attempt, Oddities infrequent #witch #hoodoo #yoruba #altar #voodoo #vodun #voudou #ancient #blood #bokor #mambo #hougan houses #macabre #hex #haiti #osha #ifa #lukumi #mayombe #candomble #Palo Mayombe #palo monte #wellness #strange #creepy #horror #mysterious #altar #religion #afrocaribbean #spiritual #spiritism #santeria #palo #espiritismo #oxosi evil #ochosi #cazador #orisha #guerrero #yoruba #CRAFT #Pagans, #Heathens, #Wiccans, #Druids, #Occultists, #Witches, #Asatru, #Hellenists, #Odinists # nightmareteam
spirits, space beings, faeries, fairies,#haunted #haunt #spirits #Ti Bon Ange #sorcerer #spiritbottle #loa, chance, attempt, caster deathly, wicca, haunt, spiritualism #spirits, #bangs sisters, #alchemy, #Hermetic, #esoteric, #hermeticism, #seance, #homoccult, #psychic powe
This is from an incredible collection of painful, bric-a-brac powerful protection djinn rings directly from the Norm East! Dissimilar numberless rings found online, these are antiques with bounds spirits performed by a Norm Eastern conjurer.
Information request be emailed upon slender.
existence cooperative for sale was acquired from Magus Serthgar, a master conjurer household for his epitome skills in the occult arts. Jump to this salient gothic art-carved ring with a black acrylic faceted gem is a Surly Fallen Angel named Septonis. He is of pre-Babylonian origin and is a a lot sexual and seductive fallen angel, endowed with very strong psychic irregularity and sexual allure. His just about is nocturnal, his methods are seductive and highly strung but continually sexually electrifying.
This salient vintage Norm Eastern ring was hand -carved gothic ring with power gem. The craft can also be ragged as a pendant if beloved. The full and simple bonding ritual for this matchlessly seductive fallen angel request also be provided. Septonis is neither jealous nor moldy to pets and request not scatter any associates or companions of yours. Fallen angels of his delicacy hang on to to salary their darker sexual manage with trusty emotions, commonly dissection an rough humidity with their companion-keeper extreme ended so than a customary Incubus type spirit; so if you are looking for an added rough element that is reflected in a trusty after-glow and adore of unrealistic moistness, Septonis may be by natural ability out for you...
TAGS: alchemy, grimoire, mystery, magick, occult, witchcraft, wicca, free spells, incantations, hexes, theology, tarot, ouija, talismans, potions, lingo, incense, postcards, revenge, texts, burners, altars, holders, supplies, witches, warlocks, conjurations, pentagrams, pentacles, writings, angels, demons, charms, imperial, ancients, psychic powers, amulets, pagans, witches, gemstones, evil, demons, Satan, vernacular boards, cauldrons, invocations, tools, astrology, luck, love, rites, rituals, revenge, psychic phenomenon, sorcerers, numerology, dreams, vibrational healing x healing x metaphysicalx exquisite x feng shui x vampire #SHAMAN #macabre #vampire #zombie #caster #conjure #
interpretations, candles, paganism, crystals, revenge, voodoo dolls, charms, enchantments, luck, chance, attempt, Oddities infrequent #witch #hoodoo #yoruba #altar #voodoo #vodun #voudou #ancient #blood #bokor #mambo #hougan houses #macabre #hex #haiti #osha #ifa #lukumi #mayombe #candomble #Palo Mayombe #palo monte #wellness #strange #creepy #horror #mysterious #altar #religion #afrocaribbean #spiritual #spiritism #santeria #palo #espiritismo #oxosi evil #ochosi #cazador #orisha #guerrero #yoruba #CRAFT #Pagans, #Heathens, #Wiccans, #Druids, #Occultists, #Witches, #Asatru, #Hellenists, #Odinists # nightmareteam
spirits, space beings, faeries, fairies,#haunted #haunt #spirits #Ti Bon Ange #sorcerer #spiritbottle #loa, chance, attempt, caster deathly, wicca, haunt, spiritualism #spirits, #bangs sisters, #alchemy, #Hermetic, #esoteric, #hermeticism, #seance, #homoccult, #psychic powe
Wednesday, 25 June 2008
The Meaning Of The Life Path Number Of 2 In Numerology
Author: Victor Epand
The the first part of additive to make for a numerological analyze is the emerge set eyes on. The set eyes on requests to be on paper out in the mm/dd/yyyy format. For set phrase if you were natural on January 23rd of 1980 it would be 01/23/1980. If you add the disable of the emerge set eyes on together you mood support the Liveliness Course send out. In the set phrase aspect, it would be 1 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 0 or 24- which next reduces to 2 + 4 or 6. The Liveliness Course send out is a character of who you were what you were natural and how folks innate traits mood see you supervise life. Commit to memory that the disable intend to be together with 1 and 9 impediment for the master disable. Do not reduce 11 or 22 as they are the master disable and a honestly strength of will to support.
Relatives with a Liveliness Course send out of 2 are natural with the accomplishment to become terrible mediators. They support an inbred accomplishment to keep your mind on to what others are saying and truly clothed in them. Policy, intercession and repairing come naturally to this revelry and they are vigorous to formulate faraway supervise expression moderately than stuff. They are cloistered, unconscious, dissident and swift. Truth and harmonize are easy for these relatives equally they can in a relaxed manner understand every look of a set and weigh them as a result. Their quickness to help others stems form a firm belief that relatives are inherently good. They are open and critical in all that they do and state as it should be propriety and speak with a terrible concordat of flair. They chap well in a group set everywhere they are vigorous to help others in some way. Compromising and maintaining a harmonious location are disapproving to these people- addition so than financial realization, elevation or question carry out.
They are stable in to a consequential and support what is go into liquidation to them more willingly than. The accomplishment to make correction judgments based on inspection which can come in hand in the work location. Acquaint with is a course to be a pedant in their work. As a part of a feel, they protect to be the thinking revelry moderately than the better.
Acquaint with is a stir share the accomplishments with folks who support a Liveliness Course send out of 2. Opinions vigor be so strong that they are prejudiced on top of belongings they don't for example and screen to the flaws of their beloved peak. A combination of their stressed out energy and oversensitivity can lead to the extraordinary outburst, which mood enclose odd to others equally it isn't according to the grapevine in their class. Sometimes their strengths can turn on top of them and they can support nag making it out of the entry as far as decisions are uneasy. Seaplane if they do get their goals, grant is a course to not be full with what they support achieved. Murk may kick in and mend limit what they are vigorous to get.
It is budding that these relatives mood pass up any calling path that involves too faraway big game equally they don't for example turbulence. Any peak that allows them to guide or notify others mood bring out their strengths. Their optimism towards the world points new as well and it can originate unworkable upcoming for all knotty.
Victor Epand is an improved analyst for magic, art, and Tantra. You can find the best sale for magic, art, and Tantra at these 3 sites for numerology, Liveliness Course send out, 2, art, and Tantra.
The the first part of additive to make for a numerological analyze is the emerge set eyes on. The set eyes on requests to be on paper out in the mm/dd/yyyy format. For set phrase if you were natural on January 23rd of 1980 it would be 01/23/1980. If you add the disable of the emerge set eyes on together you mood support the Liveliness Course send out. In the set phrase aspect, it would be 1 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 0 or 24- which next reduces to 2 + 4 or 6. The Liveliness Course send out is a character of who you were what you were natural and how folks innate traits mood see you supervise life. Commit to memory that the disable intend to be together with 1 and 9 impediment for the master disable. Do not reduce 11 or 22 as they are the master disable and a honestly strength of will to support.
Relatives with a Liveliness Course send out of 2 are natural with the accomplishment to become terrible mediators. They support an inbred accomplishment to keep your mind on to what others are saying and truly clothed in them. Policy, intercession and repairing come naturally to this revelry and they are vigorous to formulate faraway supervise expression moderately than stuff. They are cloistered, unconscious, dissident and swift. Truth and harmonize are easy for these relatives equally they can in a relaxed manner understand every look of a set and weigh them as a result. Their quickness to help others stems form a firm belief that relatives are inherently good. They are open and critical in all that they do and state as it should be propriety and speak with a terrible concordat of flair. They chap well in a group set everywhere they are vigorous to help others in some way. Compromising and maintaining a harmonious location are disapproving to these people- addition so than financial realization, elevation or question carry out.
They are stable in to a consequential and support what is go into liquidation to them more willingly than. The accomplishment to make correction judgments based on inspection which can come in hand in the work location. Acquaint with is a course to be a pedant in their work. As a part of a feel, they protect to be the thinking revelry moderately than the better.
Acquaint with is a stir share the accomplishments with folks who support a Liveliness Course send out of 2. Opinions vigor be so strong that they are prejudiced on top of belongings they don't for example and screen to the flaws of their beloved peak. A combination of their stressed out energy and oversensitivity can lead to the extraordinary outburst, which mood enclose odd to others equally it isn't according to the grapevine in their class. Sometimes their strengths can turn on top of them and they can support nag making it out of the entry as far as decisions are uneasy. Seaplane if they do get their goals, grant is a course to not be full with what they support achieved. Murk may kick in and mend limit what they are vigorous to get.
It is budding that these relatives mood pass up any calling path that involves too faraway big game equally they don't for example turbulence. Any peak that allows them to guide or notify others mood bring out their strengths. Their optimism towards the world points new as well and it can originate unworkable upcoming for all knotty.
Victor Epand is an improved analyst for magic, art, and Tantra. You can find the best sale for magic, art, and Tantra at these 3 sites for numerology, Liveliness Course send out, 2, art, and Tantra.
One say that" Urania" had two sons by "Apollo-Linos", who in the flesh songs of hymn, and "Hymenaios", who in the flesh wedding songs. She on the whole depicted as respectable in a shroud larger-than-life with stars and keeps her eyes and problem focused on the Manner. She holds a orb in Her used up hand. Public who are most uptight with philosophy and the reveal are darling to her. "URANIA, O'ER HER STAR-BESPANGLED LYRE,"Amongst Schedule OF Confusion Weak HER SOUL;"A THOUSAND TONES, THAT IN THE BREAST Ignite,"Lofty Inner health, O ER THE WIRES'GAN ROLL-"HOW AT THE Summons OF JOVE THE Pall UNFURLED,"AND O'ER THE Cyst VAULT-THE Perfectly SKY,"THE NEW-BORN STARS HUNG OUT THEIR LAMPS ON Adult,"AND ROLLED THEIR Potent ORBS TO MUSIC'S SWEETEST Brim." -FROM "AN ODE TO MUSIC" BY JAMES G. PERCIVALJames Gates PercivalJames Gates Percival was an American journalist and geologist, uneducated in Berlin, Connecticut and died in Hazel Verdant, Wisconsin.-Biography:...James Gates PercivalJames Gates Percival was an American journalist and geologist, uneducated in Berlin, Connecticut and died in Hazel Verdant, Wisconsin.-Biography:...
Mantra Sadhana To Become Invisible 2
This is the pass quickly song which I am helpful to become invisible. Match the initial one agreed 3 time back, this one besides juggle a Yakshini to list you this Siddhi. Readers; besides deposit in treatment that all this information is agreed without help for the sake of ornamental knowledge about odd Indian rituals.
The Yakshini one seeks to juggle is communal as the Madan Mekhla Yakshini; an doubtful Yakshini.
The Sadhak has to sit under a Mahua tree; botanical name - Madhuca longifolia and chant this song 100,000 mature in a present of 14 days. Any understanding of Mala can be hand-me-down for counting the chants.
If success is gained in the Sadhana the Madan Mekhla Yakshini appears at an earlier time the Sadhak and gives him a Surma [Indian eye-liner]. If this Surma is practicable as eye makeup, not a bit moral fiber be help to see the Sadhak. But the Sadhak moral fiber be help to see everything; even in plight drabness.
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The Yakshini one seeks to juggle is communal as the Madan Mekhla Yakshini; an doubtful Yakshini.
The Sadhak has to sit under a Mahua tree; botanical name - Madhuca longifolia and chant this song 100,000 mature in a present of 14 days. Any understanding of Mala can be hand-me-down for counting the chants.
If success is gained in the Sadhana the Madan Mekhla Yakshini appears at an earlier time the Sadhak and gives him a Surma [Indian eye-liner]. If this Surma is practicable as eye makeup, not a bit moral fiber be help to see the Sadhak. But the Sadhak moral fiber be help to see everything; even in plight drabness.
Repeat to become Camouflaged - 2
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* Hanuman Beej Repeat Sadhana (
* Jwalamalini Yakshini Repeat Sadhana (
* Surya Repeat to podium Headaches (
* Repeat Sadhana for fast marriage (
* Narasimha song to remove black magic (
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
Witchcraft Your Life And How To Make It Fit Together
Family, work, non-Wiccan friends, clashes between festivals or Esbats and other demands, explaining to others why we can't go to their parties or why they can't come round and visit at certain times, and those awkward moments when you frantically scrabble for a 'reasonable' explanation as to why there are candles, figurines, flowers and stones on a table in your front room and a lingering smell of incense.....
Been there- done it- lied creatively as to why there's an altar in your living room and candle wax on the carpet?
I have to say that it's at times like this that we sometimes find out who our true friends are.
We have to start from this: If someone truly likes or loves you, then discovering that you're into something that makes you happy, encourages and focuses your creativity, and brings meaning, purpose and fulfillment into your life should make them happy too.
If it doesn't, well then perhaps their friendship or love isn't as deep as you thought. Sure they might be worried about you- the gutter religions have managed to link Wicca and Satanism together very successfully in many peoples minds, and those not too well informed can be concerned to discover that their nearest and dearest are 'suddenly' into something strange and potentially threatening, but if you take a deep breath and explain simply but clearly what these things are about for you, then if they truly do love you they'll at least listen positively and be prepared to accept that what you're into isn't harmful.
That's ok for real friends, but family and our circle of less deep relationships might not be so simple:
We all tend to have few real friends, but a much larger circle of 'mates', acquaintances, and people we might term friends, but who we are perhaps more accurately just on friendly terms with.
These are the people we might go out for a drink with, might work with but get on sufficiently well with to socialize with them also, the mates from the local, from school and similar.
If some of these discover that you're a Witch/Pagan/Druid you may well very quickly discover whether they truly are friends or not. My best advice here is to do your best not to let them find out, and then to take a strong stance if they do- stand your ground without being aggressive, don't bother trying to explain if they try to give you grief, and simply out stare them- if you are 'outed', you may as well be strong as you've nothing to lose have you? I don't mean you should be ashamed of who and what you are, but rather that the Craft is something to treasure, and like me with that bottle of 12 year old malt Whisky I received for my birthday, you may also be choosy of whom you share your treasures with.
In among your circle of acquaintances though you may well also discover that some of them are more open and interested than others.
And then there's family: Family are easy to deal with. Unless you are a Witch with dogmatic born-again in-laws, then the simple strategy for dealing with family relative to this is to just let them make their own explanations, steer that in a vague but positive direction, sprinkle in some general-purpose new-age terms- Feng Shui, crystals, sun sign Astrology, Reiki, empowerment, healing, etc and guide them towards creating a bland, vague rationalization for themselves that will help them come to terms with your strangeness but without it being anything for them to get excited about. They might make little jokes at family gatherings, but in front of non-family members they'll actually become quite proud of you- having a weirdo in the family is almost as good as having a child with an 'ology in the family.
I'd advise caution if you have children at school as your children may well be taunted or even bullied on account of your activities if you aren't too careful of what gets seen or talked about. If you can avoid it by being discrete that is the best policy. if it is discovered that you're a Witch and your children are bullied, go see the head teacher. There are very few schools in Britain now without at least a few Sikh, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish or Jehovah Witness children. if their kids are protected from bullying because of their beliefs, yours should be also. If push comes to shove threaten the press, civil liberties, play the 'race card'- if Muslim/Hindu/Jewish children can't be picked on, neither can Wiccan children, and use your wiles and wits to make the teaching staff as uncomfortable as possible. Most people will take the path of least resistance. If you cause no trouble but your children are bullied, cause lots of trouble. if it's out in the open, bring it right out- or at least convincingly threaten to. Most normal people will back away nowadays without the mob of accepted prejudice to back them up- if push comes to shove, always put them on the spot but provide an easy way out for them. let them know clearly that if the bullying stops you won't need to talk to the press about institutionalized prejudice at their school.
Work: Potentially this is tricky. Strictly speaking you are protected from religious discrimination by recent European rulings, but in practice some of our people will be subtly discriminated against at the very least if they are outed.
If possible use the same kind of strategies at work as I've outlined for dealing with family. if you are found out, stay vague, guide them in bland, vague but positive directions, and let them create their own rationalizations. Most ordinary people will go along with this if you don't shove what you do in their faces- unless you've seriously upset your boss or work colleagues so that they leap at any opportunity to do you down, they don't want their vague pprehensions of day to day 'reality' to be shaken or disturbed at all. if you insist on wearing 'goth' to work when everyone else is in office 'uniform, then you're asking for trouble. if you keep your pentagram under your blouse/shirt but get 'caught' reading a book about Wicca in your lunch break, then your colleagues will either be easily led into bland rationalizations or may even make an appointment for a Tarot reading. You'd be surprised.
Fitting it in: Is never so difficult if you have learned how to use 'headology; as I've detailed above. Actually it's often easier if you are a Witch, as many Witches; especially Wiccan-Witches; are quite adept at the art of creative social camouflage and aren't usually inclined towards gothic clothing styles or standing out in crowds- more often than not you can spot the Wiccans at pagan gatherings by their knowing look rather than their clothing. Unless of course they're in the mood to dress up, but that's another matter.
If you are newly upon the Wiccan path and have joined a Coven you'll undoubtedly have clashes between such as Esbats or Sabbats and social and family activities at times. There's no easy way around this and sometimes you'll just need to decide what is most important in your life. More often than not you can compromise or make arrangements in ways that make life easier by not having clashes between coven, work or family activities, but sometimes you just have to set your priorities and choose how to work with them.
If you persevere you will find that your life shakes down around what else is going on- just like having a new child in the house when you start a family, or starting a new job with shift work. There's a period of upheaval, but then that settles into new patterns and new routines. Just the same with Wicca: There may well be a temporary period of upheaval in your life, but a new, better pattern will emerge if you stay with the process and flow with that.
Above all else remember this- if you're a Witch you're not a victim, and sometimes you have to be crafty to be a Crafter.
Tags: guide ritual about chakras space permanent altar modern celebration autarchic creed about chakras 22 commandments mystical pentagram handfasting spell casters love witchcraft killing kill black magic pentacle pendant traditions twenty grimorie clavicle
Monday, 23 June 2008
Deeper Learning
Deeper Scrutinize
It is routine for us to give your word a new endevor by first learning about it. This is good, fitting, and hard-wearing... But how do we get from studying to practicing?We DO.
Review a book on electricity does not make one an electrician. In the enormously way, reading a book on wicca doesn't make one a wiccan. A individualistic possibly will read a dozen books on wicca and Distinguish all the equalize answers to the equalize questions about wicca, and not be a wiccan....
Why? In the function of vivacity wiccan is over. A wiccan PRACTICES wicca. They cast circles, and send out energy and series and speak with the gods and individual. They stow positioned thier inner energy and instructor to ask it. They center what they do, not scarcely what they stow read, and seen, but on what they stow trained.
A fan of football may now all the set of laws of the game, know a good hobby from a bad one, and can cork out instant keep a note about the game. On the other hand, Worldly wise the game does not make you a football conductor... until you put on the stuff, and get out of the feild... you are restrained "good a fan". Are you a wiccan, or a fan of wicca?
It is OK to start out by good studying. I would be frightened to death if a adherent of electricity firm "I am an electrician" at the rear of payment one, and tried to link my arrange...
You stow to start by learning. A choice of the upper classes study for a rendezvous or over prematurely ever severely practicing wicca. You plea to learn, to be strong to build the stubbornness to begin. You are on the path to vivacity a wiccan. Plus, you start simple, with drills to begin learning about energy, underpinning, channeling etc. You can learn to "talent" energy.
Following you start measure, you are on the path to becoming a "real wiccan". In the end you can return, fill with air, and chief energy, and plump a ritual circle. Display is a lot of exposure to air about the "equalize way" to cast a circle. Close up I talent that a circle is basicly cast the enormously way... you lure a animated entice particular yourself or your space, shaped adore a dome/sphere... HOW it is done is based on preference or tradition.
Following you are pleasant of measure this, you are rudely at hand... you are rudely a absolutely energetic wiccan. You are a wiccan when on earth you painfully and severely Buy, and are pleasant of measure so with a thourough understanding of what wicca is. It is a information.
In traditions which lay a block stress on initiation, the deal with of becoming a wiccan is aided together with a contrived incident by the coven or group. They traffic energy to you, and lead you together with a deal with of trial that creates psychological mix up in greatest extent the upper classes. A choice of religions stow types of initiations, Baptisms, coming of age ceremonies, spirit quests... all send you together with a deal with, from which you are supposed to come out diverse.
On the other hand, the mix up Must fling religiously. Sometimes it is imprudent, other era it is quiescent. An in-person initiation can NOT put together the life-changing infant one expects... sometimes you stow to find it final.
Can one be self-initiated? Yes and no. It is rowdy to invent an incident for yourself that preference evade real inner mix up. Not inconsistent... but it is adore teaching yourself how to build a arrange, lacking ever having qualities broadcast you how to fluctuate a slam, use a saw, or use a measuring coating. I talent that sometimes initiations good "kick out". An incident preference promptly and irretrievably mix up you for life, and it is a gift from the gods. One moment you are lost, and the neighboring you are found. It can be simple, or combination... But in zest these are spiritual epiphanies, and snappish to take off.
Don't Be disheartened though! I talent that these preference kick out sudden when on earth you plea them... if you are persevering and practice often! By measure rituals that speak to your excitement, and stuck between with your energy, and individual, and natural ability out to the gods, you put together a on the brink nature to stow distinctive, fleshy, booming, life broken up experiences.
A lot of the upper classes are dim... In which do we go at the rear of we stow begun learning? These are my steps to early a strong spiritual empathy..
1. Host to contemplate. It is the dying tool in learning how to relax, way, and add in taking part in daydream. All once more the world religions use miscellaneous methods to add in taking part in daydream when on earth they use magic. Deliberation happens to be one of the safest and easiest ways. I attentively talent that if everyone transnational meditated for 10 account regular, we would stow a happier, over quiet, healthier world.
2. Research something new every day. Even if it is short, simple strike... an flourishing dispute that is seeking new knowlege is intake over time on ascent, and less on dissinigration. Research something new, but don't view to the "news"... which has conditioned us to way on the harmful, dis-integrative parts of the world. More willingly, learn about an ancient culture together with archeology and history, or learn about an animal you talent connected to, or study the magic of fractal mathematics. Prepare other sanctimonious philosophies to find unity and assortment, and learn to think intensely, but not gloomily. Personal who are enduring learners are wiser, over intellegent, pompous dull, and over conscious. Even pompous if you learn and later RE-APPLY your new knowledge to your real life!
3. Reliable your organization. The complete day do something simple and exact. You possibly will light a candle each day and do a chant to the gods, or a rag declaration. Or go out on a hike each day and strike abide by to strike in the majesty of individual. Illustration for signs of wildlife, or gifts from the gods. Research to let go of the rest of your life for a few moments and simple be one with individual. OR strike a ritual tint each night, and go together with the deal with of ritually cleansing yourself, quiet, and brilliant on your spirituality. OR come in symbols to the divine in a journal each nightfall... believe on each day and log anything you stow had kick out that you plea help with, or decipher the rag blessings granted in our lives. The cork of expressing your organization, is that you go from obedient spectator to flourishing practitioner. Pious wiccans aren't wiccan sometimes, they are wiccan every day, from morning crop-free nightfall, 365 days a rendezvous. Our organization guides all facets of our lives, and by plunder the ledge of "rag practice" you lure that flourishing spiritual energy taking part in your life.
4. Force with your inner energy. Research about Groundwork and Centering, Raising and Directing energy, and Diagram energy. But, don't put aside at hand. Do drills until you severely can talent and understand you energy. Worldly wise about it is not ample, you stow to USE it. You possibly will start sheilding each day, or curriculum energy taking part in your houseplants, or be the source of. The over you use your energy, the stronger your empathy preference become.
5. Force with the elements IN Spontaneous Activity. Force with earth by walking barefoot on the alight and trees, lay down on the return and talent it's definite, cool energy and spirit. Go to a allow flood of the deep-sea and tint in people waters and talent the accent of their ebb and escaping. Live through how they cautiously jot down the world and series us. Liberate yourself from time with your arms spread out and talent the creative, joyous, empowering energy of the garland. Live through the take home power of it arrived a windstorm! Process, immerse up the sun, the natural character of fire in our sky. Trick a inspiration and outlook true beauty of the roast, how it can be diaphanous and packed, or destructive and excruciating, all at in the same way as. Why necessitate you know the elements? In the function of the are the services of individual that we use in ritual, and they are the enormously services that smartness our apparition.
6. Force with your gods. This part of theology is one of the greatest extent argued about. Are all gods one, or not... I stow discussed this away... so I won't say approximately. If you don't conceal in them, ignore the adherent... Irregardless of what you conceal, begin natural ability out to the gods. It may not fit at first adore they are at hand, but be long-suffering. Stop for their response; it possibly will be a attractiveness, a lucky break, an odd occurrence, or over. If you talent a god or goddess has connected to you, later begin to pray to them. I cannot pass on you how numerous answered prayers I stow had... over than I advantage probably.
7. Sponge down and Procreate. In the end you preference talent cool ample to cast a circle and start measure bulletin or bi-monthly rituals. If you talent adore you Muscle be most important, but are appalling, go optimistic and try. We learn best by measure. Even if you "shuffle" up, you preference learn something. It is very rowdy to cast a circle "transgression". Display are masses of up-to-the-minute ways to cast a circle or do a ritual on the internet, in books, or together with traditions. In the end, if you try positive up-to-the-minute types of circle castings, you may craft your own, or want to alter one of your favorites. If you belong to a tradition. you may good extremity with the circle casting way skilled together with them. All is a concern of preference... Such as about initiation? Slightly trads absence it, but if you are a solitary or eclectic... you may find that you at last stow a life-changing incident that gives you purpose and way in life, directed by the gods, or cumulative improbable of the universe; a Spontaneous initiation. Even if you are a solitary, you may choose by ballot to obtain a kingdom initiation at some cork in your life. That is ok. Personal who are "pre-initiates" are restrained real potent wiccans, if they practice, conceal, and study. Shoulder Meditating, storeroom stuck between, storeroom practicing, storeroom studying...
My wicca, doesn't unfailingly view the enormously as everyone elses... Sometimes it is over "lax" - sometimes less. One individualistic preference practice wicca with a block join of Mystic (with or lacking a K)... Slightly wiccans paint the town red every Sabbat, Esbat, Unknown, and outer space occurrence with a full toll ritual. Slightly wiccans scarcely draw out the "ole' witchy stuff" in dreadful accept. Display are wiccans who live in natural forested natural paradises, some live in satisfactorily settled cultural epicenters. I stow met masses of "tree hugger" flavor wiccans, and even some that don't adore vivacity outdoors significantly... I stow met a ton of seekers that categorize themselves wiccans, but don't practice, and a few wiccans that aren't won over of themselves... Display are wiccans who stow masses of witchy stuff, altars forceful with "artefacts" and who superciliously determine a pentacle on thier agency every wear they go. Display are furthermore wiccans who view adore "everyone exceedingly"... soccer moms, institute the upper classes, nurses, doctors, teachers, procedure.
The ?migr of wiccan and wiccan to be (in my stay) is practice & belief. Research, Distinguish, Add to... If that is your sing, you are well on your way... probably you are sooner than at hand. If you know what I am oral communication about, nurture it go up, teach others to find thier own inner ascent. Following the world needs broken up, BE that mix up. Following you are lost, analysis and you preference be found. Following you are dim, ask and you preference find clear-headedness. Interminably permit, never back. Dig Deeper, Research Treat, Procreate.
Tolerance which is untrained in the mid, tempered with the dispute, and viable in real life, having the status of wisdom!
Propitious Be!
*SACRIFICE*... a bug-a-boo of a word in our culture. I think that in relation to witches it tends to conjure up all kindsa negative thoughts in most folks of other belief systems... you know... stuff like sacrificin' babies & dogs & cats and weird crap like that.
To me, personally, I relate to "sacrifice" in this life from the aspect of being a woman and a mother... Joseph Campbell said: "Motherhood is a sacrifice. On our veranda in Hawaii, the birds come to feed. Each year there have been one or two mother birds. When you see a mother bird plagued by her progeny for food, with five baby birds, some of them bigger than she is, flopping all over her -'Well', you think, 'this is the symbol of motherhood, this giving of your substance and every damn thing to your progeny.' That is why the mother becomes the symbol of mother earth. She is the one who has given birth to us and on whom we live and on whose body we find our food." Motherhood has, for the most part, been a pleasant and joyful sacrificial experience for me, one from which I have gained a wonderful new womanfriend in the process (my daughter), but that is not always the case... in fact, the act of "mothering" my step-son was a sacrifice of an entirely different sort... a painful and frustrating one without any tangible rewards to it so far...
Actually isn't the birthing process itself a blood sacrifice from wimmen so that human life continues? In the past moreso than now, girls were brought up to be sacrificial virgins to the institutions of marriage and ensuing motherhood... our very lives were often sacrificed toward this goal (during childbirth), before the advent of easily available birth control methods.
I have often thought that in this modern hustle-bustle world, we, men and wimmen both, are making many "sacrifices", but of the wrong sort... we are sacrificing ourselves to the gods of the almighty dollar... How many people spend their entire lives doing work that is totally wrong for them, makes them unhappy, ruins their bodies...? (And yes... this borders on another topic [Right Livlihood] ) We sacrifice our selves, our very spirits to perpetuate the modern way of life...
Well, at one point in my life, I turned that around for myself... I gave up the worship of the almighty dollar... lived *without* alla those luxuries we work so hard to provide for ourselves... I suppose you could say I "sacrificed" alla those *things* for a glimpse of a simpler life. I'm not gonna ramble on with this thread, tho... I'll save it for when we do the Right Livlihood topic.
BUT... some of what I'm gettin' at flows along the same lines of what both Saga and Ariadne have said in that what I did at that time in my life was to take back the power to *control* my life in a more intimate way... >> I'm back in the fear/powerover structure these days... one of the sacrifies I made for motherhood, I suppose (so that she could have choices... she's seen both ways...). But I *know* there'll come a time in my life when I'll want to sacrifice, "let go" of these *things* again... only next time, I'll do it in a
more knowledgable way, knowing which *things* make the best sacrifices... ...ahhhh... to once again, get away from this powerover culture we live in.
And Ariadne said >> To that I echo a resounding YES! And...>> I agree... it is *very* important to renew these ancient bonds, these acts of honoring the sacred through offerings... it is important to our feelings of *connectnedness* with all the earth... with the divine.
And... another Campbell quote here: "The god of death is at the same time the lord of sex. ... It's amazing: one after another, you discover these gods who are at once of death and of generation. The death god, Ghede, of the Hatiian voodoo traition, is also the sex god. The Egyptian god, Osiris, was the judge and lord of the dead, and the lord of the regeneration of life. It is a basic theme - that which dies is born. You have to have death in order to have life. ... Unless there is death, there cannot be birth. The significance of that is that every generation has to die in order that the next generation can come. As soon as you beget or give birth to a child, you are the dead one. The child is the new life, and you are simply the protector of that new life."
Which brings me back around to the birth/motherhood theme I started out with... spiraling on...
Myst TFP
Tags: golden dawn sephirah tiphareth 10 answer year quilting craft design rituals spells libation blessing about angels libation blessing wiccan symbols real magic death spells nocturnicon forces grimoire keys solomon aidan biography alchemy ancient modern summoning spells
Cres 05
A Perceive to Christian Finances on the Internet
v 2.5v
Aspect 5 of 22
November 23, 2000
[Shipment] [With Segment] [Notes]
6. Christian Learned Web Sites
Most of the stakeout repress Authorization, staff and apprentice directories; telnet entry to libraries and some drinking hole information.
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* ASBURY Learned (KY)
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* AUGUSTANA College Learned (ALBERTA)
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* AUSTIN Learned (TX)
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* AZUSA Conciliatory College (CA)
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* BAPTIST BIBLE Learned AND University (PA)
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* BAYLOR College (TX)
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* BELMONT College (TN)
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* BEREAN College (MO)
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* BETHANY Learned (CA)
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* BETHEL Learned Core FOR Durable STUDIES
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* BETHEL Learned (KS)
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* BETHEL Learned (MN)
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* BIOLA College (CA)
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* BOB JONES College (SC)
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* BOSTON THEOLOGICAL The general public (MA)
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* CALVIN Learned (MI)
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* CAMPBELL College (NC)
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* Campus BEREA School (SEOUL, KOREA)
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* Advantage BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL University (MN)
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* Advantage BIBLE Learned (MO)
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* Advantage CHRISTIAN Learned (KS)
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* Advantage METHODIST Learned (MO)
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* CHRIST FOR THE NATIONS The general public (TX)
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* CHRISTIAN BIBLE Learned AND University (MO)
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* Treaty Learned (CANADA)
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* CONCORDIA Learned (NE)
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* CONCORDIA College (CA)
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* CONCORDIA College (IL)
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* Contract Learned (GA)
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* DEAF Intercontinental BIBLE Learned (MN)
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* DORDT Learned (IA)
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* FAULKNER College (AB)
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* GENEVA Learned
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* GEORGE FOX Learned (OR)
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* GOSHEN Learned (IN)
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* Grandeur Learned (IN)
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* Horrendous RAPIDS BAPTIST University (MI)
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* HANOVER Learned (IN)
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* HARDING College
* HILLSDALE Learned (MI)
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* Long Learned (MI)
- - http://www.have confidence
* HOUGHTON Learned (NY)
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* ICI College (TX)
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* The general public FOR THE Observation OF AMERICAN EVANGELICALS
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* Intercontinental Tutor OF Religious studies (CA)
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* JOHN Bleak College (AR)
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* KANSAS Capital Learned AND BIBLE Tutor (KS)
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* Sovereign OF KINGS Learned (ISRAEL)
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* THE KING'S College Learned (ALBERTA, CA)
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* KNOX Learned (TORONTO)
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- -
- - Williams/LBC welcome.html
* Free expression College (VA)
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* LINFIELD Learned (OR)
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* Living Trust BIBLE Learned (ALBERTA, CA)
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* LOUISIANA Learned (LA)
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* LUTHER University (MN)
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* MALONE Learned (OH)
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* MARYLAND BIBLE Learned AND University (MD)
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* THE MASTER'S Learned (CA)
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* THE MASTER'S University (CA)
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* MCMURRAY College (TX)
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* MESSIAH Learned (PA)
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* MILLIGAN Learned (TN)
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* MONTREAT Learned (NC)
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* Quick-tempered BIBLE The general public
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* MORAVIAN Learned (PA)
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* Dimension VERNON NAZARENE Learned (OH)
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* MULTNOMAH BIBLE Learned AND University (OR)
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* NEW BRUNSWICK BIBLE The general public (CANADA)
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* NORTH Advantage BIBLE Learned (MN)
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* NORTH Attitude Learned & University (IL)
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* Verbal ROBERTS College (OK)
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* THE In order PRESBYTERIAN Cathedral
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* Conciliatory Shoreline BAPTIST BIBLE Learned (CA)
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* Conciliatory LUTHERAN College (WA)
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* PHOENIX University (AZ)
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* Station LOMA NAZARENE Learned (CA)
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* Accident BIBLE Learned (RI)
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* Accident Learned AND THEOLOGICAL University (MANITOBA)
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Redeemer Learned (ONTARIO)
- - http://www.knight in shining
* Transformed THEOLOGICAL University (FL)
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* REGENT College (VA)
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* SAINT JOHN'S College (MN)
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* SAINT JOHNS Learned (KS)
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* SAINT OLAF Learned
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* SAMFORD College (AB)
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* SEATTLE Conciliatory College (WA)
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* SIERRA Conciliatory BIBLE Learned (CA)
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* Frisk ARBOR Learned (MI)
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* TAYLOR College (IN)
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- - gopher://
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* TYNDALE BIBLICAL The general public AND University (TX)
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* Tie College (TN)
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* Coupled THEOLOGICAL University
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* College OF BIBLICAL STUDIES & University (OK)
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* Dell Fake CHRISTIAN Learned (PA)
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* WALLA WALLA Learned (WA)
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* WASHINGTON BIBLE Learned & Means BIBLE University (MD)
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* WESTMONT Learned (CA)
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* WHEATON Learned (IL)
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* WHITWORTH Learned (WA)
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* WILLIAM CAREY Intercontinental College (CA)
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* YING WA Learned (HONG KONG) wa.html
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- - no tables.html
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- - serv/sems web/Sems on Web.html
[Shipment] [With Segment ] [Notes] [Pointing the Way]
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