Wednesday 17 December 2008

The Donts

The Donts Cover
DON'T assume your way is the One True Way! It is the one true way - for you. Not for anyone else, no matter how much you may insist.
DON'T spell on others, especially non-Magick peoples without their permission.
DON'T be a psychic vampire: Don't take energy from others. Pretty self-explanatory, right?
DON'T ever attempt to work Magick while drunk, high, or taking serious prescription drugs you are not used to dealing with. If you need this one explained, you need serious help, Now.
DON'T touch other's tools or allow them to touch yours unless the situation calls for it. You never know what the mixed energies will do, or what that other person's tool is currently charged for. You may ask, but don't be offended if they say no. If they ask, be polite.
DON'T enter a circle you don't feel comfortable about. Trust your instincts.
DON'T let yourself be taken advantage of - Likewise, don't take advantage of others. Extreme amounts of money, complete control of the person, or sexual favors are not reasonable fees for participation in anything. Reasonable donations, good manners, and a side dish are.

Be careful who you trust. Most pagans and witches are wonderful folk, but there are rotten apples in every group. Don't give out your real address - Get a PO box. Don't give out your real name - Find a nice Magickal one.

Respect that some people's sensibilities are more easily offended than others and that some people have children. DON'T attend a festival, circle, or ritual skyclad if it's not allowed.

Respect other's rights. If nudity, smoking, or drinking is allowed, don't complain about it. You chose to attend.

Keywords: wiccan religion  book sefer hamalakh  levitation spells  occult magical book  neo paganism  curse someone  charmed witches  witch store  protection spell  

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