Friday 23 July 2010


I dreamt.

I was by an old friend. Be keen on in a long-ago dream with my cousin "Susan"'s guard, the name's "meaning" is tall. The friend's name was "Dar"-yl K-"night" . I've had dreams untouchable the days with this name in it. My friend was stringently share the accomplishments to me. We were alike two peas in a pod.

Yet, I was full remark by school. My friend was sad, devastated in fact.

Bestow was a "school" "laboratory" with 2 Hasidic guys in it among the students. Categorization was untouchable. I got onto a school bus to go home. My "seat" was on the disappeared creep of the pathway, a few "rows" from the forerunner.

Unusually, I wasn't fashionable any top and my treasury was naked. Eek! In some way, nonetheless this was embarrassing for me, I had the opinion that this wasn't an strange requirement for women "in my place". It was "said". So far, I hadn't come to school alike that. I wasn't confident why I had no top upon free school. I crossed my arms untouchable my treasury tiring to apply for myself.

The two Hasidic guys from the class were on my "bus" . One sat a few places delayed me and the other one sat rather the back. They cold looking at me. I was ashamed.

The bus came to a come to rest to let off substitute woman. As she was getting off the bus, the one Hasidic guy inactive covering the back accompanied her to the depart to say farewell, but he cold glancing at me. I knew they had a rendezvous at some point. She was "rational" to the community, to the same degree I was not. She "towed the line", to the same degree I did not. So, he had asked her for a rendezvous, even nonetheless he cold looking at me - as did the other guy particular a few places delayed.

But, I had no top on. Sheesh! I didn't know how "that" had happened. I was terribly ashamed. Abruptly, my friend was in the seat jiffy to me. He had brought to me my little travel suitcase with a dark "scarce" top and red vest in it. I put them on.

Now, I was appropriate and felt significantly do better than. Thank G-d for "my friend," who was a little mortal. He saved me from those" in whose eyes I was naked". I was so thrilled for "my friend" who didn't see me as naked, who provided me with the top and vest.

The bus came to my come to rest. I got off the bus at my place shameless fashionable the dark scarce top and red vest "my friend" had provided for me. Now, the two other guys meet to rendezvous me, as I looked glittering in the clothes "my friend" had brought to me, making me rational to "the community". Ha! Be keen on hell, I likeness.

Last I got off the school bus, my mother took me shopping in a 2-story category store. She bought me a mysterious sash-belt for my anniversary. It was a very pale-ivory (Shir Hashirim 7:5) color for all intents and purposes, with clothes of countless colors restriction overpower it. Bestow were two in particular untidy and fizzy clothes restriction the sash-belt as well - gold and silver. I can wear it now, the store clerk told us, as my mother was paying for it. Whenever you like the sash-belt wrapped and coupled, the ends crush alike desire supple silk scarves nasty to the sad alike a rim. It was such an exquisitely crafted sash-belt. Unmatched and one-of-a-kind. Wow! No one moreover had a sash-belt as gauzy and as magical as seam.

On the lower sad, to the same degree paying for the belt, an hub "wall" in a hall of the cover sad crush down. The wall which crush down opened up an province of the cover sad hip the atrium-like lower room wherever my mother and I were located.

I likeness about my friend. Someplace, oh wherever, is my friend - who liked ME, the greatest essential me, no issue what I wore or didn't wear. The one who was devastated gone I disappeared for school. The one who bar came onto the schoobus to exchange me from private "seen as naked" by a person - a top caused by those two Hasidic guys who "saw" me that way. I meet to ascertain "him, my friend," my mystically magical sash-belt.

My friend, wherever are you?


Dar refers two stones of memory; to Binah-Socharet, cover dar and to the Shechinah-Dar, lower dar ("Sha'are Orah", R' Yosef Gikatilla, p. 163-164).

Nightfall refers to "makeup", yet the name begins with a record kaf, the power to actualize one's vigor.

repeating dream actual

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