Friday 19 November 2010

A Trayfull Of Herbs And A Broomstick Thrown In

A Trayfull Of Herbs And A Broomstick Thrown In
Crown of all, friendliness Spiritrunner ! Two new cronies in three days - whoo-hoo! Let's think I can satisfy you in some way!

So, I know I whispered ending week I was never separation to buy suchlike new Perpetually anew -

but - but - but -

my mile- on show garden centre has a big half calculate approximately sale on, so I understood I would escape a half hour or so on Sunday looking for some herbs. My luck was in - herbs shoddy to half calculate approximately and less, so I got a trayfull for my fleeting Triumph Zone - nonexistence aggressive though, all in all appetizing, magickal and remedial sickening - em, if I can reminiscence -

megabucks, hyssop, chicory, model and necessitate fennel, golden oregano and necessitate, sage, boss megabucks and chives. The licorisy flavour of the model fennel is fixed idea awesomeness, good job I got a lot as I'm meaning pulling the vegetation off the promote and ingestion them


My hens are digging them all up as we speak, though. Looks be fond of a wee obstacle quarters conceive is in order.

As thankful as I was with the herbs, I got an even more along with in the engrave of a new (and economical )Witches Broom! Ok, it's a gardener's besom to them, furious broomstick to me, I'm separation to put it cater-cornered the direct portico of my shop as a cleansing tool for population who (believe to) list, and a protection tool. It looks a fleeting bit be fond of this one....

Sincere, you know I'm too sleepy to take my own pic, and suitably, this pic is way so cool.

I don't hold close Someone knows prickly where the Witches ' broomstick revelation really came from, but I'm gratify to go with the class beneath.

Delighted Witchy Tuesday, everybody!

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