Sunday 28 November 2010

Diana Exercises

Diana Exercises Image
Write a poem or a journal exercise in which you explore the power and characteristics of the goddess, Diana. Include in your exercise the wild animals of nature, the promotion and protection of life, fertility, chastity, the night sky and themes of sanctity, transformation and respect. Think about how these attributes relate to the Moon, to its cyclical phases and the wide range of lunar symbols.

Create a piece of artwork that explores the goddess and her various attributes.

Or create an altar to honor Diana by utilizing a green cloth, symbols of Diana and the Crescent Moon, images of wild animals, a wand or some other object made of willow, chestnut, or cedar.

Tags: all roman gods and goddesses  gods and goddesses in greece  different gods and goddesses  modern pagan  the names of the gods and goddesses  egyptian gods and goddesses names  wiccan ring  spells books  rare magic books  charmed spells  wiccan spells rituals  old witchcraft  

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