Sunday 11 September 2011

Endings And New Beginnings

Endings And New Beginnings Image
Today we are going to experience the first full moon between Samhain and the Winter Solstice. This Moon is called the "Moon of Descent". For November's lunar meditation remember that it is a "betwixt and between" time as we move further into the dark of the year. After confronting our own mortality on Samhain, this is the time for us to turn inward and examine our lives and what needs to be discarded so that we may move forward and grow.

This is the season that the Crone, the Cailleach rules. It is through Her wisdom and guidance that we learn lessons from our experiences and begin life anew from the wisdom gained.

What is ending in you? What are you holding inside that it is time to let go of?At the same time, be ready to plant the seeds of the new. What would you like to become involved in?

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