Tuesday 6 September 2011

Tips For Successful Astral Travel

Tips For Successful Astral Travel Image


Astral travel may seem like something only spiritual masters can manage, but the truth is anyone can do it, and having regular, conscious Out of Body Experiences is possible with regular practice. Just like other disciplines such as yoga or meditation, astral projection requires consistent practice in order to get good at it. Also like yoga, meditation and even prayer, the practice of Astral travel is ancient.


In fact, you may not realize it, but you've already traveled in the astral - and probably many times. Even though you may have no awareness of being 'out of your body' here are some clues that you have: if you've ever woken from a dream with clear memories of many details, you were probably astral projecting.

If the sensation of falling has ever jolted you awake, there's a good chance you were having an Out of Body Experience. These experiences happen to most people during their lives, even if they know nothing about traveling outside their bodies.


There are many different techniques to help you consciously astral project, but one thing they all share in common is the need for a relaxed but focused mind. When your mind wanders - a natural occurrence when its unoccupied - you'll have trouble leaving your body. One good way to stay focused is to repeat a phrase or affirmation about your intention. This can be very simple like, "I'm now ready to astral project" or "my mind is focused, relaxed and ready to explore outside my body."


In addition to focus, your mind and body need to be relaxed and in a place where neither will be disturbed. Meditating just before you plan your astral journey is ideal for relaxing the mind, but even if you're not skilled at meditation, you can just take a few minutes to focus on your breathing and set your intention to relax your mind.

You may also want to use a visualization technique to help keep your mind focused. For example, as you breath in, imagine you're breathing in relaxation. As you breath out, see any worries, tensions or distractions leaving you along with the breath. You may find as you do this that you naturally want to breath slower, taking deeper, more full breaths. This is excellent, as long as the breathing still feels natural and unforced.

As you continue, you may find yourself so relaxed that you mind wants to go to sleep. Here's the challenging part, because you DON'T want to fall asleep now. If this happens, it's a good time to repeat a phrase - perhaps the one you used to focus your mind earlier - so that you can stay alert enough to continue.


Here are some signs that you're beginning to leave your body: you might feel like your moving, shaking or vibrating you might see colors, lights or even 'video' images, even with your eyes closed. you might here voices talking to you

Now you're beginning to astral project - get ready to fly!

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